예제 #1
    def get_shapely_object(self):
        if not self._in_wgs or not self._out_wgs:
            self._calculate(do_in_wgs=True, do_out_wgs=True)

        markers = [DLWMarker(pos) for pos in self.marker_positions]

        return geometric_union(self._out_wgs + self._in_wgs + markers)
예제 #2
    def add_dlw_marker(self, label, layer, origin):
        Adds a marker for 3D-hybrid integration

        :param label: Name of the marker, needs to be unique within the device
        :param layer: Layer at which the marker and markers should be written
        :param origin: Position of the marker
        self.add_to_layer(layer, DLWMarker(origin))
        self.add_to_layer(std_layers.parnamelayer1, Text(origin, 2, label, alignment='center-center'))

        self.add_dlw_data('marker', label, {'origin': origin.tolist()})
예제 #3
파일: chip.py 프로젝트: fbeutel/gdshelpers
    def add_dlw_marker(self, label: str, layer: int, origin, box_size=2.5):
        Adds a marker for 3D-hybrid integration

        :param label: Name of the marker, needs to be unique within the device
        :param layer: Layer at which the marker and markers should be written
        :param origin: Position of the marker
        :param box_size: Size of the box of the marker
        from gdshelpers.parts.marker import DLWMarker
        from gdshelpers.parts.text import Text

        self.add_to_layer(layer, DLWMarker(origin, box_size=box_size))
                          Text(origin, 2, label, alignment='center-center'))

        self.add_dlw_data('marker', label, {
            'origin': list(origin),
            'angle': 0