def add_menu_options(self, menu): """ Add options to the menu for the place report. """ category_name = _("Report Options") # Reload filters to pick any new ones CustomFilters = None from Filters import CustomFilters, GenericFilter opt = FilterOption(_("Select using filter"), 0) opt.set_help(_("Select places using a filter")) filter_list = [] filter_list.append(GenericFilter()) filter_list.extend(CustomFilters.get_filters('Place')) opt.set_filters(filter_list) menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", opt) places = PlaceListOption(_("Select places individually")) places.set_help(_("List of places to report on")) menu.add_option(category_name, "places", places) center = EnumeratedListOption(_("Center on"), "Event") center.set_items([("Event", _("Event")), ("Person", _("Person"))]) center.set_help(_("If report is event or person centered")) menu.add_option(category_name, "center", center) incpriv = BooleanOption(_("Include private data"), True) incpriv.set_help(_("Whether to include private data")) menu.add_option(category_name, "incpriv", incpriv)
def add_menu_options(self, menu): """ Add the options for this report """ category_name = _("Report Options") title = StringOption(_('book|Title'), _('Title of the Book')) title.set_help(_("Title string for the book.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "title", title) subtitle = StringOption(_('Subtitle'), _('Subtitle of the Book')) subtitle.set_help(_("Subtitle string for the book.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "subtitle", subtitle) dateinfo = time.localtime(time.time()) #rname = self.__db.get_researcher().get_name() rname = "researcher name" footer_string = _('Copyright %(year)d %(name)s') % { 'year': dateinfo[0], 'name': rname } footer = StringOption(_('Footer'), footer_string) footer.set_help(_("Footer string for the page.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "footer", footer) # Reload filters to pick any new ones CustomFilters = None from Filters import CustomFilters, GenericFilter opt = FilterOption(_("Select using filter"), 0) opt.set_help(_("Select places using a filter")) filter_list = [] filter_list.append(GenericFilter()) filter_list.extend(CustomFilters.get_filters('Source')) opt.set_filters(filter_list) menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", opt) showperson = BooleanOption(_("Show persons"), True) showperson.set_help( _("Whether to show events and persons mentioned in the note")) menu.add_option(category_name, "showperson", showperson)
def add_menu_options(self, menu): """ Add the options for this report """ category_name = _("Report Options") title = StringOption(_('book|Title'), _('Title of the Book') ) title.set_help(_("Title string for the book.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "title", title) subtitle = StringOption(_('Subtitle'), _('Subtitle of the Book') ) subtitle.set_help(_("Subtitle string for the book.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "subtitle", subtitle) dateinfo = time.localtime(time.time()) #rname = self.__db.get_researcher().get_name() rname = "researcher name" footer_string = _('Copyright %(year)d %(name)s') % { 'year' : dateinfo[0], 'name' : rname } footer = StringOption(_('Footer'), footer_string ) footer.set_help(_("Footer string for the page.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "footer", footer) # Reload filters to pick any new ones CustomFilters = None from Filters import CustomFilters, GenericFilter opt = FilterOption(_("Select using filter"), 0) opt.set_help(_("Select places using a filter")) filter_list = [] filter_list.append(GenericFilter()) filter_list.extend(CustomFilters.get_filters('Source')) opt.set_filters(filter_list) menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", opt) showperson = BooleanOption(_("Show persons"), True) showperson.set_help(_("Whether to show events and persons mentioned in the note")) menu.add_option(category_name, "showperson", showperson)
class WordleGramplet(Gramplet): def init(self): self.set_tooltip(_("Double-click surname for details")) self.top_size = 329 # 10 # will be overwritten in load self.set_text(_("No Family Tree loaded.")) def db_changed(self): self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-add', self.update) self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-delete', self.update) self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-update', self.update) self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-rebuild', self.update) self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'family-rebuild', self.update) def on_load(self): if len( > 0: self.top_size = int([0]) def on_save(self): = [self.top_size] def main(self): self.set_text(_("Processing...") + "\n") surnames = {} iter_people = self.dbstate.db.iter_person_handles() self.filter = self.filter_list.get_filter() people = self.filter.apply(self.dbstate.db, iter_people) cnt = 0 for person in imap(self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle, people): allnames = [person.get_primary_name() ] + person.get_alternate_names() allnames = set( [name.get_group_name().strip() for name in allnames]) for surname in allnames: surnames[surname] = surnames.get(surname, 0) + 1 cnt += 1 if not cnt % _YIELD_INTERVAL: yield True total_people = cnt surname_sort = [] total = 0 cnt = 0 for surname in surnames: surname_sort.append((surnames[surname], surname)) total += surnames[surname] cnt += 1 if not cnt % _YIELD_INTERVAL: yield True total_surnames = cnt surname_sort.sort(reverse=True) counts = list(set([pair[0] for pair in surname_sort])) counts.sort(reverse=True) line = 0 ### All done! self.set_text("For Wordle: \n\n") nosurname = _("[Missing]") for (count, surname) in surname_sort: bin = get_bin(count, counts, mins=1, maxs=self.bins.get_value()) text = "%s: %d\n" % ((surname if surname else nosurname), bin) self.append_text(text) line += 1 if line >= self.top_size: break self.append_text( ("\n" + _("Total unique surnames") + ": %d\n") % total_surnames) self.append_text((_("Total people") + ": %d") % total_people, "begin") def build_options(self): from import FilterOption, PersonOption, NumberOption self.bins = NumberOption(_("Number of font sizes"), 5, 1, 10) self.add_option(self.bins) self.filter_list = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0) self.filter_list.set_help(_("Select filter to restrict list")) self.filter_list.connect('value-changed', self.filter_changed) self.add_option(self.filter_list) self.pid_list = PersonOption(_("Filter Person")) self.pid_list.set_help(_("The center person for the filter")) self.pid_list.connect('value-changed', self.update_filters) self.add_option(self.pid_list) self.update_filters() def update_filters(self): """ Update the filter list based on the selected person """ gid = self.pid_list.get_value() try: person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) except: return filters = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, False) self.filter_list.set_filters(filters) def filter_changed(self): """ Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person, disable the person option """ filter_value = self.filter_list.get_value() if 1 <= filter_value <= 4: # Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 rely on the center person self.pid_list.set_available(True) else: # The rest don't self.pid_list.set_available(False)
class CalendarOptions(MenuReportOptions): """ Calendar options for graphic calendar """ def __init__(self, name, dbase): self.__db = dbase self.__pid = None self.__filter = None MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase) def add_menu_options(self, menu): """ Add the options for the graphical calendar """ add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Report Options")) year = NumberOption(_("Year of calendar"), time.localtime()[0], 1000, 3000) year.set_help(_("Year of calendar")) add_option("year", year) self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0) self.__filter.set_help( _("Select filter to restrict people that appear on calendar")) add_option("filter", self.__filter) self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person")) self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report")) add_option("pid", self.__pid) self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters) self.__update_filters() # We must figure out the value of the first option before we can # create the EnumeratedListOption fmt_list = _nd.get_name_format() name_format = EnumeratedListOption(_("Name format"), fmt_list[0][0]) for num, name, fmt_str, act in fmt_list: name_format.add_item(num, name) name_format.set_help(_("Select the format to display names")) add_option("name_format", name_format) country = EnumeratedListOption(_("Country for holidays"), 0) holiday_table = libholiday.HolidayTable() countries = holiday_table.get_countries() countries.sort() if (len(countries) == 0 or (len(countries) > 0 and countries[0] != '')): countries.insert(0, '') count = 0 for c in countries: country.add_item(count, c) count += 1 country.set_help(_("Select the country to see associated holidays")) add_option("country", country) start_dow = EnumeratedListOption(_("First day of week"), 1) for count in range(1, 8): # conversion between gramps numbering (sun=1) and iso numbering (mon=1) of weekdays below start_dow.add_item((count + 5) % 7 + 1, GrampsLocale.long_days[count].capitalize()) start_dow.set_help( _("Select the first day of the week for the calendar")) add_option("start_dow", start_dow) maiden_name = EnumeratedListOption(_("Birthday surname"), "own") maiden_name.add_item( "spouse_first", _("Wives use husband's surname (from first family listed)")) maiden_name.add_item( "spouse_last", _("Wives use husband's surname (from last family listed)")) maiden_name.add_item("own", _("Wives use their own surname")) maiden_name.set_help(_("Select married women's displayed surname")) add_option("maiden_name", maiden_name) alive = BooleanOption(_("Include only living people"), True) alive.set_help(_("Include only living people in the calendar")) add_option("alive", alive) birthdays = BooleanOption(_("Include birthdays"), True) birthdays.set_help(_("Include birthdays in the calendar")) add_option("birthdays", birthdays) anniversaries = BooleanOption(_("Include anniversaries"), True) anniversaries.set_help(_("Include anniversaries in the calendar")) add_option("anniversaries", anniversaries) category_name = _("Text Options") add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Text Options")) text1 = StringOption(_("Text Area 1"), _("My Calendar")) text1.set_help(_("First line of text at bottom of calendar")) add_option("text1", text1) text2 = StringOption(_("Text Area 2"), _("Produced with Gramps")) text2.set_help(_("Second line of text at bottom of calendar")) add_option("text2", text2) text3 = StringOption( _("Text Area 3"), "", ) text3.set_help(_("Third line of text at bottom of calendar")) add_option("text3", text3) def __update_filters(self): """ Update the filter list based on the selected person """ gid = self.__pid.get_value() person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) filter_list = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, False) self.__filter.set_filters(filter_list) def make_my_style(self, default_style, name, description, size=9, font=FONT_SERIF, justified="left", color=None, align=PARA_ALIGN_CENTER, shadow=None, italic=0, bold=0, borders=0, indent=None): """ Create paragraph and graphic styles of the same name """ # Paragraph: f = FontStyle() f.set_size(size) f.set_type_face(font) f.set_italic(italic) f.set_bold(bold) p = ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(f) p.set_alignment(align) p.set_description(description) p.set_top_border(borders) p.set_left_border(borders) p.set_bottom_border(borders) p.set_right_border(borders) if indent: p.set(first_indent=indent) if justified == "left": p.set_alignment(PARA_ALIGN_LEFT) elif justified == "right": p.set_alignment(PARA_ALIGN_RIGHT) elif justified == "center": p.set_alignment(PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) default_style.add_paragraph_style(name, p) # Graphics: g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style(name) if shadow: g.set_shadow(*shadow) if color is not None: g.set_fill_color(color) if not borders: g.set_line_width(0) default_style.add_draw_style(name, g) def make_default_style(self, default_style): """ Add the styles used in this report """ self.make_my_style(default_style, "CAL-Title", _('Title text and background color'), 20, bold=1, italic=1, color=(0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA)) self.make_my_style(default_style, "CAL-Numbers", _('Calendar day numbers'), 13, bold=1) self.make_my_style(default_style, "CAL-Text", _('Daily text display'), 9) self.make_my_style(default_style, "CAL-Holiday", _('Holiday text display'), 9, bold=1, italic=1) self.make_my_style(default_style, "CAL-Daynames", _('Days of the week text'), 12, italic=1, bold=1, color=(0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA)) self.make_my_style(default_style, "CAL-Text1style", _('Text at bottom, line 1'), 12) self.make_my_style(default_style, "CAL-Text2style", _('Text at bottom, line 2'), 12) self.make_my_style(default_style, "CAL-Text3style", _('Text at bottom, line 3'), 9) self.make_my_style(default_style, "CAL-Border", _('Borders'), borders=True)
class RecordsReportOptions(MenuReportOptions): """ Defines options and provides handling interface. """ REGULAR_DATES_ONLY = True TOP_SIZE = 3 def __init__(self, name, dbase): self.__pid = None self.__filter = None self.__db = dbase MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase) def add_menu_options(self, menu): category_name = _("Report Options") self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0) self.__filter.set_help( _("Determines what people are included in the report.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter) self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed) self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person")) self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter")) menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid) self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters) self.__update_filters() callname = EnumeratedListOption(_("Use call name"), _Name_CALLNAME_DONTUSE) callname.set_items([ (_Name_CALLNAME_DONTUSE, _("Don't use call name")), (_Name_CALLNAME_REPLACE, _("Replace first name with call name")), (_Name_CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD, _("Underline call name in first name / add call name to first name" )) ]) menu.add_option(category_name, "callname", callname) footer = StringOption(_("Footer text"), "") menu.add_option(category_name, "footer", footer) for (text, varname, default) in RECORDS: option = BooleanOption(text, default) if varname.startswith('person'): category_name = _("Person Records") elif varname.startswith('family'): category_name = _("Family Records") menu.add_option(category_name, varname, option) def __update_filters(self): """ Update the filter list based on the selected person """ gid = self.__pid.get_value() person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) filter_list = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, False) self.__filter.set_filters(filter_list) def __filter_changed(self): """ Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person, disable the person option """ filter_value = self.__filter.get_value() if filter_value in [1, 2, 3, 4]: # Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 rely on the center person self.__pid.set_available(True) else: # The rest don't self.__pid.set_available(False) def make_default_style(self, default_style): #Paragraph Styles font = FontStyle() font.set_type_face(FONT_SANS_SERIF) font.set_size(16) font.set_bold(True) para = ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_alignment(PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) para.set_description(_("The style used for the report title.")) default_style.add_paragraph_style('REC-Title', para) font = FontStyle() font.set_type_face(FONT_SANS_SERIF) font.set_size(12) font.set_bold(True) para = ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_alignment(PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) para.set_bottom_border(True) para.set_bottom_margin(ReportUtils.pt2cm(8)) para.set_description(_("The style used for the report subtitle.")) default_style.add_paragraph_style('REC-Subtitle', para) font = FontStyle() font.set_size(12) font.set_bold(True) para = ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_top_margin(ReportUtils.pt2cm(6)) para.set_description(_('The style used for headings.')) default_style.add_paragraph_style('REC-Heading', para) font = FontStyle() font.set_size(10) para = ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_left_margin(0.5) para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.')) default_style.add_paragraph_style('REC-Normal', para) font = FontStyle() font.set_size(8) para = ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_alignment(PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) para.set_top_border(True) para.set_top_margin(ReportUtils.pt2cm(8)) para.set_description(_('The style used for the footer.')) default_style.add_paragraph_style('REC-Footer', para)
class TimeLineOptions(MenuReportOptions): def __init__(self, name, dbase): self.__pid = None self.__filter = None self.__db = dbase MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase) def add_menu_options(self, menu): category_name = _("Report Options") self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0) self.__filter.set_help( _("Determines what people are included in the report")) menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter) self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed) self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person")) self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter")) menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid) self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters) self.__update_filters() sortby = EnumeratedListOption(_('Sort by'), 0) idx = 0 for item in _get_sort_functions(Sort.Sort(self.__db)): sortby.add_item(idx, item[0]) idx += 1 sortby.set_help(_("Sorting method to use")) menu.add_option(category_name, "sortby", sortby) def __update_filters(self): """ Update the filter list based on the selected person """ gid = self.__pid.get_value() person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) filter_list = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, False) self.__filter.set_filters(filter_list) def __filter_changed(self): """ Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person, disable the person option """ filter_value = self.__filter.get_value() if filter_value in [1, 2, 3, 4]: # Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 rely on the center person self.__pid.set_available(True) else: # The rest don't self.__pid.set_available(False) def make_default_style(self, default_style): """Make the default output style for the Timeline report.""" # Paragraph Styles f = FontStyle() f.set_size(10) f.set_type_face(FONT_SANS_SERIF) p = ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(f) p.set_description(_("The style used for the person's name.")) default_style.add_paragraph_style("TLG-Name", p) f = FontStyle() f.set_size(8) f.set_type_face(FONT_SANS_SERIF) p = ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(f) p.set_alignment(PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) p.set_description(_("The style used for the year labels.")) default_style.add_paragraph_style("TLG-Label", p) f = FontStyle() f.set_size(14) f.set_type_face(FONT_SANS_SERIF) p = ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(f) p.set_alignment(PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) p.set_description(_("The style used for the title of the page.")) default_style.add_paragraph_style("TLG-Title", p) """ Graphic Styles TLG-grid - 0.5pt wide line dashed line. Used for the lines that make up the grid. TLG-line - 0.5pt wide line. Used for the line connecting two endpoints and for the birth marker. TLG-solid - 0.5pt line with a black fill color. Used for the date of death marker. TLG-text - Contains the TLG-Name paragraph style used for the individual's name. TLG-title - Contains the TLG-Title paragraph style used for the title of the document. TLG-label - Contains the TLG-Label paragraph style used for the year label's in the document. """ g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_line_width(0.5) g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) default_style.add_draw_style("TLG-line", g) g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_line_width(0.5) g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((0, 0, 0)) default_style.add_draw_style("TLG-solid", g) g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_line_width(0.5) g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255)) default_style.add_draw_style("open", g) g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_line_width(0.5) g.set_line_style(DASHED) g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) default_style.add_draw_style("TLG-grid", g) g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style("TLG-Name") g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255)) g.set_line_width(0) default_style.add_draw_style("TLG-text", g) g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style("TLG-Title") g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255)) g.set_line_width(0) default_style.add_draw_style("TLG-title", g) g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style("TLG-Label") g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255)) g.set_line_width(0) default_style.add_draw_style("TLG-label", g)
class WordleGramplet(Gramplet): def init(self): self.set_tooltip(_("Double-click surname for details")) self.top_size = 329 # 10 # will be overwritten in load self.set_text(_("No Family Tree loaded.")) def db_changed(self): self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-add', self.update) self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-delete', self.update) self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-update', self.update) self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-rebuild', self.update) self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'family-rebuild', self.update) def on_load(self): if len( > 0: self.top_size = int([0]) def on_save(self): = [self.top_size] def main(self): self.set_text(_("Processing...") + "\n") surnames = {} iter_people = self.dbstate.db.iter_person_handles() self.filter = self.filter_list.get_filter() people = self.filter.apply(self.dbstate.db, iter_people) cnt = 0 for person in imap(self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle, people): allnames = [person.get_primary_name()] + person.get_alternate_names() allnames = set([name.get_group_name().strip() for name in allnames]) for surname in allnames: surnames[surname] = surnames.get(surname, 0) + 1 cnt += 1 if not cnt % _YIELD_INTERVAL: yield True total_people = cnt surname_sort = [] total = 0 cnt = 0 for surname in surnames: surname_sort.append( (surnames[surname], surname) ) total += surnames[surname] cnt += 1 if not cnt % _YIELD_INTERVAL: yield True total_surnames = cnt surname_sort.sort(reverse=True) counts = list(set([pair[0] for pair in surname_sort])) counts.sort(reverse=True) line = 0 ### All done! self.set_text("For Wordle: \n\n") nosurname = _("[Missing]") for (count, surname) in surname_sort: bin = get_bin(count, counts, mins=1, maxs=self.bins.get_value()) text = "%s: %d\n" % ((surname if surname else nosurname), bin) self.append_text(text) line += 1 if line >= self.top_size: break self.append_text(("\n" + _("Total unique surnames") + ": %d\n") % total_surnames) self.append_text((_("Total people") + ": %d") % total_people, "begin") def build_options(self): from import FilterOption, PersonOption, NumberOption self.bins = NumberOption(_("Number of font sizes"), 5, 1, 10) self.add_option(self.bins) self.filter_list = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0) self.filter_list.set_help(_("Select filter to restrict list")) self.filter_list.connect('value-changed', self.filter_changed) self.add_option(self.filter_list) self.pid_list = PersonOption(_("Filter Person")) self.pid_list.set_help(_("The center person for the filter")) self.pid_list.connect('value-changed', self.update_filters) self.add_option(self.pid_list) self.update_filters() def update_filters(self): """ Update the filter list based on the selected person """ gid = self.pid_list.get_value() try: person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) except: return filters = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, False) self.filter_list.set_filters(filters) def filter_changed(self): """ Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person, disable the person option """ filter_value = self.filter_list.get_value() if 1 <= filter_value <= 4: # Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 rely on the center person self.pid_list.set_available(True) else: # The rest don't self.pid_list.set_available(False)
class StatisticsChartOptions(MenuReportOptions): def __init__(self, name, dbase): self.__pid = None self.__filter = None self.__db = dbase MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase) def add_menu_options(self, menu): """ Add options to the menu for the statistics report. """ ################################ add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Report Options")) ################################ self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0) self.__filter.set_help( _("Determines what people are included in the report.")) add_option("filter", self.__filter) self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed) self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person")) self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter.")) add_option("pid", self.__pid) self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters) self.__update_filters() sortby = EnumeratedListOption(_('Sort chart items by'), _options.SORT_VALUE) for item_idx in range(len(_options.sorts)): item = _options.sorts[item_idx] sortby.add_item(item_idx, item[2]) sortby.set_help(_("Select how the statistical data is sorted.")) add_option("sortby", sortby) reverse = BooleanOption(_("Sort in reverse order"), False) reverse.set_help(_("Check to reverse the sorting order.")) add_option("reverse", reverse) this_year = time.localtime()[0] year_from = NumberOption(_("People Born After"), 1700, 1, this_year) year_from.set_help(_("Birth year from which to include people.")) add_option("year_from", year_from) year_to = NumberOption(_("People Born Before"), this_year, 1, this_year) year_to.set_help(_("Birth year until which to include people")) add_option("year_to", year_to) no_years = BooleanOption(_("Include people without known birth years"), False) no_years.set_help( _("Whether to include people without " "known birth years.")) add_option("no_years", no_years) gender = EnumeratedListOption(_('Genders included'), Person.UNKNOWN) for item_idx in range(len(_options.genders)): item = _options.genders[item_idx] gender.add_item(item[0], item[2]) gender.set_help( _("Select which genders are included into " "statistics.")) add_option("gender", gender) bar_items = NumberOption(_("Max. items for a pie"), 8, 0, 20) bar_items.set_help( _("With fewer items pie chart and legend will be " "used instead of a bar chart.")) add_option("bar_items", bar_items) # ------------------------------------------------- # List of available charts on separate option tabs idx = 0 half = (len(_Extract.extractors)) / 2 self.charts = {} for key in _Extract.extractors: if idx < half: category_name = _("Charts 1") else: category_name = _("Charts 2") opt = BooleanOption(_Extract.extractors[key][1], False) opt.set_help(_("Include charts with indicated data.")) menu.add_option(category_name, key, opt) idx += 1 # Enable a couple of charts by default menu.get_option_by_name("data_gender").set_value(True) menu.get_option_by_name("data_ccount").set_value(True) menu.get_option_by_name("data_bmonth").set_value(True) def __update_filters(self): """ Update the filter list based on the selected person """ gid = self.__pid.get_value() person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) filter_list = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, False) self.__filter.set_filters(filter_list) def __filter_changed(self): """ Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person, disable the person option """ filter_value = self.__filter.get_value() if filter_value in [1, 2, 3, 4]: # Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 rely on the center person self.__pid.set_available(True) else: # The rest don't self.__pid.set_available(False) def make_default_style(self, default_style): """Make the default output style for the Statistics report.""" # Paragraph Styles f = FontStyle() f.set_size(10) f.set_type_face(FONT_SERIF) p = ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(f) p.set_alignment(PARA_ALIGN_LEFT) p.set_description(_("The style used for the items and values.")) default_style.add_paragraph_style("SC-Text", p) f = FontStyle() f.set_size(14) f.set_type_face(FONT_SANS_SERIF) p = ParagraphStyle() p.set_font(f) p.set_alignment(PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) p.set_description(_("The style used for the title of the page.")) default_style.add_paragraph_style("SC-Title", p) """ Graphic Styles: SC-title - Contains the SC-Title paragraph style used for the title of the document SC-text - Contains the SC-Name paragraph style used for the individual's name SC-color-N - The colors for drawing pies. SC-bar - A red bar with 0.5pt black line. """ g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style("SC-Title") g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255)) g.set_line_width(0) default_style.add_draw_style("SC-title", g) g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style("SC-Text") g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255)) g.set_line_width(0) default_style.add_draw_style("SC-text", g) width = 0.8 # red g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style('SC-Text') g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((255, 0, 0)) g.set_line_width(width) default_style.add_draw_style("SC-color-0", g) # orange g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style('SC-Text') g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((255, 158, 33)) g.set_line_width(width) default_style.add_draw_style("SC-color-1", g) # green g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style('SC-Text') g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((0, 178, 0)) g.set_line_width(width) default_style.add_draw_style("SC-color-2", g) # violet g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style('SC-Text') g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((123, 0, 123)) g.set_line_width(width) default_style.add_draw_style("SC-color-3", g) # yellow g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style('SC-Text') g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((255, 255, 0)) g.set_line_width(width) default_style.add_draw_style("SC-color-4", g) # blue g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style('SC-Text') g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((0, 105, 214)) g.set_line_width(width) default_style.add_draw_style("SC-color-5", g) # gray g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style('SC-Text') g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((210, 204, 210)) g.set_line_width(width) default_style.add_draw_style("SC-color-6", g) g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((255, 0, 0)) g.set_line_width(width) default_style.add_draw_style("SC-bar", g) # legend g = GraphicsStyle() g.set_paragraph_style('SC-Text') g.set_color((0, 0, 0)) g.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255)) g.set_line_width(0) default_style.add_draw_style("SC-legend", g)
class SortEventOptions(MenuToolOptions): """ Define options and provides handling interface. """ def __init__(self, name, person_id=None, dbstate=None): self.__db = dbstate.get_database() MenuToolOptions.__init__(self, name, person_id, dbstate) def add_menu_options(self, menu): """ Define the options for the menu. """ category_name = _("Tool Options") self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0) self.__filter.set_help(_("Select the people to sort")) menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter) self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed) self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person")) self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter")) menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid) self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters) self.__update_filters() sort_by = EnumeratedListOption(_('Sort by'), 0) idx = 0 for item in _get_sort_functions(Sort.Sort(self.__db)): sort_by.add_item(idx, item[0]) idx += 1 sort_by.set_help(_("Sorting method to use")) menu.add_option(category_name, "sort_by", sort_by) sort_desc = BooleanOption(_("Sort descending"), False) sort_desc.set_help(_("Set the sort order")) menu.add_option(category_name, "sort_desc", sort_desc) family_events = BooleanOption(_("Include family events"), True) family_events.set_help(_("Sort family events of the person")) menu.add_option(category_name, "family_events", family_events) def __filter_changed(self): """ Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person, disable the person option """ filter_value = self.__filter.get_value() if filter_value in [1, 2, 3, 4]: # Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 rely on the center person self.__pid.set_available(True) else: # The rest don't self.__pid.set_available(False) def __update_filters(self): """ Update the filter list based on the selected person """ gid = self.__pid.get_value() person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) filter_list = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, False) self.__filter.set_filters(filter_list)
class IndivCompleteOptions(MenuReportOptions): """ Defines options and provides handling interface. """ def __init__(self, name, dbase): self.__db = dbase self.__pid = None self.__filter = None MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase) def add_menu_options(self, menu): ################################ category_name = _("Report Options") ################################ self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0) self.__filter.set_help( _("Select the filter to be applied to the report.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter) self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed) self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person")) self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid) self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters) # We must figure out the value of the first option before we can # create the EnumeratedListOption fmt_list = global_name_display.get_name_format() name_format = EnumeratedListOption(_("Name format"), 0) name_format.add_item(0, _("Default")) for num, name, fmt_str, act in fmt_list: name_format.add_item(num, name) name_format.set_help(_("Select the format to display names")) menu.add_option(category_name, "name_format", name_format) self.__update_filters() sort = BooleanOption(_("List events chronologically"), True) sort.set_help(_("Whether to sort events into chronological order.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "sort", sort) pageben = BooleanOption(_("Page break before end notes"), False) pageben.set_help( _("Whether to start a new page before the end notes.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "pageben", pageben) cites = BooleanOption(_("Include Source Information"), True) cites.set_help(_("Whether to cite sources.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "cites", cites) incsrcnotes = BooleanOption(_("Include sources notes"), False) incsrcnotes.set_help( _("Whether to include source notes in the " "Endnotes section. Only works if Include sources is selected.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "incsrcnotes", incsrcnotes) images = BooleanOption(_("Include Photo/Images from Gallery"), True) images.set_help(_("Whether to include images.")) menu.add_option(category_name, "images", images) ################################ category_name = SECTION_CATEGORY ################################ opt = BooleanListOption(_("Event groups")) opt.set_help(_("Check if a separate section is required.")) for section in SECTION_LIST: if section != SECTION_LIST[0]: opt.add_button(section, True) menu.add_option(category_name, "sections", opt) def __update_filters(self): """ Update the filter list based on the selected person """ gid = self.__pid.get_value() person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) filter_list = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, True) self.__filter.set_filters(filter_list) def __filter_changed(self): """ Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person, disable the person option """ filter_value = self.__filter.get_value() if filter_value in [0, 2, 3, 4, 5]: # Filters 0, 2, 3, 4 and 5 rely on the center person self.__pid.set_available(True) else: # The rest don't self.__pid.set_available(False) def make_default_style(self, default_style): """Make the default output style for the Individual Complete Report.""" # Paragraph Styles font = FontStyle() font.set_bold(1) font.set_type_face(FONT_SANS_SERIF) font.set_size(16) para = ParagraphStyle() para.set_alignment(PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) para.set_top_margin(ReportUtils.pt2cm(8)) para.set_bottom_margin(ReportUtils.pt2cm(8)) para.set_font(font) para.set_description(_("The style used for the title of the page.")) default_style.add_paragraph_style("IDS-Title", para) font = FontStyle() font.set_bold(1) font.set_type_face(FONT_SANS_SERIF) font.set_size(12) font.set_italic(1) para = ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_top_margin(ReportUtils.pt2cm(3)) para.set_bottom_margin(ReportUtils.pt2cm(3)) para.set_description(_("The style used for category labels.")) default_style.add_paragraph_style("IDS-TableTitle", para) font = FontStyle() font.set_bold(1) font.set_type_face(FONT_SANS_SERIF) font.set_size(12) para = ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_top_margin(ReportUtils.pt2cm(3)) para.set_bottom_margin(ReportUtils.pt2cm(3)) para.set_description(_("The style used for the spouse's name.")) default_style.add_paragraph_style("IDS-Spouse", para) font = FontStyle() font.set_size(12) para = ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_top_margin(ReportUtils.pt2cm(3)) para.set_bottom_margin(ReportUtils.pt2cm(3)) para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.')) default_style.add_paragraph_style("IDS-Normal", para) # Table Styles tbl = TableStyle() tbl.set_width(100) tbl.set_columns(2) tbl.set_column_width(0, 20) tbl.set_column_width(1, 80) default_style.add_table_style("IDS-IndTable", tbl) tbl = TableStyle() tbl.set_width(100) tbl.set_columns(2) tbl.set_column_width(0, 50) tbl.set_column_width(1, 50) default_style.add_table_style("IDS-ParentsTable", tbl) cell = TableCellStyle() cell.set_top_border(1) cell.set_bottom_border(1) default_style.add_cell_style("IDS-TableHead", cell) cell = TableCellStyle() default_style.add_cell_style("IDS-NormalCell", cell) cell = TableCellStyle() cell.set_longlist(1) default_style.add_cell_style("IDS-ListCell", cell) tbl = TableStyle() tbl.set_width(100) tbl.set_columns(3) tbl.set_column_width(0, 20) tbl.set_column_width(1, 40) tbl.set_column_width(2, 40) default_style.add_table_style('IDS-PersonTable', tbl) Endnotes.add_endnote_styles(default_style)
class RelGraphOptions(MenuReportOptions): """ Defines options and provides handling interface. """ def __init__(self, name, dbase): self.__pid = None self.__filter = None self.__show_relships = None self.__show_GaGb = None self.__include_images = None self.__image_on_side = None self.__db = dbase MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase) def add_menu_options(self, menu): ################################ add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Report Options")) ################################ self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0) self.__filter.set_help( _("Determines what people are included in the graph")) add_option("filter", self.__filter) self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed) self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person")) self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report")) add_option("pid", self.__pid) self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters) self.__update_filters() self.incdate = BooleanOption( _("Include Birth, Marriage and Death dates"), True) self.incdate.set_help( _("Include the dates that the individual was " "born, got married and/or died in the graph labels.")) add_option("incdate", self.incdate) self.incdate.connect('value-changed', self.__include_dates_changed) self.justyears = BooleanOption(_("Limit dates to years only"), False) self.justyears.set_help( _("Prints just dates' year, neither " "month or day nor date approximation " "or interval are shown.")) add_option("justyears", self.justyears) use_place = BooleanOption(_("Use place when no date"), True) use_place.set_help( _("When no birth, marriage, or death date is " "available, the correspondent place field " "will be used.")) add_option("use_place", use_place) url = BooleanOption(_("Include URLs"), False) url.set_help( _("Include a URL in each graph node so " "that PDF and imagemap files can be " "generated that contain active links " "to the files generated by the 'Narrated " "Web Site' report.")) add_option("url", url) incid = BooleanOption(_("Include IDs"), False) incid.set_help(_("Include individual and family IDs.")) add_option("incid", incid) self.__show_relships = BooleanOption( _("Include relationship to center person"), False) self.__show_relships.set_help( _("Whether to show every " "person's relationship to the center person")) add_option("increlname", self.__show_relships) self.__show_relships.connect('value-changed', self.__show_relships_changed) if __debug__: self.__show_GaGb = BooleanOption( _("Include relationship " "debugging numbers also"), False) self.__show_GaGb.set_help( _("Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' " "also, to debug the relationship calculator")) add_option("advrelinfo", self.__show_GaGb) self.__include_images = BooleanOption( _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False) self.__include_images.set_help( _("Whether to include thumbnails of people.")) add_option("includeImages", self.__include_images) self.__include_images.connect('value-changed', self.__image_changed) self.__image_on_side = EnumeratedListOption(_("Thumbnail Location"), 0) self.__image_on_side.add_item(0, _('Above the name')) self.__image_on_side.add_item(1, _('Beside the name')) self.__image_on_side.set_help( _("Where the thumbnail image should appear " "relative to the name")) add_option("imageOnTheSide", self.__image_on_side) ################################ add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Graph Style")) ################################ color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), 'filled') for i in range(0, len(_COLORS)): color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"]) color.set_help( _("Males will be shown with blue, females " "with red. If the sex of an individual " "is unknown it will be shown with gray.")) add_option("color", color) color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff') color_males.set_help(_('The colour to use to display men.')) add_option('colormales', color_males) color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0') color_females.set_help(_('The colour to use to display women.')) add_option('colorfemales', color_females) color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0') color_unknown.set_help( _('The colour to use when the gender is unknown.')) add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown) color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0') color_family.set_help(_('The colour to use to display families.')) add_option('colorfamilies', color_family) arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'd') for i in range(0, len(_ARROWS)): arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"]) arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point.")) add_option("arrow", arrow) roundedcorners = BooleanOption( # see bug report #2180 _("Use rounded corners"), False) roundedcorners.set_help( _("Use rounded corners to differentiate " "between women and men.")) add_option("useroundedcorners", roundedcorners) dashed = BooleanOption( _("Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines"), True) dashed.set_help( _("Non-birth relationships will show up " "as dotted lines in the graph.")) add_option("dashed", dashed) showfamily = BooleanOption(_("Show family nodes"), True) showfamily.set_help( _("Families will show up as ellipses, linked " "to parents and children.")) add_option("showfamily", showfamily) def __update_filters(self): """ Update the filter list based on the selected person """ gid = self.__pid.get_value() person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid) filter_list = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person, False) self.__filter.set_filters(filter_list) def __include_dates_changed(self): """ Enable/disable menu items if dates are required """ if self.incdate.get_value(): self.justyears.set_available(True) else: self.justyears.set_available(False) def __filter_changed(self): """ Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person, disable the person option """ filter_value = self.__filter.get_value() if filter_value in [1, 2, 3, 4]: # Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 rely on the center person self.__pid.set_available(True) elif self.__show_relships and self.__show_relships.get_value(): self.__pid.set_available(True) else: # The rest don't self.__pid.set_available(False) def __image_changed(self): """ Handle thumbnail change. If the image is not to be included, make the image location option unavailable. """ self.__image_on_side.set_available(self.__include_images.get_value()) def __show_relships_changed(self): """ Enable/disable menu items if relationships are required """ if self.__show_GaGb: self.__show_GaGb.set_available(self.__show_relships.get_value()) self.__filter_changed()