예제 #1
initialPauseTime = 3

# Maximum allowed current
current_limit = 10 # nA
# Ask whether to continue
print "--------------------------------------------------------"
print "FILENAME: " + filename
print "Sweep " + sweep_variable.get_title() + " from " + str(V_start) + " " + sweep_variable.get_units() + " to " + str(V_end) + " " + sweep_variable.get_units() + " in " + str(V_step) + " V steps";        
print "--------------------------------------------------------"
key = raw_input('Continue [Y]/[n]? ')
if (key=='n') or (key=='N'):
	sys.exit('I am exiting because you told me to.') 
# Set up the sweep arrays
sweep = generate_sweep(V_start, V_end, V_step)
# Setup the data file and plots
data = qt.Data(name=filename)    

# Create the plots
plot_ADC        = qt.Plot2D(data, name='Transport DC current OUT', coorddim=0, valdim=1)
#plot_BDC       = qt.Plot2D(data, name='Gap DC current OUT',  coorddim=0, valdim=2)
예제 #2
initialPauseTime = 10

# names of data channels
METER_A_data_tag  = 'I_A [nA]'
METER_B_data_tag  = 'I_B [nA]'
LOCKIN_data_tag_x = 'Lock-in response (real) [V]'
LOCKIN_data_tag_y = 'Lock-in response (imag) [V]'

# Gain of the current amplifiers
I_A_gain =  1  # nA/V  
I_B_gain = -1  # nA/V
# Maximum allowed current
current_limit = 10 # nA

# Set up the sweep arrays
sweep1 = generate_sweep(V1_start, V1_end, V1_step)
sweep2 = generate_sweep(V2_start, V2_end, V2_step)

print "Sweep " + SWEEP_1_data_tag + "from " + str(V1_start) + "V to " + str(V1_end) + "V in " + str(V1_step) + "V steps";        
print "Sweep " + SWEEP_2_data_tag + "from " + str(V2_start) + "V to " + str(V2_end) + "V in " + str(V2_step) + "V steps";        

# Ask whether to continue
print "--------------------------------------------------------"
print "FILENAME: " + filename
print "--------------------------------------------------------"
key = raw_input('Continue [Y]/[n]? ')
if (key=='n') or (key=='N'):
    sys.exit('I am exiting because you told me to.') 
# Set up the data file 
data = qt.Data(name=filename)