예제 #1
파일: optimise.py 프로젝트: peide/tsfc
def _expand_conditional_conditional(node, self):
    if self.predicate(node):
        condition, then, else_ = map(self, node.children)
        return Sum(Product(Conditional(condition, one, Zero()), then),
                   Product(Conditional(condition, Zero(), one), else_))
        return reuse_if_untouched(node, self)
예제 #2
def test_conditional_zero_folding():
    b = Variable("B", ())
    a = Variable("A", (3, ))
    i = Index()
    expr = Conditional(LogicalAnd(b, b), Product(Indexed(a, (i, )), Zero()),

    assert expr == Zero()
예제 #3
파일: optimise.py 프로젝트: tj-sun/tsfc
def _replace_delta_delta(node, self):
    i, j = node.i, node.j

    if isinstance(i, Index) or isinstance(j, Index):
        if isinstance(i, Index) and isinstance(j, Index):
            assert i.extent == j.extent
        if isinstance(i, Index):
            assert i.extent is not None
            size = i.extent
        if isinstance(j, Index):
            assert j.extent is not None
            size = j.extent
        return Indexed(Identity(size), (i, j))

        def expression(index):
            if isinstance(index, int):
                return Literal(index)
            elif isinstance(index, VariableIndex):
                return index.expression
                raise ValueError("Cannot convert running index to expression.")

        e_i = expression(i)
        e_j = expression(j)
        return Conditional(Comparison("==", e_i, e_j), one, Zero())
예제 #4
def _collect_monomials_conditional(expression, self):
    """Refactorises a conditional expression into a sum-of-products form,
    pulling only "atomics" out of conditional expressions.

    :arg expression: a GEM expression to refactorise
    :arg self: function for recursive calls

    :returns: :py:class:`MonomialSum`
    condition, then, else_ = expression.children
    # Recursively refactorise both branches to `MonomialSum`s
    then_ms = self(then)
    else_ms = self(else_)

    result = MonomialSum()
    # For each set of atomics, create a new Conditional node.  Atomics
    # are considered safe to be pulled out of conditionals, but other
    # expressions remain inside conditional branches.
    zero = Zero()
    for k in then_ms.monomials.keys() | else_ms.monomials.keys():
        _then = then_ms.monomials.get(k, zero)
        _else = else_ms.monomials.get(k, zero)
        result.monomials[k] = Conditional(condition, _then, _else)

    # Construct a deterministic ordering
    result.ordering = then_ms.ordering.copy()
    for k, v in else_ms.ordering.items():
        result.ordering.setdefault(k, v)
    return result
예제 #5
파일: optimise.py 프로젝트: tj-sun/tsfc
def _(node, self):
    unroll = tuple(filter(self.predicate, node.multiindex))
    if unroll:
        # Unrolling
        summand = self(node.children[0])
        shape = tuple(index.extent for index in unroll)
        unrolled = reduce(Sum,
                          (Indexed(ComponentTensor(summand, unroll), alpha)
                           for alpha in numpy.ndindex(shape)), Zero())
        return IndexSum(
            tuple(index for index in node.multiindex if index not in unroll))
        return reuse_if_untouched(node, self)
예제 #6
파일: optimise.py 프로젝트: tj-sun/tsfc
 def child(expression):
     if isinstance(expression, Indexed):
         return expression.children[0]
     elif isinstance(expression, Zero):
         return Zero(shape)