예제 #1
파일: i18n.py 프로젝트: alon/polinax
    def __call__(self, stream, ctxt=None, search_text=True, msgbuf=None):
        """Translate any localizable strings in the given stream.
        This function shouldn't be called directly. Instead, an instance of
        the `Translator` class should be registered as a filter with the
        `Template` or the `TemplateLoader`, or applied as a regular stream
        filter. If used as a template filter, it should be inserted in front of
        all the default filters.
        :param stream: the markup event stream
        :param ctxt: the template context (not used)
        :param search_text: whether text nodes should be translated (used
        :param msgbuf: a `MessageBuffer` object or `None` (used internally)
        :return: the localized stream
        ignore_tags = self.ignore_tags
        include_attrs = self.include_attrs
        translate = self.translate
        if not self.extract_text:
            search_text = False
        skip = 0
        i18n_msg = I18N_NAMESPACE['msg']
        ns_prefixes = []
        xml_lang = XML_NAMESPACE['lang']

        for kind, data, pos in stream:

            # skip chunks that should not be localized
            if skip:
                if kind is START:
                    skip += 1
                elif kind is END:
                    skip -= 1
                yield kind, data, pos

            # handle different events that can be localized
            if kind is START:
                tag, attrs = data
                if tag in self.ignore_tags or \
                        isinstance(attrs.get(xml_lang), basestring):
                    skip += 1
                    yield kind, data, pos

                new_attrs = []
                changed = False
                for name, value in attrs:
                    newval = value
                    if search_text and isinstance(value, basestring):
                        if name in include_attrs:
                            newval = self.translate(value)
                        newval = list(self(_ensure(value), ctxt,
                            search_text=False, msgbuf=msgbuf)
                    if newval != value:
                        value = newval
                        changed = True
                    new_attrs.append((name, value))
                if changed:
                    attrs = Attrs(new_attrs)

                if msgbuf:
                    msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)
                elif i18n_msg in attrs:
                    params = attrs.get(i18n_msg)
                    if params and type(params) is list: # event tuple
                        params = params[0][1]
                    msgbuf = MessageBuffer(params)
                    attrs -= i18n_msg

                yield kind, (tag, attrs), pos

            elif search_text and kind is TEXT:
                if not msgbuf:
                    text = data.strip()
                    if text:
                        data = data.replace(text, unicode(translate(text)))
                    yield kind, data, pos
                    msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)

            elif msgbuf and kind is EXPR:
                msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)

            elif not skip and msgbuf and kind is END:
                msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)
                if not msgbuf.depth:
                    for event in msgbuf.translate(translate(msgbuf.format())):
                        yield event
                    msgbuf = None
                    yield kind, data, pos

            elif kind is SUB:
                subkind, substream = data
                new_substream = list(self(substream, ctxt, msgbuf=msgbuf))
                yield kind, (subkind, new_substream), pos

            elif kind is START_NS and data[1] == I18N_NAMESPACE:

            elif kind is END_NS and data in ns_prefixes:

                yield kind, data, pos
예제 #2
    def _parse(self, source, encoding):
        streams = [[]]  # stacked lists of events of the "compiled" template
        dirmap = {}  # temporary mapping of directives to elements
        ns_prefix = {}
        depth = 0
        fallbacks = []
        includes = []

        if not isinstance(source, Stream):
            source = XMLParser(source, filename=self.filename, encoding=encoding)

        for kind, data, pos in source:
            stream = streams[-1]

            if kind is START_NS:
                # Strip out the namespace declaration for template directives
                prefix, uri = data
                ns_prefix[prefix] = uri
                if uri not in (self.DIRECTIVE_NAMESPACE, self.XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE):
                    stream.append((kind, data, pos))

            elif kind is END_NS:
                uri = ns_prefix.pop(data, None)
                if uri and uri not in (self.DIRECTIVE_NAMESPACE, self.XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE):
                    stream.append((kind, data, pos))

            elif kind is START:
                # Record any directive attributes in start tags
                tag, attrs = data
                directives = []
                strip = False

                if tag in self.DIRECTIVE_NAMESPACE:
                    cls = self._dir_by_name.get(tag.localname)
                    if cls is None:
                        raise BadDirectiveError(tag.localname, self.filepath, pos[1])
                    args = dict([(name.localname, value) for name, value in attrs if not name.namespace])
                    directives.append((cls, args, ns_prefix.copy(), pos))
                    strip = True

                new_attrs = []
                for name, value in attrs:
                    if name in self.DIRECTIVE_NAMESPACE:
                        cls = self._dir_by_name.get(name.localname)
                        if cls is None:
                            raise BadDirectiveError(name.localname, self.filepath, pos[1])
                        directives.append((cls, value, ns_prefix.copy(), pos))
                        if value:
                            value = list(interpolate(value, self.filepath, pos[1], pos[2], lookup=self.lookup))
                            if len(value) == 1 and value[0][0] is TEXT:
                                value = value[0][1]
                            value = [(TEXT, u"", pos)]
                        new_attrs.append((name, value))
                new_attrs = Attrs(new_attrs)

                if directives:
                    index = self._dir_order.index
                    directives.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(index(a[0]), index(b[0])))
                    dirmap[(depth, tag)] = (directives, len(stream), strip)

                if tag in self.XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE:
                    if tag.localname == "include":
                        include_href = new_attrs.get("href")
                        if not include_href:
                            raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                                "Include misses required " 'attribute "href"', self.filepath, *pos[1:]
                        includes.append((include_href, new_attrs.get("parse")))
                    elif tag.localname == "fallback":

                    stream.append((kind, (tag, new_attrs), pos))

                depth += 1

            elif kind is END:
                depth -= 1

                if fallbacks and data == self.XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE["fallback"]:
                    assert streams.pop() is fallbacks[-1]
                elif data == self.XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE["include"]:
                    fallback = None
                    if len(fallbacks) == len(includes):
                        fallback = fallbacks.pop()
                    streams.pop()  # discard anything between the include tags
                    # and the fallback element
                    stream = streams[-1]
                    href, parse = includes.pop()
                        cls = {"xml": MarkupTemplate, "text": NewTextTemplate}[parse or "xml"]
                    except KeyError:
                        raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                            'Invalid value for "parse" ' "attribute of include", self.filepath, *pos[1:]
                    stream.append((INCLUDE, (href, cls, fallback), pos))
                    stream.append((kind, data, pos))

                # If there have have directive attributes with the corresponding
                # start tag, move the events inbetween into a "subprogram"
                if (depth, data) in dirmap:
                    directives, start_offset, strip = dirmap.pop((depth, data))
                    substream = stream[start_offset:]
                    if strip:
                        substream = substream[1:-1]
                    stream[start_offset:] = [(SUB, (directives, substream), pos)]

            elif kind is PI and data[0] == "python":
                if not self.allow_exec:
                    raise TemplateSyntaxError("Python code blocks not allowed", self.filepath, *pos[1:])
                    suite = Suite(data[1], self.filepath, pos[1], lookup=self.lookup)
                except SyntaxError, err:
                    raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                        err, self.filepath, pos[1] + (err.lineno or 1) - 1, pos[2] + (err.offset or 0)
                stream.append((EXEC, suite, pos))

            elif kind is TEXT:
                for kind, data, pos in interpolate(data, self.filepath, pos[1], pos[2], lookup=self.lookup):
                    stream.append((kind, data, pos))