def test_measurement_reassignment(): """Check that a measurement run can be re-assigned to a new material run.""" sample1 = MaterialRun("Sample 1") sample2 = MaterialRun("Sample 2") mass = MeasurementRun("Mass of sample", material=sample1) volume = MeasurementRun("Volume of sample", material=sample1) assert mass.material == sample1 assert set(sample1.measurements) == {mass, volume} assert sample2.measurements == [] mass.material = sample2 assert mass.material == sample2 assert sample1.measurements == [volume] assert sample2.measurements == [mass] mass.material = None assert mass.material is None assert sample2.measurements == []
def ingest_table(material_run, table): """Ingest a material run into an existing table.""" for _, row in table.iterrows(): exp = MeasurementRun() for prop_name in known_properties: if prop_name in row:, value=NominalReal(row[prop_name], ''))) for cond_name in known_conditions: if cond_name in row: exp.conditions.append(Condition(name=cond_name, value=NominalReal(row[cond_name], ''))) exp.material = material_run return material_run
def test_material_soft_link(): """Test that a measurement run can link to a material run, and that it survives serde.""" dye = MaterialRun("rhodamine", file_links=FileLink(filename='a.csv', url='/a/path')) assert dye.measurements == [], "default value of .measurements should be an empty list" # The .measurements member should not be settable with pytest.raises(AttributeError): dye.measurements = [MeasurementRun("Dummy")] absorbance = MeasurementRun(name="Absorbance", uids={'id': str(uuid4())}, properties=[ Property(name='Abs at 500 nm', value=NominalReal(0.1, '')) ]) assert absorbance.material is None, "Measurements should have None as the material by default" absorbance.material = dye assert absorbance.material == dye, "Material not set correctly for measurement" assert dye.measurements == [ absorbance ], "Soft-link from material to measurement not created" fluorescence = MeasurementRun(name="Fluorescence", uids={'id': str(uuid4())}, properties=[ Property(name='PL counts at 550 nm', value=NominalReal(30000, '')) ], material=dye) assert fluorescence.material == dye, "Material not set correctly for measurement" assert dye.measurements == [absorbance, fluorescence], \ "Soft-link from material to measurements not created" assert loads(dumps(absorbance)) == absorbance, \ "Measurement should remain unchanged when serialized" assert loads(dumps(fluorescence)) == fluorescence, \ "Measurement should remain unchanged when serialized" assert 'measurements' in repr(dye) assert 'material' in repr(fluorescence) assert 'material' in repr(absorbance) subbed = substitute_links(dye) assert 'measurements' in repr(subbed)
def make_data_island(density, bulk_modulus, firing_temperature, binders, powders, tag=None): """Helper function to create a relatively involved data island.""" binder_specs = keymap(lambda x: MaterialSpec(name=x), binders) powder_specs = keymap(lambda x: MaterialSpec(name=x), powders) binder_runs = keymap(lambda x: MaterialRun(, spec=x), binder_specs) powder_runs = keymap(lambda x: MaterialRun(, spec=x), powder_specs) all_input_materials = keymap(lambda x:, merge(binder_runs, powder_runs)) mixing_composition = Condition( name="composition", value=NominalComposition(all_input_materials)) mixing_process = ProcessRun(name="Mixing", tags=["mixing"], conditions=[mixing_composition]) binder_ingredients = [] for run in binder_runs: binder_ingredients.append( IngredientRun( material=run, process=mixing_process, mass_fraction=NominalReal(binders[], ''), )) powder_ingredients = [] for run in powder_runs: powder_ingredients.append( IngredientRun( material=run, process=mixing_process, mass_fraction=NominalReal(powders[], ''), )) green_sample = MaterialRun("Green", process=mixing_process) measured_firing_temperature = Condition( name="Firing Temperature", value=UniformReal(firing_temperature - 0.5, firing_temperature + 0.5, 'degC'), template=firing_temperature_template) specified_firing_setting = Parameter(name="Firing setting", value=DiscreteCategorical("hot")) firing_spec = ProcessSpec("Firing", template=firing_template) firing_process = ProcessRun(, conditions=[measured_firing_temperature], parameters=[specified_firing_setting], spec=firing_spec) IngredientRun(material=green_sample, process=firing_process, mass_fraction=NormalReal(1.0, 0.0, ''), volume_fraction=NormalReal(1.0, 0.0, ''), number_fraction=NormalReal(1.0, 0.0, '')) measured_density = Property(name="Density", value=NominalReal(density, ''), template=density_template) measured_modulus = Property(name="Bulk modulus", value=NormalReal(bulk_modulus, bulk_modulus / 100.0, '')) measurement_spec = MeasurementSpec("Mechanical Properties", template=measurement_template) measurement = MeasurementRun(, properties=[measured_density, measured_modulus], spec=measurement_spec) tags = [tag] if tag else [] material_spec = MaterialSpec("Coupon", template=material_template) material_run = MaterialRun(, process=firing_process, tags=tags, spec=material_spec) measurement.material = material_run return material_run
def ingest_material_run(data, material_spec=None, process_run=None): """Ingest material run with data, a material spec, and an originating process run.""" if isinstance(data, list): return [ingest_material_run(x, material_spec) for x in data] if not isinstance(data, dict): raise ValueError("This ingester operates on dict, but got {}".format(type(data))) material = MaterialRun() sample_id = data.get("sample_id") if sample_id: material.add_uid("given_sample_id", sample_id) tags = data.get("tags") if tags: material.tags = tags for experiment in data.get("experiments", []): measurement = MeasurementRun() for name in set(known_properties.keys()).intersection(experiment.keys()): prop = Property( name=name, template=known_properties[name], value=_parse_value(experiment[name]) ) for name in set(known_conditions.keys()).intersection(experiment.keys()): cond = Condition( name=name, template=known_conditions[name], value=_parse_value(experiment[name]) ) measurement.conditions.append(cond) for name in set(known_parameters.keys()).intersection(experiment.keys()): param = Parameter( name=name, template=known_parameters[name], value=_parse_value(experiment[name]) ) measurement.parameters.append(param) scan_id = experiment.get("scan_id") if scan_id: measurement.add_uid("given_scan_id", scan_id) tags = experiment.get("tags") if tags: measurement.tags = tags measurement.material = material if material_spec: material.material_spec = material_spec if process_run: material.process = process_run return material