def test_shanks_middle(numOfTests: int, numOfBits: list, randSeed=0, centered=True): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt seed(randSeed) giant_steps_class_list, times_clasic = [], [] giant_steps_centered_list, times_centered = [], [] for bits in numOfBits: time_clas, time_cent = [], [] giant_clas, giant_cent = [], [] for iter in range(numOfTests): p, g, exp, h = gnp.logarithm_test_numbers(bits, centered) # print("iter:", iter) t = timer() x_c, _, giant_steps_c, _ = shanks_classic(g, h, p, p - 1) giant_clas.append(giant_steps_c) passed_time = (timer() - t) * 1000 time_clas.append(passed_time) # print(f"C_passed x:{x_c}, exp:{exp}, sm:{small_steps_c}, gs:{giant_steps_c} time:{passed_time:.3f}") t = timer() x_m, _, giant_steps_m = shanks_centered(g, h, p, p - 1) giant_cent.append(giant_steps_m) passed_time = (timer() - t) * 1000 time_cent.append(passed_time) # print(f"M_passed x:{x_c}, exp:{exp}, sm:{small_steps_m}, gs:{giant_steps_m} time:{passed_time:.3f} \n") print() giant_steps_class_list.append(avg(giant_clas)) giant_steps_centered_list.append(avg(giant_cent)) times_clasic.append(avg(time_clas)) times_centered.append(avg(time_cent))
def test_pohlig_primes(bitlist: list, algQe_type=pohlig_hellman_alg, solver='shanks', shanks_type='classic', pollard_cycle='brent', pollard_func='teske', rand_seed=0): seed(rand_seed) if solver == 'shanks': Solver = partial(Shanks, type=shanks_type, r=2.25) else: Solver = partial(pollard_rho, cycle=pollard_cycle, func=pollard_func, rand_seed=rand_seed) for ind, bits in enumerate(bitlist): p, g, exp, h = logarithm_test_numbers(bits, silvPohHell=True) print(list(factorint(p - 1).keys())[-1], countBits(p)) t = timer() x = silver_pohlig_hellman_alg(g, h, p, fact=factorint, qeAlg=algQe_type, solver=Solver) if x != exp: print("WRONG!") print(f"Bits: {bits}, time: {(timer() - t) * 1000: .4f}")
def test_shanks(numOfTests: int, numOfBits: int, type: str, r=2): times = [] for _ in range(numOfTests): p, g, e, h = gnp.logarithm_test_numbers(1, numOfBits) if type == 'c': t_start = time.time() x, small_steps, giant_steps = Shanks_ordin_cunoscut( g[0], h[0], p[0], p[0] - 1) elif type == 'g': t_start = time.time() x, small_steps, giant_steps = Shanks_general( g[0], h[0], p[0], p[0] - 1, r) else: l, m = optim_factors(p[0] - 1) t_start = time.time() x, small_steps, giant_steps = Shanks_factor(g[0], h[0], p[0], l, m) t_stop = time.time() if e[0] != x: print(f"e:{e[0]} x:{x}") else: t = (t_stop - t_start) / 1000 times.append(t) print( f"Test passed! p:{p[0]}, time:{t:.7f} ms, small_steps:{small_steps} giant_steps:{giant_steps}" ) print(f"Avg time:{avg(times)}")
def test_pollard(numOfTests: int, listOfBits: list, contests: dict, img_path: str, rand_seeds=[0]): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from itertools import cycle marker = cycle(rand.sample(Line2D.markers.keys(), len(contests))) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.05) times = [[[0 for _ in rand_seeds] for _ in contests] for _ in listOfBits] times_avg = [[0 for _ in contests] for _ in listOfBits] iterations = [[[0 for _ in rand_seeds] for _ in contests] for _ in listOfBits] iterations_avg = [[0 for _ in contests] for _ in listOfBits] for ind_b, bits in enumerate(listOfBits): print("Bits: ", bits) tests = num_of_tests(bits, numOfTests) print("Nr of tests: ", tests) p_set = set() print("Seed: ", end='') for ind_s, seed in enumerate(rand_seeds): rand.seed(seed) print(seed, end=', ') distinct_primes = number_of_distinct_primes(bits) for _ in range(tests): p, g, exp, h = logarithm_test_numbers(bits, safe=False) p_iter = 0 while p in p_set and len( p_set) < distinct_primes - 1 and p_iter < 10**2: p, g, exp, h = logarithm_test_numbers(bits, safe=False) p_iter += 1 p_set.add(p) bit_seed = rand.randint(1, seed) for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): t = timer() x, iter = pollard_rho(g, h, p, cycle=c[0], func=c[1], rand_seed=bit_seed) if x != exp: print("WRONG " + c[0] + " " + c[1]) times[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] += (timer() - t) * 1000 iterations[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] += iter for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): iterations[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] /= tests times[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] /= tests print() for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): iterations_avg[ind_b][ind_c] = avg( iterations[ind_b][ind_c]) / ceil(sqrt(p)) times_avg[ind_b][ind_c] = avg(times[ind_b][ind_c]) print( f"Cycle: {c[0]}, function: {c[1]}, itertions: {iterations_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.4f}, time: {times_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.3f}" ) print() plt.figure(0) for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): the_times = [t[ind_c] for t in times_avg] plt.plot(listOfBits, the_times, marker=next(marker), label=c[0] + '_' + c[1]) plt.legend() plt.ylabel("Milisecunde") plt.xlabel("biti") # plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig(img_path + '/pollard_time.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure(1) print("The avg number of iterations: ", end='') avgits = [] for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): the_iterations = [it[ind_c] for it in iterations_avg] avg_c = avg(the_iterations) print(c[0] + '-' + c[1] + f": {avg_c:.4f}", end=' ') avgits.append(avg_c) plt.plot(listOfBits, the_iterations, marker=next(marker), label=c[0] + '_' + c[1]) plt.legend() plt.ylabel("Iteratii") plt.xlabel("biti") # plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig(img_path + '/pollard_iter.png', bbox_inches='tight') return avgits
def test_pollard_dellays(numOfTests: int, listOfBits: list, contests: dict, img_path: str, rand_seeds=[0]): iterations = [[[0 for _ in rand_seeds] for _ in contests] for _ in listOfBits] iterations_avg = [[0 for _ in contests] for _ in listOfBits] lambs = [[[0 for _ in rand_seeds] for _ in contests] for _ in listOfBits] lambs_avg = [[0 for _ in contests] for _ in listOfBits] mus = [[[0 for _ in rand_seeds] for _ in contests] for _ in listOfBits] mus_avg = [[0 for _ in contests] for _ in listOfBits] for ind_b, bits in enumerate(listOfBits): print("Bits: ", bits) tests = num_of_tests(bits, numOfTests) print("Nr of tests: ", tests) p_set = set() print("Seed: ", end='') for ind_s, seed in enumerate(rand_seeds): rand.seed(seed) print(seed, end=', ') distinct_primes = number_of_distinct_primes(bits) for _ in range(tests): p, g, exp, h = logarithm_test_numbers(bits, safe=False) p_iter = 0 while p in p_set and len( p_set) < distinct_primes - 1 and p_iter < 10**2: p, g, exp, h = logarithm_test_numbers(bits, safe=False) p_iter += 1 p_set.add(p) bit_seed = rand.randint(1, seed) for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): x, iter, lamb, mu = pollard_rho(g, h, p, cycle=c[0], func=c[1], rand_seed=bit_seed) if x != exp: print("WRONG " + c[0] + " " + c[1]) iterations[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] += iter lambs[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] += lamb mus[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] += mu for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): iterations[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] /= tests lambs[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] /= tests mus[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] /= tests print() for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): iterations_avg[ind_b][ind_c] = avg( iterations[ind_b][ind_c]) / ceil(sqrt(p)) lambs_avg[ind_b][ind_c] = avg(lambs[ind_b][ind_c]) / ceil(sqrt(p)) mus_avg[ind_b][ind_c] = avg(mus[ind_b][ind_c]) / ceil(sqrt(p)) print( f"Cycle: {c[0]}, function: {c[1]}, itertions: {iterations_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.4f}, lambs: {lambs_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.4f} mus: {mus_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.4f}, " f"rho: {lambs_avg[ind_b][ind_c] + mus_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.4f} delay: {iterations_avg[ind_b][ind_c]/(lambs_avg[ind_b][ind_c] + mus_avg[ind_b][ind_c]):.4f}" ) print() for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): the_iterations = avg([it[ind_c] for it in iterations_avg]) the_lambs = [lamb[ind_c] for lamb in lambs_avg] the_mus = [mu[ind_c] for mu in mus_avg] the_rhos = avg([x + y for x, y in zip(the_lambs, the_mus)]) print( f"Cycle: {c[0]}, function: {c[1]}, itertions_avg: {the_iterations:.4f}, rho: {the_rhos:.4f}, delays {the_iterations/the_rhos:.4f}" )
def test_qe_solver(listOfBits: list, numOfTests: int, contests: list, rand_seeds=[0]): n = len(contests) times = [[[0 for _ in rand_seeds] for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] # iterations = [[[0 for _ in rand_seeds] for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] # iterations_avg = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] times_avg = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] for ind_b, bits in enumerate(listOfBits): tests = num_of_tests(bits, numOfTests) p_set = set() print("\nStarted bits: ", bits) print("Number of tests: ", tests) print("Seeds:", end=' ') for ind_s, s in enumerate(rand_seeds): print(s, end=', ') seed(s) i = 0 distinct_primes = number_of_distinct_primes(bits) last_sum = 0 while i < tests: p, g, exp, h = logarithm_test_numbers(bits, safe=False) p_iter = 0 while (p in p_set or ceil(sqrt(p)) > 30000000 ) and len(p_set) < distinct_primes and p_iter < 10**2: p, g, exp, h = logarithm_test_numbers(bits, safe=False) p_iter += 1 p_set.add(p) bit_seed = randint(1, s) for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): if c[0] == 'shoup': qeAlg = partial(shoup_alg) else: qeAlg = partial(pohlig_hellman_alg) if c[1] == 'shanks': Solver = partial(Shanks, type=c[2], r=2.25) else: Solver = partial(pollard_rho, cycle=c[2], func=c[3], rand_seed=bit_seed) t = timer() x = silver_pohlig_hellman_alg(g, h, p, fact=factorint, qeAlg=qeAlg, solver=Solver) if x != exp: print("WRONG " + c[0] + " " + c[1] + ' ' + c[2] + ' ' + c[3]) times[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] += (timer() - t) * 1000 # iterations[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] += iter i += 1 for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): # iterations[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] /= tests * ceil(sqrt(p)) times[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] /= tests print() for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): # iterations_avg[ind_b][ind_c] = avg([it for it in iterations[ind_b][ind_c]]) {iterations_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.4f}, times_avg[ind_b][ind_c] = avg([it for it in times[ind_b][ind_c]]) print( f"Qe_alg: {c[0]}, solver: {c[1]}: type: {c[2]}, function: {c[3]}, time: {times_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.3f}" )
def test_shanks_vs_pollard(numOfTests: int, listOfBits: list, contests: list, rand_seeds=[0]): n = len(contests) + 2 times = [[[0 for _ in rand_seeds] for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] iterations = [[[0 for _ in rand_seeds] for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] iterations_avg = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] times_avg = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] for ind_b, bits in enumerate(listOfBits): tests = num_of_tests(bits, numOfTests) p_set = set() print("\nStarted bits: ", bits) print("Number of tests: ", tests) print("Seeds:", end=' ') for ind_s, s in enumerate(rand_seeds): print(s, end=',\n') seed(s) i = 0 distinct_primes = number_of_distinct_primes(bits) last_sum = 0 while i < tests: p, g, exp, h = logarithm_test_numbers(bits, safe=False) p_iter = 0 while (p in p_set or ceil(sqrt(p)) > 30000000 ) and len(p_set) < distinct_primes and p_iter < 10**2: p, g, exp, h = logarithm_test_numbers(bits, safe=False) p_iter += 1 p_set.add(p) bit_seed = randint(1, s) print(f"sqrt(p): {ceil(sqrt(p))}") t = timer() x, iter = poll.pollard_simple(g, h, p, rand_seed=bit_seed) if x != exp: if x == None: continue print("WRONG Pollard simplu") times[ind_b][n - 2][ind_s] += (timer() - t) * 1000 iterations[ind_b][n - 2][ind_s] += iter # print("Poll simplu Done!:", (timer() - t) * 1000) t = timer() x, sm, gs, _ = shanks.shanks_classic(g, h, p, p - 1) if x != exp: if x == None: continue print("WRONG Shanks clasic") times[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] += (timer() - t) * 1000 iterations[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] += sm + gs # print("Shanks Done!", (timer() - t) * 1000) for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): t = timer() x, iter = poll.pollard_rho(g, h, p, cycle=c[0], func=c[1], rand_seed=bit_seed) if x != exp: print("WRONG " + c[0] + " " + c[1]) times[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] += (timer() - t) * 1000 iterations[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] += iter new_sum = sum([t[0] for t in times[ind_b][:]]) print(f"Test {i} done, time: {new_sum - last_sum:.4f}") last_sum = new_sum i += 1 # t = timer() # x, op, _ = shanks.shanks_two_grumpys_one_baby(g, h, p, p - 1) # if x != exp: # print("WRONG Shanks clasic") # times[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] += (timer() - t) * 1000 # iterations[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] += op for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): iterations[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] /= tests * ceil(sqrt(p)) times[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] /= tests iterations[ind_b][n - 2][ind_s] /= tests * ceil(sqrt(p)) times[ind_b][n - 2][ind_s] /= tests iterations[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] /= tests * ceil(sqrt(p)) times[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] /= tests # iterations[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] /= tests * ceil(sqrt(p)); times[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] /= tests print() for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): iterations_avg[ind_b][ind_c] = avg( [it for it in iterations[ind_b][ind_c]]) times_avg[ind_b][ind_c] = avg([it for it in times[ind_b][ind_c]]) print( f"Cycle: {c[0]}, function: {c[1]}: itertions: {iterations_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.4f}, time: {times_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.3f}" ) iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 2] = avg( [it for it in iterations[ind_b][n - 2]]) times_avg[ind_b][n - 2] = avg([it for it in times[ind_b][n - 2]]) print( f"Pollard simple: itertions: {iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 2] :.4f}, time: {times_avg[ind_b][n - 2]:.3f}" ) iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 1] = avg( [it for it in iterations[ind_b][n - 1]]) times_avg[ind_b][n - 1] = avg([it for it in times[ind_b][n - 1]]) print( f"Shanks clasic: itertions: {iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 1] :.4f}, time: {times_avg[ind_b][n - 1]:.3f}" ) # iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 1] = avg([it for it in iterations[ind_b][n - 1]]) # times_avg[ind_b][n - 1] = avg([it for it in times[ind_b][n - 1]]) # print(f"Two giants: itertions: {iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 1]:.4f}, time: {times_avg[ind_b][n - 1]:.3f}") print("Finished bits: ", bits) print("\nThe avg number of iterations: ", end='') avgits = [] for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): avg_c = avg([it[ind_c] for it in iterations_avg]) print(c[0] + '-' + c[1] + f": {avg_c:.4f}", end=' ') avgits.append(avg_c) avg_c = avg([it[n - 2] for it in iterations_avg]) print(f"pollard simple: {avg_c:.4f}", end=', ') avg_c = avg([it[n - 1] for it in iterations_avg]) print(f"shanks clasic: {avg_c:.4f}", end=', ') # avg_c = avg([it[n - 1] for it in iterations_avg]) # print(f"two giants: {avg_c:.4f}", end=' .') return iterations_avg # def test_shanks_vs_pollard(numOfTests: int, listOfBits: list, contests: dict, rand_seeds = [0]): # n = len(contests) + 2 # times = [[[0 for _ in rand_seeds] for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] # iterations = [[[0 for _ in rand_seeds] for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] # iterations_avg = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] # times_avg = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in listOfBits] # for ind_b, bits in enumerate(listOfBits): # tests = num_of_tests(bits, numOfTests) # p_set = set() # print("\nStarted bits: ", bits) # print("Seeds:", end = ' ') # for ind_s, s in enumerate(rand_seeds): # print(s, end=', ') # seed(s) # i = 0 # distinct_primes = number_of_distinct_primes(bits) # while i < tests: # p, g, exp, h = logarithm_test_numbers(bits, safe=False) # p_iter = 0 # while (p in p_set or ceil(sqrt(p)) > 30000000) and len(p_set) < distinct_primes and p_iter < 10**2: # p, g, exp, h = logarithm_test_numbers(bits, safe=False) # p_iter += 1 # p_set.add(p) # # bit_seed = randint(1, s) # # print(f"sqrt(p): {ceil(sqrt(p))}") # # t = timer() # x, iter = poll.pollard_simple(g, h, p, rand_seed=bit_seed) # if x != exp: # if x == None: # continue # print("WRONG Pollard simplu") # times[ind_b][n - 2][ind_s] += (timer() - t) * 1000 # iterations[ind_b][n - 2][ind_s] += iter # # print("Poll simplu Done!:", (timer() - t) * 1000) # # t = timer() # x, sm, gs, _ = shanks.shanks_classic(g, h, p, p - 1) # if x != exp: # if x == None: # continue # print("WRONG Shanks clasic") # times[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] += (timer() - t) * 1000 # iterations[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] += sm + gs # # print("Shanks Done!", (timer() - t) * 1000) # # # for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): # t = timer() # x, iter = poll.pollard_rho(g, h, p, cycle=c[0], func=c[1], rand_seed=bit_seed) # if x != exp: # print("WRONG " + c[0] + " " + c[1]) # times[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] += (timer() - t) * 1000 # iterations[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] += iter # # print("Polls done") # i += 1 # # # t = timer() # # x, op, _ = shanks.shanks_two_grumpys_one_baby(g, h, p, p - 1) # # if x != exp: # # print("WRONG Shanks clasic") # # times[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] += (timer() - t) * 1000 # # iterations[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] += op # # for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): # iterations[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] /= tests * ceil(sqrt(p)) # times[ind_b][ind_c][ind_s] /= tests # iterations[ind_b][n - 2][ind_s] /= tests * ceil(sqrt(p)); times[ind_b][n - 2][ind_s] /= tests # iterations[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] /= tests * ceil(sqrt(p)); times[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] /= tests # # iterations[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] /= tests * ceil(sqrt(p)); times[ind_b][n - 1][ind_s] /= tests # print() # for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): # iterations_avg[ind_b][ind_c] = avg([it for it in iterations[ind_b][ind_c]]) # times_avg[ind_b][ind_c] = avg([it for it in times[ind_b][ind_c]]) # print(f"Cycle: {c[0]}, function: {c[1]}: itertions: {iterations_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.4f}, time: {times_avg[ind_b][ind_c]:.3f}") # iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 2] = avg([it for it in iterations[ind_b][n - 2]]) # times_avg[ind_b][n - 2] = avg([it for it in times[ind_b][n - 2]]) # print(f"Pollard simple: itertions: {iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 2] :.4f}, time: {times_avg[ind_b][n - 2]:.3f}") # iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 1] = avg([it for it in iterations[ind_b][n - 1]]) # times_avg[ind_b][n - 1] = avg([it for it in times[ind_b][n - 1]]) # print(f"Shanks clasic: itertions: {iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 1] :.4f}, time: {times_avg[ind_b][n - 1]:.3f}") # # iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 1] = avg([it for it in iterations[ind_b][n - 1]]) # # times_avg[ind_b][n - 1] = avg([it for it in times[ind_b][n - 1]]) # # print(f"Two giants: itertions: {iterations_avg[ind_b][n - 1]:.4f}, time: {times_avg[ind_b][n - 1]:.3f}") # # print("Finished bits: ", bits) # # print("\nThe avg number of iterations: ", end=''); # avgits = [] # for ind_c, c in enumerate(contests): # avg_c = avg([it[ind_c] for it in iterations_avg]) # print(c[0] + '-' + c[1] + f": {avg_c:.4f}", end=' ') # avgits.append(avg_c) # avg_c = avg([it[n - 2] for it in iterations_avg]) # print(f"pollard simple: {avg_c:.4f}", end=', ') # avg_c = avg([it[n - 1] for it in iterations_avg]) # print(f"shanks clasic: {avg_c:.4f}", end=', ') # # avg_c = avg([it[n - 1] for it in iterations_avg]) # # print(f"two giants: {avg_c:.4f}", end=' .') # # return iterations_avg # if __name__ == "__main__": # numOfTests = 100 # bits = [15] # seed(42) # rand_seeds = sample(range(0, 5000), 1) # contests = [('brent', 'pollard'), ('floyd', 'pollard'), ('teske', 'pollard')] # iters = test_shanks_vs_pollard(numOfTests, bits, contests, rand_seeds)
def test_shanks_clasic_inter_grumpy(numOfTests: int, numOfBits: list, randSeeds=[0]): total_steps_class_list, times_clasic_list, total_memory_clasic = [], [], [] total_steps_inter_list, times_inter_list, total_memory_inter = [], [], [] total_steps_grumpy_list, times_grumpy_list, total_memory_grumpy = [], [], [] for bits in numOfBits: seed_steps_class_list, seed_times_clasic_list, seed_total_memory_clasic = [], [], [] seed_steps_inter_list, seed_times_inter_list, seed_total_memory_inter = [], [], [] seed_steps_grumpy_list, seed_times_grumpy_list, seed_total_memory_grumpy = [], [], [] print("Started: ", bits) if bits >= 50: numOfTests = 50 elif bits >= 40: numOfTests = 100 elif bits >= 30: numOfTests = 500 for s in randSeeds: seed(s) time_clas, time_inter, time_grumpy = [], [], [] steps_clas, steps_inter, steps_grumpy = [], [], [] mem_clas, mem_inter, mem_grumpy = [], [], [] for iter in range(numOfTests): p, g, exp, h = gnp.logarithm_test_numbers(bits, False) t = timer() x_c, small_clas, giant_clas, mem_c = shanks_classic( g, h, p, p - 1) steps_clas.append(small_clas + giant_clas) mem_clas.append(mem_c) passed_time = (timer() - t) * 1000 time_clas.append(passed_time) t = timer() x_c, oper, mem_c = shanks_interleved(g, h, p, p - 1) if x_c != exp: print("NI") steps_inter.append(oper) mem_inter.append(mem_c) passed_time = (timer() - t) * 1000 time_inter.append(passed_time) t = timer() x_c, oper, mem_c = shanks_two_grumpys_one_baby(g, h, p, p - 1) if x_c != exp: print("NG") steps_grumpy.append(oper) mem_grumpy.append(mem_c) passed_time = (timer() - t) * 1000 time_grumpy.append(passed_time) seed_steps_class_list.append(avg(steps_clas) / ceil(sqrt(p))) seed_steps_inter_list.append(avg(steps_inter) / ceil(sqrt(p))) seed_steps_grumpy_list.append(avg(steps_grumpy) / ceil(sqrt(p))) seed_times_clasic_list.append(avg(time_clas)) seed_times_inter_list.append(avg(time_inter)) seed_times_grumpy_list.append(avg(time_grumpy)) seed_total_memory_clasic.append(avg(mem_clas) / ceil(sqrt(p))) seed_total_memory_inter.append(avg(mem_inter) / ceil(sqrt(p))) seed_total_memory_grumpy.append(avg(mem_grumpy) / ceil(sqrt(p))) print( f"Avg steps clasic:{avg(seed_steps_class_list):.4f} -- Avg steps inter:{avg(seed_steps_inter_list):.4f} -- Avg steps grumpy:{avg(seed_steps_grumpy_list):.4f}" ) print( f"Avg memory clasic:{avg(seed_total_memory_clasic):.4f} -- Avg memory inter:{avg(seed_total_memory_inter):.4f} -- Avg memory grumpy:{avg(seed_total_memory_grumpy):.4f}" ) print( f"Avg time clasic:{avg(seed_times_clasic_list):.4f} -- Avg time inter:{avg(seed_times_inter_list):.4f} -- Avg time grumpy:{avg(seed_times_grumpy_list):.4f}" ) total_steps_class_list.append(avg(seed_steps_class_list)) total_steps_inter_list.append(avg(seed_steps_inter_list)) total_steps_grumpy_list.append(avg(seed_steps_grumpy_list)) times_clasic_list.append(avg(seed_times_clasic_list)) times_inter_list.append(avg(seed_times_inter_list)) times_grumpy_list.append(avg(seed_times_grumpy_list)) total_memory_clasic.append(avg(seed_total_memory_clasic)) total_memory_inter.append(avg(seed_total_memory_inter)) total_memory_grumpy.append(avg(seed_total_memory_grumpy)) print(f"Finished: {bits}\n") print( f"Avg steps clasic:{avg(total_steps_class_list):.4f} -- Avg steps inter:{avg(total_steps_inter_list):.4f} -- Avg steps grumpy:{avg(total_steps_grumpy_list):.4f}" ) print( f"Avg memory clasic:{avg(total_memory_clasic):.4f} -- Avg memory inter:{avg(total_memory_inter):.4f} -- Avg memory grumpy:{avg(total_memory_grumpy):.4f}" ) print( f"Avg time clasic:{avg(times_clasic_list):.4f} -- Avg time inter:{avg(times_inter_list):.4f} -- Avg time grumpy:{avg(times_grumpy_list):.4f}" )
def shakns_benchmark(numOfTests: int, maxBits: int, rand_seed=0): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt seed(rand_seed) times, small_steps_list, giant_steps_list, total_steps, list_sizes, bits, time_bin, list_sizes_bin = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] for numOfBits in range(10, maxBits + 5, 5): time, small, giant, total, list_sz, tb, lb = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 bits.append(numOfBits) for _ in range(numOfTests): p, g, e, h = gnp.logarithm_test_numbers(numOfBits) t_start = timer() x, small_steps, giant_steps, list_size = shanks_classic( g, h, p, p - 1) time += (timer() - t_start) * 1000 small += small_steps giant += giant_steps total += small_steps + giant_steps list_sz += list_size t_start = timer() x, small_steps, giant_steps, list_size = shanks_classic_binary_search( g, h, p, p - 1) tb += (timer() - t_start) * 1000 lb += list_size times.append(time / numOfTests) time_bin.append(tb / numOfTests) small_steps_list.append(small / numOfTests) giant_steps_list.append(giant / numOfTests) total_steps.append(total / numOfTests) list_sizes.append(list_sz / numOfTests) list_sizes_bin.append(lb / numOfTests) next_xs = list(range(numOfBits + 5, numOfBits + 25, 5)) plt.figure(1) plt.xlim(5, numOfBits + 25) next_ys = extrapolate(times, len(next_xs)) next_ys_bin = extrapolate(time_bin, len(next_xs)) plt.plot(np.append(bits, next_xs), np.append(times, next_ys), marker='o', color='b', linestyle='dashed', label='dispersie') plt.plot(bits, times, marker='o', c='b') plt.plot(np.append(bits, next_xs), np.append(time_bin, next_ys_bin), marker='s', c='r', linestyle='dashed', label='cautare binara') plt.plot(bits, time_bin, marker='s', c='r') plt.xlabel('biti') plt.ylabel('milisecunde') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('imagini/shanks_classic_timp.png') plt.figure(2) plt.xlim(5, numOfBits + 25) next_ys = extrapolate(small_steps_list, len(next_xs)) plt.plot(np.append(bits, next_xs), np.append(small_steps_list, next_ys), 'b--') plt.plot(bits, small_steps_list, c='b') plt.xlabel('biti') plt.ylabel('pasi mici') plt.yscale('log') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('imagini/shanks_classic_pasi_mici.png') plt.figure(3) plt.xlim(5, numOfBits + 25) next_ys = extrapolate(giant_steps_list, len(next_xs)) plt.plot(np.append(bits, next_xs), np.append(giant_steps_list, next_ys), 'b--') plt.plot(bits, giant_steps_list, c='b') plt.xlabel('biti') plt.ylabel('pasi giant') plt.yscale('log') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('imagini/shanks_classic_pasi_mari.png') plt.figure(4) plt.xlim(5, numOfBits + 25) next_ys = extrapolate(total_steps, len(next_xs)) plt.plot(np.append(bits, next_xs), np.append(total_steps, next_ys), 'b--') plt.plot(bits, total_steps, c='b') plt.xlabel('biti') plt.ylabel('pasi totali') plt.yscale('log') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('imagini/shanks_classic_pasi_total.png') plt.figure(5) plt.xlim(5, numOfBits + 25) next_ys = extrapolate(list_sizes, len(next_xs)) next_ys_bin = extrapolate(list_sizes_bin, len(next_xs)) plt.plot(np.append(bits, next_xs), np.append(list_sizes, next_ys), marker='o', color='b', linestyle='dashed', label='dispersie') plt.plot(bits, list_sizes, marker='o', c='b') plt.plot(np.append(bits, next_xs), np.append(list_sizes_bin, next_ys_bin), marker='s', c='r', linestyle='dashed', label='cautare binara') plt.plot(bits, list_sizes_bin, marker='s', c='r') plt.xlabel('biti') plt.ylabel('bytes') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('imagini/shanks_classic_memory.png')
exponents = None # dictionary of bases and exponents return exponents[-1] % (p - 1), t_cong, it if __name__ == '__main__': i = 0 ts, tts = [], [] its = [] seed(42) for q in range(5): for _ in range(500): ok = 1 while ok: ok = 0 p, g, exponent, h = logarithm_test_numbers(15, safe=False) x = 2**ceil(log2(p - 1)) B = ceil(exp(1 / sqrt(2) * sqrt(log(x) * log(log(x)))) / 2) # print(L(p), shanks_complex(p)) primesB = primes_up_to_B(B) max_equations = primes_upto(B) + 5 # print(B, max_equations, p) t = timer() x, ta, it = SELD_lect11(g, h, p, B, max_equations, primesB, 42) ts.append((timer() - t) * 1000) its.append(it) if x == exponent: # print("DA") i += 1 else: if pow(g, x, p) != h: