예제 #1
def convert_units(var, target_units):
    ''' Converts units of var to target_units.
    var is a cdms.TransientVariable. '''

    if not hasattr(var, 'units') and var.id == 'SST':
        var.units = target_units
    elif not hasattr(var, 'units') and var.id == 'ICEFRAC':
        var.units = target_units
        var = 100.0 * var
    elif var.units == 'fraction':
        var = 100.0 * var
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.units == 'mb':
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.units == 'gpm':  # geopotential meter
        var = var / 9.8 / 100  # convert to hecto meter
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.units == 'Pa/s':
        var = var / 100.0 * 24 * 3600
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.units == 'mb/day':
        var = var
        var.units = target_units
        temp = udunits(1.0, var.units)
        coeff, offset = temp.how(target_units)
        var = coeff * var + offset
        var.units = target_units

    return var
예제 #2
def level_units_to_Pa( filen ):
    tmp = udunits(1.0,'lev.units')
    s,i = tmp.how('Pa')
    lev[:] = s*lev[:] + i
    lev.units = 'Pa'
예제 #3
def verticalize( T, hyam, hybm, ps ):
    For data T with CAM's hybrid level coordinates, converts to pressure levels and may (depending
    on how the final if clause is set) interpolate to more standard (cdutil default) pressure level
    coordinates.  This function returns a temperature variable with pressure levels.
    The input arguments hyam, hybm, ps are the usual CAM veriables by that
    name.  Order of dimensions must be (lev,lat,lon).
    if hyam is None or hybm is None or ps is None:
        raise Exception("In verticalize, missing one of hyam,hybm,ps: %s,%s,%s"%
                        ( getattr(hyam,'id',None), getattr(hybm,'id',None), getattr(ps,'id',None) ))

    p0 = 1000.   # mb
    # Convert p0 to match ps.  Later, we'll convert back to mb.  This is faster than
    # converting ps to millibars.
    if ps.units=='mb':
        ps.units = 'mbar' # udunits uses mb for something else
    tmp = udunits(1.0,'mbar')
    s,i = tmp.how(ps.units)
    p0 = s*p0 + i

    axhyam = hyam.getDomain()[0][0]
    axhybm = hybm.getDomain()[0][0]
    if not hasattr(axhyam,'axis'):  axhyam.axis = 'Z'
    if not hasattr(axhybm,'axis'):  axhybm.axis = 'Z'

    levels_orig = cdutil.vertical.reconstructPressureFromHybrid( ps, hyam, hybm, p0 )

    # At this point levels_orig has the same units as ps.  Convert to to mbar
    tmp = udunits(1.0,ps.units)
    s,i = tmp.how('mbar')
    levels_orig = s*levels_orig + i
    levels_orig.units = 'mbar'

    newT = cdutil.vertical.logLinearInterpolation( T, levels_orig, levels_std )
    return newT
예제 #4
def convert_units(var, target_units):
    """Converts units of var to target_units.
    var is a cdms.TransientVariable."""

    if not hasattr(var, "units") and var.id == "SST":
        var.units = target_units
    elif not hasattr(var, "units") and var.id == "ICEFRAC":
        var.units = target_units
        var = 100.0 * var
    elif not hasattr(var, "units") and var.id == "AODVIS":
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.id == "AOD_550_ann":
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.units == "C" and target_units == "DegC":
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.units == "N/m2" and target_units == "N/m^2":
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.id == "AODVIS" or var.id == "AOD_550_ann":
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.units == "fraction":
        var = 100.0 * var
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.units == "mb":
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.units == "gpm":  # geopotential meter
        var = var / 9.8 / 100  # convert to hecto meter
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.units == "Pa/s":
        var = var / 100.0 * 24 * 3600
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.units == "mb/day":
        var = var
        var.units = target_units
    elif var.id == "prw" and var.units == "cm":
        var = var * 10.0  # convert from 'cm' to 'kg/m2' or 'mm'
        var.units = target_units
        temp = udunits(1.0, var.units)
        coeff, offset = temp.how(target_units)
        var = coeff * var + offset
        var.units = target_units

    return var
                                ' ',
                                '  ',
                            # Basic checks
                            if dm.shape != do.shape:
                                raise RuntimeError(
                                    "Obs and Model -%s- have different" % model_version +
                                    "shapes %s vs %s" %
                                    (do.shape, dm.shape))
                            # Ok possible issue with units
                            if hasattr(dm, "units") and do.units != dm.units:
                                u = genutil.udunits(1, dm.units)
                                    scaling, offset = u.how(do.units)
                                    dm = dm * scaling + offset
                                    wrn = "Model and observation units differed, converted model" +\
                                          "(%s) to observation unit (%s) scaling: %g offset: %g" % (
                                              dm.units, do.units, scaling, offset)
                                    raise RuntimeError(
                                        "Could not convert model units (%s) " % dm.units +
                                        "to obs units: (%s)" % (do.units))

                            # OBS INFO FOR JSON/ASCII FILES
예제 #6
                       OUT.level = "-%i" % (int(level/100.))
                       dm = MODEL.get(var,varInFile=var,level=level)
                  except Exception,err:
                      success = False
                      dup('Failed to get variable %s for version: %s, error:\n%s' % ( var, model_version, err))

                  dup(var,' ', model_version,' ', dm.shape,' ', do.shape,'  ', ref)
                  #### Basic checks
                  if dm.shape!=do.shape:
                    raise RuntimeError, "Obs and Model -%s- have different shapes %s vs %s" % (model_version,do.shape,dm.shape)
                  if do.units!=dm.units: # Ok possible issue with units
                      u = genutil.udunits(1,dm.units)
                        scaling,offset = u.how(do.units)
                        dm = dm*scaling + offset
                        warnings.warn("Model and observation units differed, converted model (%s) to observation unit (%s)" % (dm.units,do.units))
                        raise RuntimeError, "Could not convert model units (%s) to obs units: (%s)" % (dm.units,do.units)

                  #### OBS INFO FOR JSON/ASCII FILES 
                  onm = obs_dic[var][ref]

                  #### METRICS CALCULATIONS