def joinOnVFATSerNum(vfatList, dfGEMView): """ Creates a dataframe object from vfatList with keys 'vfat3_ser_num' and 'vfatN'. Then it joins this dataframe with dfGEMView using the 'vfat3_ser_num'. vfatList - A list of vfat ChipID's ordered by vfat position (sw) dfGEMView - A pandas dataframe containing the column name 'vfat3_ser_num' """ from import vfatsPerGemVariant if 'vfat3_ser_num' in dfGEMView.columns: dfVFATPos = pd.DataFrame({ 'vfatN': [vfat for vfat in range(len(vfatList))], 'vfat3_ser_num': ["0x{:x}".format(id) for id in vfatList] }) dfGEMView = pd.merge(dfVFATPos, dfGEMView, on='vfat3_ser_num', how='outer') else: printYellow( "column 'vfat3_ser_num' not in input dataframe columns: {0}". format(dfGEMView.columns)) pass return dfGEMView
def getVFATConfigFileDict(chamber_config, scandate, debug=False): """ Returns a dictionary of vfatConfig files. chamber_config - Dictionary whose key values are geographic address, e.g. (shelf,slot,link), and values are detector serial numbers scandate - Either None or a string specifying the scandate of the files of interest, in format debug - Prints debugging information if True """ fileDict = {} from gempython.gemplotting.utils.anaInfo import tree_names from gempython.gemplotting.utils.anautilities import getDirByAnaType import os listOfFoundFiles = [] for geoAddr, cName in chamber_config.iteritems(): filename = "{}/{}/vfatConfig.txt".format( getDirByAnaType("sbitRateor", cName), scandate) # Check that this file is not in listOfFoundFiles if ((filename not in listOfFoundFiles) and os.path.isfile(filename)): fileDict[cName] = filename listOfFoundFiles.append(filename) else: if debug: printYellow("filename not found: {}".format(filename)) pass return fileDict
def getChConfigFileDict(chamber_config, scandate, debug=False, takeFromSCurve=True, isTrimScandate=False): """ Returns a dictionary of chConfig files. chamber_config - Dictionary whose key values are geographic address, e.g. (shelf,slot,link), and values are detector serial numbers scandate - Either None or a string specifying the scandate of the files of interest, in format debug - Prints debugging information if True takeFromSCurve - chConfig file comes from an scurve measurement (e.g. either scurve or trim) isTrimScandate - chConfig file should come from a trim scandate; no effect if takeFromSCurve is False """ fileDict = {} from gempython.gemplotting.utils.anaInfo import tree_names from gempython.gemplotting.utils.anautilities import getDirByAnaType import os listOfFoundFiles = [] for geoAddr, cName in chamber_config.iteritems(): if takeFromSCurve: if isTrimScandate: filename = "{}/{}/chConfig.txt".format( getDirByAnaType("trimV3", cName), scandate) else: filename = "{}/{}/SCurveData/chConfig.txt".format( getDirByAnaType("scurve", cName), scandate) else: filename = "{}/{}/ThresholdScanData/chConfig_MasksUpdated.txt".format( getDirByAnaType("thresholdch", cName), scandate) # Check that this file is not in listOfFoundFiles if ((filename not in listOfFoundFiles) and os.path.isfile(filename)): fileDict[cName] = filename listOfFoundFiles.append(filename) else: if debug: printYellow("filename not found: {}".format(filename)) pass return fileDict
vfat)) vfatLatHists[args.slot][oh][vfat].SetName( "{0}_AMC{1}_OH{2}_VFAT{3}".format( vfatLatHists[args.slot][oh][vfat].GetName(), args.slot, oh, vfat)) vfatLatHists2D[args.slot][oh][vfat].SetName( "{0}_AMC{1}_OH{2}_VFAT{3}".format( vfatLatHists2D[args.slot][oh][vfat].GetName(), args.slot, oh, vfat)) # Remap Y-Axis chanOrStripLabel = "VFAT Channels" # Placeholder if args.mapping is not None: if oh not in dictMapping[args.slot].keys(): printYellow( "I did not find OH{0} in the mapping dict for AMC{1}". format(oh, args.slot)) printYellow( "AMC{0} OH{1} will not be remapped. Please recheck input file: {2}" .format(args.slot, oh, args.mapping)) else: chanOrStripLabel = "Readout Strip" (histArray, edges) = rp.hist2array( vfatLatHists2D[args.slot][oh][vfat], return_edges=True) remappedArray = np.zeros(histArray.shape) xMax = histArray.shape[0] yMax = histArray.shape[1] for lat in range(0, xMax): for vfatCH in range(0, yMax): strip = dictMapping[ args.slot][oh][vfat]['Strip'][vfatCH]
# Skip irrelevant DAC's if dacName == "CFG_CAL_DAC": continue elif dacName == "CFG_THR_ARM_DAC": continue elif dacName == "CFG_THR_ZCC_DAC": continue elif dacName == "CFG_VREF_ADC": continue # Check if File Exists filename = "{0}/{1}/dacScans/{2}/NominalValues-{3}.txt".format( dataPath, cName, args.scandate, dacName) if not os.path.isfile(filename): printYellow( "Nominal Values File {0} does not exist or is not readable, skipping DAC {1}" .format(filename, dacName)) continue print("Sending {0} Information to CTP7".format(dacName)) updateVFAT3ConfFilesOnAMC(cardName,, filename, dacName) pass else: if args.dacSelect not in maxVfat3DACSize.keys(): printRed("Input DAC selection {0} not understood".format( args.dacSelect)) printRed("possible options include:") from gempython.vfatqc.utils.qcutilities import printDACOptions printDACOptions() exit(os.EX_USAGE) pass
======================================================== .. code-block:: python import gempython.gemplotting.mapping.chamberInfo Documentation ------------- """ from gempython.utils.gemlogger import printYellow try: from system_specific_constants import chamber_config except ImportError as e: printYellow( "ImportError: Using gempython_gemplotting package default for chamber_config dictionary" ) #: Available chambers """ Keys should be a tuple of (shelf,slot,link) """ chamber_config = { #placeholder } try: from system_specific_constants import GEBtype except ImportError as e: printYellow( "ImportError: Using gempython_gemplotting package default for GEBtype dictionary" )
if len(toAlignValues) > 0: weightedSum = 0.0 sumOfWeights = 0.0 for i in range(len(toAlignValues)): weightedSum += toAlignValues[i] * toAlignWeights[i] sumOfWeights += toAlignWeights[i] weightedMean = weightedSum / sumOfWeights maxToAlignValues = np.max(toAlignValues) minToAlignValues = np.min(toAlignValues) stdToAlignValues = np.std(toAlignValues) avgToAlignValues = np.mean(toAlignValues) else: printYellow( "Warning: all scurve means are zero for VFAT{} which is not in vfatmask 0x{:x}. Skipping" .format(vfat, args.vfatmask)) dict_chanRegArray[iterNum][ohN]["ARM_TRIM_POLARITY"][ vfat * 128:(vfat + 1) * 128] = dict_chanRegArray[ iterNum - 1][ohN]["ARM_TRIM_POLARITY"][vfat * 128:(vfat + 1) * 128] dict_chanRegArray[iterNum][ohN]["ARM_TRIM_AMPLITUDE"][ vfat * 128:(vfat + 1) * 128] = dict_chanRegArray[ iterNum - 1][ohN]["ARM_TRIM_AMPLITUDE"][vfat * 128:(vfat + 1) * 128] dfTrimResults = dfTrimResults.append( { "iterN": iterNum, "vfatN": vfat,
def anaUltraLatency(infilename, debug=False, latSigMaskRange=None, latSigRange=None, outputDir=None, outfilename="latencyAna.root", performFit=False): """ Analyzes data taken by infilename - Name of input TFile containing the latTree TTree debug - If True prints additional debugging statements latSigMaskRange - Comma separated pair of values defining the region to be masked when trying to fit the noise, e.g. lat #notepsilon [40,44] is noise (lat < 40 || lat > 44)") latSigRange - Comma separated pair of values defining expected signal range, e.g. lat #epsilon [41,43] is signal") outfilename - Name of output TFile containing analysis results performFit - Fit the latency distributions """ # Determine output filepath if outputDir is None: from gempython.gemplotting.utils.anautilities import getElogPath outputDir = getElogPath() pass # Redirect sys.stdout and sys.stderr if necessary from gempython.gemplotting.utils.multiprocUtils import redirectStdOutAndErr redirectStdOutAndErr("anaUltraLatency", outputDir) # Create the output File and TTree import ROOT as r outF = r.TFile(outputDir + "/" + outfilename, "RECREATE") if not outF.IsOpen(): outF.Close() raise IOError( "Unable to open output file {1} check to make sure you have write permissions under {0}" .format(outputDir, outfilename)) if outF.IsZombie(): outF.Close() raise IOError( "Output file {1} is a Zombie, check to make sure you have write permissions under {0}" .format(outputDir, outfilename)) myT = r.TTree('latFitTree', 'Tree Holding FitData') # Attempt to open input TFile inFile = r.TFile(infilename, "read") if not inFile.IsOpen(): outF.Close() inFile.Close() raise IOError( "Unable to open input file {0} check to make sure you have read permissions" .format(infilename)) if inFile.IsZombie(): outF.Close() inFile.Close() raise IOError( "Input file {0} is a Zombie, check to make sure you have write permissions and file has expected size" .format(infilename)) from import vfatsPerGemVariant # Get ChipID's import numpy as np import root_numpy as rp ##### FIXME from gempython.gemplotting.mapping.chamberInfo import gemTypeMapping if 'gemType' not in inFile.latTree.GetListOfBranches(): gemType = "ge11" else: gemType = gemTypeMapping[rp.tree2array(tree=inFile.latTree, branches=['gemType'])[0][0]] print gemType ##### END from import vfatsPerGemVariant nVFATS = vfatsPerGemVariant[gemType] from gempython.gemplotting.mapping.chamberInfo import CHANNELS_PER_VFAT as maxChans listOfBranches = inFile.latTree.GetListOfBranches() if 'vfatID' in listOfBranches: array_chipID = np.unique( rp.tree2array(inFile.latTree, branches=['vfatID', 'vfatN'])) dict_chipID = {} for entry in array_chipID: dict_chipID[entry['vfatN']] = entry['vfatID'] else: dict_chipID = {vfat: 0 for vfat in range(nVFATS)} if debug: print("VFAT Position to ChipID Mapping") for vfat, vfatID in dict_chipID.iteritems(): print(vfat, vfatID) # Set default histogram behavior r.TH1.SetDefaultSumw2(False) r.gROOT.SetBatch(True) r.gStyle.SetOptStat(1111111) #Initializing Histograms print('Initializing Histograms') from gempython.utils.gemlogger import printYellow from gempython.utils.nesteddict import nesteddict as ndict dict_hVFATHitsVsLat = ndict() for vfat in range(0, nVFATS): try: chipID = dict_chipID[vfat] except KeyError as err: chipID = 0 if debug: printYellow( "No CHIP_ID for VFAT{0}, If you don't expect data from this VFAT there's no problem" .format(vfat)) dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[vfat] = r.TH1F( "vfat{0}HitsVsLat".format(vfat), "VFAT {0}: chipID {1}".format(vfat, chipID), 1024, -0.5, 1023.5) pass #Filling Histograms print('Filling Histograms') latMin = 1000 latMax = -1 nTrig = -1 for event in inFile.latTree: dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[int(event.vfatN)].Fill(event.latency, event.Nhits) if event.latency < latMin and event.Nhits > 0: latMin = event.latency pass elif event.latency > latMax: latMax = event.latency pass if nTrig < 0: nTrig = event.Nev pass pass from math import sqrt for vfat in range(0, nVFATS): for binX in range(1, dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[vfat].GetNbinsX() + 1): dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[vfat].SetBinError( binX, sqrt(dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[vfat].GetBinContent(binX))) hHitsVsLat_AllVFATs = dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[0].Clone("hHitsVsLat_AllVFATs") hHitsVsLat_AllVFATs.SetTitle("Sum over all VFATs") for vfat in range(1, nVFATS): hHitsVsLat_AllVFATs.Add(dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[vfat]) # Set Latency Fitting Bounds - Signal latFitMin_Sig = latMin latFitMax_Sig = latMax if latSigRange is not None: listLatValues = map(lambda val: float(val), latSigRange.split(",")) if len(listLatValues) != 2: raise IndexError( "You must specify exactly two values for determining latency signal range; values given: {0} do not meet this criterion" .format(listLatValues)) else: latFitMin_Sig = min(listLatValues) latFitMax_Sig = max(listLatValues) # Set Latency Fitting Bounds - Noise latFitMin_Noise = latFitMin_Sig - 1 latFitMax_Noise = latFitMax_Sig + 1 if latSigMaskRange is not None: listLatValues = map(lambda val: float(val), latSigMaskRange.split(",")) if len(listLatValues) != 2: raise IndexError( "You must specify exactly two values for determining latency signal range; values given: {0} do not meet this criterion" .format(listLatValues)) else: latFitMin_Noise = min(listLatValues) latFitMax_Noise = max(listLatValues) # Make output TFile and TTree from array import array dirVFATPlots = outF.mkdir("VFAT_Plots") if 'detName' in listOfBranches: detName = r.vector('string')() detName.push_back( rp.tree2array(inFile.latTree, branches=['detName'])[0][0][0]) myT.Branch('detName', detName) vfatN = array('i', [0]) myT.Branch('vfatN', vfatN, 'vfatN/I') vfatID = array('L', [0]) myT.Branch('vfatID', vfatID, 'vfatID/i') #Hex Chip ID of VFAT hitCountMaxLat = array('f', [0]) myT.Branch('hitCountMaxLat', hitCountMaxLat, 'hitCountMaxLat/F') hitCountMaxLatErr = array('f', [0]) myT.Branch('hitCountMaxLatErr', hitCountMaxLatErr, 'hitCountMaxLatErr/F') maxLatBin = array('f', [0]) myT.Branch('maxLatBin', maxLatBin, 'maxLatBin/F') hitCountBkg = array('f', [0]) hitCountBkgErr = array('f', [0]) hitCountSig = array('f', [0]) hitCountSigErr = array('f', [0]) SigOverBkg = array('f', [0]) SigOverBkgErr = array('f', [0]) if performFit: myT.Branch('hitCountBkg', hitCountBkg, 'hitCountBkg/F') myT.Branch('hitCountBkgErr', hitCountBkgErr, 'hitCountBkgErr/F') myT.Branch('hitCountSig', hitCountSig, 'hitCountSig/F') myT.Branch('hitCountSigErr', hitCountSigErr, 'hitCountSigErr/F') myT.Branch('SigOverBkg', SigOverBkg, 'SigOverBkg/F') myT.Branch('SigOverBkgErr', SigOverBkgErr, 'SigOverBkgErr/F') # Make output plots from math import sqrt dict_grNHitsVFAT = ndict() dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Sig = ndict() dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Noise = ndict() grNMaxLatBinByVFAT = r.TGraphErrors(len(dict_hVFATHitsVsLat)) grMaxLatBinByVFAT = r.TGraphErrors(len(dict_hVFATHitsVsLat)) grVFATSigOverBkg = r.TGraphErrors(len(dict_hVFATHitsVsLat)) grVFATNSignalNoBkg = r.TGraphErrors(len(dict_hVFATHitsVsLat)) r.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if debug and performFit: print("VFAT\tSignalHits\tSignal/Noise") for vfat in dict_hVFATHitsVsLat: #if we don't have any data for this VFAT, we just need to initialize the TGraphAsymmErrors since it is drawn later if vfat not in dict_chipID: dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat] = r.TGraphAsymmErrors() continue # Store VFAT info vfatN[0] = vfat vfatID[0] = dict_chipID[vfat] # Store Max Info hitCountMaxLat[0] = dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[vfat].GetBinContent( dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[vfat].GetMaximumBin()) hitCountMaxLatErr[0] = sqrt(hitCountMaxLat[0]) grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetPoint(vfat, vfat, hitCountMaxLat[0]) grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetPointError(vfat, 0, hitCountMaxLatErr[0]) maxLatBin[0] = dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[vfat].GetBinCenter( dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[vfat].GetMaximumBin()) grMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetPoint(vfat, vfat, maxLatBin[0]) grMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetPointError(vfat, 0, 0.5) #could be improved upon # Initialize dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Sig[vfat] = r.TF1( "func_N_vs_Lat_VFAT{0}_Sig".format(vfat), "[0]", latFitMin_Sig, latFitMax_Sig) dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Noise[vfat] = r.TF1( "func_N_vs_Lat_VFAT{0}_Noise".format(vfat), "[0]", latMin, latMax) dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat] = r.TGraphAsymmErrors(dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[vfat]) dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].SetName("g_N_vs_Lat_VFAT{0}".format(vfat)) # Fitting if performFit: # Fit Signal dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Sig[vfat].SetParameter(0, hitCountMaxLat[0]) dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Sig[vfat].SetLineColor(r.kGreen + 1) dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].Fit(dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Sig[vfat], "QR") # Remove Signal Region latVal = r.Double() hitVal = r.Double() gTempDist = dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].Clone( "g_N_vs_Lat_VFAT{0}_NoSig".format(vfat)) for idx in range(dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].GetN() - 1, 0, -1): gTempDist.GetPoint(idx, latVal, hitVal) if latFitMin_Noise < latVal and latVal < latFitMax_Noise: gTempDist.RemovePoint(idx) # Fit Noise dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Noise[vfat].SetParameter(0, 0.) dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Noise[vfat].SetLineColor(r.kRed + 1) gTempDist.Fit(dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Noise[vfat], "QR") # Calc Signal & Signal/Noise hitCountBkg[0] = dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Noise[vfat].GetParameter(0) hitCountBkgErr[0] = dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Noise[vfat].GetParError(0) hitCountSig[0] = dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Sig[vfat].GetParameter( 0) - hitCountBkg[0] hitCountSigErr[0] = sqrt( (dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Sig[vfat].GetParError(0))**2 + hitCountBkgErr[0]**2) SigOverBkg[0] = hitCountSig[0] / hitCountBkg[0] SigOverBkgErr[0] = sqrt((hitCountSigErr[0] / hitCountBkg[0])**2 + (hitCountBkgErr[0]**2 * (hitCountSig[0] / hitCountBkg[0]**2)**2)) # Add to Plot grVFATSigOverBkg.SetPoint(vfat, vfat, SigOverBkg[0]) grVFATSigOverBkg.SetPointError(vfat, 0, SigOverBkgErr[0]) grVFATNSignalNoBkg.SetPoint(vfat, vfat, hitCountSig[0]) grVFATNSignalNoBkg.SetPointError(vfat, 0, hitCountSigErr[0]) # Print if requested if debug: print("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(vfat, hitCountSig[0], SigOverBkg[0])) pass # Format r.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].SetMarkerStyle(21) dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].SetMarkerSize(0.7) dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].SetLineWidth(2) dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(latMin, latMax) dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].GetXaxis().SetTitle("Lat") dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, nTrig) dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].GetYaxis().SetTitle("N") # Write dirVFAT = dirVFATPlots.mkdir("VFAT{0}".format(vfat)) dict_grNHitsVFAT[vfat].Write() dict_hVFATHitsVsLat[vfat].Write() if performFit: dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Sig[vfat].Write() dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Noise[vfat].Write() myT.Fill() pass # Store - Summary from gempython.gemplotting.utils.anautilities import getSummaryCanvas, addPlotToCanvas if performFit: canv_Summary = getSummaryCanvas(dict_grNHitsVFAT, name='canv_Summary', drawOpt='APE1', gemType=gemType) canv_Summary = addPlotToCanvas(canv_Summary, dict_fitNHitsVFAT_Noise, gemType) canv_Summary.SaveAs(outputDir + '/Summary.png') else: canv_Summary = getSummaryCanvas(dict_grNHitsVFAT, name='canv_Summary', drawOpt='APE1', gemType=gemType) canv_Summary.SaveAs(outputDir + '/Summary.png') # Store - Sig Over Bkg if performFit: canv_SigOverBkg = r.TCanvas("canv_SigOverBkg", "canv_SigOverBkg", 600, 600) grVFATSigOverBkg.SetTitle("") grVFATSigOverBkg.SetMarkerStyle(21) grVFATSigOverBkg.SetMarkerSize(0.7) grVFATSigOverBkg.SetLineWidth(2) grVFATSigOverBkg.GetXaxis().SetTitle("VFAT Pos") grVFATSigOverBkg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Sig / Bkg)") grVFATSigOverBkg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.25) grVFATSigOverBkg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-1, 1e2) grVFATSigOverBkg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.5, nVFATS + 0.5) grVFATSigOverBkg.Draw("APE1") canv_SigOverBkg.SaveAs(outputDir + '/SignalOverBkg.png') # Store - Signal if performFit: canv_Signal = r.TCanvas("canv_Signal", "canv_Signal", 600, 600) grVFATNSignalNoBkg.SetTitle("") grVFATNSignalNoBkg.SetMarkerStyle(21) grVFATNSignalNoBkg.SetMarkerSize(0.7) grVFATNSignalNoBkg.SetLineWidth(2) grVFATNSignalNoBkg.GetXaxis().SetTitle("VFAT Pos") grVFATNSignalNoBkg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Signal Hits") grVFATNSignalNoBkg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5) grVFATNSignalNoBkg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, nTrig) grVFATNSignalNoBkg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.5, nVFATS + 0.5) grVFATNSignalNoBkg.Draw("APE1") canv_Signal.SaveAs(outputDir + '/SignalNoBkg.png') # Store - Sum over all VFATs canv_LatSum = r.TCanvas("canv_LatSumOverAllVFATs", "canv_LatSumOverAllVFATs", 600, 600) hHitsVsLat_AllVFATs.SetXTitle("Latency") hHitsVsLat_AllVFATs.SetYTitle("N") hHitsVsLat_AllVFATs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(latMin, latMax) hHitsVsLat_AllVFATs.Draw("hist") canv_LatSum.SaveAs(outputDir + '/LatSumOverAllVFATs.png') # Store - Max Hits By Lat Per VFAT canv_MaxHitsPerLatByVFAT = r.TCanvas("canv_MaxHitsPerLatByVFAT", "canv_MaxHitsPerLatByVFAT", 1200, 600) canv_MaxHitsPerLatByVFAT.Divide(2, 1) grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetTitle("") grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetMarkerStyle(21) grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetMarkerSize(0.7) grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetLineWidth(2) grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.5, nVFATS + 0.5) grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.GetXaxis().SetTitle("VFAT Pos") grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, nTrig) grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Hit Count of Max Lat Bin") grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.7) grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.Draw("APE1") grMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetTitle("") grMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetMarkerStyle(21) grMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetMarkerSize(0.7) grMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetLineWidth(2) grMaxLatBinByVFAT.GetXaxis().SetTitle("VFAT Pos") grMaxLatBinByVFAT.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Max Lat Bin") grMaxLatBinByVFAT.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) grMaxLatBinByVFAT.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.5, nVFATS + 0.5) grMaxLatBinByVFAT.Draw("APE1") canv_MaxHitsPerLatByVFAT.SaveAs(outputDir + '/MaxHitsPerLatByVFAT.png') # Store - TObjects hHitsVsLat_AllVFATs.Write() grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetName("grNMaxLatBinByVFAT") grNMaxLatBinByVFAT.Write() grMaxLatBinByVFAT.SetName("grMaxLatBinByVFAT") grMaxLatBinByVFAT.Write() if performFit: grVFATSigOverBkg.SetName("grVFATSigOverBkg") grVFATSigOverBkg.Write() grVFATNSignalNoBkg.SetName("grVFATNSignalNoBkg") grVFATNSignalNoBkg.Write() myT.Write() outF.Close()
""" A single sbit word can specify up to 16 adjacent channel hits The following loop takes care of this possibility """ for i in range(2, chHitPerCluster[0]): # filling the adjacent channel vfatCH[i] = vfatCH[i-1] + 1 # if the new channel exceeds the total VFAT channels, increase phi and move to the first cannel of the next VFAT if vfatCH[i] >= maxChans and phi < maxiPhi: phi = phi + 1 vfatCH[i] = 0 vfatN[0] = etaphi_to_vfat[eta][phi] elif vfatCH[i] >= maxChans and phi >= maxiPhi: # if the maximum of phi is reached (so there is no "next VFAT"), there must be some kind of error printRed("ERROR: exceeding VFAT position on the GEB") printYellow("word 0x{0:x}".format(word)) printYellow("VFATN: {0}".format(vfatN[0])) printYellow("VFATCH: {0}".format(vfatCH[0])) printYellow("Cluster Size: {0}".format(sbitSize[0])) printYellow("Eta: {0}".format(eta)) printYellow("phi: {0}".format(phi)) break # updating the strip strip[i] = vfat_ch_strips[vfatN[0]]['Strip'][vfatCH[i]] # At this point both strip and ch are updated, going to fill the histos vfat_h_strip[vfatN[0]].Fill(strip[i]) vfat_h_ch[vfatN[0]].Fill(vfatCH[i]) ieta_h_strip[eta].Fill((phi-1)*maxChans+strip[i]) ieta_h_ch[eta].Fill((phi-1)*maxChans+vfatCH[i])
parser.add_argument("--perchannel", action="store_true", help="Run a per-channel sbit rate scan") parser.add_argument("--scanmin", type=int, help="Minimum value of scan parameter", default=0) parser.add_argument("--scanmax", type=int, help="Maximum value of scan parameter", default=255) parser.add_argument("--stepSize", type=int, help="Supply a step size to the scan from scanmin to scanmax", default=1) parser.add_argument("--waitTime", type=int, help="Length of the time window within which the rate is measured, in seconds",default=1) parser.add_argument("--gemType",type=str,help="String that defines the GEM variant, available from the list: {0}".format(gemVariants.keys()),default="ge11") parser.add_argument("--detType",type=str, help="Detector type within gemType. If gemType is 'ge11' then this should be from list {0}; if gemType is 'ge21' then this should be from list {1}; and if type is 'me0' then this should be from the list {2}".format(gemVariants['ge11'],gemVariants['ge21'],gemVariants['me0']),default="short") args = parser.parse_args() from gempython.utils.gemlogger import printRed, printYellow remainder = (args.scanmax-args.scanmin+1) % args.stepSize if remainder != 0: args.scanmax = args.scanmax - remainder printYellow("Reducing scanmax to: {0}".format(args.scanmax)) if args.scanmax > 255: printYellow("CFG_THR_ARM_DAC and CFG_THR_ZCC_DAC only go up to 0xff (255)") printYellow("Current value %i will roll over to 0"%(args.scanmax)) printYellow("Seting scanmax to 255") args.scanmax=255 #determine total time in hours if args.perchannel: totalTime=(args.scanmax-args.scanmin)*(args.chMax-args.chMin)*(1./3600.) print("I see you've asked for a perchannel scan") print("Right now this is done in series, are you sure you want to continue?") print("I expect this will take: %f hours"%totalTime)
def getGEMDBView(view, vfatList=None, debug=False): """ Gets the GEM DB view defined by view for the list of vfats provided by vfatList, or if no vfatList is provided the full view stored in the DB. Returns a pandas dataframe object storing the data read from the DB view - Name of View to retrieve from GEM DB vfatList - list of VFAT Chip ID's, if None the full view is retrieved debug - Prints additional info if true """ # Check to make sure DB $ENV variables exist envCheck("GEM_ONLINE_DB_NAME") envCheck("GEM_ONLINE_DB_CONN") import os if view not in knownViews: from gempython.gemplotting.utils.exceptions import DBViewNotFound raise DBViewNotFound( "{}View {} not in knownViews: {}{}".format(colors.RED, view, knownViews, colors.ENDC), os.EX_USAGE) # Make base query query = ( 'SELECT data.* FROM CMS_GEM_MUON_VIEW.{0} data ' 'INNER JOIN (SELECT vfat3_barcode, MAX(run_number) AS run_number FROM CMS_GEM_MUON_VIEW.{0} GROUP BY vfat3_barcode) data_select ' 'ON data.vfat3_barcode = data_select.vfat3_barcode AND data.run_number = data_select.run_number' ).format(view) # Add a filter on VFAT serial number? if vfatList is not None: query += getVFATFilter(vfatList) pass if debug: print("query = {0}{1}{2}".format(colors.YELLOW, query, colors.ENDC)) pass # get a pandas data frame object containing the db query import cx_Oracle dbName = os.getenv("GEM_ONLINE_DB_NAME") dbConn = os.getenv("GEM_ONLINE_DB_CONN") gemdb = cx_Oracle.connect(dbConn + dbName) dfGEMView = pd.read_sql(query, gemdb) dfGEMView.columns = [str.lower(col) for col in dfGEMView.columns] if debug: print( print("Columns = {}".format(dfGEMView.columns)) print("Read {0} rows from view {1}".format(dfGEMView.shape[0], view)) pass if vfatList is not None: # First warn the user which VFATs are *not* found if len(vfatList) != dfGEMView.shape[0]: printYellow( "Length of returned view does not match length of input vfat List" ) vfatsNotFound = [ "0x{:x}".format(chipId) for chipId in vfatList if "0x{:x}".format(chipId) not in list(dfGEMView['vfat3_ser_num']) ] printYellow("VFATs not found: {0}".format(vfatsNotFound)) pass # Then add a 'vfatN' column to the output df; this increases row # to len(vfatList) dfGEMView = joinOnVFATSerNum(vfatList, dfGEMView) pass return dfGEMView
def launchArgs(shelf, slot, link, run, armDAC, armDACBump, configType, cName, debug=False, gemType="ge11"): dataPath = os.getenv('DATA_PATH') from gempython.vfatqc.utils.qcutilities import getCardName from import HwVFAT cardName = getCardName(shelf, slot) if gemType == "ge11": detType = "short" elif gemType == "ge21": detType = "m1" else: print("GEM types other than GE1/1 and GE2/1 aren't supported yet") os.exit(1) vfatBoard = HwVFAT(cardName, link, debug, gemType, detType) from gempython.vfatqc.utils.namespace import Namespace args = Namespace(applyMasks=False, chConfig=None, compare=False, debug=debug, filename=None, run=run, vt1=armDAC, vt1bump=armDACBump, vt2=0, vfatConfig=None, vfatmask=vfatBoard.parentOH.getVFATMask(), zeroChan=False) from gempython.utils.gemlogger import printYellow if (configType & 0x1): # Set vfatConfig vfatConfig = "{0}/configs/vfatConfig_{1}.txt".format(dataPath, cName) # Channel config if os.path.isfile(chConfig): args.chConfig = chConfig else: print("No channel configuration exists for {0}".format(cName)) # VFAT Config if os.path.isfile(vfatConfig): args.vfatConfig = vfatConfig else: printYellow("No vfat configuration exists for {0}".format(cName)) if ((configType & 0x2) > 0): # Set chConfig and potentially channel masks chConfig = "{0}/configs/chConfig_{1}.txt".format(dataPath, cName) if os.path.isfile(chConfig): args.chConfig = chConfig if ((configType & 0x4) > 0): args.applyMasks = True else: printYellow( "No channel configuration exists for {0}".format(cName)) if ((configType & 0x8) > 0): # Zero all channel registers args.chConfig = None args.applyMasks = False args.zeroChan = True pass from gempython.utils.gemlogger import getGEMLogger import logging gemlogger = getGEMLogger(__name__) gemlogger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) from gempython.vfatqc.utils.confUtils import configure from subprocess import CalledProcessError try: configure(args, vfatBoard) except CalledProcessError as e: print "Caught exception", e pass return
def plotTimeSeriesHV(args,qc8layer): """ Makes time series plots of DCS data points args - namespace obtained from parsing the instane of ArgumentParser in main layer - string, either "top" or "bot" """ # Define known constants knownLayers = [ "Top", "Bot" ] knownElectrodes = [] for idx in range(1,4): for layer in knownLayers: knownElectrodes.append("G{0}{1}".format(idx,layer)) pass pass knownElectrodes.append("Drift") knownObs = [ "Imon", "Vmon", "Status" ] if qc8layer not in knownLayers: raise RuntimeError("Layer '{0}' not understood, known values are {1}".format(qc8layer,knownLayers)) # Try to load all histograms # =================================================== cName = "Chamber{0}_{1}_{2}".format(args.row,args.column,qc8layer) from gempython.gemplotting.utils.anautilities import getCyclicColor from gempython.utils.nesteddict import nesteddict as ndict dict_dcsPlots = ndict() # ["Electrode"]["Obs"] = TObject dict_legend = {} # [Obs] = TLegend for idx,electrode in enumerate(knownElectrodes): for obsData in knownObs: dirName = "{0}/Channel{1}".format(cName,electrode) plotName= "HV_{0}{1}_{2}_UTC_time".format(obsData,cName,electrode) try: dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData] = inF.Get("{0}/{1}".format(dirName,plotName)) if args.debug: print("Loaded plot: {0}/{1}".format(dirName,plotName)) except AttributeError as error: printYellow("Distribution '{0}' not found in input file {1}. Skipping this distribution".format( plotName, args.inputfile)) continue dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData].SetLineColor(getCyclicColor(idx)) dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData].SetMarkerColor(getCyclicColor(idx)) if obsData == "Vmon" or obsData == "Status": dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1e3) if obsData == "Vmon": dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Vmon #left(V #right)") elif obsData == "Imon": dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-2,2) dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Imon #left(uA #right)") if obsData in dict_legend.keys(): dict_legend[obsData].AddEntry(dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData],electrode,"LPE") else: dict_legend[obsData] = r.TLegend(0.7,0.75,0.9,0.9) dict_legend[obsData].AddEntry(dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData],electrode,"LPE") pass pass # Make output TCanvas objects - All Electrodes on one TCanvas per Observable # =================================================== dict_dcsCanvas = {} # ["Obs"] = TObject for obsData in knownObs: dict_dcsCanvas[obsData] = r.TCanvas("canv_{0}_{1}".format(obsData,cName),"{0}: {1}".format(cName,obsData),900,900) pass # Draw the observable onto the corresponding canvas for obsData in knownObs: drawOpt = None dict_dcsCanvas[obsData].cd() for electrode in knownElectrodes: if drawOpt is None: dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData].Draw("ALPE1") drawOpt = "sameLPE1" else: dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData].Draw(drawOpt) pass pass dict_legend[obsData].Draw("same") pass # Make output TCanvas objects - All observables on one TCanvas per Electrode # =================================================== dict_electrodeCanvas = {} # ["Electrode"] = TObject for electrode in knownElectrodes: dict_electrodeCanvas[electrode] = r.TCanvas("canv_{0}_{1}".format(electrode,cName),"{0}: {1}".format(cName,electrode),900,1800) dict_electrodeCanvas[electrode].Divide(1,3) # Draw the observable onto the corresponding canvas for electrode in knownElectrodes: for idx,obsData in enumerate(knownObs): dict_electrodeCanvas[electrode].cd(idx+1) dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData].Draw("ALPE1") pass pass # Make output TCanvas Objects - All electrodes and all observables on one TCanvas # =================================================== canv_Summary = r.TCanvas("canv_Summary_{0}".format(cName),"{0}: Summary".format(cName), 900,1800) canv_Summary.Divide(1,3) # Draw the observable onto the corresponding canvas for idx,obsData in enumerate(knownObs): drawOpt = None for electrode in knownElectrodes: if drawOpt is None: dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData].Draw("ALPE1") drawOpt = "sameLPE1" else: dict_dcsPlots[electrode][obsData].Draw(drawOpt) pass pass dict_legend[obsData].Draw("same") pass # Make an output TFile # =================================================== if args.update: rootOpt = "UPDATE" else: rootOpt = "RECREATE" from gempython.gemplotting.utils.anautilities import getElogPath elogPath = getElogPath() if args.outfilename is None: outF = r.TFile("{0}/DCS_Plots.root".format(elogPath),rootOpt) else: outF = r.TFile(args.outfilename,rootOpt) pass #thisDir = outF.mkdir(cName) outF.mkdir(cName) thisDir = outF.GetDirectory(cName) canv_Summary.Write() canv_Summary.SaveAs("{0}/{1}.png".format(elogPath,canv_Summary.GetName())) for obsData in knownObs: dict_dcsCanvas[obsData].Write() dict_dcsCanvas[obsData].SaveAs("{0}/{1}.png".format(elogPath,dict_dcsCanvas[obsData].GetName())) pass for electrode in knownElectrodes: dict_electrodeCanvas[electrode].Write() dict_electrodeCanvas[electrode].SaveAs("{0}/{1}.png".format(elogPath,dict_electrodeCanvas[electrode].GetName())) pass return