trans_err_5 = [12, 9, 13, 18, 12, 14, 31,] trans_m_k = [961, 971, 984, 988, 1008, 1030, 1172] trans_err_k = [49, 80, 74, 113, 159, 248, 443] trans_m_k_5 = [620, 630, 643, 656, 700, 724, 797] trans_err_k_5 = [36, 38, 60, 108, 198, 196, 324] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4*1.5, 3*1.5)) ax = plt.gca() plt.errorbar (nant_range, trans_m, yerr=trans_err, linewidth=4, color='blue', label='10MHz') plt.errorbar (nant_range, trans_m_5, yerr=trans_err_5, linewidth=4, color='orange', label='5MHz') plt.grid() plt.xlabel('# Antennas') plt.xlim([1,15]) plt.ylim([400, 1400]) plt.ylabel('RTT/2 (us)') nospines(ax) lg=ax.legend(loc='upper left',numpoints=1) if lg is not None: lg.draw_frame(False) plt.grid() pp = PdfPages('../plot/rtt_ant_g.pdf') pp.savefig(bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) pp.close() plt.close(fig)
ax = plt.gca() N = 5 ind = np.arange(N)+0.1 # the x locations for the groups width = 0.15 ans = [] for i in range(3): ans.append(100*(1- ours[i]/ciq[i]) ) rectso =, ciq, width, color = 'white', alpha=1, capsize=8, linewidth= 1, label='CloudIQ') rects1 =, ours, width, color = color2, alpha=1, capsize=8, linewidth= 1, label='RT-OPEX') plt.ylabel('Deadline miss') plt.xticks(ind+0.1) ax.set_xticklabels( ('10dB', '15dB', '20dB', '25dB', '30dB') ) plt.xlabel('SNR') ax.set_yscale('log') # ax.set_yscale('log') plt.ylim([0.0001, 1]) # plt.xlim([0, 1.6]) nospines(ax) ax.yaxis.grid(True) # lg=ax.legend(loc='upper left',numpoints=1) # if lg is not None: # lg.draw_frame(False) pp = PdfPages('../plot/ciq_comp.pdf') pp.savefig( bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
stats = {} for sched in sched_range: obj = utils.read_pickle('../dump/gstat_exp%s_samp%d_prior%d_sched%s_nant%d_nproc%d'%(exp, samples, prior,sched,nants, nprocs)) stats[sched] = astat(obj.proc['slack']) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4*1.5, 3*1.5)) ax = plt.gca() bins = np.linspace(-500, 2000, 1000) plt.plot(bins, stats['SCHED_FIFO'].get_cdf(bins), linewidth=4, label='FIFO') plt.plot(bins, stats['SCHED_RR'].get_cdf(bins), linewidth=4, label='RR', color='#999fff') plt.plot(bins, stats['SCHED_OTHER'].get_cdf(bins), linewidth=4, label='OTHER', color='black') # ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0,6,1)) plt.xlabel('Slack (us)') plt.ylabel('CDF') plt.ylim(0,1) nospines(ax) plt.grid() pp = PdfPages('plot/cdf_slack_sched.pdf') pp.savefig( bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) pp.close() plt.close(fig) ############################## # cdf duration of transport, processing, offload prior = 99 sched = 'SCHED_FIFO' nants = 4
############# # plot 1 # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4*1.7, 3*1.7)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8*1.7, 3*1.7)) ax = plt.gca() # for ix, exp in enumerate(exp_range): for ix, exp in enumerate(exp_range_str): # plt.plot(rtt_range, y1[ix], ls[ix], color=colors_e[ix], mfc='none', label=exp_range_str[ix], ms=14, mec=colors_e[ix], linewidth=4, markeredgewidth=4) # if exp == 'static' or exp == 'static2': plt.plot(rtt_range, y1[ix], ls[ix], color=colors_e[ix], mfc='none', label=exp_range_str[ix], linewidth=4) # plt.grid() ax.set_yscale('log') plt.xlabel('RTT/2 (us)') # plt.xlabel('MCS') plt.ylabel('Deadline miss rate') plt.ylim(0.001,1.1) plt.xlim(350, 600) nospines(ax) # lg=ax.legend(loc='lower right',numpoints=1, fontsize=20) lg=ax.legend(loc='upper left',numpoints=1, fontsize=20) if lg is not None: lg.draw_frame(False) plt.grid() pp = PdfPages('../plot/miss_rtt_all_var_bs%d.pdf'%num_bss) pp.savefig(bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) pp.close()