예제 #1
    def save_to_txt(self, fp, name):

        g = Gcode(name, self).to_string_list()

        with open(fp + name + '.txt', 'w') as f:
            for line in g:
                f.write("%s\n" % line)
        return None
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, jsonName, outputFileName, gRobot, layerParamLabels, partParamLabels):
        self.outputFileName = outputFileName
        with open(jsonName, 'r') as fp:
            data = json.load(fp)

        self.pr = makeParamObj(data[0], data[1], layerParamLabels, partParamLabels)
        if gRobot == c.GCODE:
            self.gc = Gcode(self.pr)
        elif gRobot == c.ROBOTCODE:
            self.gc = RobotCode(self.pr)
예제 #3
from crease import Crease
from patternLoader import PatternLoader
from gcode import Gcode
from pattern import Pattern

# c1 = Crease((95, 20),(5, 65))
# c2 = Crease((5, 45),(95, 80))
# c3 = Crease((45, 5),(45, 95))

# creases = (c1, c2, c3)

# x = Pattern("anarchy", (100, 100), creases)

# g_list = Gcode("anarchy", x).to_string_list()
# for c in g_list:
#     print(c)

pl = PatternLoader("images/")
p = pl.loadPattern("frog.png")

#p.save_to_text("patterndb/", "frog")

g = Gcode("frog", p).to_string_list()

# for c in g:
#     print(c)

# print(sum((1,2)))

예제 #4
 def setUp(self):
     self.a = Gcode()
예제 #5
for fname, color, angle in zip(fnames, colors, angles):
    mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(path + fname)
    section = mesh.section(plane_origin=[0, 0, 0.01], plane_normal=[0, 0, 1])
    loops = section.discrete
    for loop in loops:
        outline = Outline()
        outline._name = fname
        outline.addCoordLoop(loop * 1000)  # 1000 to convert from meters to mm
        outline = outline.translate(-50, -12)
        secAngs.append(SecAng(Section(outline), angle))
        plt.plot(loop[:, 0] - 0.050, loop[:, 1] - 0.012, color)

params.outline = [tuple(secAngs)]
gCode = Gcode(params)


def run():
    startTime = time.time()
    print('\nGenerating code, please wait...')
    fig = fg.Figura(params, gCode)

    with open(path + params.outputFileName, 'w') as f:
        for string in fig.masterGcode_gen():

    endTime = time.time()
    print('\nCode generated.')
예제 #6
from deck import Deck
from gcode import Gcode

deck = Deck("./deck.yaml")
gcode = Gcode(deck)
예제 #7
382 159 755 6
381 758 491 491
395 583 491 491
395 583 603 379
435 624 491 491
435 624 752 755
491 491 625 435
491 491 752 755
491 491 758 381
491 269 603 379
491 269 755 6
603 379 625 435
603 379 755 6
603 379 758 381

pl = PatternLoader("../images/")
p = pl.loadPattern("frog.png")

textLoader = Pattern(None, None, None)

cranep = textLoader.load_from_string("cranep", x)

g = Gcode("cranep", cranep).to_string_list()

for c in g: