def __init__(self, api_key=os.getenv("GEMINI_AUDITOR_API_KEY"), api_secret=os.getenv("GEMINI_AUDITOR_API_SECRET"), sandbox=False): self._auditor_api_key = api_key self._auditor_api_secret = api_secret self.public_client = gemini.PublicClient() self.private_client = gemini.PrivateClient(self._auditor_api_key, self._auditor_api_secret)
import gemini # Gemini API request import requests import json # Custom package import telegram as tel # Telegram chat id chatid = 000000 # Gemini API credentials key = '****' secret = '****' # Initialize Gemini API client r = gemini.PrivateClient(key, secret) def round_down(n, decimals=0): multiplier = 10**decimals return math.floor(n * multiplier) / multiplier def getCurrPrice(): price = float(r.get_ticker('BTCUSD')['last']) return price def getBal(): # Get Balances usdbal = 0
def backfill_gemini(gemini_api_key: str, gemini_api_secret: str): conn = connect_serenity_db() cur = conn.cursor() type_code_cache = TypeCodeCache(cur) instrument_cache = InstrumentCache(cur, type_code_cache) exch_service = ExchangeEntityService(cur, type_code_cache, instrument_cache) client = gemini.PrivateClient(gemini_api_key, gemini_api_secret) for exchange_symbol in ('BTCUSD', 'ETHBTC', 'ZECBTC'): instrument_symbol = exchange_symbol[0:3] + '-' + exchange_symbol[3:] instrument_type = type_code_cache.get_by_code(InstrumentType, 'CurrencyPair') instrument = instrument_cache.get_or_create_instrument( instrument_symbol, instrument_type) exchange_instrument = instrument_cache.get_or_create_exchange_instrument( exchange_symbol.lower(), instrument, 'Gemini') conn.commit() exchange = type_code_cache.get_by_code(Exchange, 'Gemini') for trade in client.get_past_trades(exchange_symbol): fill_price = trade['price'] quantity = trade['amount'] fees = trade['fee_amount'] side = type_code_cache.get_by_code(Side, trade['type']) trade_id = trade['tid'] order_uuid = trade['order_id'] create_time_ms = trade['timestampms'] create_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(create_time_ms // 1000).\ replace(microsecond=create_time_ms % 1000 * 1000) # because we cannot get historical exchange orders past 7 days, we need to synthesize limit orders exchange_account = ExchangeAccount(0, exchange, 'default') exchange_account = exch_service.get_or_create_account( exchange_account) order_type = type_code_cache.get_by_code(OrderType, 'Limit') tif = type_code_cache.get_by_code(TimeInForce, 'GTC') order = ExchangeOrder(0, exchange, exchange_instrument, order_type, exchange_account, side, tif, order_uuid, fill_price, quantity, create_time) order = exch_service.get_or_create_exchange_order(order) conn.commit() # create the fills and insert, linking back to the synthetic order fill = ExchangeFill(0, fill_price, quantity, fees, trade_id, create_time) fill.set_order(order) exch_service.get_or_create_exchange_fill(fill) conn.commit() for transfer in client.api_query('/v1/transfers', {}): transfer_type = type_code_cache.get_by_code(ExchangeTransferType, transfer['type']) transfer_method = type_code_cache.get_by_code(ExchangeTransferMethod, "Blockchain") currency = instrument_cache.get_or_create_currency( transfer['currency']) quantity = transfer['amount'] transfer_ref = transfer['txHash'] transfer_time_ms = transfer['timestampms'] transfer_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(transfer_time_ms // 1000). \ replace(microsecond=transfer_time_ms % 1000 * 1000) transfer = ExchangeTransfer(0, exchange, transfer_type, transfer_method, currency, quantity, transfer_ref, transfer_time) exch_service.get_or_create_exchange_transfer(transfer) conn.commit()
def main(argv): period = 10 pair = "BTCUSD" prices = [] currentMovingAverage = 0 lengthOfMA = 0 startTime = False endTime = False historicalData = False tradePlaced = False typeOfTrade = False dataDate = "" orderNumber = "" net = [] total = 100000 bitcoin = 10 ''' Following code is for command line arguments. opts and args represents options such as -h, -p, -c etc. Those options with a colon following require an argument. -h for help -p, --period for period length -c, --currency for currency pair -n, --points for number of points for moving average -s is starttime for historical backtesting -e is endtime for historical backtesting ''' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hp:c:n:s:e:", ["period=", "currency=", "points="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print( ' -p <period length> -c <currency pair> -n <period of moving average>' ) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print( ' -p <period length> -c <currency pair> -n <period of moving average>' ) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-p", "--period"): if (int(arg) in [10, 300, 900, 1800, 7200, 14400, 86400]): period = arg else: print( 'Poloniex requires periods in 300,900,1800,7200,14400, or 86400 second increments' ) sys.exit(2) elif opt in ("-c", "--currency"): pair = arg elif opt in ("-n", "--points"): lengthOfMA = int(arg) elif opt in ("-s"): startTime = arg elif opt in ("-e"): endTime = arg # establish connection to gemini exchange, sandbox=True indicates sandbox r = gemini.PrivateClient("JBCBbwEmXfD6IwS6Q4WN", "2YzrK8cq5jCRs8r8QKLKUtDDJxqV", sandbox=True) conn = poloniex( 'OICTWNLZ-NG2ATAQN-S3DYCUWH-QGWMPXD3', '0348b3b5932f49b1e84feeacbec88a8b9eb0770d11fe553515f6a946b8b23eb2abe9748ee06417f1fd27310759e3b6535782c03de75c3499f42c714b0b6530a5' ) if (startTime): historicalData = r.get_trade_history("BTCUSD", since="17/06/2017") while True: #if we are doing a historical backtest if (startTime and historicalData): nextDataPoint = historicalData.pop(0) lastPairPrice = nextDataPoint['weightedAverage'] dataDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(nextDataPoint['date'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif (startTime and not historicalData): exit() #if we are doing live trading else: currentValues = r.get_ticker(pair) lastPairPrice = float(currentValues["last"]) dataDate = """ This is the code that will actually execute the trades """ if (len(prices) > 0): currentMovingAverage = sum(prices) / float(len(prices)) previousPrice = prices[-1] if ((not tradePlaced) and (total > 0)): # if (not tradePlaced): if ((lastPairPrice > currentMovingAverage) and (lastPairPrice < previousPrice) and (bitcoin > 0)): orderNumber = r.new_order(pair, "1", str(lastPairPrice), "sell") print("SELL 1 BTC AT " + str(lastPairPrice * 1)) tradePlaced = True typeOfTrade = "short" priceSoldAt = lastPairPrice total = total + (priceSoldAt * 1) bitcoin = bitcoin - 1 print("total: " + str(total)) elif ((lastPairPrice < currentMovingAverage) and (lastPairPrice > previousPrice)): print("BUY 1 BTC AT " + str(lastPairPrice * 1)) orderNumber = r.new_order(pair, "1", str(lastPairPrice), "buy") tradePlaced = True typeOfTrade = "long" priceBoughtAt = lastPairPrice total = total - (priceBoughtAt * 1) bitcoin = bitcoin + 1 print("total: " + str(total)) elif (typeOfTrade == "short"): if (lastPairPrice < currentMovingAverage): print("EXIT TRADE") # conn.cancel(pair,orderNumber) tradePlaced = False typeOfTrade = False elif (typeOfTrade == "long"): if (lastPairPrice > currentMovingAverage): print("EXIT TRADE") # conn.cancel(pair,orderNumber) tradePlaced = False typeOfTrade = False else: previousPrice = 0 print("%s Period: %ss %s: %s Moving Average: %s" % (dataDate, period, pair, lastPairPrice, currentMovingAverage)) prices.append(float(lastPairPrice)) prices = prices[-lengthOfMA:] if (not startTime): time.sleep(int(period)) if (bitcoin > 0): print("bitcoin:", bitcoin)
def __init__(self): self.api_key = getenv("API_KEY", None) self.private_key = getenv("API_SECRET", None) self.private_client = gemini.PrivateClient( self.api_key, self.private_key, sandbox=False) if self.api_key and self.private_key else None
import gemini p = gemini.PublicClient() r = gemini.PrivateClient("bXVM9YaofU9ply00F9aO", "352ks5RLMzntpfJYgJceBge71cgq", sandbox=True) lists = [] lists = p.symbols() for list in lists: print(p.get_ticker(list)) print(list) import math, urllib2, json, re def download(): graph = {} page = urllib2.urlopen( "") data = jsrates = json.loads(data) result_list = jsrates["result"] for result_index, result in enumerate(result_list): ask = result["Ask"] bid = result["Bid"] market = result["MarketName"] pattern = re.compile("([A-Z0-9]*)-([A-Z0-9]*)")
#Importing libraries import gemini import ccxt import pandas as pd import time import datetime from datetime import timedelta r = gemini.PrivateClient("PUBLICACCOUNT", "SECRETKEY") ##Get live BTC price #while True: # price = cryptocompare.get_price('BTC', currency = 'USD') # print (price) # time.sleep(0.2) #Fetching data from Gemini gemini = ccxt.gemini() ticker = "BTC/USD" btc_ohlcv = gemini.fetch_ohlcv(ticker, timeframe='1d') k = 0.68 def get_target_price(ticker): df = pd.DataFrame( btc_ohlcv, columns=['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], unit='ms') df.set_index('date', inplace=True) yesterday = df.iloc[-2]
# Ensure responses aren't cached @app.after_request def after_request(response): response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" response.headers["Expires"] = 0 response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache" return response # Configure CS50 Library to use SQLite database db = SQL("sqlite:///finance.db") #provide public and private API keys for websocket connection r = gemini.PrivateClient("Vk5HgHCe3RD3RQLI4ngj", "4HiK4Hc4HKsdSWc7LpJd47LqGxYF", sandbox=True) #Sandbox url. Change to live url for live envt base_url = "" #Function to get latest price from exchange & compare to stop loss positions in db. Comparison is combined in this function due to rate limiting of API. #Return price for display in index page def btc_price(): #Get BTC Price and parse json response = urllib.request.urlopen(base_url + "/pubticker/btcusd") a = ( b = json.loads(a)