def TableInfluenceIntegerVariables(): """ Illustrates the influence of the additional Integer constraints (Nmax and Wmin) on computation time. Computes, draws and plots MAD Model computation time on N scenarios with N increasing, with the different parameters. """ rows = [] N = [10, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000] params = [{ 'Wmin': Wmin, 'Nmax': Nmax } for Nmax in (None, 5) for Wmin in (None, 0.005)] print(params) for n in N: print("Computing with {:d} scenarios".format(n)) s, p = generateGaussianScenarios(n) row = [n] for param in params: t = time() MAD(s, p, **param).optimize() row.append(time() - t) rows.append(row) rows = np.array(rows) print("\nComputation times:\n") headers = ['N', 'LP', 'Wmin', 'Nmax', 'Wmin and Nmax'] print(tabulate(rows, headers=headers)) for i in range(1, 5): plt.plot(N, rows[:, i], label=headers[i]) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.xlabel('Number of scenarios') plt.ylabel('Computation time (s)') plt.title('Influence of additional integer variables on computation time')
def test_same_output(self): """Checks that the MAD and the SemiMAD give the same output portfolio and half of the objective value.""" s, p = generateGaussianScenarios() m = MAD(s, p).optimize() m2 = SemiMAD(s, p).optimize() self.assertAlmostEqual((m.getPortfolio() - m2.getPortfolio()).max(), 0, places=4) self.assertAlmostEqual(m.objval, 2 * m2.objval)
def test_reconfigure(self): """ Checks that reconfiguring the model with new scenarios/probas gives the same output as creating a new Model. """ s, p = self.scenarios, self.probas s2, p2 = generateGaussianScenarios( len(p), seed=self.seed + 1 if self.seed is not None else None) self.assertEqual( self.Model(s, p).update().reconfigure(s2, p2).optimize().objval, self.Model(s2, p2).optimize().objval)
def test_generation_student(stock1, stock2, nu=4): r1 = Returns.iloc[:, stock1] r2 = Returns.iloc[:, stock2] bins1 = np.linspace(- r1.quantile(0.05), r1.quantile(0.95), 100) bins2 = np.linspace(- r2.quantile(0.05), r2.quantile(0.95), 100) plt.figure(1, figsize=(14, 8)) plt.subplot(321) plt.hist(r1, normed=True, bins=bins1) plt.subplot(322) plt.hist(r2, normed=True, bins=bins2) students = generateStudentTScenarios(nu, 100000)[0] plt.subplot(323) plt.hist(students[:, stock1], normed=True, bins=bins1) plt.subplot(324) plt.hist(students[:, stock2], normed=True, bins=bins2) plt.subplot(325) gaussians = generateGaussianScenarios(100000)[0] plt.hist(gaussians[:, stock1], normed=True, bins=bins1) plt.subplot(326) plt.hist(gaussians[:, stock2], normed=True, bins=bins2)
def setUp(self): self.seed = 5 self.scenarios, self.probas = generateGaussianScenarios( 100, seed=self.seed)
# Plots the beta % worst returns plt.plot(worstIndex, returns[worstIndex], 'o', color='red', label='{:.0%} Worst Cases'.format(self._beta)) plt.plot(oldWorstIndex, equally[oldWorstIndex], 'o', color='orange', label='E.W. {:.0%} Worst Cases'.format(self._beta)) # Plots the mean of the beta % worst returns in equally weighted portfolio plt.plot([S[0], S[-1]], [oldMean, oldMean], '-', color='orange') # Plots the mean of the beta % worst returns plt.plot([S[0], S[-1]], [mean, mean], '-', color='red') plt.xlabel('Scenarios') plt.ylabel('Returns') plt.title('Conditional Value-at-Risk Optimization with {:d} scenarios'. format(len(S))) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter( FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: '{:.0%}'.format(y))) plt.legend() if __name__ == '__main__': s, p = generateGaussianScenarios(300) CVaR(s, p, output=True).optimize().plot()
xy=(middle, values[Min]), xytext=(middle, values[Max]), fontsize=7, color='red', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='<->', shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0, lw=2, color='red')) plt.plot([Min, middle], [values[Min], values[Min]], '--', color='red', lw=2) plt.plot([middle, Max], [values[Max], values[Max]], '--', color='red', lw=2) plt.xlabel('Scenarios') plt.ylabel('Returns') plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter( FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: '{:.0%}'.format(y))) plt.title('GMD Optimization with {:d} scenarios'.format(len(S))) plt.legend() if __name__ == '__main__': GMD(*generateGaussianScenarios(100)).optimize().plot()
def TestMADSemiMAD(): """Checks that MAD and Semi MAD model lead to the same portfolio, and that MAD = 2 * SemiMAD.""" s, p = generateGaussianScenarios() MADPort = MAD(s, p).optimize().getPortfolio() SemiMADPort = SemiMAD(s, p).optimize().getPortfolio() PortfolioGroup([MADPort, SemiMADPort]).plot()