def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
        if filename == 'browser.html' and req.method == 'GET':

            # we can only work from the 'dir' view at the moment
            if data.get('file'):
                return stream

            # TODO check that contextmenu's InternalNameHolder is enabled, as our js needs it?
            add_stylesheet(req, 'sourcesharer/filebox.css')
            add_javascript(req, 'sourcesharer/filebox.js')
            # Render the filebox template for stream insertion

            # TODO introduce a new interface to allow putting extra buttons into this filebox?
            tmpl = TemplateLoader(self.get_templates_dirs()).load('filebox.html')
            filebox = tmpl.generate(href=req.href, reponame=data['reponame'] or '', rev=data['rev'], files=[])
            # Wrap and float dirlist table, add filebox div
            # TODO change the id names, left/right seems a bit generic to assume we can have to ourselves
            stream |= Transformer('//table[@id="dirlist"]').wrap(tag.div(id="outer",style="clear:both")).wrap(tag.div(id="left"))
            stream |= Transformer('//div[@id="outer"]').append(tag.div(filebox, id="right"))

            is_svn_repo = False
            if 'repos' in data:
                is_svn_repo = isinstance(data.get('repos'), 
                                    SubversionRepository)) or False
            if is_svn_repo:
                add_ctxtnav(req, tag.a(_(tag.i(class_="fa fa-envelope-o")), " Send", href="", title=_("Send selected files"), id='share-files', class_='alt-button share-files-multiple'),
                    category='ctxtnav', order=10)

        return stream