예제 #1
파일: main.py 프로젝트: wangdi2014/DNApy
    def open_file(self, evt):
        '''Function for opening file'''
        self.dir_to_open = default_filepath
        self.dir_to_open = os.path.dirname(
                inspect.currentframe())))  #current script directory
        dlg = wx.FileDialog(self,
                            style=wx.OPEN | wx.FILE_MUST_EXIST,
                            wildcard='GenBank files (*.gb)|*|Any file (*)|*')

        if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
            return  # the user does not want to open that file!

        genbank.gb.fileName = dlg.GetFilename()
        all_path = dlg.GetPath()
        dire = dlg.GetDirectory()

        if (genbank.gb.fileName == None or genbank.gb.fileName == ""):
            return 1

        name, extension = genbank.gb.fileName.split('.')
        if extension.lower() == 'gb':
            genbank.gb = genbank.gbobject(
                all_path)  #make a genbank object and read file

            self.SetTitle(genbank.gb.fileName + ' - DNApy')
            if genbank.gb.clutter == True:  #if tags from ApE or Vector NTI is found in file
                dlg = wx.MessageDialog(
                    style=wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL,
                    'This file contains tags from the Vector NTI or ApE programs. Keeping these tags may break compatibility with other software. Removing them will clean up the file, but may result in the loss of some personalized styling options when this file is viewed in Vector NTI or ApE. Do you wish to REMOVE these tags?'
                result = dlg.ShowModal()
                if result == wx.ID_YES:  #if yes, remove clutter

            #enable the tools
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(502, True)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(503, True)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(504, True)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(505, True)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(506, True)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(511, True)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(512, True)
            self.fileopen = True


            print("error, not a gb file")

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI, self.update_statusbar)

        # update gui to find eestriction sites etc
예제 #2
파일: dna.py 프로젝트: Freddiedud/DNApy
def NCBIfetchGB(id):
	Same as NCBIfetch, but instead of returning a text string it returns a genbank object.
	file = NCBIfetch(id).split('\n') #get file and split it
	file = [x+'\n' for x in file] #add back the linebreaks
	x = genbank.gbobject()
	return x
예제 #3
파일: main.py 프로젝트: Cersad/DNApy
	def open_file(self, evt):
		'''Function for opening file'''
		self.dir_to_open = default_filepath
		self.dir_to_open = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) #current script directory
		dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, style=wx.OPEN|wx.FILE_MUST_EXIST,   defaultDir=self.dir_to_open ,wildcard='GenBank files (*.gb)|*|Any file (*)|*')

		if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
			return     # the user does not want to open that file!

		genbank.gb.fileName = dlg.GetFilename()

		if(genbank.gb.fileName == None or genbank.gb.fileName == "" ):
			return 1

		name, extension = genbank.gb.fileName.split('.')
		if extension.lower() == 'gb':
			genbank.gb = genbank.gbobject(all_path) #make a genbank object and read file

			self.SetTitle(genbank.gb.fileName+' - DNApy')
			if genbank.gb.clutter == True: #if tags from ApE or Vector NTI is found in file
				dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, style=wx.YES_NO|wx.CANCEL, message='This file contains tags from the Vector NTI or ApE programs. Keeping these tags may break compatibility with other software. Removing them will clean up the file, but may result in the loss of some personalized styling options when this file is viewed in Vector NTI or ApE. Do you wish to REMOVE these tags?')
				result = dlg.ShowModal()
				if result == wx.ID_YES: #if yes, remove clutter

			#enable the tools
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(502, True)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(503, True)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(504, True)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(505, True)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(506, True)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(511, True)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(512, True)
			self.fileopen = True


			print("error, not a gb file")

		self.Bind(wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI, self.update_statusbar)

		# update gui to find eestriction sites etc
예제 #4
파일: main.py 프로젝트: MedziMatyas/DNApy
	def new_file(self, evt):
		'''Create new gb file'''
		if self.fileopen == False: #if no file is open, make blank gb file
			genbank.gb = genbank.gbobject() #make new gb in panel	

			self.SetTitle('NewFile - DNApy')
#			self.page_change("")

			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(502, 1)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(503, 1)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(504, 1)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(505, 1)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(506, 1)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(511, 1)
			self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(512, 1)
			self.Bind(wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI, self.update_statusbar)
			self.fileopen = True

		elif self.fileopen == True: #if a file IS open, make a new window
			subprocess.Popen("python ~/Python_files/DNApy/main.py 1", shell=True) #this needs a fix for windows
예제 #5
    def new_file(self, evt):
        '''Create new gb file'''
        if self.fileopen == False:  #if no file is open, make blank gb file
            genbank.gb = genbank.gbobject()  #make new gb in panel

            self.SetTitle('NewFile - DNApy')
            #			self.page_change("")

            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(502, 1)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(503, 1)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(504, 1)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(505, 1)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(506, 1)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(511, 1)
            self.frame_1_toolbar.EnableTool(512, 1)
            self.Bind(wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI, self.update_statusbar)
            self.fileopen = True

# TODO fix the weird paths
        elif self.fileopen == True:  #if a file IS open, make a new window
            subprocess.Popen("python ~/Python_files/DNApy/main.py 1",
                             shell=True)  #this needs a fix for windows
예제 #6
		frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, title="Feature Edit", size=(700,300))
		panel =	FeatureEdit(frame, -1)
		return True

if __name__ == '__main__': #if script is run by itself and not loaded	

	files={}   #list with all configuration files
	files['default_dir'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))+"/"
	files['default_dir']=string.replace(files['default_dir'], "\\", "/")
	files['default_dir']=string.replace(files['default_dir'], "library.zip", "")
	settings=files['default_dir']+"settings"   ##path to the file of the global settings
	execfile(settings) #gets all the pre-assigned settings

	genbank.dna_selection = (0, 0)	 #variable for storing current DNA selection
	genbank.feature_selection = False #variable for storing current feature selection

	import sys
	assert len(sys.argv) == 3, 'Error, this script requires a path to a genbank file and a feature index (integer) as an argument.'
	print('Opening %s' % str(sys.argv[1]))

	genbank.gb = genbank.gbobject(str(sys.argv[1])) #make a genbank object and read file
	genbank.feature_selection = sys.argv[2]

	app = MyApp(0)

예제 #7
		panel = DNAedit(frame, -1)
		return True

if __name__ == '__main__': #if script is run by itself and not loaded	

	files={}   #list with all configuration files
	files['default_dir'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))+"/"
	files['default_dir']=string.replace(files['default_dir'], "\\", "/")
	files['default_dir']=string.replace(files['default_dir'], "library.zip", "")
	settings=files['default_dir']+"settings"   ##path to the file of the global settings
	exec(compile(open(settings).read(), settings, 'exec')) #gets all the pre-assigned settings

	genbank.dna_selection = (0, 0, -1)	 #variable for storing current DNA selection
	genbank.feature_selection = False #variable for storing current feature selection
	genbank.search_hits = []
	import sys
	assert len(sys.argv) == 2, 'Error, this script requires a path to a genbank file as an argument.'
	print(('Opening %s' % str(sys.argv[1])))

	genbank.gb = genbank.gbobject(str(sys.argv[1])) #make a genbank object and read file

	app = MyApp(0)