def saveRaster(image, path, attributes, minArea): image = image.astype(int) r, c = np.shape(image) rasterRAT = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rasterRAT.SetRowCount(len(attributes)) rasterRAT.CreateColumn('value', gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_Generic) rasterRAT.CreateColumn('class_name', gdal.GFT_String, gdal.GFU_Name) for i in range(len(attributes)): rasterRAT.SetValueAsInt(i, 0, i) rasterRAT.SetValueAsString(i, 1, attributes[i]) output_raster = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( path, c, r, 1, gdal.GDT_Int32) output_raster.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(image) if (minArea < 5 and minArea > 0): gdal.SieveFilter(output_raster.GetRasterBand(1), None, output_raster.GetRasterBand(1), minArea, 4, [], None, None) if minArea >= 5: gdal.SieveFilter(output_raster.GetRasterBand(1), None, output_raster.GetRasterBand(1), 5, 4, [], None, None) if minArea >= 15: gdal.SieveFilter(output_raster.GetRasterBand(1), None, output_raster.GetRasterBand(1), 15, 4, [], None, None) gdal.SieveFilter(output_raster.GetRasterBand(1), None, output_raster.GetRasterBand(1), minArea, 4, [], None, None) output_raster.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(rasterRAT)
def sieveRasterMemory(raster, threshold, output='', dstnodata=0, pixelConnection=8): # input band if isinstance(raster, str): data = gdal.Open(raster) elif isinstance(raster, gdal.Dataset): data = raster else: raise Exception("Input raster file not managed") srcband = data.GetRasterBand(1) # output band dst_ds, dstband = prepareBandRasterDataset(raster) gdal.SieveFilter(srcband, srcband, dstband, threshold, pixelConnection) outformat = 'MEM' if os.path.splitext(output)[1] == ".tif": outformat = "GTiff" sievedRaster = gdal.Warp(output, dst_ds, dstNodata=dstnodata, multithread=True, format=outformat, \ warpOptions=[["NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS"],["OVERWRITE=TRUE"]]) return sievedRaster
def sieve_filter(input_file, output_file, pp_threshold): shutil.copy(input_file, output_file) ds = gdal.Open(input_file) output = gdal.Open(output_file, gdal.GA_Update) gdal.SieveFilter(ds.GetRasterBand(1), None, output.GetRasterBand(1), pp_threshold, 8) output.FlushCache() ds.FlushCache() ds = None ouput = None
def sieve(image, dst_filename, convdate): # 1. Remove all single pixels #First create a band in memory that's that's just 1s and 0s src_ds = gdal.Open(image, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) srcarray = srcband.ReadAsArray() srcarray[srcarray > 0] = 1 mem_rast = save_raster_memory(srcarray, image) mem_band = mem_rast.GetRasterBand(1) #Now the code behind maskband = None drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') dst_ds = drv.Create(dst_filename, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, srcband.DataType) wkt = src_ds.GetProjection() if wkt != '': dst_ds.SetProjection(wkt) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) # Parameters prog_func = None threshold = 4 connectedness = 8 result = gdal.SieveFilter(mem_band, maskband, dstband, threshold, connectedness, callback=prog_func) sieved = dstband.ReadAsArray() sieved[sieved < 0] = 0 src_new = gdal.Open(image) out_img = src_new.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float) out_img[np.isnan(out_img)] = 0 for b in range(out_img.shape[0]): out_img[b, :, :][sieved == 0] = 0 dst_full = dst_filename.split('.')[0] + '_full.tif' save_raster(out_img, image, dst_full, convdate) sys.exit()
def ClumpEliminate(rasterPath, neighbors, pxSize): drvMemR = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') # Output is a raster that is written into memory ds = gdal.Open(rasterPath) gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() pr = ds.GetProjection() cols = ds.RasterXSize rows = ds.RasterYSize # Generate output-file --> first in memory sieveMem = drvMemR.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) sieveMem.SetGeoTransform(gt) sieveMem.SetProjection(pr) # Do the ClumpSieve rb_in = ds.GetRasterBand(1) rb_out = sieveMem.GetRasterBand(1) maskband = None prog_func = gdal.TermProgress result = gdal.SieveFilter(rb_in, maskband, rb_out, pxSize, neighbors, callback=prog_func) return sieveMem
aspectTemp = np.where(((aspectArray >= 0) & (aspectArray <= 1))| ((aspectArray >= 89) & (aspectArray <= 91))| ((aspectArray >= 179) & (aspectArray <= 181))| ((aspectArray >= 269) & (aspectArray <= 271))| ((aspectArray >= 359) & (aspectArray <= 360)) ,0,255) ssTemp = np.where((srcArray == srcNoDataValue) | ((srcArray <= valueRange[0]) & (srcArray >= valueRange[1])) | (slopeArray >= slopeThreshold) ,0,255) aspectBand.WriteArray(aspectTemp ,colstep * 1024, rowstep * 1024) resultBand.WriteArray(ssTemp ,colstep * 1024, rowstep * 1024) gdal.SieveFilter(srcBand=aspectBand, maskBand=None, dstBand=aspectBand, threshold=(512)) for rowstep in range(rowblockNum): for colstep in range(colblockNum): rowpafNum = 1024 colpafNum = 1024 if (rowstep == rowblockNum - 1): rowpafNum = int((rowNum - 1) % 1024) + 1 if (colstep == colblockNum - 1): colpafNum = int((columnNum - 1) % 1024) + 1 resultArray = resultBand.ReadAsArray(colstep * 1024, rowstep * 1024, colpafNum, rowpafNum) aspectArray = aspectBand.ReadAsArray(colstep * 1024, rowstep * 1024, colpafNum, rowpafNum) resultTemp = np.where(aspectArray == 0, 0, resultArray) resultBand.WriteArray(resultTemp, colstep * 1024, rowstep * 1024) dstLayername = "POLYGONIZED"
def CreateMaxMinIce(inpath, outfilepath, landmask_raster, coastalerrormask_raster, oceanmask_buffer5, NSIDC_balticmask): ''' Creates maximum and minimum ice map, GeoTIFF and shapefile maximum = at least one day ice at this pixel minimum = every day ice at this pixel In addition a file simply giving the number of days with ice The poly shapefile has all features as polygon, the line shapefile only the max or min ice edge ''' #register all gdal drivers gdal.AllRegister() # Iterate through all rasterfiles # filelist is all GeoTIFF files created in outfilepath filelist = glob.glob(outfilepath + 'nt*.tif') #Determine Number of Days from available ice chart files NumberOfDays = len(filelist) #Files are all the same properties, so take first one to get info firstfilename = filelist[0] #Define file names (infilepath, infilename) = os.path.split( firstfilename) #get path and filename seperately (infileshortname, extension) = os.path.splitext(infilename) outfile = inpath + 'icechart_NumberOfDays' + os.path.split( filelist[0])[1][3:9] + '_' + os.path.split( filelist[-1])[1][3:9] + '.tif' outfilemax = inpath + 'icechart_maximum' + os.path.split( filelist[0])[1][3:9] + '_' + os.path.split( filelist[-1])[1][3:9] + '.tif' outfilemin = inpath + 'icechart_minimum' + os.path.split( filelist[0])[1][3:9] + '_' + os.path.split( filelist[-1])[1][3:9] + '.tif' outshape_polymax = inpath + 'icechart_poly_maximum' + os.path.split( filelist[0])[1][3:9] + '_' + os.path.split( filelist[-1])[1][3:9] + '.shp' outshape_polymin = inpath + 'icechart_poly_minimum' + os.path.split( filelist[0])[1][3:9] + '_' + os.path.split( filelist[-1])[1][3:9] + '.shp' outshape_linemax = inpath + 'icechart_line_maximum' + os.path.split( filelist[0])[1][3:9] + '_' + os.path.split( filelist[-1])[1][3:9] + '.shp' outshape_linemin = inpath + 'icechart_line_minimum' + os.path.split( filelist[0])[1][3:9] + '_' + os.path.split( filelist[-1])[1][3:9] + '.shp' #Temporary shapefile, all subfiles specified so that they can be removed later #Many because gdal commands expect existing files outshape_tempmax = inpath + 'icechart_tempmax.shp' outshape_tempmax2 = inpath + 'icechart_tempmax.dbf' outshape_tempmax3 = inpath + 'icechart_tempmax.prj' outshape_tempmax4 = inpath + 'icechart_tempmax.shx' outshape_tempmin = inpath + 'icechart_tempmin.shp' outshape_tempmin2 = inpath + 'icechart_tempmin.dbf' outshape_tempmin3 = inpath + 'icechart_tempmin.prj' outshape_tempmin4 = inpath + 'icechart_tempmin.shx' outshape_temp2max = inpath + 'icechart_temp2max.shp' outshape_temp2max2 = inpath + 'icechart_temp2max.dbf' outshape_temp2max3 = inpath + 'icechart_temp2max.prj' outshape_temp2max4 = inpath + 'icechart_temp2max.shx' outshape_temp2min = inpath + 'icechart_temp2min.shp' outshape_temp2min2 = inpath + 'icechart_temp2min.dbf' outshape_temp2min3 = inpath + 'icechart_temp2min.prj' outshape_temp2min4 = inpath + 'icechart_temp2min.shx' outshape_temp3max = inpath + 'icechart_temp3max.shp' outshape_temp3max2 = inpath + 'icechart_temp3max.dbf' outshape_temp3max3 = inpath + 'icechart_temp3max.prj' outshape_temp3max4 = inpath + 'icechart_temp3max.shx' outshape_temp3min = inpath + 'icechart_temp3min.shp' outshape_temp3min2 = inpath + 'icechart_temp3min.dbf' outshape_temp3min3 = inpath + 'icechart_temp3min.prj' outshape_temp3min4 = inpath + 'icechart_temp3min.shx' ######## # CREATE NUMBER OF DAYS RASTER FILE AS COPY FROM ICE FILE ######## #open the IceChart icechart = gdal.Open(firstfilename, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) if firstfilename is None: print 'Could not open ', firstfilename return #get image size rows = icechart.RasterYSize cols = icechart.RasterXSize #create output images driver = icechart.GetDriver() outraster = driver.Create(outfile, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Float64) if outraster is None: print 'Could not create ', outfile return outrastermax = driver.Create(outfilemax, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Float64) if outrastermax is None: print 'Could not create ', outfilemax return outrastermin = driver.Create(outfilemin, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Float64) if outrastermin is None: print 'Could not create ', outfilemin return # Set Geotransform and projection for outraster outraster.SetGeoTransform(icechart.GetGeoTransform()) outraster.SetProjection(icechart.GetProjection()) outrastermax.SetGeoTransform(icechart.GetGeoTransform()) outrastermax.SetProjection(icechart.GetProjection()) outrastermin.SetGeoTransform(icechart.GetGeoTransform()) outrastermin.SetProjection(icechart.GetProjection()) rows = outrastermax.RasterYSize cols = outrastermax.RasterXSize raster = numpy.zeros((rows, cols), numpy.float) outraster.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(raster) outrastermax.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(raster) outrastermin.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(raster) #Create output array and fill with zeros outarray = numpy.zeros((rows, cols), numpy.float) outarraymax = numpy.zeros((rows, cols), numpy.float) outarraymin = numpy.zeros((rows, cols), numpy.float) ####### # CALCULATE NUMBER OF DAYS RASTER = NUMBER SAYS HOW MANY DAYS ICE IN PIXEL ####### #Loop through all files to do calculation for infile in filelist: (infilepath, infilename) = os.path.split(infile) print 'Processing ', infilename #open the IceChart icechart = gdal.Open(infile, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) if infile is None: print 'Could not open ', infilename return #Read input raster into array iceraster = icechart.ReadAsArray() #Array calculation -- if ice > 15% count additional day, otherwise keep value outarray = numpy.where((iceraster >= 38), outarray + 1, outarray) #Clear iceraster for next loop -- just in case iceraster = None #outarray contains now NumberOfDay with ice -- burn in landmask landmask = gdal.Open(landmask_raster, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) landraster = landmask.ReadAsArray() outarray = numpy.where((landraster == 251), 251, outarray) outarray = numpy.where((landraster == 252), 252, outarray) outarray = numpy.where((landraster == 253), 253, outarray) outarray = numpy.where((landraster == 254), 254, outarray) outarray = numpy.where((landraster == 255), 255, outarray) ####### # CALCULATE MAXIMUM RASTER ####### # Where never was ice, set map to 0, elsewhere to 1, i.e. at least one day ice # Using landraster again -- otherwise if NumberOfDay mask by chance 252, it is masked out outarraymax = numpy.where((outarray == 0), 0, 1) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 251), 251, outarraymax) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 252), 252, outarraymax) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 253), 253, outarraymax) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 254), 254, outarraymax) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 255), 255, outarraymax) ####### # CALCULATE MINIMUM RASTER ####### # Where every day was ice, set to 1, otherwise to 0 # Keep in mind: Problems may arise when one value is missing (bad file) # such that value is just one or two less than NumberofDays outarraymin = numpy.where((outarray == NumberOfDays), 1, 0) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 251), 251, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 252), 252, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 253), 253, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 254), 254, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 255), 255, outarraymin) #get the bands outband = outraster.GetRasterBand(1) outbandmax = outrastermax.GetRasterBand(1) outbandmin = outrastermin.GetRasterBand(1) #Write all arrays to file outband.WriteArray(outarray) outband.FlushCache() outbandmax.WriteArray(outarraymax) outbandmax.FlushCache() outbandmin.WriteArray(outarraymin) outbandmin.FlushCache() ########## # FILTER NOISE IN MINIMUM ARRAY / RASTER ######### # the sieve filter takes out singular "islands" of pixels srcband = outbandmin dstband = outbandmin maskband = None print "Apply SieveFilter on ", outfilemin gdal.SieveFilter(srcband, maskband, dstband, threshold=3, connectedness=4) #load outbandmin once more and burn landmask again since sieve influences coastline outarraymin = outrastermin.ReadAsArray() outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 251), 251, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 252), 252, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 253), 253, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 254), 254, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 255), 255, outarraymin) outbandmin = outrastermin.GetRasterBand(1) outbandmin.WriteArray(outarraymin) outbandmin.FlushCache() ########## # FILTER NOISE IN MINIMUM ARRAY / RASTER ######### # the sieve filter takes out singular "islands" of pixels srcband = outbandmax dstband = outbandmax maskband = None print "Apply SieveFilter one ", outrastermax gdal.SieveFilter(srcband, maskband, dstband, threshold=3, connectedness=4) #load outbandmin once more and burn landmask again since sieve influences coastline outarraymax = outrastermax.ReadAsArray() outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 251), 251, outarraymax) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 252), 252, outarraymax) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 253), 253, outarraymax) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 254), 254, outarraymax) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 255), 255, outarraymin) outbandmax = outrastermax.GetRasterBand(1) outbandmax.WriteArray(outarraymax) outbandmax.FlushCache() #Clear arrays and close files outband = None outbandmax = None outbandmin = None iceraster = None outraster = None outrastermax = None outrastermin = None outarray = None outarraymax = None outarraymin = None landraster = None landmask = None ################### # CONVERT THE RASTERS CREATED ABOVE TO SHAPEFILES ################### # conversion to shape print '\n Convert ', outfilemax, ' to shapefile.' os.system(' ' + outfilemax + ' -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + outshape_tempmax) print '\n Convert ', outfilemin, ' to shapefile.' os.system(' ' + outfilemin + ' -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + outshape_tempmin) # FILTERING MAX / MIN # Get the large polygon only, this removes mistaken areas at coast and noise. KEEP IN MIND: CHECK VALUE IF TOO BIG SUCH THAT REAL AREAS ARE REMOVED # Do this only for polymax -- the minimum would remove real areas, patches like East of Svalbard. Polymin selects here all polygons basically print "Select large polygon, ignoring the small ones" os.system( 'ogr2ogr -progress ' + outshape_polymax + ' ' + outshape_tempmax + ' -sql "SELECT *, OGR_GEOM_AREA FROM icechart_tempmax WHERE DN=1 AND OGR_GEOM_AREA > 10000000000.0"' ) os.system( 'ogr2ogr -progress ' + outshape_polymin + ' ' + outshape_tempmin + ' -sql "SELECT *, OGR_GEOM_AREA FROM icechart_tempmin WHERE DN=1 AND OGR_GEOM_AREA > 10.0"' ) # Convert polygon to lines print 'Convert ice edge map to Linestring Map' os.system('ogr2ogr -progress -nlt LINESTRING -where "DN=1" ' + outshape_temp2max + ' ' + outshape_polymax) os.system('ogr2ogr -progress -nlt LINESTRING -where "DN=1" ' + outshape_temp2min + ' ' + outshape_polymin) # Remove coast line from ice edge by clipping with coastline # Prerequisite: Create NISDC coast line mask ( ogr2ogr -progress C:\Users\max\Desktop\NSIDC_oceanmask.shp C:\Users \max\Desktop\temp.shp # -sql "SELECT *, OGR_GEOM_AREA FROM temp WHERE DN<250 ) # use "dissolve" to get ocean only with one value and the run buffer -5000m such that coast line does not match but overlaps ice polygon # because only then it is clipped os.system('ogr2ogr -progress -clipsrc ' + oceanmask_buffer5 + ' ' + outshape_linemax + ' ' + outshape_temp2max) os.system('ogr2ogr -progress -clipsrc ' + oceanmask_buffer5 + ' ' + outshape_linemin + ' ' + outshape_temp2min) #Cleaning up temporary files os.remove(outshape_tempmax) os.remove(outshape_tempmax2) os.remove(outshape_tempmax3) os.remove(outshape_tempmax4) os.remove(outshape_tempmin) os.remove(outshape_tempmin2) os.remove(outshape_tempmin3) os.remove(outshape_tempmin4) os.remove(outshape_temp2max) os.remove(outshape_temp2max2) os.remove(outshape_temp2max3) os.remove(outshape_temp2max4) os.remove(outshape_temp2min) os.remove(outshape_temp2min2) os.remove(outshape_temp2min3) os.remove(outshape_temp2min4) ########## # ADDING BALTIC SEA ########## #Treated separatedly since close to coast and therefore sensitive to coastal errors print '\n Add Baltic Sea Ice.' #polygonice only Baltic Sea os.system(' ' + outfilemax + ' -mask ' + NSIDC_balticmask + ' -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + outshape_tempmax) os.system(' ' + outfilemin + ' -mask ' + NSIDC_balticmask + ' -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + outshape_tempmin) # Add Baltic to existing polymax and polymin os.system( 'ogr2ogr -update -append ' + outshape_polymax + ' ' + outshape_tempmax + ' -sql "SELECT *, OGR_GEOM_AREA FROM icechart_tempmax WHERE DN=1 AND OGR_GEOM_AREA > 20000000000.0"' ) os.system( 'ogr2ogr -update -append ' + outshape_polymin + ' ' + outshape_tempmin + ' -sql "SELECT *, OGR_GEOM_AREA FROM icechart_tempmin WHERE DN=1"') # Convert polygon to lines print 'Convert ice edge map to Linestring Map' os.system('ogr2ogr -progress -nlt LINESTRING -where "DN=1" ' + outshape_temp2max + ' ' + outshape_polymax) os.system('ogr2ogr -progress -nlt LINESTRING -where "DN=1" ' + outshape_temp2min + ' ' + outshape_polymin) #clip coast as above os.system('ogr2ogr -progress -clipsrc ' + oceanmask_buffer5 + ' ' + outshape_temp3max + ' ' + outshape_temp2max) os.system('ogr2ogr -progress -clipsrc ' + oceanmask_buffer5 + ' ' + outshape_temp3min + ' ' + outshape_temp2min) # Add Baltic line to existing min/max line os.system('ogr2ogr -update -append ' + outshape_linemax + ' ' + outshape_temp3max) os.system('ogr2ogr -update -append ' + outshape_linemin + ' ' + outshape_temp3min) ######### # REDO MAX MIN RASTER ######### #The polygon and line files are now cleaned for noise since only large polygon # was chosen for minimum polygon # Re-rasterize to tif, such that the tiff is also cleaned # gdal rasterize should be able to overwrite / create new a file. Since this does not work, I set the # existing one to zero and rasterize the polgon into it print 'Rerasterize max and min GeoTIFF' outarray = gdal.Open(outfilemax, gdalconst.GA_Update) outarraymax = outarray.ReadAsArray() outarraymax = numpy.zeros((rows, cols), numpy.float) outbandmax = outarray.GetRasterBand(1) outbandmax.WriteArray(outarraymax) outbandmax.FlushCache() outarray = None #Rasterize polygon os.system('gdal_rasterize -burn 1 ' + outshape_polymax + ' ' + outfilemax) # OPen raster and burn in landmask again -- is not contained in polygon outarray = gdal.Open(outfilemax, gdalconst.GA_Update) outarraymax = outarray.ReadAsArray() landmask = gdal.Open(landmask_raster, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) landraster = landmask.ReadAsArray() outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 251), 251, outarraymax) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 252), 252, outarraymax) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 253), 253, outarraymax) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 254), 254, outarraymax) outarraymax = numpy.where((landraster == 255), 255, outarraymax) outbandmax = outarray.GetRasterBand(1) outbandmax.WriteArray(outarraymax) outbandmax.FlushCache() outarray = None landmask = None landraster = None #Reraster the min image outarray = gdal.Open(outfilemin, gdalconst.GA_Update) outarraymin = outarray.ReadAsArray() outarraymin = numpy.zeros((rows, cols), numpy.float) outbandmin = outarray.GetRasterBand(1) outbandmin.WriteArray(outarraymin) outbandmin.FlushCache() outarray = None #Rasterize polygon os.system('gdal_rasterize -burn 1 ' + outshape_polymin + ' ' + outfilemin) # OPen raster and burn in landmask again -- is not contained in polygon outarray = gdal.Open(outfilemin, gdalconst.GA_Update) outarraymin = outarray.ReadAsArray() landmask = gdal.Open(landmask_raster, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) landraster = landmask.ReadAsArray() outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 251), 251, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 252), 252, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 253), 253, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 254), 254, outarraymin) outarraymin = numpy.where((landraster == 255), 255, outarraymin) outbandmin = outarray.GetRasterBand(1) outbandmin.WriteArray(outarraymin) outbandmin.FlushCache() landmask = None landraster = None #Cleaning up temporary files os.remove(outshape_tempmax) os.remove(outshape_tempmax2) os.remove(outshape_tempmax3) os.remove(outshape_tempmax4) os.remove(outshape_tempmin) os.remove(outshape_tempmin2) os.remove(outshape_tempmin3) os.remove(outshape_tempmin4) os.remove(outshape_temp2max) os.remove(outshape_temp2max2) os.remove(outshape_temp2max3) os.remove(outshape_temp2max4) os.remove(outshape_temp2min) os.remove(outshape_temp2min2) os.remove(outshape_temp2min3) os.remove(outshape_temp2min4) os.remove(outshape_temp3max) os.remove(outshape_temp3max2) os.remove(outshape_temp3max3) os.remove(outshape_temp3max4) os.remove(outshape_temp3min) os.remove(outshape_temp3min2) os.remove(outshape_temp3min3) os.remove(outshape_temp3min4) #Reproject to EPSG:3575 ReprojectShapefile(outshape_polymax) ReprojectShapefile(outshape_polymin) ReprojectShapefile(outshape_linemax) ReprojectShapefile(outshape_linemin) #reproject to EPSG3575 EPSG3411_2_EPSG3575(outfilemax) EPSG3411_2_EPSG3575(outfilemin) EPSG3411_2_EPSG3575(outfile) print print 'Done Creating Max/Min Maps' return outfilemax, outfilemin
# else: learning.prob_pixel_bloc(modelPth, image, 8, probMap, 7, blocksize=256, one_class =1) #============================================================================== #============================================================================== print('sieving change map') # Have replaced subprocess with api now eliminating the need for sievelist noiseRas = gdal.Open(outMap+'.tif', gdal.GA_Update) noiseBand = noiseRas.GetRasterBand(1) prog_func = gdal.TermProgress result = gdal.SieveFilter(noiseBand, None, noiseBand, 4, 4, callback = prog_func) noiseRas.FlushCache() noiseRas = None noiseBand = None result = None print('producing deforest only raster') dF = outMap[:-4]+'_DF' geodata.mask_raster(outMap+'.tif', 1, overwrite=False, outputIm = dF[:-4]) geodata.mask_raster(probMap+'.tif', 1, overwrite=False,
import gdal filename = 'final.tif' output = 'final_clumped.tif' gdal.AllRegister() threshold = 200 connectedness = 4 src_ds = gdal.Open(filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) maskband = srcband.GetMaskBand() drv = gdal.GetDriverByName(str('GTiff')) dst_ds = drv.Create(output, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, srcband.DataType, options=['COMPRESS=LZW']) wkt = src_ds.GetProjection() if wkt != '': dst_ds.SetProjection(wkt) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) prog_func = gdal.TermProgress result = gdal.SieveFilter(srcband, maskband, dstband, threshold, connectedness, callback=prog_func) src_ds = None dst_ds = None mask_ds = None