예제 #1
 def deserialize(self, str):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   if python3:
     codecs.lookup_error("rosmsg").msg_type = self._type
     if self.joint_trajectory is None:
       self.joint_trajectory = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory()
     if self.model_pose is None:
       self.model_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
     end = 0
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.model_name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.model_name = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.joint_trajectory.header.seq, _x.joint_trajectory.header.stamp.secs, _x.joint_trajectory.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.joint_trajectory.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.joint_trajectory.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.joint_trajectory.joint_names = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         val1 = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
         val1 = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.joint_trajectory.points = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint()
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       pattern = '<%sd'%length
       start = end
       s = struct.Struct(pattern)
       end += s.size
       val1.positions = s.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       pattern = '<%sd'%length
       start = end
       s = struct.Struct(pattern)
       end += s.size
       val1.velocities = s.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       pattern = '<%sd'%length
       start = end
       s = struct.Struct(pattern)
       end += s.size
       val1.accelerations = s.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       pattern = '<%sd'%length
       start = end
       s = struct.Struct(pattern)
       end += s.size
       val1.effort = s.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v2 = val1.time_from_start
       _x = _v2
       start = end
       end += 8
       (_x.secs, _x.nsecs,) = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 58
     (_x.model_pose.position.x, _x.model_pose.position.y, _x.model_pose.position.z, _x.model_pose.orientation.x, _x.model_pose.orientation.y, _x.model_pose.orientation.z, _x.model_pose.orientation.w, _x.set_model_pose, _x.disable_physics_updates,) = _get_struct_7d2B().unpack(str[start:end])
     self.set_model_pose = bool(self.set_model_pose)
     self.disable_physics_updates = bool(self.disable_physics_updates)
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
예제 #2
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.people is None:
             self.people = None
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.people = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = rail_pose_estimation_msgs.msg.Keypoints()
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 144
             ) = _get_struct_36f().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     if self.header is None:
       self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
     if self.goal_id is None:
       self.goal_id = actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalID()
     if self.goal is None:
       self.goal = cob_light.msg.SetLightModeGoal()
     end = 0
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.header.seq, _x.header.stamp.secs, _x.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 8
     (_x.goal_id.stamp.secs, _x.goal_id.stamp.nsecs,) = _struct_2I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 14
     (_x.goal.mode.mode, _x.goal.mode.frequency, _x.goal.mode.timeout, _x.goal.mode.pulses, _x.goal.mode.priority,) = _struct_B2fib.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.goal.mode.colors = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA()
       _x = val1
       start = end
       end += 16
       (_x.r, _x.g, _x.b, _x.a,) = _struct_4f.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.goal.mode.sequences = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = cob_light.msg.Sequence()
       _v4 = val1.color
       _x = _v4
       start = end
       end += 16
       (_x.r, _x.g, _x.b, _x.a,) = _struct_4f.unpack(str[start:end])
       _x = val1
       start = end
       end += 8
       (_x.hold_time, _x.cross_time,) = _struct_2f.unpack(str[start:end])
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #4
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     end = 0
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.type = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.type = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.name = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.node = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.node = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.type_msg = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.type_msg = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.type_info = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.type_info = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.xmlrpc_uri = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.xmlrpc_uri = str[start:end]
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #5
 def deserialize(self, str):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
     codecs.lookup_error("rosmsg").msg_type = self._type
         if self.img is None:
             self.img = sensor_msgs.msg.Image()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.img.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.img.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.img.encoding = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.img.encoding = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 5
         ) = _get_struct_BI().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         self.img.data = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.fullPathFileName = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.fullPathFileName = str[start:end]
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
예제 #6
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.goal_id is None:
             self.goal_id = actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalID()
         if self.goal is None:
             self.goal = kuka_node.msg.ExecuteTrajectoryGoal()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _struct_2I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.goal.trajectory.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.goal.trajectory.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.goal.trajectory.joint_names = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1 = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
                 val1 = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.goal.trajectory.points = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.positions = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.velocities = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.accelerations = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.effort = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
             _v4 = val1.time_from_start
             _x = _v4
             start = end
             end += 8
             ) = _struct_2i.unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #7
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     if self.orientation is None:
       self.orientation = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion()
     if self.markers is None:
       self.markers = None
     end = 0
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.name = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 35
     (_x.orientation.x, _x.orientation.y, _x.orientation.z, _x.orientation.w, _x.orientation_mode, _x.interaction_mode, _x.always_visible,) = _struct_4d3B.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.always_visible = bool(self.always_visible)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.markers = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = visualization_msgs.msg.Marker()
       _v25 = val1.header
       start = end
       end += 4
       (_v25.seq,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v26 = _v25.stamp
       _x = _v26
       start = end
       end += 8
       (_x.secs, _x.nsecs,) = _struct_2I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         _v25.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
         _v25.frame_id = str[start:end]
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         val1.ns = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
         val1.ns = str[start:end]
       _x = val1
       start = end
       end += 12
       (_x.id, _x.type, _x.action,) = _struct_3i.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v27 = val1.pose
       _v28 = _v27.position
       _x = _v28
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v29 = _v27.orientation
       _x = _v29
       start = end
       end += 32
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z, _x.w,) = _struct_4d.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v30 = val1.scale
       _x = _v30
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v31 = val1.color
       _x = _v31
       start = end
       end += 16
       (_x.r, _x.g, _x.b, _x.a,) = _struct_4f.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v32 = val1.lifetime
       _x = _v32
       start = end
       end += 8
       (_x.secs, _x.nsecs,) = _struct_2i.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 1
       (val1.frame_locked,) = _struct_B.unpack(str[start:end])
       val1.frame_locked = bool(val1.frame_locked)
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       val1.points = []
       for i in range(0, length):
         val2 = geometry_msgs.msg.Point()
         _x = val2
         start = end
         end += 24
         (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       val1.colors = []
       for i in range(0, length):
         val2 = std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA()
         _x = val2
         start = end
         end += 16
         (_x.r, _x.g, _x.b, _x.a,) = _struct_4f.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         val1.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
         val1.text = str[start:end]
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         val1.mesh_resource = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
         val1.mesh_resource = str[start:end]
       start = end
       end += 1
       (val1.mesh_use_embedded_materials,) = _struct_B.unpack(str[start:end])
       val1.mesh_use_embedded_materials = bool(val1.mesh_use_embedded_materials)
     start = end
     end += 1
     (self.independent_marker_orientation,) = _struct_B.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.independent_marker_orientation = bool(self.independent_marker_orientation)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.description = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.description = str[start:end]
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize(self, str):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.points is None:
             self.points = None
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.originator = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.originator = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.joint_names = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1 = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
                 val1 = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.points = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.positions = struct.unpack(pattern, str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.velocities = struct.unpack(pattern, str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.accelerations = struct.unpack(pattern, str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.effort = struct.unpack(pattern, str[start:end])
             _v2 = val1.time_from_start
             _x = _v2
             start = end
             end += 8
             ) = _struct_2i.unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #9
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.status is None:
             self.status = actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus()
         if self.result is None:
             self.result = simple_navigation_goals.msg.TurtleMoveResult()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.status.status, ) = _get_struct_B().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.status.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.status.text = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 24
         ) = _get_struct_3d().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #10
 def deserialize(self, str):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   if python3:
     codecs.lookup_error("rosmsg").msg_type = self._type
     end = 0
     start = end
     end += 1
     (self.joint_id,) = _get_struct_b().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.Kp_pos = s.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.Ki_pos = s.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.Kd_pos = s.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.K1 = s.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.K2 = s.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.Kp_vel = s.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.Ki_vel = s.unpack(str[start:end])
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
예제 #11
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
   if python3:
     codecs.lookup_error("rosmsg").msg_type = self._type
     end = 0
     start = end
     end += 1
     (self.joint_id,) = _get_struct_b().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.Kp_pos = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.int32, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.Ki_pos = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.int32, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.Kd_pos = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.int32, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.K1 = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.int32, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.K2 = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.int32, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.Kp_vel = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.int32, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%si'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.Ki_vel = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.int32, count=length)
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
예제 #12
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3f().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.gyro_time = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.gyro_time = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3f().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.accel_time = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.accel_time = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3f().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.compass_time = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.compass_time = str[start:end]
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #13
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
   codecs.lookup_error("rosmsg").msg_type = self._type
     if self.header is None:
       self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
     if self.results is None:
       self.results = None
     if self.bbox is None:
       self.bbox = vision_msgs.msg.BoundingBox3D()
     if self.source_cloud is None:
       self.source_cloud = sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2()
     end = 0
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.header.seq, _x.header.stamp.secs, _x.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.results = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = vision_msgs.msg.ObjectHypothesisWithPose()
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         val1.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
         val1.id = str[start:end]
       start = end
       end += 8
       (val1.score,) = _get_struct_d().unpack(str[start:end])
       _v13 = val1.pose
       _v14 = _v13.pose
       _v15 = _v14.position
       _x = _v15
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _get_struct_3d().unpack(str[start:end])
       _v16 = _v14.orientation
       _x = _v16
       start = end
       end += 32
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z, _x.w,) = _get_struct_4d().unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 288
       _v13.covariance = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=36)
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 92
     (_x.bbox.center.position.x, _x.bbox.center.position.y, _x.bbox.center.position.z, _x.bbox.center.orientation.x, _x.bbox.center.orientation.y, _x.bbox.center.orientation.z, _x.bbox.center.orientation.w, _x.bbox.size.x, _x.bbox.size.y, _x.bbox.size.z, _x.source_cloud.header.seq, _x.source_cloud.header.stamp.secs, _x.source_cloud.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_10d3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.source_cloud.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.source_cloud.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 8
     (_x.source_cloud.height, _x.source_cloud.width,) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.source_cloud.fields = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = sensor_msgs.msg.PointField()
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         val1.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
         val1.name = str[start:end]
       _x = val1
       start = end
       end += 9
       (_x.offset, _x.datatype, _x.count,) = _get_struct_IBI().unpack(str[start:end])
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 9
     (_x.source_cloud.is_bigendian, _x.source_cloud.point_step, _x.source_cloud.row_step,) = _get_struct_B2I().unpack(str[start:end])
     self.source_cloud.is_bigendian = bool(self.source_cloud.is_bigendian)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     self.source_cloud.data = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 2
     (_x.source_cloud.is_dense, _x.is_tracking,) = _get_struct_2B().unpack(str[start:end])
     self.source_cloud.is_dense = bool(self.source_cloud.is_dense)
     self.is_tracking = bool(self.is_tracking)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.tracking_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.tracking_id = str[start:end]
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
예제 #14
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
     codecs.lookup_error("rosmsg").msg_type = self._type
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.status is None:
             self.status = actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus()
         if self.result is None:
             self.result = action_demo.msg.DoDishesResult()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.status.status, ) = _get_struct_B().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.status.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.status.text = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (self.result.total_dishes_cleaned, ) = _get_struct_I().unpack(
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
예제 #15
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     if self.joint_trajectory is None:
       self.joint_trajectory = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory()
     if self.model_pose is None:
       self.model_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
     end = 0
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.model_name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.model_name = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.joint_trajectory.header.seq, _x.joint_trajectory.header.stamp.secs, _x.joint_trajectory.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.joint_trajectory.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.joint_trajectory.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.joint_trajectory.joint_names = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         val1 = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
         val1 = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.joint_trajectory.points = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint()
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       pattern = '<%sd'%length
       start = end
       end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
       val1.positions = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       pattern = '<%sd'%length
       start = end
       end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
       val1.velocities = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       pattern = '<%sd'%length
       start = end
       end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
       val1.accelerations = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       pattern = '<%sd'%length
       start = end
       end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
       val1.effort = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
       _v4 = val1.time_from_start
       _x = _v4
       start = end
       end += 8
       (_x.secs, _x.nsecs,) = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 58
     (_x.model_pose.position.x, _x.model_pose.position.y, _x.model_pose.position.z, _x.model_pose.orientation.x, _x.model_pose.orientation.y, _x.model_pose.orientation.z, _x.model_pose.orientation.w, _x.set_model_pose, _x.disable_physics_updates,) = _get_struct_7d2B().unpack(str[start:end])
     self.set_model_pose = bool(self.set_model_pose)
     self.disable_physics_updates = bool(self.disable_physics_updates)
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #16
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.scanlines is None:
             self.scanlines = None
         end = 0
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.scanlines = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = ezls_msgs.msg.LmsScanline()
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 57
             ) = _struct_2iBIdIi2d3i.unpack(str[start:end])
             val1.autoTiltDirUp = bool(val1.autoTiltDirUp)
             start = end
             end += 724
             val1.distanceValues = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
             start = end
             end += 1448
             val1.tiltValues = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
             start = end
             end += 724
             val1.remissionValues = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
             start = end
             end += 1
             (val1.hasCartesianPoints, ) = _struct_B.unpack(str[start:end])
             val1.hasCartesianPoints = bool(val1.hasCartesianPoints)
             val1.cartesianPoints = []
             for i in range(0, 181):
                 val2 = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3()
                 _x = val2
                 start = end
                 end += 24
                 ) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #17
 def deserialize(self, str):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
         if self.action_goal is None:
             self.action_goal = stdr_msgs.msg.DeleteRobotActionGoal()
         if self.action_result is None:
             self.action_result = stdr_msgs.msg.DeleteRobotActionResult()
         if self.action_feedback is None:
             self.action_feedback = stdr_msgs.msg.DeleteRobotActionFeedback(
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_goal.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_goal.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _struct_2I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_goal.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.action_goal.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_goal.goal.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.action_goal.goal.name = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_result.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_result.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _struct_2I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_result.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_result.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.action_result.status.status, ) = _struct_B.unpack(
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_result.status.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.action_result.status.text = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 13
         ) = _struct_B3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.action_result.result.success = bool(
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _struct_2I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_feedback.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_feedback.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.action_feedback.status.status, ) = _struct_B.unpack(
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_feedback.status.text = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_feedback.status.text = str[start:end]
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #18
 def deserialize(self, str):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
         end = 0
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.frame = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.frame = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.type = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.type = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.quality, ) = _get_struct_B().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 8
         self.a = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 8
         self.b = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 8
         self.c = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 8
         self.d = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 16
         ) = _get_struct_2I2f().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.data = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.data = str[start:end]
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
예제 #19
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.landmark is None:
             self.landmark = None
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.landmark = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = cartographer_ros_msgs.msg.LandmarkEntry()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
                 val1.id = str[start:end]
             _v10 = val1.tracking_from_landmark_transform
             _v11 = _v10.position
             _x = _v11
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _get_struct_3d().unpack(str[start:end])
             _v12 = _v10.orientation
             _x = _v12
             start = end
             end += 32
             ) = _get_struct_4d().unpack(str[start:end])
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 16
             ) = _get_struct_2d().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #20
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         end = 0
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.frame = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.frame = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.type = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.type = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.quality, ) = _get_struct_B().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 8
         self.a = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         start = end
         end += 8
         self.b = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         start = end
         end += 8
         self.c = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         start = end
         end += 8
         self.d = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 16
         ) = _get_struct_2I2f().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.data = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.data = str[start:end]
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.status is None:
             self.status = actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus()
         if self.feedback is None:
             self.feedback = hq_robot_task.msg.hq_RobotTaskFeedback()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.status.status, ) = _get_struct_B().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.status.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.status.text = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (self.feedback.complete, ) = _get_struct_f().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #22
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.global_position is None:
             self.global_position = auv_msgs.msg.DecimalLatLon()
         if self.origin is None:
             self.origin = auv_msgs.msg.DecimalLatLon()
         if self.position is None:
             self.position = auv_msgs.msg.NED()
         if self.body_velocity is None:
             self.body_velocity = geometry_msgs.msg.Point()
         if self.orientation is None:
             self.orientation = auv_msgs.msg.RPY()
         if self.orientation_rate is None:
             self.orientation_rate = auv_msgs.msg.RPY()
         if self.position_variance is None:
             self.position_variance = auv_msgs.msg.NED()
         if self.orientation_variance is None:
             self.orientation_variance = auv_msgs.msg.RPY()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 145
         ) = _struct_7df3d6f3d3fB.unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #23
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     if self.header is None:
       self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
     end = 0
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.header.seq, _x.header.stamp.secs, _x.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (self.horizontal_angle,) = _struct_f.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sf'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.vertical_angle = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float32, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sf'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.dist = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float32, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sf'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.intensity = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float32, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sf'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.x = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float32, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sf'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.y = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float32, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sf'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.z = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float32, count=length)
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     if self.a is None:
       self.a = None
     if self.b is None:
       self.b = None
     end = 0
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.a = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = test_roslib_comm.msg.SameSubMsg2()
       _x = val1
       start = end
       end += 8
       (_x.a, _x.b,) = _get_struct_if().unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         val1.c = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
         val1.c = str[start:end]
       start = end
       end += 80
       val1.d = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.uint64, count=10)
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       pattern = '<%sd'%length
       start = end
       end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
       val1.e = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
     self.b = []
     for i in range(0, 10):
       val1 = test_roslib_comm.msg.SameSubMsg3()
       _x = val1
       start = end
       end += 8
       (_x.a, _x.b,) = _get_struct_if().unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         val1.c = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
         val1.c = str[start:end]
       start = end
       end += 80
       val1.d = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.uint64, count=10)
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       pattern = '<%sd'%length
       start = end
       end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
       val1.e = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #25
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.action_goal is None:
             self.action_goal = ptu_control.msg.PtuResetActionGoal()
         if self.action_result is None:
             self.action_result = ptu_control.msg.PtuResetActionResult()
         if self.action_feedback is None:
             self.action_feedback = ptu_control.msg.PtuResetActionFeedback()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_goal.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_goal.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _struct_2I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_goal.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.action_goal.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_result.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_result.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _struct_2I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_result.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_result.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.action_result.status.status, ) = _struct_B.unpack(
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_result.status.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.action_result.status.text = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _struct_2I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_feedback.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_feedback.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.action_feedback.status.status, ) = _struct_B.unpack(
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_feedback.status.text = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_feedback.status.text = str[start:end]
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     if self.action_goal is None:
       self.action_goal = face_detector.msg.FaceDetectorActionGoal()
     if self.action_result is None:
       self.action_result = face_detector.msg.FaceDetectorActionResult()
     if self.action_feedback is None:
       self.action_feedback = face_detector.msg.FaceDetectorActionFeedback()
     end = 0
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.action_goal.header.seq, _x.action_goal.header.stamp.secs, _x.action_goal.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_goal.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.action_goal.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 8
     (_x.action_goal.goal_id.stamp.secs, _x.action_goal.goal_id.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_goal.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.action_goal.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.action_result.header.seq, _x.action_result.header.stamp.secs, _x.action_result.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_result.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.action_result.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 8
     (_x.action_result.status.goal_id.stamp.secs, _x.action_result.status.goal_id.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_result.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.action_result.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 1
     (self.action_result.status.status,) = _get_struct_B().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_result.status.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.action_result.status.text = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.action_result.result.face_positions = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = people_msgs.msg.PositionMeasurement()
       _v10 = val1.header
       start = end
       end += 4
       (_v10.seq,) = _get_struct_I().unpack(str[start:end])
       _v11 = _v10.stamp
       _x = _v11
       start = end
       end += 8
       (_x.secs, _x.nsecs,) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         _v10.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
         _v10.frame_id = str[start:end]
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         val1.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
         val1.name = str[start:end]
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         val1.object_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
         val1.object_id = str[start:end]
       _v12 = val1.pos
       _x = _v12
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _get_struct_3d().unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 8
       (val1.reliability,) = _get_struct_d().unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 72
       val1.covariance = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=9)
       start = end
       end += 1
       (val1.initialization,) = _get_struct_b().unpack(str[start:end])
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.action_feedback.header.seq, _x.action_feedback.header.stamp.secs, _x.action_feedback.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.action_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 8
     (_x.action_feedback.status.goal_id.stamp.secs, _x.action_feedback.status.goal_id.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_feedback.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.action_feedback.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 1
     (self.action_feedback.status.status,) = _get_struct_B().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_feedback.status.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.action_feedback.status.text = str[start:end]
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #27
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.image is None:
             self.image = sensor_msgs.msg.Image()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 20
         ) = _get_struct_5I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.image.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.image.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.image.encoding = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.image.encoding = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 5
         ) = _get_struct_BI().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         self.image.data = str[start:end]
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
예제 #28
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.action_goal is None:
             self.action_goal = kinova_msgs.msg.ArmPoseActionGoal()
         if self.action_result is None:
             self.action_result = kinova_msgs.msg.ArmPoseActionResult()
         if self.action_feedback is None:
             self.action_feedback = kinova_msgs.msg.ArmPoseActionFeedback()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_goal.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_goal.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_goal.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.action_goal.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_goal.goal.pose.header.frame_id = str[
             self.action_goal.goal.pose.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 68
         ) = _get_struct_7d3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_result.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_result.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_result.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_result.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.action_result.status.status, ) = _get_struct_B().unpack(
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_result.status.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.action_result.status.text = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_result.result.pose.header.frame_id = str[
             self.action_result.result.pose.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 68
         ) = _get_struct_7d3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_feedback.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_feedback.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.action_feedback.status.status, ) = _get_struct_B().unpack(
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_feedback.status.text = str[start:end].decode(
             self.action_feedback.status.text = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.action_feedback.feedback.pose.header.frame_id = str[
             self.action_feedback.feedback.pose.header.frame_id = str[
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 56
         ) = _get_struct_7d().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize(self, str):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
         if self.positioned_pose is None:
             self.positioned_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
         if self.pre_positioned_pose is None:
             self.pre_positioned_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
         end = 0
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.primary_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.primary_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.unique_code = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.unique_code = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.station_name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.station_name = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.cellcontroller_code = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.cellcontroller_code = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 60
         ) = _get_struct_7d4B().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.align_metadata = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.align_metadata = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 56
         ) = _get_struct_7d().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.Identify_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.Identify_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.update_time = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.update_time = str[start:end]
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
예제 #30
 def deserialize(self, str):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   if python3:
     codecs.lookup_error("rosmsg").msg_type = self._type
     if self.action_goal is None:
       self.action_goal = hector_uav_msgs.msg.LandingActionGoal()
     if self.action_result is None:
       self.action_result = hector_uav_msgs.msg.LandingActionResult()
     if self.action_feedback is None:
       self.action_feedback = hector_uav_msgs.msg.LandingActionFeedback()
     end = 0
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.action_goal.header.seq, _x.action_goal.header.stamp.secs, _x.action_goal.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_goal.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.action_goal.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 8
     (_x.action_goal.goal_id.stamp.secs, _x.action_goal.goal_id.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_goal.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.action_goal.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.header.seq, _x.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.header.stamp.secs, _x.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 68
     (_x.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.pose.position.x, _x.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.pose.position.y, _x.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.pose.position.z, _x.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.pose.orientation.x, _x.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.pose.orientation.y, _x.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.pose.orientation.z, _x.action_goal.goal.landing_zone.pose.orientation.w, _x.action_result.header.seq, _x.action_result.header.stamp.secs, _x.action_result.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_7d3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_result.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.action_result.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 8
     (_x.action_result.status.goal_id.stamp.secs, _x.action_result.status.goal_id.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_result.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.action_result.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 1
     (self.action_result.status.status,) = _get_struct_B().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_result.status.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.action_result.status.text = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.action_feedback.header.seq, _x.action_feedback.header.stamp.secs, _x.action_feedback.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.action_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 8
     (_x.action_feedback.status.goal_id.stamp.secs, _x.action_feedback.status.goal_id.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_2I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_feedback.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.action_feedback.status.goal_id.id = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 1
     (self.action_feedback.status.status,) = _get_struct_B().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_feedback.status.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.action_feedback.status.text = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.header.seq, _x.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.header.stamp.secs, _x.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 56
     (_x.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.pose.position.x, _x.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.pose.position.y, _x.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.pose.position.z, _x.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.pose.orientation.x, _x.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.pose.orientation.y, _x.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.pose.orientation.z, _x.action_feedback.feedback.current_pose.pose.orientation.w,) = _get_struct_7d().unpack(str[start:end])
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill