class Sample(Entity): "Customer's sample to be analyzed; associated with a project." _URI = 'samples' _PREFIX = 'smp' name = StringDescriptor('name') date_received = StringDescriptor('date-received') date_completed = StringDescriptor('date-completed') project = EntityDescriptor('project', Project) submitter = EntityDescriptor('submitter', Researcher) # artifact: defined below udf = UdfDictionaryDescriptor() udt = UdtDictionaryDescriptor() notes = EntityListDescriptor('note', Note) files = EntityListDescriptor(nsmap('file:file'), File) externalids = ExternalidListDescriptor() # biosource XXX @classmethod def create(cls, lims, container, position, **kwargs): """Create an instance of Sample from attributes then post it to the LIMS Udfs can be sent in with the kwarg `udfs`. It should be a dictionary-like. """ if not isinstance(container, Container): raise TypeError('%s is not of type Container' % container) udfs = kwargs.pop("udfs", None) instance = super(Sample, cls)._create(lims, creation_tag='samplecreation', **kwargs) location = ElementTree.SubElement(instance.root, 'location') ElementTree.SubElement(location, 'container', dict(uri=container.uri)) position_element = ElementTree.SubElement(location, 'value') position_element.text = position # NOTE: This is a quick fix. I assume that it must be possible to initialize samples # with UDFs for key, value in udfs.items(): attrib = { "name": key, "xmlns:udf": "", } udf = ElementTree.SubElement(instance.root, 'udf:field', attrib=attrib) udf.text = value data = lims.tostring(ElementTree.ElementTree(instance.root)) instance.root =, data=data) instance._uri = instance.root.attrib['uri'] return instance
class ProcessTypeProcessOutput(object): instance = None name = None root = None tag = '' artifact_type = StringDescriptor('artifact-type') display_name = StringDescriptor('display-name') output_generation_type = StringDescriptor('output-generation-type') variability_type = StringDescriptor('variability-type') number_of_outputs = IntegerDescriptor('number-of-outputs') output_name = StringDescriptor('output-name') field_definitions = EntityListDescriptor('field-definition', Udfconfig) def __init__(self, pt_instance, node): self.instance = pt_instance self.root = node self.lims = pt_instance.lims def __repr__(self): return "{0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.output_name) def get(self): pass
class Sample(Entity): "Customer's sample to be analyzed; associated with a project." _URI = 'samples' _TAG = 'sample' _PREFIX = 'smp' name = StringDescriptor('name') date_received = StringDescriptor('date-received') date_completed = StringDescriptor('date-completed') project = EntityDescriptor('project', Project) submitter = EntityDescriptor('submitter', Researcher) # artifact: defined below udf = UdfDictionaryDescriptor() udt = UdtDictionaryDescriptor() notes = EntityListDescriptor('note', Note) files = EntityListDescriptor(nsmap('file:file'), File) externalids = ExternalidListDescriptor() # biosource XXX control_type = EntityDescriptor('control-type', Controltype) @classmethod def create(cls, lims, container, position, udfs=None, **kwargs): """Create an instance of Sample from attributes then post it to the LIMS""" if udfs is None: udfs = {} if not isinstance(container, Container): raise TypeError('%s is not of type Container' % container) instance = super(Sample, cls)._create(lims, creation_tag='samplecreation', udfs=udfs, **kwargs) location = ElementTree.SubElement(instance.root, 'location') ElementTree.SubElement(location, 'container', dict(uri=container.uri)) position_element = ElementTree.SubElement(location, 'value') position_element.text = position data = lims.tostring(ElementTree.ElementTree(instance.root)) instance.root =, data=data) instance._uri = instance.root.attrib['uri'] return instance
class Project(Entity): "Project concerning a number of samples; associated with a researcher." _URI = 'projects' _PREFIX = 'prj' name = StringDescriptor('name') open_date = StringDescriptor('open-date') close_date = StringDescriptor('close-date') invoice_date = StringDescriptor('invoice-date') researcher = EntityDescriptor('researcher', Researcher) udf = UdfDictionaryDescriptor() udt = UdtDictionaryDescriptor() files = EntityListDescriptor(nsmap('file:file'), File) externalids = ExternalidListDescriptor()
class Processtype(Entity): _TAG = 'process-type' _URI = 'processtypes' _PREFIX = 'ptp' def __init__(self, lims, uri=None, id=None, _create_new=False): super(Processtype, self).__init__(lims, uri, id, _create_new) self.parameters = ProcessTypeParametersDescriptor(self) name = StringAttributeDescriptor('name') field_definition = EntityListDescriptor('field-definition', Udfconfig) process_inputs = ProcessTypeProcessInputDescriptor() process_outputs = ProcessTypeProcessOutputDescriptor() process_type_attribute = NamedStringDescriptor('process-type-attribute') @property def process_input(self): return self.process_inputs[0]
class ProcessTypeParameter(object): instance = None name = None root = None tag = 'parameter' string = StringDescriptor('string') run_program_per_event = StringDescriptor('run-program-per-event') channel = StringDescriptor('channel') invocation_type = StringDescriptor('invocation-type') file = EntityListDescriptor(nsmap('file:file'), File) def __init__(self, pt_instance, node): self.instance = pt_instance self.root = node = self.root.attrib['name'] def get(self): pass
class Artifact(Entity): "Any process input or output; analyte or file." _URI = 'artifacts' _TAG = 'artifact' _PREFIX = 'art' name = StringDescriptor('name') type = StringDescriptor('type') output_type = StringDescriptor('output-type') parent_process = EntityDescriptor('parent-process', Process) volume = StringDescriptor('volume') concentration = StringDescriptor('concentration') qc_flag = StringDescriptor('qc-flag') location = LocationDescriptor('location') working_flag = BooleanDescriptor('working-flag') samples = EntityListDescriptor('sample', Sample) udf = UdfDictionaryDescriptor() files = EntityListDescriptor(nsmap('file:file'), File) reagent_labels = ReagentLabelList() # artifact_flags XXX # artifact_groups XXX def input_artifact_list(self): """Returns the input artifact ids of the parrent process.""" input_artifact_list = [] try: for tuple in self.parent_process.input_output_maps: if tuple[1]['limsid'] == input_artifact_list.append(tuple[0]['uri']) # ['limsid']) except: pass return input_artifact_list def get_state(self): "Parse out the state value from the URI." parts = urlparse(self.uri) params = parse_qs(parts.query) try: return params['state'][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None @property def container(self): "The container where the artifact is located, or None" try: return self.location[0] except: return None def stateless(self): "returns the artefact independently of it's state" parts = urlparse(self.uri) if 'state' in parts[4]: stateless_uri = urlunparse( [parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3], '', '']) return Artifact(self.lims, uri=stateless_uri) else: return self # XXX set_state ? state = property(get_state) stateless = property(stateless) def _get_workflow_stages_and_statuses(self): self.get() result = [] rootnode = self.root.find('workflow-stages') for node in rootnode.findall('workflow-stage'): result.append((Stage(self.lims, uri=node.attrib['uri']), node.attrib['status'], node.attrib['name'])) return result workflow_stages_and_statuses = property(_get_workflow_stages_and_statuses)
class Process(Entity): "Process (instance of Processtype) executed producing ouputs from inputs." _URI = 'processes' _PREFIX = 'prc' type = EntityDescriptor('type', Processtype) date_run = StringDescriptor('date-run') technician = EntityDescriptor('technician', Researcher) protocol_name = StringDescriptor('protocol-name') input_output_maps = InputOutputMapList() udf = UdfDictionaryDescriptor() udt = UdtDictionaryDescriptor() files = EntityListDescriptor(nsmap('file:file'), File) process_parameter = StringDescriptor('process-parameter') instrument = EntityDescriptor('instrument', Instrument) # process_parameters XXX def outputs_per_input(self, inart, ResultFile=False, SharedResultFile=False, Analyte=False): """Getting all the output artifacts related to a particual input artifact""" inouts = [ io for io in self.input_output_maps if io[0]['limsid'] == inart ] if ResultFile: inouts = [ io for io in inouts if io[1]['output-type'] == 'ResultFile' ] elif SharedResultFile: inouts = [ io for io in inouts if io[1]['output-type'] == 'SharedResultFile' ] elif Analyte: inouts = [io for io in inouts if io[1]['output-type'] == 'Analyte'] outs = [io[1]['uri'] for io in inouts] return outs def input_per_sample(self, sample): """gettiung all the input artifacts dereved from the specifyed sample""" ins_all = self.all_inputs() ins = [] for inp in ins_all: for samp in inp.samples: if == sample and inp not in ins: ins.append(inp) return ins def all_inputs(self, unique=True, resolve=False): """Retrieving all input artifacts from input_output_maps if unique is true, no duplicates are returned. """ # if the process has no input, that is not standard and we want to know about it try: ids = [io[0]['limsid'] for io in self.input_output_maps] except TypeError: logger.error("Process ", self, " has no input artifacts") raise TypeError if unique: ids = list(frozenset(ids)) if resolve: return self.lims.get_batch( [Artifact(self.lims, id=id) for id in ids if id is not None]) else: return [Artifact(self.lims, id=id) for id in ids if id is not None] def all_outputs(self, unique=True, resolve=False): """Retrieving all output artifacts from input_output_maps if unique is true, no duplicates are returned. """ # Given how ids is structured, io[1] might be None : some process don't have an output. ids = [ io[1]['limsid'] for io in self.input_output_maps if io[1] is not None ] if unique: ids = list(frozenset(ids)) if resolve: return self.lims.get_batch( [Artifact(self.lims, id=id) for id in ids if id is not None]) else: return [Artifact(self.lims, id=id) for id in ids if id is not None] def shared_result_files(self): """Retreve all resultfiles of output-generation-type PerAllInputs.""" artifacts = self.all_outputs(unique=True) return [a for a in artifacts if a.output_type == 'SharedResultFile'] def result_files(self): """Retreve all resultfiles of output-generation-type perInput.""" artifacts = self.all_outputs(unique=True) return [a for a in artifacts if a.output_type == 'ResultFile'] def analytes(self): """Retreving the output Analytes of the process, if existing. If the process is not producing any output analytes, the input analytes are returned. Input/Output is returned as a information string. Makes aggregate processes and normal processes look the same.""" info = 'Output' artifacts = self.all_outputs(unique=True) analytes = [a for a in artifacts if a.type == 'Analyte'] if len(analytes) == 0: artifacts = self.all_inputs(unique=True) analytes = [a for a in artifacts if a.type == 'Analyte'] info = 'Input' return analytes, info def parent_processes(self): """Retrieving all parent processes through the input artifacts""" return [i_a.parent_process for i_a in self.all_inputs(unique=True)] def output_containers(self): """Retrieve all unique output containers""" cs = [] for o_a in self.all_outputs(unique=True): if o_a.container: cs.append(o_a.container) return list(frozenset(cs)) @property def step(self): """Retrive the Step coresponding to this process. They share the same id""" return Step(self.lims,