예제 #1
def centralized_graphical_lasso(X, D, alpha=0.01, max_iter=100, convg_threshold=0.001):
    """ This function computes the graphical lasso algorithm as outlined in Sparse inverse covariance estimation with the
        graphical lasso (2007).
        X: the data matrix, size (nxd)
        alpha: the coefficient of penalization, higher values means more sparseness.
        max_iter: maximum number of iterations
        convg_threshold: Stop the algorithm when the duality gap is below a certain threshold.

    if alpha == 0:
        return cov_estimator(X)
    n_features = X.shape[1]

    mle_estimate_ = cov_estimator(X)
    covariance_ = mle_estimate_.copy()
    precision_ = np.linalg.pinv(mle_estimate_)
    indices = np.arange(n_features)
    for i in xrange(max_iter):
        for n in range(n_features):
            sub_estimate = covariance_[indices != n].T[indices != n]
            row = mle_estimate_[n, indices != n]
            # solve the lasso problem
            # Not now DAAAAAAAAARLING! lez do the generalized lasso instead
            # _, _, coefs_ = lars_path( sub_estimate, row, Xy = row, Gram = sub_estimate,
            #                            alpha_min = alpha/(n_features-1.),
            #                            method = "lars")
            # coefs_ = coefs_[:,-1] #just the last please.
            # clf = linear_model.Lasso(alpha=alpha)
            # clf.fit(sub_estimate, row)
            # coefs_ = clf.coef_
            coefs_ = generalized_lasso(sub_estimate, row, D, alpha)
            # update the precision matrix.
            precision_[n, n] = 1.0 / (covariance_[n, n] - np.dot(covariance_[indices != n, n], coefs_))
            precision_[indices != n, n] = -precision_[n, n] * coefs_
            precision_[n, indices != n] = -precision_[n, n] * coefs_
            temp_coefs = np.dot(sub_estimate, coefs_)
            covariance_[n, indices != n] = temp_coefs
            covariance_[indices != n, n] = temp_coefs

        print "Finished iteration %s" % i
        # if test_convergence( old_estimate_, new_estimate_, mle_estimate_, convg_threshold):
        if np.abs(_dual_gap(mle_estimate_, precision_, alpha)) < convg_threshold:
        # this triggers if not break command occurs
        print "The algorithm did not coverge. Try increasing the max number of iterations."

    return covariance_, precision_
예제 #2
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: dimenwarper/gett
from generalized_lasso import generalized_lasso
from graphical_lasso import centralized_graphical_lasso
from matplotlib.pylab  import *
import gett.io

print 'Testing generalized_lasso'
A = randn(4,40)
y = randn(4)
D = rand(3,40)
def lasso_fun(x):
    return norm(dot(A,x) - y) + abs(dot(D, x).sum())

res = generalized_lasso(A, y, D, 1)
print 'Lasso result, evaluated in lasso function: %s' % lasso_fun(res)
print 'Random number, evaluated in lasso function: %s' % lasso_fun(randn(len(res)))

print 'Testing centralized_graphical_lasso'
# Read the heart failure eqtl dataset!
#samples, genenames, Mexp = gett.io.read_expression_matrix(open('../hf_eqtl/full_exp_varcutoff_50.txt'))
print 'Finished reading'
Mexp = randn(400,20000)
D = eye(Mexp.shape[0])
covariance, precision = centralized_graphical_lasso(Mexp.T, D, max_iter=1000)
print covariance
print precision