예제 #1
def test_sky_correct_from_slit_with_multiple_sources():
    width = 200
    height = 100

    y0 = height // 2
    y1 = 7 * height // 16
    fwhm = 0.05 * height

    source = (
            fake_point_source_spatial_profile(height, width, {'c0': y0, 'c1': 0.0}, fwhm=fwhm) +
            fake_point_source_spatial_profile(height, width, {'c0': y1, 'c1': 0.0}, fwhm=fwhm)

    sky = SkyLines(n_lines=width // 2, max_position=width - 1)

    ad = create_zero_filled_fake_astrodata(height, width)

    ad[0].data += source
    ad[0].data += sky(ad[0].data, axis=1)
    ad[0].APERTURE = get_aperture_table(height, width, center=height // 2)
    ad[0].APERTURE.add_row([1, 1, 0, 0, width - 1, y1, -3, 3])

    # Running the test ----------------
    _p = primitives_spect.Spect([])

    # ToDo @csimpson: Is it modifying the input ad?
    ad_out = _p.skyCorrectFromSlit([ad])[0]

    np.testing.assert_allclose(ad_out[0].data, source, atol=0.00625)
예제 #2
def test_extract_1d_spectra_with_sky_lines():
    # Input Parameters ----------------
    width = 600
    height = 300
    source_intensity = 1

    # Boilerplate code ----------------
    sky = fake_emission_line_spectrum(width, n_lines=20, max_intensity=1, fwhm=2.)
    sky = np.repeat(sky[np.newaxis, :], height, axis=0)

    ad = create_zero_filled_fake_astrodata(height, width)
    ad[0].data += sky
    ad[0].data[height // 2] += source_intensity
    ad[0].APERTURE = get_aperture_table(height, width)

    # Running the test ----------------
    _p = primitives_spect.Spect([])

    # todo: if input is a single astrodata,
    #  should not the output have the same format?
    ad_out = _p.extract1DSpectra([ad])[0]

    np.testing.assert_equal(ad_out[0].shape[0], ad[0].shape[1])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ad_out[0].data, source_intensity, atol=1e-3)
예제 #3
def test_sky_correct_from_slit_with_aperture_table():
    # Input Parameters ----------------
    width = 200
    height = 100

    # Simulate Data -------------------

    source_model_parameters = {'c0': height // 2, 'c1': 0.0}

    source = fake_point_source_spatial_profile(
        height, width, source_model_parameters, fwhm=0.08 * height)

    sky = SkyLines(n_lines=width // 2, max_position=width - 1)

    ad = create_zero_filled_fake_astrodata(height, width)
    ad[0].data += source
    ad[0].data += sky(ad[0].data, axis=1)
    ad[0].APERTURE = get_aperture_table(height, width)

    # Running the test ----------------
    _p = primitives_spect.Spect([])

    # ToDo @csimpson: Is it modifying the input ad?
    ad_out = _p.skyCorrectFromSlit([ad])[0]

    np.testing.assert_allclose(ad_out[0].data, source, atol=0.00625)
예제 #4
def test_trace_apertures():
    # Input parameters ----------------
    width = 400
    height = 200
    trace_model_parameters = {
        'c0': height // 2,
        'c1': 5.0,
        'c2': -0.5,
        'c3': 0.5

    # Boilerplate code ----------------
    ad = create_zero_filled_fake_astrodata(height, width)
    ad[0].data += fake_point_source_spatial_profile(height, width,
    ad[0].APERTURE = get_aperture_table(height, width)

    # Running the test ----------------
    _p = primitives_spect.Spect([])
    ad_out = _p.traceApertures([ad],
                               trace_order=len(trace_model_parameters) + 1)[0]

    keys = trace_model_parameters.keys()

    desired = np.array([trace_model_parameters[k] for k in keys])
    actual = np.array([ad_out[0].APERTURE[0][k] for k in keys])

    np.testing.assert_allclose(desired, actual, atol=0.18)
예제 #5
def test_get_spectrophotometry(path_to_outputs):
    def create_fake_table():

        wavelengths = np.arange(350., 750., 10)
        flux = np.ones(wavelengths.size)
        bandpass = np.ones(wavelengths.size) * 5.

        _table = table.Table([wavelengths, flux, bandpass],
                             names=['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX', 'FWHM'])

        _table.name = os.path.join(path_to_outputs, 'specphot.dat')
        _table.write(_table.name, format='ascii')

        return _table.name

    _p = primitives_spect.Spect([])
    fake_table = _p._get_spectrophotometry(create_fake_table())
    np.testing.assert_allclose(fake_table['FLUX'], 1)

    assert 'WAVELENGTH' in fake_table.columns
    assert 'FLUX' in fake_table.columns
    assert 'WIDTH' in fake_table.columns

    assert hasattr(fake_table['WAVELENGTH'], 'quantity')
    assert hasattr(fake_table['FLUX'], 'quantity')
    assert hasattr(fake_table['WIDTH'], 'quantity')
예제 #6
def test_extract_1d_spectra():
    # Input Parameters ----------------
    width = 200
    height = 100

    # Boilerplate code ----------------
    ad = create_zero_filled_fake_astrodata(height, width)
    ad[0].data[height // 2] = 1
    ad[0].APERTURE = get_aperture_table(height, width)

    # Running the test ----------------
    _p = primitives_spect.Spect([])

    # todo: if input is a single astrodata,
    #  should not the output have the same format?
    ad_out = _p.extract1DSpectra([ad])[0]

    np.testing.assert_equal(ad_out[0].shape[0], ad[0].shape[1])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ad_out[0].data, ad[0].data[height // 2], atol=1e-3)
예제 #7
def test_find_apertures():
    _p = primitives_spect.Spect([])