예제 #1
def solve(var):
    # initialize model
    reaction_model = GEKKO()

    # set model time as time gathered data
    reaction_model.time = time

    # Constants
    R = reaction_model.Const(8.3145)  # Gas constant J / mol K

    # Parameters
    T = reaction_model.Param(temperature)

    # Fixed Variables to change
    # bounds

    E_a_1 = reaction_model.FV(E_a_1_initial_guess)
    E_a_2 = reaction_model.FV(E_a_2_initial_guess)
    A_1 = reaction_model.FV(A_1_initial_guess)
    A_2 = reaction_model.FV(A_2_initial_guess)
    alpha = reaction_model.FV(alpha_initial_guess)
    beta = reaction_model.FV(beta_initial_guess)

    # NO bounds
    # state Variables
    Ph_3_minus = reaction_model.SV(Ph_3_minus_initial)

    # variable we will use to regress other Parameters
    Ph_2_minus = reaction_model.SV(Ph_2_minus_initial)

    # intermediates
    k1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_1 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_1 /
                                                              (R * T)))
    k2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_2 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_2 /
                                                              (R * T)))
    r1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k1 * Ph_2_minus**alpha)
    r2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k2 * Ph_3_minus**beta)

    # equations
        [Ph_2_minus.dt() == r2 - r1,
         Ph_3_minus.dt() == r1 - r2])

    # parameter options
    # controlled variable options

    # model options and other to solve
    reaction_model.options.IMODE = 4  # set up dynamic simulation
    reaction_model.options.NODES = 2  # number of nodes for collocation equations
    reaction_model.options.SOLVER = 1  # use APOPT active set non-linear solverreaction_model.options.EV_TYPE = 2      # use l-1 norm rather than 2 norm

    return Ph_2_minus.value
예제 #2
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Initialize Model
m = GEKKO()

# Define constants

#Reflux Ratio

# Feed flowrate (mol/min)

# Mole fraction of feed

#Relative volatility = (yA/xA)/(yB/xB) = KA/KB = alpha(A,B)

# Total molar holdup on each tray

# Total molar holdup in condenser

# Total molar holdup in reboiler

# mole fraction of component A
예제 #3
class CGE():
    Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models are a class of economic models that use 
    actual economic data to estimate how an economy might react to changes in policy, 
    technology or other external factors. CGE models are also referred to as AGE 
    (applied general equilibrium) models.

    In this model assumed two factors influancing economy: Capital (K) and Labour (L).

    Model has been written completly in Python.
    def __init__(self, capital, labour):

        self.Shock = {'K': capital, 'L': labour}

        self.use = pd.read_csv('Data\\production_structure.csv', index_col=0)
        self.xdem = pd.read_csv('Data\\consumption_structure.csv', index_col=0)
        self.enfac = pd.read_csv('Data\\endowment_of_the_household.csv',
        self.taxrev = pd.read_csv('Data\\tax_revenue.csv', index_col=0)
        self.trans = pd.read_csv('Data\\transfers.csv', index_col=0)

        self.factors = self.use.index
        self.sectors = self.use.columns
        self.households = self.xdem.loc[:, self.xdem.columns != 'GOVR'].columns

        self.beta = pd.DataFrame(index=self.factors, columns=self.sectors)
        self.alpha = pd.DataFrame(index=self.xdem.index,
        self.omega = pd.DataFrame(index=self.enfac.index,
        self.B = {}
        self.A = {}
        self.itax = {}
        self.tr_in = {}
        self.tr_out = {}
        self.p = {}
        self.S = {}
        self.taxK = {}
        self.taxL = {}
        self.PW = {}
        self.W = {}
        self.INC = {}

        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)

    def parameters(self):

        for sec in self.sectors:
            # Parameters of the Cobb Douglas production function
            for fac in self.factors:
                self.beta[sec][fac] = self.m.Const(self.use[sec][fac] /
            # For Production
            self.B[sec] = self.m.Const(
                sum(self.use[sec]) / np.prod([
                    **(self.use[sec][fac] / sum(self.use[sec]))
                    for fac in self.factors
            self.p[sec] = self.m.Var(lb=0, value=1)
            self.S[sec] = self.m.Var(value=sum(self.use[sec]))
            self.taxK[sec] = self.m.Var(lb=0, value=0)
            self.taxL[sec] = self.m.Var(lb=0, value=0)

        for hou in self.xdem.columns:
            # Parameters of the Cobb Dougas utility function
            for sec in self.sectors:
                self.alpha[hou][sec] = self.m.Const(self.xdem[hou][sec] /
            self.A[hou] = self.m.Const(
                sum(self.xdem[hou]) / np.prod([
                    **(self.xdem[hou][sec] / sum(self.xdem[hou]))
                    for sec in self.sectors

        for hou in self.enfac.index:
            for fac in self.enfac.columns:
                # Endowments of factors
                self.omega[fac][hou] = self.m.Const(self.enfac[fac][hou] *
                                                    (1 - self.Shock[fac]))
            # Income tax rate (Tax revenues / Household gross income)
            self.itax[hou] = self.m.Const(
                self.taxrev[hou]['GOVR'] /
                np.sum([self.omega[fac][hou] for fac in self.enfac.columns]))
            # Transfers
            self.tr_in[hou] = self.m.Const(self.trans[hou].sum())
            self.tr_out[hou] = self.m.Const(self.trans.loc[hou].sum())

        for hou in self.xdem.columns:
            self.PW[hou] = self.m.Var(lb=0, value=1)
            self.W[hou] = self.m.Var(value=sum(self.xdem[hou]))
            self.INC[hou] = self.m.Var(lb=0, value=sum(self.xdem[hou]))

        self.pK = self.m.Var(lb=0, value=1)
        self.pL = self.m.Var(lb=0, value=1)

    def equilibrium(self):


        self.equations = {
            'PRF_WG': (np.prod([(self.p[sec] / self.alpha['GOVR'][sec])
                                for sec in self.sectors]) /
                       self.A['GOVR'] == self.PW['GOVR']),
            'MKT_WG': (self.W['GOVR'] * self.PW['GOVR'] == self.INC['GOVR']),
            (np.sum([(self.pK * self.omega['K'][hou] +
                      self.pL * self.omega['L'][hou] + self.tr_in[hou] -
                      self.tr_out[hou]) * self.itax[hou]
                     for hou in self.households]) +
             np.sum([(self.taxK[sec] * self.pK * self.beta[sec]['K'] *
                      self.p[sec] * self.S[sec]) / (self.pK *
                                                    (1 + self.taxK[sec]))
                     for sec in self.sectors]) +
             np.sum([(self.taxL[sec] * self.pL * self.beta[sec]['L'] *
                      self.p[sec] * self.S[sec]) / (self.pL *
                                                    (1 + self.taxL[sec]))
                     for sec in self.sectors]) == self.INC['GOVR'])

        for sec in self.sectors:
            # Zero profit conditions (P = MC)
            self.equations[f'PRF_{sec}S'] = (
                ((self.pK * (1 + self.taxK[sec]) / self.beta[sec]['K'])**
                 (self.beta[sec]['K']) *
                 (self.pL * (1 + self.taxL[sec]) / self.beta[sec]['L'])**
                 (self.beta[sec]['L'])) / self.B[sec] == self.p[sec])
            # Goods markets clearing
            self.equations[f'MKT_{sec}D'] = (np.sum([
                self.alpha[hou][sec] * self.PW[hou] * self.W[hou] / self.p[sec]
                for hou in self.households
            ]) + self.alpha['GOVR'][sec] * self.W['GOVR'] * self.PW['GOVR'] /
                                             self.p[sec] == self.S[sec])

        for hou in self.households:
            # Definition of the consumer price index
            self.equations['CPI_' + hou] = (np.prod(
                [(self.p[sec] / self.alpha[hou][sec])**(self.alpha[hou][sec])
                 for sec in self.sectors]) / self.A[hou] == self.PW[hou])
            # Consumer spends everything on consumption
            self.equations['OUTLAY_' +
                           hou] = self.PW[hou] * self.W[hou] == self.INC[hou]
            # Income determination
            self.equations['INC_' +
                           hou] = ((self.pK * self.omega['K'][hou] +
                                    self.pL * self.omega['L'][hou] +
                                    self.tr_in[hou] - self.tr_out[hou]) *
                                   (1 - self.itax[hou]) == self.INC[hou])

        # Factor market clearing for K and L
        self.equations['MKT_K'] = (np.sum([
            self.beta[sec]['K'] * self.p[sec] * self.S[sec] /
            (self.pK * (1 + self.taxK[sec])) for sec in self.sectors
        ]) == np.sum([self.omega['K'][hou] for hou in self.households]))

        self.equations['MKT_L'] = (np.sum([
            self.beta[sec]['L'] * self.p[sec] * self.S[sec] /
            (self.pL * (1 + self.taxL[sec])) for sec in self.sectors
        ]) == np.sum([self.omega['L'][hou] for hou in self.households]))

        self.m.options.SOLVER = 1

    def results(self):


        solution = ('Solutions:\n' + '------------------------------\n' +
                    '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' %
                    ('Gov wealth', '|', self.W['GOVR'].value[0]) +
                    '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' %
                    ('Gov PI', '|', self.PW['GOVR'].value[0]) +
                    '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' %
                    ('Gov income', '|', self.INC['GOVR'].value[0]) +
                    '------------------------------\n' + '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' %
                    ('K price', '|', self.pK.value[0]) + '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' %
                    ('L price', '|', self.pL.value[0]) +
        for sec in self.sectors:
            solution += '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' % (f'{sec} supply', '|',
            solution += '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' % (f'{sec} price', '|',
            solution += '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' % (f'K {sec} tax', '|',
            solution += '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' % (f'L {sec} tax', '|',
            solution += '------------------------------\n'
        for hou in self.households:
            solution += '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' % (hou + ' Wealth', '|',
            solution += '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' % (hou + ' CPI', '|',
            solution += '%-12s%6s%12.3f\n' % (hou + ' Income', '|',

        return print(solution)
예제 #4
Partial differential equation example using GEKKO

# Initialize model
m = GEKKO()

# Discretizations ( time and space )
m.time = np.linspace(0,1,100)
npx = 100
xpos = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,npx)
dx = xpos[1]−xpos[0]

# Define Variables
c = m.Const(value = 10)
u = [m.Var(value = np.cos(xpos[i])) for i in range(npx)]
v = [m.Var(value = np.sin(2*xpos[i])) for i in range(npx)]

m.Equations([u[i].dt()==v[i] for i in range(npx) ])

# Manual discretization in space ( central difference )
m.Equation(v[0].dt()==c**2 * (u[1] − 2.0*u[0] + u[npx−1])/dx**2 )
m.Equations([v[i+1].dt()== c**2*(u[i+2]−2.0*u[i+1]+u[i])/dx**2 for i in range(npx−2)])
m.Equation(v[npx−1].dt()== c**2 * (u[npx−2] − 2.0*u[npx−1] + u[0])/dx**2 )

# set options
m.options.imode = 4
m.options.solver = 1
m.options.nodes = 3
예제 #5
파일: hwa_model.py 프로젝트: allenmb/tclab
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

m = GEKKO()
m.time = np.linspace(0, 1200, 1201)

Q = m.Param(value=100)  #% heater
T0 = m.Param(value=23 + 273.15)  #K
U = m.Param(value=10)  #W/m2K
mass = m.Param(value=4 / 1000)  #kg
cp = m.Param(value=0.5 * 1000)  #J/kgK
A = m.Param(value=12 / 100**2)  #m2
alpha = m.Param(value=0.01)  #W/% heater
eps = m.Param(value=0.9)  #emissivity
sig = m.Const(5.67e-8)  #stef-boltz const

T = m.Var(value=T0)
m.Equation(mass * cp * T.dt() == U * A * (T0 - T) + eps * sig * A *
           (T0**4 - T**4) + alpha * Q)

m.options.IMODE = 4

plt.plot(m.time, T.value)
print((T.value[-1] - 273.15) * 9 / 5 + 32)
예제 #6
def free_flight(vA, mission, rocket, stage, trajectory, general, optimization,
    aux_vA = vA
    g0 = 9.810665
    Re = 6371000

    tb = trajectory.coast_time
    for i in range(0, rocket.num_stages):
        T = stage[i].thrust
        ISP = stage[i].Isp
        tb = tb + (stage[i].propellant_mass) / (T) * g0 * ISP

    tb = Data[0][-1] + (stage[-1].propellant_mass) / (
        stage[-1].thrust) * g0 * stage[-1].Isp

    ##############Ccntrol law for no coast ARC########################
    #### Only for last stage

    Obj = 1000

    #Boundary Defined, for better convergence in Free flight
    t_lb = -(tb - Data[0][-1]) * 0.5
    t_ub = 0
    aux3 = 0

    m = GEKKO(remote=False)

    m.time = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)

    final = np.zeros(len(m.time))
    final[-1] = 1
    final = m.Param(value=final)

    #Lagrange multipliers with l1=0

    l2 = m.FV(-0.01, lb=trajectory.l2_lb, ub=trajectory.l2_ub)
    l2.STATUS = 1

    l3 = m.FV(-1, lb=trajectory.l3_lb, ub=trajectory.l3_ub)
    l3.Status = 1

    l4 = m.Var(value=0)

    rate = m.Const(value=T / ISP / g0)
    tf = m.FV(value=(tb - Data[0][-1] + t_lb),
              ub=tb - Data[0][-1] + t_ub,
              lb=tb - Data[0][-1] + t_lb)
    tf.STATUS = 1

    aux = m.FV(0, lb=-5, ub=5)
    aux.STATUS = 1

    vD = m.FV(value=Data[8][-1])

    #Initial Conditions

    x = m.Var(value=Data[1][-1])
    y = m.Var(value=Data[2][-1])
    vx = m.Var(value=Data[3][-1] * cos(Data[4][-1]))
    vy = m.Var(value=Data[3][-1] * sin(Data[4][-1]), lb=0)
    vG = m.Var(value=Data[7][-1])
    vA = m.Var(value=0)
    gamma = m.Var()
    alpha = m.Var()

    t = m.Var(value=0)

    m.Equations([l4.dt() / tf == -l2])

    m.Equation(t.dt() / tf == 1)

    mrt = m.Intermediate(Data[5][-1] - rate * t)
    srt = m.Intermediate(m.sqrt(l3**2 + (l4 - aux)**2))

        x.dt() / tf == vx,
        y.dt() / tf == vy,
        vx.dt() / tf == (T / mrt * (-l3) / srt - (vx**2 + vy**2) /
                         (Re + y) * m.sin(gamma)),
        vy.dt() / tf == (T / mrt * (-(l4 - aux) / srt) + (vx**2 + vy**2) /
                         (Re + y) * m.cos(gamma) - g0 * (Re / (Re + y))**2),
        vG.dt() / tf == g0 * (Re / (Re + y))**2 * m.sin(m.atan(vy / vx))

    m.Equation(gamma == m.atan(vy / vx))
    m.Equation(alpha == m.atan((l4 - aux) / l3))

    m.Equation(vA.dt() / tf == T / mrt - T / mrt * m.cos((alpha - gamma)))


    # Soft constraints
    m.Obj(final * (y - mission.final_altitude)**2)
    m.Obj(final * 100 *
          (vx - mission.final_velocity * cos(mission.final_flight_angle))**2)
    m.Obj(final * 100 *
          (vy - mission.final_velocity * sin(mission.final_flight_angle))**2)
    m.Obj(final *
          (l2 * vy + l3 *
           (T / (Data[5][-1] - rate * t) * (-l3 / (m.sqrt(l3**2 +
                                                          (l4 - aux)**2))) -
            (vx**2 + vy**2) / (Re + y) * m.sin(gamma)) + (l4 - aux) *
           (T / (Data[5][-1] - rate * t) *
            (-(l4 - aux) / (m.sqrt(l3**2 + (l4 - aux)**2))) + (vx**2 + vy**2) /
            (Re + y) * m.cos(gamma) - g0 * (Re / (Re + y))**2) + 1)**2)

    m.options.IMODE = 6
    m.options.SOLVER = 1
    m.options.NODES = 3
    m.options.MAX_MEMORY = 10

    m.options.MAX_ITER = 500
    m.options.COLDSTART = 0
    m.options.REDUCE = 0

    print("vA", vA.value[-1] + aux_vA)
        #print("Obj= ",Obj)
    print("altitude: ", y.value[-1], vx.value[-1], vy.value[-1])
    print("Final mass=",Data[5][-1]-rate.value*t.value[-1])
    print("Gravity= ",vG.value[-1], " Drag= ",vD.value[-1], " alpha= ", vA.value[-1]," Velocity= ", sqrt(vx.value[-1]**2+vy.value[-1]**2)  )
    print("Flight angle=",gamma.value[-1])
    print("l2:",l2.value[-1],"l3:", l3.value[-1], "aux:", aux.value[-1])
    print("tf:", tf.value[-1], "tb:",tb-Data[0][-1])
    print("Obj:", Obj)
   # if t_lb==-10.0 or t_ub==10.0:
   #     break               


    tm = np.linspace(Data[0][-1], tf.value[-1] + Data[0][-1], 100)

    mass = Data[5][-1]


    for i in range(1, 100):
        Data[3].extend([sqrt(vx.value[i]**2 + vy.value[i]**2)])
        Data[4].extend([atan(vy.value[i] / vx.value[i])])
        Data[5].extend([mass - rate.value * t.value[i]])
        Data[6].extend([atan((l4.value[i] - aux.value[i]) / l3.value[i])])


    DV_required = mission.final_velocity + Data[7][-1] + Data[8][
        -1] + aux_vA + vA.value[-1]

    Obj = m.options.objfcnval + DV_required

    return Data, DV_required, Obj
예제 #7
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Dynamic hydraulic model for pressure predictions with MPD
m = GEKKO()

# Constants
p_0 = m.Const(1)  # pressure downstream of the choke valve [bar]
g = m.Const(9.81)  # gravitational constant
M_d = m.Const(
    2500)  # Lumped Density per length of Mud in Drill String [kg/m^4 * 1e5]
M_a = m.Const(
    800)  # Lumped Density per length of Mud in Annulus [kg/m^4 * 1e5]
Ad = m.Const(0.01025562)  # Cross-sectional Area of Drill String [m^2]
Aa = m.Const(0.1)  # Cross-sectional Area of Annulus [m^2]

# Parameters
Kc = m.Param(0.3639)  # Valve Coefficient
Beta_d = m.Param(90000)  # Bulk Modulus of Mud in Drill String [bar]
Beta_a = m.Param(50000)
f_d = m.Param(80)  # Friction Factor in the drill string [bar*s^2/m^6]
f_a = m.Param(330)  # Friction Factor in the Annulus [bar*s^2/m^6]
Ro_d = m.Param(1240)  # Mud Density in the Drill String [kg/m^3]
Ro_a = m.FV(1290, lb=Ro_d)  # Mud Density in the Drill String Annulus [kg/m^3]
q_p = m.Param(2.0)  # Flow Rate through Pump [m^3/min]
z_choke = m.Param(30)  # Choke Valve Opening from 0-100 [%]
q_res = m.Param(0)  # reservoir gas influx flow rate [m^3/min]
q_back = m.Param(0)  # back pressure pump flow rate [m^3/min]
ROP = m.Param(0)  # rate of penetration (m/min)
        time_data[0 + shift])  #makes the first set of data start at t=0
    motor[d] = float(motor_data[d * space + shift])
    mu[d] = float(mu_data[d * space + shift])
    motor_efficiency[d] = float(motor_efficiency_data[d * space + shift])
    motor_voltage[d] = float(motor_voltage_data[d * space + shift])
    motor_current[d] = float(motor_current_data[d * space + shift])

#%% Gekko model

m = GEKKO(server='http://byu.apmonitor.com')
m.time = time

#%% Constants, Variables, Intermediates, Equations, Settings

Optimal_Temp = m.Const(value=Optimal_temp, name='Optimal_Temp')
MW = m.Const(value=0.0289644, name='MW')  #kg/mol
Cp_air = m.Const(value=975.4,
                 name='Cp_air')  #J/kgK (found using HYSYS calculations)
kf_air = m.Const(value=.01855,
                 name='kf_air')  #W/mK (found using HYSYS calculations)
mass_batt = m.Const(value=142 / 4, name='mass_batt')  #kg
Cp_batt = m.Const(value=900, name='Cp_batt')  #J/kgK
kf_batt = m.Const(value=6, name='kf_batt')  #W/mK
radius_batt = m.Const(value=.5 / 2,
                      name='radius_batt')  #m (Estimation based on photographs)
length_total = m.Const(
    value=2, name='length_total')  #m (Estimation based on photographs)
length_motor = m.Const(value=.5, name='length_motor')  #m (Guess)
V_open_circuit = m.Const(value=44, name='V_open_circuit')  #Volts
mu2 = m.Param(value=mu, name='mu2')
interpolant = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(sim_t, sim_u0, k=5)

# host_cell =
virus = default_host_cell(t1)

u_step = interpolant(np.float64(m.time) * T0)
plt.plot(t1, u_step)
u0 = m.Param(value=u_step)
u1_ = np.diff(u_step, prepend=u_step[0]) / ((end / nt) / T0)
u1 = m.Param(value=u1_)
u2_ = np.diff(u1_, prepend=u1_[0]) / ((end / nt) / T0)
u2 = m.Param(value=u2_)

alpha_v = m.Const(virus.alpha)
beta_v = m.Const(virus.beta)
gamma_v = m.Const(virus.gamma)
phi_v = m.Const(virus.phi)
xi_v = m.Const(virus.xi)

SX0 = m.Const(X0)
SU0 = m.Const(U0)
ST0 = m.Const(T0)

m.Equation(x1_v == x0_v.dt())
m.Equation(x2_v == x1_v.dt())
m.Equation(x2_v == ((SU0 / (ST0**2)) * alpha_v * u2 +
                    (SU0 / ST0) * beta_v * u1 + gamma_v * SU0 * u0 - phi_v *
                    (SX0 / ST0) * x1_v - xi_v * SX0 * x0_v) / (SX0 / (ST0**2)))
예제 #10
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#number of points in time discretization
n = 91

#Initialize Model
m = GEKKO()

#define time discretization
m.time = np.linspace(0, 90, n)

#make array of drag coefficients, changing at time 60
drag = [(0.2 if t <= 60 else 10) for t in m.time]

#define constants
g = m.Const(value=9.81)
mass = m.Const(value=80)

#define drag parameter
d = m.Param(value=drag)

#initialize variables
x, y, vx, vy, v, Fx, Fy = [m.Var(value=0) for i in range(7)]

#initial conditions
y.value = 5000
vx.value = 50

# force balance
m.Equation(Fx == -d * vx**2)
예제 #11
파일: lr.py 프로젝트: ozgursedef/fact
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import sys

#Initialize Model
m = GEKKO(remote=True)


#define parameter
max = m.Const(value=3008)
min = m.Const(value=128)
step = m.Const(value=64)
limit = m.Const(value=400)
a = m.Const(value=sys.argv[2])
b = m.Const(value=sys.argv[2])

#initialize variables
x = m.CV(integer=True)
w = m.Var(integer=True)

#lower bounds
x.lower = min
w.lower = 0

#upper bounds
x.upper = max

m.Equation(x - w * step == 0)
m.Equation(a * x + b <= limit)
예제 #12

#lengths from FIG. 1 - Beam Pumping Unit Shown as a Four-Bar Linkage
L_1 = Rg
L_2 = np.sqrt((Hg-Gg)**2.0+Ig**2.0)
L_3 = Cg
L_4 = Pg
L_5 = Ag


sim.API       = sim.Const(value = 45)               #API gravity of fluid, unitless
sim.c         = sim.Const(value = 0.000013)           #Compressibility, psi^-1
sim.k         = sim.Const(value = 15)                 #Permeability, md
sim.Bo        = sim.Const(value = 1.2)               #FVF, rb/STB
sim.A_d       = sim.Const(value = 2)                #Drainage Area, Acres
sim.sw        = sim.Const(value = 0.2)               #Water Saturation
sim.porosity  = sim.Const(value = 0.08)        #Porosity, unitless
sim.gamma_E   = sim.Const(value = 1.78)         #Euler Constant
sim.C_a       = sim.Const(value = 31.6)             #Drainage Area Shape Factor (Circular)
sim.rw        = sim.Const(value = 0.328)             #Welbore radius, ft
sim.S         = sim.Const(value = 0)                  #unitless
sim.u_visc    = sim.Const(value = 1.5)                # Viscosity, cp
sim.h_pz      = sim.Const(value = 8)              #pay zone thickness, ft
sim.D_t       = sim.Const(value = 2.5)              # tubing diameter, in
sim.St_length = sim.Const(value = 85)         # rod pump stroke length, in
예제 #13
mdelH = 5e4
# E - Activation energy in the Arrhenius Equation (J/mol)
# R - Universal Gas Constant = 8.31451 J/mol-K
EoverR = 8750
# Pre-exponential factor (1/sec)
k0 = 7.2e10
# U - Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m^2-K)
# A - Area - this value is specific for the U calculation (m^2)
UA = 5e4

# initial conditions
Tc0 = 280
T0 = 304
Ca0 = 1.0

tau = m.Const(value=0.5)
Kp = m.Const(value=1)

m.Tc = m.MV(value=Tc0, lb=250, ub=350)
m.T = m.CV(value=T_ss)
m.rA = m.Var(value=0)
m.Ca = m.CV(value=Ca_ss)

m.Equation(m.rA == k0 * m.exp(-EoverR / m.T) * m.Ca)

m.Equation(m.T.dt() == q/V*(Tf - m.T) \
            + mdelH/(rho*Cp)*m.rA \
            + UA/V/rho/Cp*(m.Tc-m.T))

m.Equation(m.Ca.dt() == q / V * (Caf - m.Ca) - m.rA)
예제 #14
def HE_solve(T_hot, T_cold, Num_HE):

    inf = 1000000000

    m = GEKKO(remote=True)
	Nh=random.randint(low=1,high=4) #corresponds to i
	Nc=random.randint(low=1,high=4) #corresponds to j
	Nhe=5    #corresponds to m

    Nh = T_hot.__len__()  #corresponds to i
    Nc = T_cold.__len__()  #corresponds to j
    Nhe = Num_HE  #corresponds to m

    #Initialize Cp array
    Cph = [m.Const(value=4.2) for i in range(Nh)]
    Cpc = [m.Const(value=4.2) for i in range(Nc)]

    #Initialize h array
    hh = [m.Const(value=1) for i in range(Nh)]
    hc = [m.Const(value=1) for i in range(Nc)]

    EMAT = [m.Const(value=10) for i in range(Nhe)]

    objMES = True

    #Temperature for Hot Stream

    #tracking array
    trackhot = []
    trackcold = []
	#random inlet hot temperature case
	Thf=[m.Const(value=200) for i in range(Nh)]#250
	for Th in Th_i0[0]:
		#Th.value=random.uniform(low=260,high=400) #random inlet   
	#random inlet cold temperature case
	Tcf=[m.Const(value=150) for i in range(Nc)]

	for Tc in Tc_j0[0]:
    #random inlet hot temperature case
    Th_i0 = m.Array(m.Const, (1, Nh))
    Thf = [m.Const(value=200) for i in range(Nh)]  #250

    for i in range(Nh):
        #Th.value=random.uniform(low=260,high=400) #random inlet
        Th_i0[0][i].value = T_hot[i]

    #random inlet cold temperature case
    Tc_j0 = m.Array(m.Const, (1, Nc))
    Tcf = [m.Const(value=150) for i in range(Nc)]

    for i in range(Nc):
        Tc_j0[0][i].value = T_cold[i]

    #announce heat exchanger
    print("Number of hot stream = ", Nh)
    print("Number of cold stream = ", Nc)
    print("Hot Stream Temperature=", trackhot)
    print("Cold Stream Temperature=", trackcold)

    #Integrated Heat
    Qm = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nhe)]

    #Heat cascade
    Thin = [[m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nhe)] for i in range(Nh)]
    Thout = [[m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nhe)] for i in range(Nh)]

    #Cold cascade
    Tcin = [[m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nhe)] for i in range(Nc)]
    Tcout = [[m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nhe)] for i in range(Nc)]

    #Heat and cool binary
    wh = [[m.Var(lb=-0.1, ub=1.1, integer=True) for i in range(Nhe)]
          for i in range(Nh)]
    wc = [[m.Var(lb=-0.1, ub=1.1, integer=True) for i in range(Nhe)]
          for i in range(Nc)]

    for k in range(Nhe):
        m.Equation(sum([wh[j][k] for j in range(Nh)]) == 1)
        m.Equation(sum([wc[j][k] for j in range(Nc)]) == 1)

    #Eq2 First row of Heat Matrix
    for i in range(Nh):
        m.Equation(Thin[i][0] == Th_i0[0][i])

    #Eq5 First Row of Cool Matrix
    for i in range(Nc):
        m.Equation(Tcin[i][Nhe - 1] == Tc_j0[0][i])

    #Eq3 and Eq6 Heat balance and Eq4 and Eq7 cascade operation
    for k in range(Nhe):
        for i in range(Nh):
            m.Equation(Thout[i][k] == Thin[i][k] - wh[i][k] * Qm[k] / Cph[i])
            if k != 0:
                m.Equation(Thin[i][k] == Thout[i][k - 1])
        for j in range(Nc):
            m.Equation(Tcout[j][k] == Tcin[j][k] + wc[j][k] * Qm[k] / Cpc[j])
            if k != Nhe - 1:
                m.Equation(Tcin[i][k] == Tcout[i][k - 1])

    #Additional cooler and heater
    Qcu = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nh)]
    Qhu = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nc)]

    #for MES Objective
    whQ = [[m.Var(value=0, lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nhe)]
           for i in range(Nh)]
    wcQ = [[m.Var(value=0, lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nhe)]
           for i in range(Nc)]

    for k in range(Nhe):
        for i in range(Nh):
            m.Equation(whQ[i][k] == wh[i][k] * Qm[k])

    for j in range(Nc):
        m.Equation(wcQ[j][k] == wc[j][k] * Qm[k])

    for i in range(Nh):
        m.Equation(Qcu[i] == Cph[i] * (Th_i0[0][i] - Thf[i]) - sum(whQ[i]))

    for i in range(Nc):
        m.Equation(Qhu[i] == Cpc[i] * (Tcf[i] - Tc_j0[0][i]) - sum(wcQ[i]))

    if objMES == True:
        m.Obj(0.2 * sum(Qcu) + 0.8 * sum(Qhu))

    #Temperature of Recovert Heat Exchanger
    Thhin = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nhe)]
    Thhout = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nhe)]
    Tccin = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nhe)]
    Tccout = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nhe)]

    for k in range(Nhe):
            Thhout[k] == sum([wh[i][k] * Thout[i][k] for i in range(Nh)]))
            Tccout[k] == sum([wc[i][k] * Tcout[i][k] for i in range(Nc)]))
        m.Equation(Thhin[k] == sum([wh[i][k] * Thin[i][k] for i in range(Nh)]))
        m.Equation(Tccin[k] == sum([wc[i][k] * Tcin[i][k] for i in range(Nc)]))

    #Feasibility constraint

    for k in range(Nhe):
        m.Equation(Thhin[k] >= Tccout[k] + EMAT[k])
        m.Equation(Thhout[k] >= Tccin[k] + EMAT[k])

    for i in range(Nh):
        m.Equation(sum(whQ[i]) >= 0)
        m.Equation(sum(whQ[i]) <= Cph[i] * (Th_i0[0][i] - Thf[i]))
        m.Equation(Qcu[i] >= 0)
        m.Equation(Qcu[i] <= Cph[i] * (Th_i0[0][i] - Thf[i]))
        #m.Equation(Thout[i][Nhe-1]>=Thf[i])#Temperature down in cooler

    for j in range(Nc):
        m.Equation(sum(wcQ[j]) >= 0)
        m.Equation(sum(wcQ[j]) <= Cpc[j] * (Tcf[j] - Tc_j0[0][j]))
        m.Equation(Qhu[j] >= 0)
        #m.Equation(Tcout[j][0]<=Tcf[j]) #Temperature up in heater
        m.Equation(Qhu[j] <= Cpc[j] * (Tcf[j] - Tc_j0[0][j]))
	#Making sure that temperature follows sequence
	for k in range(Nhe-1):
		for i in range(Nh):
			m.Equation(Thout[i][k]>=Thout[i][k+1]) #follow sequence
		for j in range(Nc):
			m.Equation(Tcout[j][k]<=Tcout[i][k+1]) #follow sequence
    #Eqn 19-22 Cooler Heater Temperature
    Tcooler_hin = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nh)]
    Tcooler_hout = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nh)]
    Theater_cin = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nc)]
    Theater_cout = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=inf) for i in range(Nc)]

    for i in range(Nh):
        m.Equation(Tcooler_hin[i] == Thout[i][Nhe - 1])
        m.Equation(Tcooler_hout[i] == Thf[i])
    for i in range(Nc):
        m.Equation(Theater_cin[i] == Tcout[i][0])
        m.Equation(Theater_cout[i] == Tcf[i])

    m.options.SOLVER = 1
    m.solver_options = ['minlp_maximum_iterations 5000', \
	# minlp iterations with integer solution

    'minlp_max_iter_with_int_sol 5000', \
	# treat minlp as nlp

    'minlp_as_nlp 0', \
	# nlp sub-problem max iterations

    'nlp_maximum_iterations 2000', \
	# 1 = depth first, 2 = breadth first

    'minlp_branch_method 1', \
	# maximum deviation from whole number

    'minlp_integer_tol 0.001', \
	# covergence tolerance

    'minlp_gap_tol 0.00001']
        return inf
            Cph[i].value * (Th_i0[0][i].value - Thf[i].value)
            for i in range(Nh)
            Cpc[i].value * (Tcf[i].value - Tc_j0[0][i].value)
            for i in range(Nc)
    import pprint
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
    print("Number of hot stream = ", Nh)
    print("Number of cold stream = ", Nc)
    print("Hot Stream Temperature=", trackhot)
    print("Cold Stream Temperature=", trackcold)

    import pprint
    print("Heat Recovered:", Qm)

    print("Hot binary:")
    print("Cold binary:")
    print("Hot Temperature in:", Thhin)
    print("Hot Temperature out:", Thout)
    print("Cooler Temperature:", Tcooler_hin, Tcooler_hout)
    print("Cold Temperature in:", Tcin)
    print("Cold Temperature out:", Tcout)
    print("Heater Temperature:", Theater_cin, Theater_cout)

    return m.options.objfcnval
예제 #15
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import sys

#Initialize Model
m = GEKKO(remote=True)


#define parameter
max = m.Const(value=3008)
step = m.Const(value=64)

a = m.Const(value=sys.argv[2])
b = m.Const(value=sys.argv[4])
min = m.Const(value=sys.argv[6])
index = m.Const(value=sys.argv[8])
limit = m.Const(value=sys.argv[10])

#initialize variables
x = m.CV(integer=True)
w = m.Var(integer=True)

#lower bounds
x.lower = min
w.lower = 0

#upper bounds
x.upper = max

예제 #16
# m = GEKKO(remote=False)

m.time = np.linspace(0, 5, 501)

# m.options.SOLVER = 3      # Choose the solver, 1: APOPT, 2: BPOPT, 3: IPOPT (default)
# m.options.MAX_ITER = 250  # Set the maximum number of solver iterations. Default is 250.
# m.options.COLDSTART = 2
# m.options.AUTO_COLD = 5
# m.options.REDUCE = 10

# Parameters and Constants
#  https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start.html#parameters
#  https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start.html#constants
mass_1 = 1.0  # (kg)
mass_2 = 1.0  # (kg)
c = m.Const(value=0.0)  # Spring constant (N/m/s)
k = m.Const(value=(2 * 2 * np.pi)**2)  # Spring constant (N/m)
MAX_FORCE = 50.0  # maximum force from actuator (N)
MIN_FORCE = -50.0  # minimum force from actuator (N)

# Manipulated variables - Here, it's just the force acting on the mass
#  https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start.html#manipulated-variable
u = m.MV(value=0, lb=MIN_FORCE, ub=MAX_FORCE)
u.STATUS = 1  # allow optimizer to change this variable

# Weight on control input
#  https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tuning_params.html#cost
u.COST = 1e-6

# In general, we'll need to set the _.COST value.
# The others below are optional
예제 #17
    def solve(self, pre_calc, hour, first_hour, final_hour, prev_result):

        # over the whole year
        hp_performance = pre_calc['hp_performance']
        surplus = pre_calc['surplus']
        deficit = pre_calc['deficit']
        match = pre_calc['match']
        generation_total = pre_calc['generation_total']
        wind = pre_calc['wind']
        PV = pre_calc['PV']

        # over the first hour to final hour plus horizon
        # indexed from 0 to final hour plus horizon
        max_capacity = pre_calc['max_capacity']

        # temp parameters
        rt = self.return_temp
        st = self.source_temp
        ft = self.flow_temp
        sdt = self.source_delta_t

        number_timesteps = final_hour - hour
        t1 = hour - first_hour
        t2 = final_hour - first_hour

        m = GEKKO(remote=False)
        m.time = np.linspace(0, number_timesteps - 1, number_timesteps)

        # cost coefficient... import cost
        IC = m.Param(value=list(self.import_cost[hour:final_hour]))

        # elec demand and res used for elec demand
        # renewable used
        RES = m.Param(value=list(generation_total[hour:final_hour]))
        RES_ed = m.Var(value=prev_result['RES_ed'], lb=0)
        # elec demand
        ed = m.Param(value=list(self.elec_demand[hour:final_hour].values))
        # surplus = m.Param(value=surplus[hour:final_hour].values)
        export = m.Var(value=prev_result['export'], lb=0)
        # import straight to electrical demand
        imp_ed = m.Var(value=prev_result['imp_ed'], lb=0)

        # heat demand
        hd = m.Param(value=list(self.heat_demand[hour:final_hour].values))

        # heat pump output from renewables
        # heat pump renewable thermal output to demand
        HPtrd = m.Var(value=prev_result['HPtrd'], lb=0)
        # heat pump renewable to storage
        # maximum charging to storage with renewables
        HPtrs = m.Var(value=prev_result['HPtrs'], lb=0)
        # heat pump output from imports to demand
        HPtid = m.Var(value=prev_result['HPtid'], lb=0)
        # heat pump output from imports to storage
        HPtis = m.Var(value=prev_result['HPtis'], lb=0)
        # heat pump output from ES to demand
        HPtesd = m.Var(value=prev_result['HPtis'], lb=0)
        # performance of heat pump parameters
        cop = []
        duty = []
        HP_min = []
        for i in range(hour, final_hour):
            if self.myHeatPump == 0:
            HP_min.append(hp_performance[i]['duty'] *
                          self.myHeatPump.minimum_output *
                          self.myHeatPump.minimum_runtime / 60 / 100.0)
        cop = m.Param(value=cop)
        duty = m.Param(value=duty)
        HP_min = m.Param(value=HP_min)
        # heat pump on/off status
        HP_status = m.Var(value=prev_result['HP_status'],
        # heat pump output without on/off status
        HPt_var = m.Var(value=prev_result['HPt_var'], lb=0)
        # heat pump total output
        HPt = m.Intermediate(HP_status * HPt_var)

        # thermal storage parameters
        # max capacity
        max_cap = m.Param(value=list(max_capacity[t1:t2]))
        # initial state of charge
        init_soc = self.myHotWaterTank.max_energy_in_out(
            'discharging', prev_result['final_nodes_temp'], st[hour], ft[hour],
            rt, hour)
        # max_charge = m.Intermediate(max_cap - init_soc)
        # for clarity max discharge is simply the soc
        # storage charge/discharge
        TSc = m.Var(value=prev_result['TSc'], lb=0)
        TSd = m.Var(value=prev_result['TSd'], lb=0)
        # soc = m.Intermediate(init_soc + TSc - TSd)
        soc = m.Var(value=init_soc, lb=0)
        max_charge = m.Intermediate(max_cap - soc)
        loss = m.Intermediate(0.01 * soc)
        # loss = m.Intermediate(0.0)

        # electrical storage parameters
        # max capacity
        max_cap_ES = m.Const(self.myElectricalStorage.capacity)
        # print(max_cap_ES.value)
        # print(prev_result['soc_ES'])
        max_charge_ES = m.Const(self.myElectricalStorage.charge_max)
        max_discharge_ES = m.Const(self.myElectricalStorage.discharge_max)
        charge_eff = m.Const(self.myElectricalStorage.charge_eff)
        discharge_eff = m.Const(self.myElectricalStorage.discharge_eff)
        # for clarity max discharge is simply the soc
        # storage charge/discharge
        ESc = m.Var(value=prev_result['ESc'], lb=0)
        ESc_res = m.Var(value=prev_result['ESc_res'], lb=0)
        ESc_imp = m.Var(value=prev_result['ESc_imp'], lb=0)
        ESd = m.Var(value=prev_result['ESd'], lb=0)
        ESd_hp = m.Var(value=prev_result['ESd_hp'], lb=0)
        ESd_aux = m.Var(value=prev_result['ESd_aux'], lb=0)
        ESd_ed = m.Var(value=prev_result['ESd_ed'], lb=0)
        soc_ES = m.Var(value=prev_result['soc_ES'], lb=0)
        loss_ES = m.Intermediate(self.myElectricalStorage.self_discharge *

        # aux parameters
        # back-up electrical heater
        # capacity is equal to peak demand
        aux_cap = np.amax(self.heat_demand.values)
        # aux from renewables to demand
        # only electric aux
        aux_rd = m.Var(value=prev_result['aux_rd'], lb=0)
        # only electric aux
        # aux from from renewables to storage
        aux_rs = m.Var(value=prev_result['aux_rs'], lb=0)
        # aux for demand
        aux_d = m.Var(value=prev_result['aux_d'], lb=0)
        # aux for storage
        aux_s = m.Var(value=prev_result['aux_s'], lb=0)
        # aux_cap = 1000
        aux = m.Var(value=prev_result['aux'], lb=0)

        if self.myAux.fuel == 'Electric':
            aux_cost = m.Param(value=list(self.import_cost[hour:final_hour]))
            aux_cost = m.Const(self.myAux.cost)

        # equations

        # different for electric since it can use RES production
        if self.myAux.fuel == 'Electric':
            # equalities
                soc_ES.dt() == ESc * charge_eff - ESd - loss_ES,
                ESd == ESd_ed + ESd_hp + ESd_aux, ESc == ESc_res + ESc_imp,
                ed == RES_ed + imp_ed + ESd_ed * discharge_eff,
                hd == HPtrd + HPtid + HPtesd + aux_d + aux_rd +
                ESd_aux * discharge_eff + TSd,
                soc.dt() == TSc - TSd - loss,
                HPtesd == ESd_hp * cop * discharge_eff,
                HP_status * HPt_var == HPtrs + HPtrd + HPtid + HPtis + HPtesd,
                aux == aux_d + aux_s + aux_rd + aux_rs + ESd_aux,
                TSc == HPtrs + HPtis + aux_rs + aux_s, RES == RES_ed +
                (HPtrs + HPtrd) / cop + ESc_res + aux_rd + aux_rs + export
        # other auxiliary sources can't use the RES
            # equalities
                # heat demand must be met,
                # but can be exceeded if needed to store more
                    soc_ES.dt() == ESc * charge_eff - ESd - loss_ES,
                    ESd == ESd_ed, ESc == ESc_res + ESc_imp,
                    ed == RES_ed + imp_ed + ESd_ed * discharge_eff,
                    hd == HPtrd + HPtid + aux_d + TSd,
                    soc.dt() == TSc - TSd - loss,
                    HP_status * HPt_var == HPtrs + HPtrd + HPtid + HPtis,
                    aux == aux_d + aux_s, TSc == HPtrs + HPtis + aux_s,
                    RES == RES_ed + (HPtrs + HPtrd) / cop + ESc_res + export

        # inequalities
            HPt_var <= duty, HPt_var >= HP_min, soc <= max_cap,
            TSc <= max_charge, TSd <= soc, soc_ES <= max_cap_ES,
            ESc <= max_charge_ES * charge_eff, ESd <= max_discharge_ES,
            ESd <= soc_ES, aux <= aux_cap

        # self.export_cost = 1
        # objective
        # last term is to disadvantage charging e store with res
        m.Obj(IC / 1000 *
              ((HPt - HPtrd - HPtesd - HPtrs) / cop + imp_ed + ESc_imp) +
              (aux - aux_rs - aux_rd - ESd_aux) * aux_cost / 1000 -
              export * self.export_cost / 1000 + 0.00001 * ESc_res)

        m.options.IMODE = 6  # MPC mode
        m.options.SOLVER = 1  # APOPT for solving MINLP problems
        if self.myHeatPump.minimum_output == 0:
            i = 'minlp_as_nlp 1'
            i = 'minlp_as_nlp 0'
        m.solver_options = ['minlp_maximum_iterations 500', \
                            # minlp iterations with integer solution

                            'minlp_max_iter_with_int_sol 500', \
                            # treat minlp as nlp

                            'minlp_as_nlp 1', \
                            # nlp sub-problem max iterations

                            'nlp_maximum_iterations 500', \
                            # 1 = depth first, 2 = breadth first

                            'minlp_branch_method 1', \
                            # maximum deviation from whole number

                            'minlp_integer_tol 0.05', \
                            # covergence tolerance

                            'minlp_gap_tol 0.05']


        # print hour
        # print HP_status[1], 'status'
        # print HP_min[1], 'min'
        # print HPt[1], 'HPt'
        # print HPtrs[1], 'HPtrs'
        # print HPtrd[1], 'HPtrd'
        # print HPtis[1], 'HPtis'
        # print HPtid[1], 'HPtid'
        # print aux[1], 'aux'
        # print aux_rs[1], 'aux res store'
        # print aux_rd[1], 'aux res dem'
        # print aux_d[1], 'aux_d'
        # print aux_s[1], 'aux_s'
        # print TSc[1], 'TSc'
        # print max_charge[1], 'max_charge'
        # print TSd[1], 'TSd'
        # print soc[1], 'soc'
        # print hd[1], 'hd'
        # print IC[1], 'import_price'

        h = 1

        TSc_ = round(TSc[h] - TSd[h], 2)
        TSd_ = round(TSd[h] - TSc[h], 2)

        if TSc_ > TSd_:
            max_c = self.myHotWaterTank.max_energy_in_out(
                'charging', prev_result['final_nodes_temp'], st[h], ft[h], rt,
            TSc[h] = min(max_c, TSc_)
            TSd[h] = 0
            if TSc[h] == 0.0:
                state = 'standby'
                state = 'charging'
        elif TSd_ > TSc_:
            max_d = self.myHotWaterTank.max_energy_in_out(
                'discharging', prev_result['final_nodes_temp'], st[h], ft[h],
                rt, h)
            TSd[h] = min(max_d, TSd_)
            TSc[h] = 0.0
            if TSd[h] == 0.0:
                state = 'standby'
                state = 'discharging'
            state = 'standby'

        # thermal_output = HPt[h] + aux[h]
        # next_nodes_temp = self.myHotWaterTank.new_nodes_temp(
        #     state, prev_result['final_nodes_temp'], st[h], sdt, ft[h],
        #     rt, thermal_output, hd[h], hour + h)
        if self.myHotWaterTank.capacity == 0:
            final_nodes_temp = prev_result['final_nodes_temp']
            if self.myAux.fuel == 'Electric':
                # thermal_output = HPt[h] + aux[h]
                next_nodes_temp = self.myHotWaterTank.new_nodes_temp(
                    state, prev_result['final_nodes_temp'], st[h], sdt, ft[h],
                    rt, TSc[h], TSd[h], hour + h)
                final_nodes_temp = next_nodes_temp[-1]

        # final_nodes_temp = [round(elem, 2) for elem in final_nodes_temp]
        # print prev_result['final_nodes_temp'], 'prev_result'
        # print final_nodes_temp

        # results are for the second timestep
        timestep = hour + 1
        results = self.set_of_results()

        # elec demand results
        results['elec_demand']['elec_demand'] = self.elec_demand[timestep]
        results['elec_demand']['RES'] = RES_ed[h]
        results['elec_demand']['import'] = imp_ed[h]
        results['elec_demand']['ES'] = (ESd_ed[h] *

        # RES results
        results['RES']['generation_total'] = generation_total[timestep]
        results['RES']['wind'] = wind[timestep]
        results['RES']['PV'] = PV[timestep]
        results['RES']['elec_demand'] = RES_ed[h]
        results['RES']['HP'] = ((HPtrd[h] + HPtrs[h]) /
        # print results['RES']['HP']
        if self.myAux.fuel == 'Electric':
            results['RES']['aux'] = aux_rd[h] + aux_rs[h]
        results['RES']['export'] = export[h]

        # heat pump results
        results['HP']['cop'] = hp_performance[timestep]['cop']
        results['HP']['duty'] = hp_performance[timestep]['duty']
        results['HP']['heat_total_output'] = HPt[h]
        results['HP']['heat_from_ES_to_demand'] = HPtesd[h]
        results['HP']['heat_to_heat_demand'] = min(
            results['HP']['heat_total_output'], hd[h])
        results['HP']['heat_to_TS'] = (results['HP']['heat_total_output'] -

        results['HP']['elec_total_usage'] = (
            results['HP']['heat_total_output'] / results['HP']['cop'])
        results['HP']['elec_RES_usage'] = (results['RES']['HP'])
        results['HP']['elec_from_ES_to_demand'] = (
            results['HP']['heat_from_ES_to_demand'] / results['HP']['cop'])
        results['HP']['elec_import_usage'] = (
            results['HP']['elec_total_usage'] -
            results['HP']['elec_RES_usage'] -

        # heat demand results
        results['heat_demand']['TS'] = TSd[h]
        results['heat_demand']['heat_demand'] = self.heat_demand[timestep]
        results['heat_demand']['HP'] = results['HP']['heat_to_heat_demand']
        results['heat_demand']['aux'] = aux[h]

        # TS results
        results['TS']['charging_total'] = TSc[h]
        results['TS']['discharging_total'] = TSd[h]
        results['TS']['HP_to_TS'] = (results['HP']['heat_to_TS'])
        results['TS']['HP_from_RES_to_TS'] = (
        results['TS']['HP_from_import_to_TS'] = (
        results['TS']['aux_to_TS'] = (results['TS']['charging_total'] -
        results['TS']['final_nodes_temp'] = final_nodes_temp

        # # ES results
        results['ES']['charging_from_RES'] = ESc_res[h]
        results['ES']['charging_from_import'] = ESc_imp[h]
        results['ES']['charging_total'] = (
            results['ES']['charging_from_RES'] +
        results['ES']['discharging_to_demand'] = (
            ESd_ed[h] * self.myElectricalStorage.discharge_eff)
        results['ES']['discharging_to_HP'] = ESd_hp[h]
        results['ES']['discharging_to_aux'] = ESd_aux[h]
        results['ES']['discharging_total'] = (
            results['ES']['discharging_to_demand'] +
            results['ES']['discharging_to_HP'] +
        # update state of charge
        # new soc
        final_soc = soc_ES[h]
        results['ES']['final_soc'] = final_soc

        # AUX results
        results['aux']['demand'] = aux[h]
        results['aux']['usage'] = self.myAux.fuel_usage(
        if self.myAux.fuel == 'Electric':
            aux_price = results['grid']['import_price'] / 1000.
            density = 0.0
            aux_price = self.myAux.cost / 1000.
            density = self.myAux.energy_density
        results['aux']['cost'] = aux_price * results['aux']['demand']
        results['aux']['mass'] = density * results['aux']['usage']

        # grid results
        results['grid']['import_for_elec_demand'] = (
        results['grid']['import_for_heat_pump_total'] = (
        results['grid']['import_for_ES'] = (
        results['grid']['total_export'] = results['RES']['export']
        if self.myAux.fuel == 'Electric':
            results['grid']['total_import'] = (
                results['grid']['import_for_elec_demand'] +
                results['grid']['import_for_heat_pump_total'] +
                results['grid']['import_for_ES'] + results['aux']['demand'] -
            results['grid']['total_import'] = (
                results['grid']['import_for_elec_demand'] +
                results['grid']['import_for_heat_pump_total'] +

        results['grid']['import_price'] = IC[h]
        # this is in pounds
        # divide by 1000 because import price in pound/MWh
        # total import is in kWH
        results['grid']['import_costs'] = (results['grid']['total_import'] *
                                           results['grid']['import_price'] /
        results['grid']['export_income'] = (results['grid']['total_export'] *
                                            self.export_cost / 1000.)
        results['grid']['cashflow'] = (results['grid']['export_income'] -
        results['grid']['surplus'] = surplus[timestep]
        results['grid']['deficit'] = deficit[timestep]
        results['grid']['match'] = match[timestep]

        next_results = {
            'HPt': HPt[h],
            'HPtrs': HPtrs[h],
            'HPtrd': HPtrd[h],
            'HPtid': HPtid[h],
            'HPtis': HPtis[h],
            'HPtesd': HPtesd[h],
            'HP_status': HP_status[h],
            'HPt_var': HPt_var[h],
            'aux': aux[h],
            'aux_rd': aux_rd[h],
            'aux_rs': aux_rs[h],
            'aux_d': aux_d[h],
            'aux_s': aux_s[h],
            'TSc': TSc[h],
            'TSd': TSd[h],
            'final_nodes_temp': final_nodes_temp,
            'state': state,
            'import_cost': IC[h],
            'export': export[h],
            'soc_ES': soc_ES[h],
            'ESc': ESc[h],
            'ESc_imp': ESc_imp[h],
            'ESc_res': ESc_res[h],
            'ESd': ESd[h],
            'ESd_ed': ESd_ed[h],
            'ESd_hp': ESd_hp[h],
            'ESd_aux': ESd_aux[h],
            'imp_ed': imp_ed[h],
            'RES_ed': RES_ed[h]

        # print results

        # print hd.value, 'hd'
        # print HPt.value, 'HPt'
        # print duty.value, 'duty'
        # print cop.value, 'cop'
        # print aux.value, 'aux'
        # print TSc.value, 'charging'
        # print TSd.value, 'discharging'
        # print soc.value, 'soc'
        # print IC.value, 'import cost'
        # print aux_cost.value, 'auxiliary cost'
        # print HPtrd.value, 'heat pump renewable to demand'
        # print HPtrs.value, 'heat pump renewable to storage'
        # print cop.value, 'cop'
        # print max_charge.value, 'max charge'
        # print final_nodes_temp, 'final_nodes_temp'
        # print HPtrs.value, 'HPtrs'
        # print HP_left.value, 'heat pump capacity left'
        # print max_charge.value, 'max charge available'
        # print HPtrd.value, 'HPtrd'
        # print HPtrd_max.value, 'HPtrd_max'
        # print surplus[first_hour:final_hour].values, 'surplus'
        # print cop.value, 'cop'
        # print duty.value, 'duty'

        # Plot solution
        # plt.figure()
        # plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)
        # plt.plot(m.time, HPt.value, 'r', LineWidth=2)
        # plt.plot(m.time, aux.value, 'y', LineWidth=2)
        # plt.plot(m.time, hd.value, 'g', LineWidth=2)
        # plt.ylabel(['HPt', 'aux', 'HD'])
        # plt.legend(['HPt', 'aux', 'HD'], loc='best')
        # plt.subplot(4, 1, 2)
        # plt.plot(m.time, soc.value, 'b', LineWidth=2)
        # plt.legend(['SOC'], loc='best')
        # plt.ylabel('SOC')
        # plt.subplot(4, 1, 3)
        # plt.plot(m.time, IC.value, 'g', LineWidth=2)
        # plt.legend(['Import cost'], loc='best')
        # plt.ylabel('Import cost')
        # plt.subplot(4, 1, 4)
        # plt.plot(m.time, surplus.value, 'm', LineWidth=2)
        # plt.legend([r'surplus'], loc='best')
        # plt.ylabel('Surplus')
        # plt.xlabel('Time')
        # plt.show()
        return {'results': results, 'next_results': next_results}
TC1.UPPER = 200

TC2 = m.CV(value=T2m[0], name='tc2')
TC2.STATUS = 1  # minimize error between simulation and measurement
TC2.FSTATUS = 1  # receive measurement
TC2.MEAS_GAP = 0.1  # measurement deadband gap
TC2.UPPER = 200

Ta = m.Param(value=23.0 + 273.15)  # K
mass = m.Param(value=4.0 / 1000.0)  # kg
Cp = m.Param(value=0.5 * 1000.0)  # J/kg-K
A = m.Param(value=10.0 / 100.0**2)  # Area not between heaters in m^2
As = m.Param(value=2.0 / 100.0**2)  # Area between heaters in m^2
eps = m.Param(value=0.9)  # Emissivity
sigma = m.Const(5.67e-8)  # Stefan-Boltzman

# Heater temperatures
T1 = m.Intermediate(TH1 + 273.15)
T2 = m.Intermediate(TH2 + 273.15)

# Heat transfer between two heaters
Q_C12 = m.Intermediate(U * As * (T2 - T1))  # Convective
Q_R12 = m.Intermediate(eps * sigma * As * (T2**4 - T1**4))  # Radiative

# Semi-fundamental correlations (energy balances)
m.Equation(TH1.dt() == (1.0/(mass*Cp))*(U*A*(Ta-T1) \
                    + eps * sigma * A * (Ta**4 - T1**4) \
                    + Q_C12 + Q_R12 \
                    + alpha1*Q1))
# Parameters and Constants
#  https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start.html#parameters
#  https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start.html#constants

# Define the model parameters
mass_1 = 1.0  # (kg)
mass_2 = 1.0  # (kg)
SPRING_CONSTANT = (2 * 2 * np.pi)**2  # Spring constant (N/m)
DAMPING_COEFF = 1.0  # Damping coefficient (N/m/s)
MAX_FORCE = 50.0  # maximum force from actuator (N)
MIN_FORCE = -50.0  # minimum force from actuator (N)

#Make the damping coefficient and spring constant parameters
# https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start.html#parameters
c = m.Const(value=DAMPING_COEFF)
k = m.Const(value=SPRING_CONSTANT)

# Manipulated variables - Here, it's just the force acting on the mass
#  https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start.html#manipulated-variable
u = m.MV(value=0, lb=MIN_FORCE, ub=MAX_FORCE)
u.STATUS = 1  # allow optimizer to change this variable

# Weight on control input
#  https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tuning_params.html#cost
u.COST = 1e-9

# In general, we'll need to set the _.COST value.
# The others below are optional
예제 #20
A_1_initial_guess = 0.114e6  # m ^ 3 / mol s
A_2_initial_guess = 3.06e9  # 1 / s4
alpha_initial_guess = 1  # reaction order
beta_initial_guess = 1  # reaction order
Ph_2_minus_initial = ph_abs[0]  # get from data
#Ph_3_minus_initial = 1.145565033 - ph_abs[0]
Ph_3_minus_initial = 0.994207 - ph_abs[0]

# initialize model
reaction_model = GEKKO()

# set model time as time gathered data
reaction_model.time = time

# Constants
R = reaction_model.Const(8.3145)  # Gas constant J / mol K

# Parameters
T = reaction_model.Param(temperature)

# Fixed Variables to change
# bounds
E_a_1 = reaction_model.FV(E_a_1_initial_guess, lb = 33900, ub = 37900)
E_a_2 = reaction_model.FV(E_a_2_initial_guess, lb = 73000, ub = 81000)
A_1 = reaction_model.FV(A_1_initial_guess, lb = 0)
A_2 = reaction_model.FV(A_2_initial_guess, lb = 0)
alpha = reaction_model.FV(alpha_initial_guess)#, lb = 0, ub = 1)
beta = reaction_model.FV(beta_initial_guess)#, lb = 0, ub = 1)
예제 #21
    def solve(self, num_slices=0, remote_flag=True, solver=1):
            # Initialize gekko model (server='http://xps.apmonitor.com')
            m = GEKKO(remote=remote_flag, name="optimal_wifi_slicing"
                      )  # (optional) server='http://xps.apmonitor.com'

            # Initialize Solver (1=ADOPT, 2=BPOPT, len(slices)=IPOPT)
                1- ADOPT: is generally the best when warm-starting from a prior solution or when the number of degrees of
                freedom (Number of Variables - Number of Equations) is less than 2000
                2- BPOPT has been found to be the best for systems biology applications.
                3- IPOPT is generally the best for problems with large numbers of degrees of freedom or when starting without
                a good initial guess.
            m.options.SOLVER = solver

            #m.solver_options = ['minlp_gap_tol 1.0e-2',
            #                    'minlp_maximum_iterations 10000',
            #                    'minlp_max_iter_with_int_sol 500',
            #                    'nlp_maximum_iterations 200']

            # ------- Initialize Input ------- #
            # Problem Input initialization
            rb_max_throughput = m.Const(
                'rb_max_throughput')  # Resource Block max throughput
            min_quantum = m.Const(
                self.data['minimum_bounds']['minimum_quantum'], 'min_quantum')
            lambda_s = []
            avg_airtimes = []

            # equal lambdas
            # if num_slices > 0:
            #    equal_lambdas = 39 / num_slices
            # else:
            #    equal_lambdas = 39

            for slc in self.data['slices']:
                # lambda_s.append(equal_lambdas)

            print('RB Max Throughput: ' + str(rb_max_throughput.value))
            print('Sum of Lambdas_s: ' + str(sum(lambda_s)) + ' Mbps')
            print('Slices loaded: ' + str(len(self.data['slices'])))

            # Solve for x number of slices
            print('Solving for: ' + str(num_slices) + ' slices!')
            print('New sum of lambdas: ' + str(sum(lambda_s[0:num_slices])) +
                  ' Mbps')

            # ------- Initialize variables ------- #
            q_s = []  # Quantum values on slice s
            mu_s_pkt = []  # Packet dequeuing rate on slice s
            mu_s = []  # Dequeuing rate on slice s
            p_s = []  # Service utilization on slice s
            n_s = []  # Average service rate on slice s
            t_s = []  # Average time in the system on slice s

            for i in range(num_slices):
                          name='q_s' + str(self.data['slices'][i]['id'])))
                    m.Intermediate(q_s[i] / avg_airtimes[i],
                                   name='mu_s_pkt_' + str(i)))

            for i in range(num_slices):
                        (mu_s_pkt[i] / sum(mu_s_pkt)) * rb_max_throughput,
                        name='mu_s_' + str(i)))
                    m.Intermediate(lambda_s[i] / mu_s[i],
                                   name='p_s_' + str(i)))
                    m.Intermediate(p_s[i] / (1 - p_s[i]),
                                   name='n_s_' + str(i)))
                    m.Intermediate(n_s[i] / lambda_s[i], name='t_s_' + str(i)))

            # ------- End variables ------- #
            # ------- Equations ------- #
            for i in range(num_slices):
                m.Equation(mu_s[i] >= lambda_s[i])

            m.Equation(sum(mu_s) <= rb_max_throughput)

            for i in range(num_slices):
                m.Equation(p_s[i] < 1)
            # ------- End equations ------- #

            # Objectives are always minimized (maximization is possible by multiplying the objective by -1)
            obj = (sum(t_s))

            m.solve(disp=True, debug=True)  # Solve

            for i in range(num_slices):
                print('q_s      ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(q_s[i].value))

            for i in range(num_slices):
                print('mu_s_pkt ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(mu_s_pkt[i].value))

            for i in range(num_slices):
                print('mu_s     ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(mu_s[i].value))

            for i in range(num_slices):
                print('p_s      ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(p_s[i].value))

            for i in range(num_slices):
                print('n_s      ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(n_s[i].value))

            for i in range(num_slices):
                print('t_s      ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(t_s[i].value))
            print("An exception occurred")
예제 #22
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

m = GEKKO()
tf = 200
m.time = np.linspace(0, tf, 2 * tf + 1)
step = np.zeros(2 * tf + 1)
step[3:40] = 2.0
step[40:] = 5.0

# Controller model
Kc = 15.0  # controller gain
tauI = 2.0  # controller reset time
tauD = 1.0  # derivative constant
OP_0 = m.Const(value=0.0)  # OP bias
OP = m.Var(value=0.0)  # controller output
PV = m.Var(value=0.0)  # process variable
SP = m.Param(value=step)  # set point
Intgl = m.Var(value=0.0)  # integral of the error
err = m.Intermediate(SP - PV)  # set point error
m.Equation(Intgl.dt() == err)  # integral of the error
m.Equation(OP == OP_0 + Kc * err + (Kc / tauI) * Intgl - PV.dt())

# Process model
Kp = 0.5  # process gain
tauP = 10.0  # process time constant
m.Equation(tauP * PV.dt() + PV == Kp * OP)

m.options.IMODE = 4
t = m.Param(value=m.time)

u0 = m.Var(value=1)
# m.Equation(u0 == 1) #doesn't seem to behave well with this discontinuity.
# the gaussian pulse below works much better.
# m.Equation(u0 == m.sin(t)) # for simulation
# m.Equation(u0 == m.exp(-((((t*T0)-((end*T0))/2.0))**2.0)/(2.0*(((((end*T0)/10.0))**2.0))))) # for simulation
m.fix(u0, val=0, pos=0)

u1 = m.Var()
m.Equation(u1 == u0.dt())
u2 = m.Var()
m.Equation(u2 == u1.dt())

alpha_h = m.Const(host_cell.alpha)
beta_h = m.Const(host_cell.beta)
gamma_h = m.Const(host_cell.gamma)
phi_h = m.Const(host_cell.phi)
xi_h = m.Const(host_cell.xi)

alpha_v = m.Const(virus.alpha)
beta_v = m.Const(virus.beta)
gamma_v = m.Const(virus.gamma)
phi_v = m.Const(virus.phi)
xi_v = m.Const(virus.xi)

SX0 = m.Const(X0)
SU0 = m.Const(U0)
ST0 = m.Const(T0)