def process_fastq( input_file, output_prefix, logger_name="fastq_processing", log_itvl=1000000 ): """ Processes the provided fastq file and splits into 1 or more separate readgroup level fastq files. :param input_file: input fastq file path :param output_prefix: output prefix :param loggger_name: name of the logger created :param log_itvl: print log every N records :return: a tuple containing dictionary of report and total counts """ logger = get_logger(logger_name) ibase = os.path.basename(input_file)"Processing fastq: {0}".format(ibase)) fq_cls = infer_fastq_type(input_file)"Inferred fastq class {0} in fastq {1}".format(fq_cls[0], ibase)) reader = FastqReader(input_file, record_cls=fq_cls[1]) count = 0 writers = {} try: for record in reader: count += 1 if count % log_itvl == 0:"Processed {0} records from {1}".format(count, ibase)) key = record.read_key if key not in writers:"Found read key {0} in fastq {1}".format(key, ibase)) writer = FastqWriterWithReport.from_record_and_prefix( record, output_prefix ) "Output file for read key {0} in fastq {1} is {2}".format( key, ibase, writer.fname ) ) writers[key] = writer writers[key] += record finally: reader.close() for key in writers: writers[key].close() "Processed a total of {0} records from {1} and found {2} read keys".format( count, ibase, len(writers) ) ) return ({key: writers[key].reporter.to_dict() for key in writers}, count)
def main_handler(args): """Main entrypoint to pass either for single end parsing or paired end parsing. """ logger = get_logger('handler') if args.fastq_b: assert args.fastq_a != args.fastq_b'Running in paired mode') main_paired(args) else:"Running in single mode") main_single(args)
def main(args=None): """The main method for gdc-fastq-splitter""" start = time.time() logger = get_logger('gdc-fastq-splitter') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=VERSION) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-prefix', required=True, type=str, help='The output prefix to use for output files.') parser.add_argument('fastq_a', help='Fastq file to process') parser.add_argument('fastq_b', nargs='?', help='If paired, the mate fastq file to process') options = parser.parse_args(args=args) main_handler(options)"Finished. Took {0:.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - start))
def main_single(args): """ Main handler for single fastq files. It will check the returned metrics to make sure everything matches. """ logger = get_logger('single_handler') results = process_fastq(args.fastq_a, args.output_prefix)"Finished splitting; Validating results") input_total = results[1] data = results[0] counts = 0 for key in data: fil = data[key]['metadata']['fastq_filename'] ct = data[key]['metadata']['record_count'] counts += ct if counts != input_total: msg = "The number of records input and output doesn't match! ({0}, {1})".format( input_total, counts) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
def main(args=None): """The main method for gdc-fastq-splitter""" start = time.time() logger = get_logger("gdc-fastq-splitter") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=VERSION) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output-prefix", required=True, type=str, help="The output prefix to use for output files.", ) parser.add_argument("fastq_a", help="Fastq file to process") parser.add_argument("fastq_b", nargs="?", help="If paired, the mate fastq file to process") options = parser.parse_args(args=args) main_handler(options)"Finished. Took {0:.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - start))
def main_paired(args): """ Main handler for paired fastq files. This will use 2 processors to parse each fastq separately in parallel and aggregate the returned metrics to make sure everything matches. """ logger = get_logger('paired_handler') pool = multiprocessing.Pool(2) tasks = [(i, args.output_prefix) for i in [args.fastq_a, args.fastq_b]] results =, tasks)"Finished splitting; Validating results") # Validate the results result_a, result_b = results result_a_input_total = result_a[1] result_b_input_total = result_b[1] if result_a_input_total != result_b_input_total: msg = "The input files had different number of records! ({0}, {1})".format( result_a_input_total, result_b_input_total) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) result_a_data = result_a[0] result_b_data = result_b[0] if len(result_a_data) != len(result_b_data): msg = "The input files had different number of read keys! ({0}, {1})".format( len(result_a_data), len(result_b_data)) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) a_keys = list(result_a_data.keys()) b_keys = list(result_b_data.keys()) sdiff = set(a_keys).symmetric_difference(set(b_keys)) if sdiff: msg = "These read keys were not found in both files: {0}".format( ",".join(list(sdiff))) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) written_a = 0 written_b = 0 for key in a_keys: a_fil = result_a_data[key]['metadata']['fastq_filename'] a_ct = result_a_data[key]['metadata']['record_count'] b_fil = result_b_data[key]['metadata']['fastq_filename'] b_ct = result_b_data[key]['metadata']['record_count'] if a_ct != b_ct: msg = "The output files ({0}, {1}) have different totals! ({2}, {3})".format( a_fil, b_fil, a_ct, b_ct) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) written_a += a_ct written_b += b_ct if written_a != result_a_input_total: msg = "The number of records input and output doesn't match! ({0}, {1})".format( result_a_input_total, written_a) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if written_b != result_b_input_total: msg = "The number of records input and output doesn't match! ({0}, {1})".format( result_b_input_total, written_b) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)