예제 #1
 def scale(self, sx, sy):
     self.addTransformation([sx, 0, 0, sy, 0, 0])
     self.mediaBox = RectangleObject([
         float(self.mediaBox.getLowerLeft_x()) * sx,
         float(self.mediaBox.getLowerLeft_y()) * sy,
         float(self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_x()) * sx,
         float(self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_y()) * sy
예제 #2
 def scale(self, sx, sy):
     self.addTransformation([sx, 0,
                             0,  sy,
                             0,  0])
     self.mediaBox = RectangleObject([
         float(self.mediaBox.getLowerLeft_x()) * sx,
         float(self.mediaBox.getLowerLeft_y()) * sy,
         float(self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_x()) * sx,
         float(self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_y()) * sy])
예제 #3
def getRectangle(self, name, defaults):
    retval = self.get(name)
    if isinstance(retval, RectangleObject):
        return retval
    if retval is None:
        for d in defaults:
            retval = self.get(d)
            if retval is not None:
    if isinstance(retval, IndirectObject):
        retval = self.pdf.getObject(retval)
    retval = RectangleObject(retval)
    setRectangle(self, name, retval)
    return retval
예제 #4
    def createBlankPage(pdf=None, width=None, height=None):
        page = PageObject(pdf)

        # Creates a new page (cf PDF Reference
        page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Type'), NameObject('/Page'))
        page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Parent'), NullObject())
        page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Resources'), DictionaryObject())
        if width is None or height is None:
            if pdf is not None and pdf.getNumPages() > 0:
                lastpage = pdf.getPage(pdf.getNumPages() - 1)
                width = lastpage.mediaBox.getWidth()
                height = lastpage.mediaBox.getHeight()
                raise utils.PageSizeNotDefinedError()
                         RectangleObject([0, 0, width, height]))

        return page
예제 #5
class PageObject(DictionaryObject):
    def __init__(self, pdf=None, indirectRef=None):
        self.pdf = pdf
        # Stores the original indirect reference
        # to this object in its source PDF
        self.indirectRef = indirectRef

    # Returns a new blank page.
    # If width or height is None, try to get the page size from the
    # last page of pdf. If pdf is None or contains no page, a
    # PageSizeNotDefinedError is raised.
    # @param pdf    PDF file the page belongs to
    # @param width  The width of the new page expressed in default user
    #               space units.
    # @param height The height of the new page expressed in default user
    #               space units.
    def createBlankPage(pdf=None, width=None, height=None):
        page = PageObject(pdf)

        # Creates a new page (cf PDF Reference
        page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Type'), NameObject('/Page'))
        page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Parent'), NullObject())
        page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Resources'), DictionaryObject())
        if width is None or height is None:
            if pdf is not None and pdf.getNumPages() > 0:
                lastpage = pdf.getPage(pdf.getNumPages() - 1)
                width = lastpage.mediaBox.getWidth()
                height = lastpage.mediaBox.getHeight()
                raise utils.PageSizeNotDefinedError()
                         RectangleObject([0, 0, width, height]))

        return page

    createBlankPage = staticmethod(createBlankPage)

    # Rotates a page clockwise by increments of 90 degrees.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.1, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    # @param angle Angle to rotate the page.  Must be an increment of 90 deg.
    def rotateClockwise(self, angle):
        assert angle % 90 == 0
        return self

    # Rotates a page counter-clockwise by increments of 90 degrees.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.1, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    # @param angle Angle to rotate the page.  Must be an increment of 90 deg.
    def rotateCounterClockwise(self, angle):
        assert angle % 90 == 0
        return self

    def _rotate(self, angle):
        currentAngle = self.get("/Rotate", 0)
        self[NameObject("/Rotate")] = NumberObject(currentAngle + angle)

    def _mergeResources(res1, res2, resource):
        newRes = DictionaryObject()
        newRes.update(res1.get(resource, DictionaryObject()).getObject())
        page2Res = res2.get(resource, DictionaryObject()).getObject()
        renameRes = {}
        for key in page2Res.keys():
            if key in newRes and newRes[key] != page2Res[key]:
                newname = NameObject(key + "renamed")
                renameRes[key] = newname
                newRes[newname] = page2Res[key]
            elif key not in newRes:
                newRes[key] = page2Res.raw_get(key)
        return newRes, renameRes

    _mergeResources = staticmethod(_mergeResources)

    def _contentStreamRename(stream, rename, pdf):
        if not rename:
            return stream
        stream = ContentStream(stream, pdf)
        for operands, operator in stream.operations:
            for i in range(len(operands)):
                op = operands[i]
                if isinstance(op, NameObject):
                    operands[i] = rename.get(op, op)
        return stream

    _contentStreamRename = staticmethod(_contentStreamRename)

    def _pushPopGS(contents, pdf):
        # adds a graphics state "push" and "pop" to the beginning and end
        # of a content stream.  This isolates it from changes such as
        # transformation matricies.
        stream = ContentStream(contents, pdf)
        stream.operations.insert(0, [[], "q"])
        stream.operations.append([[], "Q"])
        return stream

    _pushPopGS = staticmethod(_pushPopGS)

    def _addTransformationMatrix(contents, pdf, ctm):
        # adds transformation matrix at the beginning of the given
        # contents stream.
        a, b, c, d, e, f = ctm
        contents = ContentStream(contents, pdf)
        contents.operations.insert(0, [[
        ], " cm"])
        return contents

    _addTransformationMatrix = staticmethod(_addTransformationMatrix)

    # Returns the /Contents object, or None if it doesn't exist.
    # /Contents is optionnal, as described in PDF Reference
    def getContents(self):
        if "/Contents" in self:
            return self["/Contents"].getObject()
            return None

    # Merges the content streams of two pages into one.  Resource references
    # (i.e. fonts) are maintained from both pages.  The mediabox/cropbox/etc
    # of this page are not altered.  The parameter page's content stream will
    # be added to the end of this page's content stream, meaning that it will
    # be drawn after, or "on top" of this page.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future 1.x releases.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged
    #              into this one.
    def mergePage(self, page2):

    # Actually merges the content streams of two pages into one. Resource
    # references (i.e. fonts) are maintained from both pages. The
    # mediabox/cropbox/etc of this page are not altered. The parameter page's
    # content stream will be added to the end of this page's content stream,
    # meaning that it will be drawn after, or "on top" of this page.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged
    #              into this one.
    # @param page2transformation A function which applies a transformation to
    #                            the content stream of page2. Takes: page2
    #                            contents stream. Must return: new contents
    #                            stream. If omitted, the content stream will
    #                            not be modified.
    # @param ctm A 6-item list containing the content transformation matrix.
    #            Although this list could be pulled from the closure of the
    #            page2transformation function, it is simpler and more
    #            extensible to have it as a separate parameter.
    # @param expand Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions
    #               of the page to be merged
    def _mergePage(self,
        # First we work on merging the resource dictionaries.  This allows us
        # to find out what symbols in the content streams we might need to
        # rename.
        newResources = DictionaryObject()
        rename = {}
        originalResources = self["/Resources"].getObject()
        page2Resources = page2["/Resources"].getObject()

        for res in [
                "/ExtGState", "/Font", "/XObject", "/ColorSpace", "/Pattern",
                "/Shading", "/Properties"
            new, newrename = PageObject._mergeResources(
                originalResources, page2Resources, res)
            if new:
                newResources[NameObject(res)] = new
        # Combine /ProcSet sets.
        newResources[NameObject("/ProcSet")] = ArrayObject(
        newContentArray = ArrayObject()
        originalContent = self.getContents()
        if originalContent is not None:
                PageObject._pushPopGS(originalContent, self.pdf))
        page2Content = page2.getContents()
        if page2Content is not None:
            if page2transformation is not None:
                page2Content = page2transformation(page2Content)
            page2Content = PageObject._contentStreamRename(
                page2Content, rename, self.pdf)
            page2Content = PageObject._pushPopGS(page2Content, self.pdf)
        # if expanding the page to fit a new page,
        # calculate the new media box size
        if expand:
            corners1 = [
            corners2 = [
            if ctm is not None:
                new_x = map(
                    lambda i: ctm[0] * corners2[i] + ctm[2] * corners2[i + 1] +
                    ctm[4], range(0, 8, 2))
                new_y = map(
                    lambda i: ctm[1] * corners2[i] + ctm[3] * corners2[i + 1] +
                    ctm[5], range(0, 8, 2))
                new_x = corners2[0:8:2]
                new_y = corners2[1:8:2]
            lowerleft = [min(new_x), min(new_y)]
            upperright = [max(new_x), max(new_y)]
            lowerleft = [
                min(corners1[0], lowerleft[0]),
                min(corners1[1], lowerleft[1])
            upperright = [
                max(corners1[2], upperright[0]),
                max(corners1[3], upperright[1])


        self[NameObject('/Contents')] = ContentStream(newContentArray,
        self[NameObject('/Resources')] = newResources

    # This is similar to mergePage, but a transformation matrix is
    # applied to the merged stream.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param ctm   A 6 elements tuple containing the operands of the
    #              transformation matrix
    def mergeTransformedPage(self, page2, ctm):
            page2, lambda page2Content: PageObject._addTransformationMatrix(
                page2Content, page2.pdf, ctm), ctm)

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is scaled
    # by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param factor The scaling factor
    def mergeScaledPage(self, page2, factor):
        # CTM to scale : [ sx 0 0 sy 0 0 ]
        return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [factor, 0, 0, factor, 0, 0])

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is rotated
    # by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param rotation The angle of the rotation, in degrees
    def mergeRotatedPage(self, page2, rotation):
        rotation = math.radians(rotation)
        return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [
            math.sin(rotation), -math.sin(rotation),
            math.cos(rotation), 0, 0

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is translated
    # by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param tx    The translation on X axis
    # @param tx    The translation on Y axis
    def mergeTranslatedPage(self, page2, tx, ty):
        return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [1, 0, 0, 1, tx, ty])

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is rotated
    # and scaled by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param rotation The angle of the rotation, in degrees
    # @param factor The scaling factor
    def mergeRotatedScaledPage(self, page2, rotation, scale):
        rotation = math.radians(rotation)
        rotating = [[math.cos(rotation),
                     math.sin(rotation), 0],
                     math.cos(rotation), 0], [0, 0, 1]]
        scaling = [[scale, 0, 0], [0, scale, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
        ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(rotating, scaling)

        return self.mergeTransformedPage(
            [ctm[0][0], ctm[0][1], ctm[1][0], ctm[1][1], ctm[2][0], ctm[2][1]])

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is translated
    # and scaled by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param scale The scaling factor
    # @param tx    The translation on X axis
    # @param tx    The translation on Y axis
    def mergeScaledTranslatedPage(self, page2, scale, tx, ty):
        translation = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [tx, ty, 1]]
        scaling = [[scale, 0, 0], [0, scale, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
        ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(scaling, translation)

        return self.mergeTransformedPage(
            [ctm[0][0], ctm[0][1], ctm[1][0], ctm[1][1], ctm[2][0], ctm[2][1]])

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is translated,
    # rotated and scaled by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param tx    The translation on X axis
    # @param ty    The translation on Y axis
    # @param rotation The angle of the rotation, in degrees
    # @param scale The scaling factor
    def mergeRotatedScaledTranslatedPage(self, page2, rotation, scale, tx, ty):
        translation = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [tx, ty, 1]]
        rotation = math.radians(rotation)
        rotating = [[math.cos(rotation),
                     math.sin(rotation), 0],
                     math.cos(rotation), 0], [0, 0, 1]]
        scaling = [[scale, 0, 0], [0, scale, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
        ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(rotating, scaling)
        ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(ctm, translation)

        return self.mergeTransformedPage(
            [ctm[0][0], ctm[0][1], ctm[1][0], ctm[1][1], ctm[2][0], ctm[2][1]])

    # Applys a transformation matrix the page.
    # @param ctm   A 6 elements tuple containing the operands of the
    #              transformation matrix
    def addTransformation(self, ctm):
        originalContent = self.getContents()
        if originalContent is not None:
            newContent = PageObject._addTransformationMatrix(
                originalContent, self.pdf, ctm)
            newContent = PageObject._pushPopGS(newContent, self.pdf)
            self[NameObject('/Contents')] = newContent

    # Scales a page by the given factors by appling a transformation
    # matrix to its content and updating the page size.
    # @param sx The scaling factor on horizontal axis
    # @param sy The scaling factor on vertical axis
    def scale(self, sx, sy):
        self.addTransformation([sx, 0, 0, sy, 0, 0])
        self.mediaBox = RectangleObject([
            float(self.mediaBox.getLowerLeft_x()) * sx,
            float(self.mediaBox.getLowerLeft_y()) * sy,
            float(self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_x()) * sx,
            float(self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_y()) * sy

    # Scales a page by the given factor by appling a transformation
    # matrix to its content and updating the page size.
    # @param factor The scaling factor
    def scaleBy(self, factor):
        self.scale(factor, factor)

    # Scales a page to the specified dimentions by appling a
    # transformation matrix to its content and updating the page size.
    # @param width The new width
    # @param height The new heigth
    def scaleTo(self, width, height):
        sx = width / (self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_x() -
        sy = height / (self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_y() -
        self.scale(sx, sy)

    # Compresses the size of this page by joining all content streams and
    # applying a FlateDecode filter.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.6, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    # However, it is possible that this function will perform no action if
    # content stream compression becomes "automatic" for some reason.
    def compressContentStreams(self):
        content = self.getContents()
        if content is not None:
            if not isinstance(content, ContentStream):
                content = ContentStream(content, self.pdf)
            self[NameObject("/Contents")] = content.flateEncode()

    # Locate all text drawing commands, in the order they are provided in the
    # content stream, and extract the text.  This works well for some PDF
    # files, but poorly for others, depending on the generator used.  This will
    # be refined in the future.  Do not rely on the order of text coming out of
    # this function, as it will change if this function is made more
    # sophisticated.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.7, will exist for all future v1.x releases.  May
    # be overhauled to provide more ordered text in the future.
    # @return a unicode string object
    def extractText(self):
        text = u""
        content = self["/Contents"].getObject()
        if not isinstance(content, ContentStream):
            content = ContentStream(content, self.pdf)
        # Note: we check all strings are TextStringObjects.  ByteStringObjects
        # are strings where the byte->string encoding was unknown, so adding
        # them to the text here would be gibberish.
        for operands, operator in content.operations:
            if operator == "Tj":
                _text = operands[0]
                if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject):
                    text += _text
            elif operator == "T*":
                text += "\n"
            elif operator == "'":
                text += "\n"
                _text = operands[0]
                if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject):
                    text += operands[0]
            elif operator == '"':
                _text = operands[2]
                if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject):
                    text += "\n"
                    text += _text
            elif operator == "TJ":
                for i in operands[0]:
                    if isinstance(i, TextStringObject):
                        text += i
        return text

    # A rectangle (RectangleObject), expressed in default user space units,
    # defining the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page is
    # intended to be displayed or printed.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    mediaBox = createRectangleAccessor("/MediaBox", ())

    # A rectangle (RectangleObject), expressed in default user space units,
    # defining the visible region of default user space.  When the page is
    # displayed or printed, its contents are to be clipped (cropped) to this
    # rectangle and then imposed on the output medium in some
    # implementation-defined manner.  Default value: same as MediaBox.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    cropBox = createRectangleAccessor("/CropBox", ("/MediaBox", ))

    # A rectangle (RectangleObject), expressed in default user space units,
    # defining the region to which the contents of the page should be clipped
    # when output in a production enviroment.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    bleedBox = createRectangleAccessor("/BleedBox", ("/CropBox", "/MediaBox"))

    # A rectangle (RectangleObject), expressed in default user space units,
    # defining the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    trimBox = createRectangleAccessor("/TrimBox", ("/CropBox", "/MediaBox"))

    # A rectangle (RectangleObject), expressed in default user space units,
    # defining the extent of the page's meaningful content as intended by the
    # page's creator.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    artBox = createRectangleAccessor("/ArtBox", ("/CropBox", "/MediaBox"))
예제 #6
class PageObject(DictionaryObject):
    def __init__(self, pdf=None, indirectRef=None):
        self.pdf = pdf
        # Stores the original indirect reference
        # to this object in its source PDF
        self.indirectRef = indirectRef

    # Returns a new blank page.
    # If width or height is None, try to get the page size from the
    # last page of pdf. If pdf is None or contains no page, a
    # PageSizeNotDefinedError is raised.
    # @param pdf    PDF file the page belongs to
    # @param width  The width of the new page expressed in default user
    #               space units.
    # @param height The height of the new page expressed in default user
    #               space units.
    def createBlankPage(pdf=None, width=None, height=None):
        page = PageObject(pdf)

        # Creates a new page (cf PDF Reference
        page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Type'), NameObject('/Page'))
        page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Parent'), NullObject())
        page.__setitem__(NameObject('/Resources'), DictionaryObject())
        if width is None or height is None:
            if pdf is not None and pdf.getNumPages() > 0:
                lastpage = pdf.getPage(pdf.getNumPages() - 1)
                width = lastpage.mediaBox.getWidth()
                height = lastpage.mediaBox.getHeight()
                raise utils.PageSizeNotDefinedError()
                         RectangleObject([0, 0, width, height]))

        return page
    createBlankPage = staticmethod(createBlankPage)

    # Rotates a page clockwise by increments of 90 degrees.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.1, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    # @param angle Angle to rotate the page.  Must be an increment of 90 deg.
    def rotateClockwise(self, angle):
        assert angle % 90 == 0
        return self

    # Rotates a page counter-clockwise by increments of 90 degrees.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.1, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    # @param angle Angle to rotate the page.  Must be an increment of 90 deg.
    def rotateCounterClockwise(self, angle):
        assert angle % 90 == 0
        return self

    def _rotate(self, angle):
        currentAngle = self.get("/Rotate", 0)
        self[NameObject("/Rotate")] = NumberObject(currentAngle + angle)

    def _mergeResources(res1, res2, resource):
        newRes = DictionaryObject()
        newRes.update(res1.get(resource, DictionaryObject()).getObject())
        page2Res = res2.get(resource, DictionaryObject()).getObject()
        renameRes = {}
        for key in page2Res.keys():
            if key in newRes and newRes[key] != page2Res[key]:
                newname = NameObject(key + "renamed")
                renameRes[key] = newname
                newRes[newname] = page2Res[key]
            elif key not in newRes:
                newRes[key] = page2Res.raw_get(key)
        return newRes, renameRes
    _mergeResources = staticmethod(_mergeResources)

    def _contentStreamRename(stream, rename, pdf):
        if not rename:
            return stream
        stream = ContentStream(stream, pdf)
        for operands, operator in stream.operations:
            for i in range(len(operands)):
                op = operands[i]
                if isinstance(op, NameObject):
                    operands[i] = rename.get(op, op)
        return stream
    _contentStreamRename = staticmethod(_contentStreamRename)

    def _pushPopGS(contents, pdf):
        # adds a graphics state "push" and "pop" to the beginning and end
        # of a content stream.  This isolates it from changes such as
        # transformation matricies.
        stream = ContentStream(contents, pdf)
        stream.operations.insert(0, [[], "q"])
        stream.operations.append([[], "Q"])
        return stream
    _pushPopGS = staticmethod(_pushPopGS)

    def _addTransformationMatrix(contents, pdf, ctm):
        # adds transformation matrix at the beginning of the given
        # contents stream.
        a, b, c, d, e, f = ctm
        contents = ContentStream(contents, pdf)
        contents.operations.insert(0, [[FloatObject(a), FloatObject(b),
                                        FloatObject(c), FloatObject(d),
                                        FloatObject(e), FloatObject(f)],
                                   " cm"])
        return contents
    _addTransformationMatrix = staticmethod(_addTransformationMatrix)

    # Returns the /Contents object, or None if it doesn't exist.
    # /Contents is optionnal, as described in PDF Reference
    def getContents(self):
        if "/Contents" in self:
            return self["/Contents"].getObject()
            return None

    # Merges the content streams of two pages into one.  Resource references
    # (i.e. fonts) are maintained from both pages.  The mediabox/cropbox/etc
    # of this page are not altered.  The parameter page's content stream will
    # be added to the end of this page's content stream, meaning that it will
    # be drawn after, or "on top" of this page.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future 1.x releases.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged
    #              into this one.
    def mergePage(self, page2):

    # Actually merges the content streams of two pages into one. Resource
    # references (i.e. fonts) are maintained from both pages. The
    # mediabox/cropbox/etc of this page are not altered. The parameter page's
    # content stream will be added to the end of this page's content stream,
    # meaning that it will be drawn after, or "on top" of this page.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged
    #              into this one.
    # @param page2transformation A function which applies a transformation to
    #                            the content stream of page2. Takes: page2
    #                            contents stream. Must return: new contents
    #                            stream. If omitted, the content stream will
    #                            not be modified.
    # @param ctm A 6-item list containing the content transformation matrix.
    #            Although this list could be pulled from the closure of the
    #            page2transformation function, it is simpler and more
    #            extensible to have it as a separate parameter.
    # @param expand Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions
    #               of the page to be merged
    def _mergePage(self, page2, page2transformation=None,
                   ctm=None, expand=False):
        # First we work on merging the resource dictionaries.  This allows us
        # to find out what symbols in the content streams we might need to
        # rename.
        newResources = DictionaryObject()
        rename = {}
        originalResources = self["/Resources"].getObject()
        page2Resources = page2["/Resources"].getObject()

        for res in ["/ExtGState", "/Font", "/XObject", "/ColorSpace",
                    "/Pattern", "/Shading", "/Properties"]:
            new, newrename = PageObject._mergeResources(originalResources,
                                                        page2Resources, res)
            if new:
                newResources[NameObject(res)] = new
        # Combine /ProcSet sets.
        newResources[NameObject("/ProcSet")] = ArrayObject(
                "/ProcSet", ArrayObject()).getObject()).union(
                        "/ProcSet", ArrayObject()).getObject())))
        newContentArray = ArrayObject()
        originalContent = self.getContents()
        if originalContent is not None:
                originalContent, self.pdf))
        page2Content = page2.getContents()
        if page2Content is not None:
            if page2transformation is not None:
                page2Content = page2transformation(page2Content)
            page2Content = PageObject._contentStreamRename(
                page2Content, rename, self.pdf)
            page2Content = PageObject._pushPopGS(page2Content, self.pdf)
        # if expanding the page to fit a new page,
        # calculate the new media box size
        if expand:
            corners1 = [self.mediaBox.getLowerLeft_x().as_numeric(),
            corners2 = [page2.mediaBox.getLowerLeft_x().as_numeric(),
            if ctm is not None:
                new_x = map(lambda i: ctm[0]*corners2[i]
                            + ctm[2]*corners2[i+1] + ctm[4],
                            range(0, 8, 2))
                new_y = map(lambda i: ctm[1]*corners2[i]
                            + ctm[3]*corners2[i+1] + ctm[5],
                            range(0, 8, 2))
                new_x = corners2[0:8:2]
                new_y = corners2[1:8:2]
            lowerleft = [min(new_x), min(new_y)]
            upperright = [max(new_x), max(new_y)]
            lowerleft = [min(corners1[0], lowerleft[0]),
                         min(corners1[1], lowerleft[1])]
            upperright = [max(corners1[2], upperright[0]),
                          max(corners1[3], upperright[1])]


        self[NameObject('/Contents')] = ContentStream(
            newContentArray, self.pdf)
        self[NameObject('/Resources')] = newResources

    # This is similar to mergePage, but a transformation matrix is
    # applied to the merged stream.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param ctm   A 6 elements tuple containing the operands of the
    #              transformation matrix
    def mergeTransformedPage(self, page2, ctm):
        self._mergePage(page2, lambda page2Content:
                            page2Content, page2.pdf, ctm), ctm)

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is scaled
    # by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param factor The scaling factor
    def mergeScaledPage(self, page2, factor):
        # CTM to scale : [ sx 0 0 sy 0 0 ]
        return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [factor, 0,
                                                 0,      factor,
                                                 0,      0])

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is rotated
    # by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param rotation The angle of the rotation, in degrees
    def mergeRotatedPage(self, page2, rotation):
        rotation = math.radians(rotation)
        return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [math.cos(rotation),
                                                 0, 0])

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is translated
    # by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param tx    The translation on X axis
    # @param tx    The translation on Y axis
    def mergeTranslatedPage(self, page2, tx, ty):
        return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [1,  0,
                                                 0,  1,
                                                 tx, ty])

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is rotated
    # and scaled by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param rotation The angle of the rotation, in degrees
    # @param factor The scaling factor
    def mergeRotatedScaledPage(self, page2, rotation, scale):
        rotation = math.radians(rotation)
        rotating = [[math.cos(rotation), math.sin(rotation), 0],
                    [-math.sin(rotation), math.cos(rotation), 0],
                    [0, 0, 1]]
        scaling = [[scale, 0, 0],
                   [0, scale, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1]]
        ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(rotating, scaling)

        return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2,
                                         [ctm[0][0], ctm[0][1],
                                          ctm[1][0], ctm[1][1],
                                          ctm[2][0], ctm[2][1]])

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is translated
    # and scaled by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param scale The scaling factor
    # @param tx    The translation on X axis
    # @param tx    The translation on Y axis
    def mergeScaledTranslatedPage(self, page2, scale, tx, ty):
        translation = [[1, 0, 0],
                       [0, 1, 0],
                       [tx, ty, 1]]
        scaling = [[scale, 0, 0],
                   [0, scale, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1]]
        ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(scaling, translation)

        return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [ctm[0][0], ctm[0][1],
                                                 ctm[1][0], ctm[1][1],
                                                 ctm[2][0], ctm[2][1]])

    # This is similar to mergePage, but the stream to be merged is translated,
    # rotated and scaled by appling a transformation matrix.
    # @param page2 An instance of {@link #PageObject PageObject} to be merged.
    # @param tx    The translation on X axis
    # @param ty    The translation on Y axis
    # @param rotation The angle of the rotation, in degrees
    # @param scale The scaling factor
    def mergeRotatedScaledTranslatedPage(self, page2, rotation, scale, tx, ty):
        translation = [[1, 0, 0],
                       [0, 1, 0],
                       [tx, ty, 1]]
        rotation = math.radians(rotation)
        rotating = [[math.cos(rotation), math.sin(rotation), 0],
                    [-math.sin(rotation), math.cos(rotation), 0],
                    [0, 0, 1]]
        scaling = [[scale, 0, 0],
                   [0, scale, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1]]
        ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(rotating, scaling)
        ctm = utils.matrixMultiply(ctm, translation)

        return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, [ctm[0][0], ctm[0][1],
                                                 ctm[1][0], ctm[1][1],
                                                 ctm[2][0], ctm[2][1]])

    # Applys a transformation matrix the page.
    # @param ctm   A 6 elements tuple containing the operands of the
    #              transformation matrix
    def addTransformation(self, ctm):
        originalContent = self.getContents()
        if originalContent is not None:
            newContent = PageObject._addTransformationMatrix(
                originalContent, self.pdf, ctm)
            newContent = PageObject._pushPopGS(newContent, self.pdf)
            self[NameObject('/Contents')] = newContent

    # Scales a page by the given factors by appling a transformation
    # matrix to its content and updating the page size.
    # @param sx The scaling factor on horizontal axis
    # @param sy The scaling factor on vertical axis
    def scale(self, sx, sy):
        self.addTransformation([sx, 0,
                                0,  sy,
                                0,  0])
        self.mediaBox = RectangleObject([
            float(self.mediaBox.getLowerLeft_x()) * sx,
            float(self.mediaBox.getLowerLeft_y()) * sy,
            float(self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_x()) * sx,
            float(self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_y()) * sy])

    # Scales a page by the given factor by appling a transformation
    # matrix to its content and updating the page size.
    # @param factor The scaling factor
    def scaleBy(self, factor):
        self.scale(factor, factor)

    # Scales a page to the specified dimentions by appling a
    # transformation matrix to its content and updating the page size.
    # @param width The new width
    # @param height The new heigth
    def scaleTo(self, width, height):
        sx = width / (self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_x() -
        sy = height / (self.mediaBox.getUpperRight_y() -
        self.scale(sx, sy)

    # Compresses the size of this page by joining all content streams and
    # applying a FlateDecode filter.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.6, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    # However, it is possible that this function will perform no action if
    # content stream compression becomes "automatic" for some reason.
    def compressContentStreams(self):
        content = self.getContents()
        if content is not None:
            if not isinstance(content, ContentStream):
                content = ContentStream(content, self.pdf)
            self[NameObject("/Contents")] = content.flateEncode()

    # Locate all text drawing commands, in the order they are provided in the
    # content stream, and extract the text.  This works well for some PDF
    # files, but poorly for others, depending on the generator used.  This will
    # be refined in the future.  Do not rely on the order of text coming out of
    # this function, as it will change if this function is made more
    # sophisticated.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.7, will exist for all future v1.x releases.  May
    # be overhauled to provide more ordered text in the future.
    # @return a unicode string object
    def extractText(self):
        text = u""
        content = self["/Contents"].getObject()
        if not isinstance(content, ContentStream):
            content = ContentStream(content, self.pdf)
        # Note: we check all strings are TextStringObjects.  ByteStringObjects
        # are strings where the byte->string encoding was unknown, so adding
        # them to the text here would be gibberish.
        for operands, operator in content.operations:
            if operator == "Tj":
                _text = operands[0]
                if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject):
                    text += _text
            elif operator == "T*":
                text += "\n"
            elif operator == "'":
                text += "\n"
                _text = operands[0]
                if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject):
                    text += operands[0]
            elif operator == '"':
                _text = operands[2]
                if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject):
                    text += "\n"
                    text += _text
            elif operator == "TJ":
                for i in operands[0]:
                    if isinstance(i, TextStringObject):
                        text += i
        return text

    # A rectangle (RectangleObject), expressed in default user space units,
    # defining the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page is
    # intended to be displayed or printed.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    mediaBox = createRectangleAccessor("/MediaBox", ())

    # A rectangle (RectangleObject), expressed in default user space units,
    # defining the visible region of default user space.  When the page is
    # displayed or printed, its contents are to be clipped (cropped) to this
    # rectangle and then imposed on the output medium in some
    # implementation-defined manner.  Default value: same as MediaBox.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    cropBox = createRectangleAccessor("/CropBox", ("/MediaBox",))

    # A rectangle (RectangleObject), expressed in default user space units,
    # defining the region to which the contents of the page should be clipped
    # when output in a production enviroment.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    bleedBox = createRectangleAccessor("/BleedBox", ("/CropBox", "/MediaBox"))

    # A rectangle (RectangleObject), expressed in default user space units,
    # defining the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    trimBox = createRectangleAccessor("/TrimBox", ("/CropBox", "/MediaBox"))

    # A rectangle (RectangleObject), expressed in default user space units,
    # defining the extent of the page's meaningful content as intended by the
    # page's creator.
    # <p>
    # Stability: Added in v1.4, will exist for all future v1.x releases.
    artBox = createRectangleAccessor("/ArtBox", ("/CropBox", "/MediaBox"))