def _setup_eth(eth, bond): ''' Setup the eth interface to be included in a bond. ''' filename = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + eth mac = general.get_config_value(filename, "HWADDR") general.store_file(filename, """DEVICE="%s" HWADDR=%s MASTER=%s SLAVE=yes NM_CONTROLLED="no" ONBOOT=yes USERCTL=no HOTPLUG=no BOOTPROTO=none """ % (eth, mac, bond))
def setup_eth(eth, bond): ''' Setup the eth interface to be included in a bond. ''' app.print_verbose( "Setup the eth interface {0} to be included in {1}.".format(eth, bond)) filename = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + eth mac = general.get_config_value(filename, "HWADDR") general.store_file( filename, """# Generated by syco DEVICE="%s" HWADDR=%s MASTER=%s SLAVE=yes NM_CONTROLLED="no" ONBOOT=yes USERCTL=no HOTPLUG=no BOOTPROTO=none """ % (eth, mac, bond))
def setup_eth(eth, bond): ''' Setup the eth interface to be included in a bond. ''' app.print_verbose( "Setup the eth interface {0} to be included in {1}.".format( eth, bond ) ) filename = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + eth mac = general.get_config_value(filename, "HWADDR") general.store_file(filename, """# Generated by syco DEVICE="%s" HWADDR=%s MASTER=%s SLAVE=yes NM_CONTROLLED="no" ONBOOT=yes USERCTL=no HOTPLUG=no BOOTPROTO=none """ % (eth, mac, bond))