def addOverlay(self, property, labelfield=""): ''' Overlay a polygon onto the baselayer and set the label to use for the polygon. The feature will be transported in GeoJSON format since it is the most efficient format for AJAX loading. ''' if property is None: return #Set the name of the field to use for labeling self._style.setLabelField(labelfield) #Update the style of the property on each overlay operation self._updateLayerStyle() #Set label object labelJSObject = "null" if hasattr(property, labelfield): propVal = getattr(property, labelfield) labelJSObject = "{'%s':'%s'}" % (labelfield, str(propVal)) #Reproject to web mercator prop_wkb = self.dbSession.scalar(property.geom.ST_Transform(900913)) web_geom = WKBElement(prop_wkb) prop_geo_json = self.dbSession.scalar(web_geom.ST_AsGeoJSON()) overlayJS = "drawProperty('%s',%s);" % (prop_geo_json, labelJSObject) zoomLevel, ok = self._setJS(overlayJS).toInt() #Raise map zoom changed event self.onZoomLevelChanged(zoomLevel)
def add_overlay(self, sp_unit, geometry_col, labelfield=""): """ Overlay a point/line/polygon onto the baselayer and set the label to use for the feature. The feature will be transported in GeoJSON format since it is the most efficient format for AJAX loading. """ if sp_unit is None: return # Set the name of the field to use for labeling # self._style.setLabelField(labelfield) # Update the style of the property on each overlay operation self._updateLayerStyle() # Set label object label_js_object = "null" if hasattr(sp_unit, labelfield): lbl_val = getattr(sp_unit, labelfield) label_js_object = "{'%s':'%s'}" % (labelfield, str(lbl_val)) # Reproject to web mercator geom = getattr(sp_unit, geometry_col) sp_unit_wkb = self.dbSession.scalar(geom.ST_Transform(900913)) web_geom = WKBElement(sp_unit_wkb) sp_unit_geo_json = self.dbSession.scalar(web_geom.ST_AsGeoJSON()) overlay_js = "drawSpatialUnit('%s',%s);" % (sp_unit_geo_json, label_js_object) zoom_level = self._setJS(overlay_js) # Raise map zoom changed event self.onZoomLevelChanged(zoom_level)
def valuesFromOgrFeat(self, feat, transform=None): """Returns a dictionary with loaded values from a feature""" df = feat.GetDefnRef() vals = {} for i in range(feat.GetFieldCount()): fld = df.GetFieldDefn(i) name = fld.GetName() if continue if name.lower() == 'id': #skip columns with id (will be automatically filled) continue if fld.GetTypeName() == 'String': # vals[name.lower()]=feat.GetFieldAsBinary(i).decode('iso-8859-1') vals[name.lower()] = feat.GetFieldAsBinary(i).decode( self.encoding) else: vals[name.lower()] = feat.GetField(i) #append geometry values geom = feat.GetGeometryRef() if self.swapxy: geom.SwapXY() if transform: geom.Transform(transform) vals['geom'] = WKBElement(geom.ExportToWkb(), srid=self.targetsrid) return vals
class TestToGeojson: @pytest.mark.parametrize('element, expected_value', ( ( WKBElement('010600000002000000010300000001000000040000000000000000' '003e40000000000000344000000000008046400000000000004440' '000000000000244000000000000044400000000000003e40000000' '0000003440010300000001000000050000000000000000002e4000' '000000000014400000000000004440000000000000244000000000' '000024400000000000003440000000000000144000000000000024' '400000000000002e400000000000001440'), { 'type': 'MultiPolygon', 'coordinates': [ (((30.0, 20.0), (45.0, 40.0), (10.0, 40.0), (30.0, 20.0)),), (((15.0, 5.0), (40.0, 10.0), (10.0, 20.0), (5.0, 10.0), (15.0, 5.0)),)] } ), ( 'MULTIPOLYGON (((30 20, 45 40, 10 40, 30 20)), ' '((15 5, 40 10, 10 20, 5 10, 15 5)))', { 'type': 'MultiPolygon', 'coordinates': [ (((30.0, 20.0), (45.0, 40.0), (10.0, 40.0), (30.0, 20.0)),), (((15.0, 5.0), (40.0, 10.0), (10.0, 20.0), (5.0, 10.0), (15.0, 5.0)),)] } ), ( WKBElement('0101000000a18499b67f4947c058207a5226c935c0'), { "type": "Point", "coordinates": (-46.57421, -21.785741) } ), ( 'POINT (-46.57421 -21.785741)', { "type": "Point", "coordinates": (-46.57421, -21.785741) } ), )) def test_must_parse_element(self, element, expected_value): assert parsers.to_geojson(element) == expected_value
def _read_sector_route(self, s, sector_id): q = text(f''' select st_transform(st_setsrid(s.route, sg.srid), {WGS84_SRID}) from sector as s, sector_group as sg where = :sector_id''') return self._wkb_to_latlon( WKBElement(s.connection().execute( q, sector_id=sector_id).fetchone()[0]))
def test_deserialize_valid_geojson(self): from c2corg_api.ext.colander_ext import Geometry geom_schema = Geometry() from shapely.geometry.point import Point expected_wkb = WKBElement(Point(1.0, 2.0).wkb) wkb = geom_schema.deserialize( {}, '{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [1.0, 2.0]}') self.assertEquals(expected_wkb.desc, wkb.desc)
def GRDCmetaExtractor(uri): encoding = 'iso-8859-1' meta = {} headerregex = re.compile(b"^#") dataregex = re.compile(b"^[0-9]") header = {} epoch = [] slurplogger().info("Extracting meta info from: %s" % (uri.url)) with, 'r') as gzid: for ln in gzid: if #parse header lnspl = ln[1:].split(b":", 1) if len(lnspl) == 2: ky = lnspl[0].lstrip(b" ").rstrip(b" ").decode(encoding) val = lnspl[1].lstrip(b" ").rstrip(b"\r\n ").decode( encoding) if not val: #get the nextline as a value val = gzid.readline()[1:].lstrip(b" ").rstrip( b"\r\n ").decode(encoding) header[ky] = val continue if #parse data line lnspl = ln.decode(encoding).split(";") datestr = lnspl[0] + lnspl[1].replace("--:--", ":00:00") epoch.append(datetime.strptime(datestr, '%Y-%m-%d:%H:%S')) nextdownstream = header["Next downstream station"] if "-" in nextdownstream: nextdownstream = None else: nextdownstream = int(nextdownstream) area = float(header["Catchment area (km²)"]) if area == -999.0: area = None alt = float(header["Altitude (m ASL)"]) if alt == -999.0: alt = None location = Point(float(header["Longitude (DD)"]), float(header["Latitude (DD)"]), 0) else: location = Point(float(header["Longitude (DD)"]), float(header["Latitude (DD)"]), alt) # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() try: meta = { "grdc_no": int(header["GRDC-No."]), "tstart": epoch[0], "tend": epoch[-1], "lastupdate": datetime.strptime(header["Last update"], "%Y-%m-%d"), "area": area, "altitude": alt, "river": header["River"], "statname": header["Station"], "country": header["Country"], "nextstation": nextdownstream, "uri": uri.url, "geom": WKBElement(wkbdump(location), srid=4326, extended=True) } except KeyError as e: import pdb pdb.set_trace() raise (e) return meta
def hull128_obj(self): return WKBElement(self.hull128) if type( self.hull128) == type("STR") else self.hull128
def geojson_to_wkbelement(geojson): return WKBElement(WKBWriter(geojson).hex_wkb, srid=SRID)
def createTile(tile): session = None pid = os.getpid() try: (bounds, tileXYZ, t0, dbConfigFile, bucketBasePath, hasLighting, hasWatermask) = tile db = DB(dbConfigFile) bucketKey = '%s/%s/%s.terrain' % (tileXYZ[2], tileXYZ[0], tileXYZ[1]) with db.userSession() as session: bucket = getBucket() # Get the model according to the zoom level model = modelsPyramid.getModelByZoom(tileXYZ[2]) watermask = [] if hasWatermask: lakeModel = modelsPyramid.getLakeModelByZoom(tileXYZ[2]) query = session.query( lakeModel.watermaskRasterize(bounds).label('watermask')) for q in query: watermask = q.watermask # Get the interpolated point at the 4 corners # 0: (minX, minY), 1: (minX, maxY), # 2: (maxX, maxY), 3: (maxX, minY) pts = [(bounds[0], bounds[1], 0), (bounds[0], bounds[3], 0), (bounds[2], bounds[3], 0), (bounds[2], bounds[1], 0)] def toSubQuery(x): return session.query(, model.interpolateHeightOnPlane(pts[x])).filter( and_(model.bboxIntersects(createBBox(pts[x], 0.01)), model.pointIntersects(pts[x]))).subquery('p%s' % x) subqueries = [toSubQuery(i) for i in range(0, len(pts))] # Get the height of the corner points as postgis cannot properly # clip a polygon cornerPts = {} step = 2 j = step query = session.query(*subqueries) for q in query: for i in range(0, len(q), step): sub = q[i:j] j += step cornerPts[sub[0]] = list( to_shape(WKBElement(sub[1])).coords) # Clip using the bounds clippedGeometry = model.bboxClippedGeom(bounds) query = session.query(, clippedGeometry.label('clip')).filter( model.bboxIntersects(bounds)) geomCoords = [] for q in query: coords = list(to_shape(q.clip).exterior.coords) if in cornerPts: pt = cornerPts[][0] for i in range(0, len(coords)): c = coords[i] if c[0] == pt[0] and c[1] == pt[1]: coords[i] = [c[0], c[1], pt[2]] geomCoords.append(coords) nbGeoms = len(geomCoords) if nbGeoms > 0: try: terrainTile = encode(geomCoords, bounds=bounds, autocorrectGeometries=True, hasLighting=hasLighting, watermask=watermask) except Exception as e: msg = '[%s] --------- ERROR ------- occured while ' % pid msg += 'encoding terrain tile\n' msg += '[%s]: %s' % (pid, e) logger.error(msg, exc_info=True) raise Exception(e) writeToS3(bucket, bucketKey, terrainTile.toBytesIO(gzipped=True), model.__tablename__, bucketBasePath, contentType=terrainTile.getContentType()) tend = time.time() tilecount.value += 1 tilesCreated = tilecount.value total = tilesCreated + skipcount.value if tilesCreated % 1000 == 0:'[%s] Last tile %s (%s rings). ' '%s to write %s tiles. (total processed: %s)' % (pid, bucketKey, nbGeoms, str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=tend - t0)), tilesCreated, total)) else: skipcount.value += 1 val = skipcount.value total = val + tilecount.value # One should write an empyt tile'[%s] Skipping %s %s because no features found ' 'for this tile (%s skipped from %s total)' % (pid, bucketKey, bounds, val, total)) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise Exception(e) finally: db.userEngine.dispose() return 0
def _read_activity_route_wkb(self, s, activity_journal_id): q = text(f''' select st_force2d(aj.route_et::geometry) from activity_journal as aj where = :activity_journal_id''') return WKBElement(s.connection().execute(q, activity_journal_id=activity_journal_id).fetchone()[0])
def geometry_formatter(self, geometry): """ Formats the passed geoalchemy2 geometry WKB element into its valid GeoJSON representation. This is a list of coordinate tuples. Args: geometry (geoalchemy2.WKBElement): A geoalchemy wkb element object which should be converted. Returns: list: A list of coordinates formatted string Raises: HTTPServerError: If the geometry type is not supported. """ shapely_object = to_shape(geometry) geom_type = shapely_object.geom_type if geom_type.upper() == 'POINT': return { "type": geom_type, "coordinates": list(shapely_object.coords[0]) } elif geom_type.upper() == 'LINESTRING': return { "type": geom_type, "coordinates": list(shapely_object.coords) } elif geom_type.upper() == 'POLYGON': return { "type": geom_type, "coordinates": [list(shapely_object.exterior.coords)] } elif geom_type.upper() == 'MULTIPOINT': coordinates = list() for point in shapely_object.geoms: coordinates.append([list(point.coords[0])]) return { "type": geom_type, "coordinates": coordinates } elif geom_type.upper() == 'MULTILINESTRING': coordinates = list() for point in shapely_object.geoms: coordinates.append([list(point.coords)]) return { "type": geom_type, "coordinates": coordinates } elif geom_type.upper() == 'MULTIPOLYGON': coordinates = list() for polygon in shapely_object.geoms: coordinates.append([list(polygon.exterior.coords)]) return { "type": geom_type, "coordinates": coordinates } elif geom_type.upper() == 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION': members = [] for inner_geometry in shapely_object.geoms: members.append(self.geometry_formatter(WKBElement(inner_geometry.wkb))) return { "type": geom_type, "members": members } else: raise HTTPServerError( 'You try to access a Dataset with a "{type}" geometry type. This is not supported in the ' 'moment. Sorry...'.format(type=geom_type) )
def from_wkb(wkb, srid=-1): return WKBElement(buffer(wkb), srid=srid)
def createTile(tile): session = None pid = os.getpid() try: (bounds, tileXYZ, t0, dbConfigFile, bucketBasePath, hasLighting, hasWatermask) = tile db = DB(dbConfigFile) with db.userSession() as session: # bucket = getBucket() # Get the model according to the zoom level model = modelsPyramid.getModelByZoom(tileXYZ[2]) watermask = [] if hasWatermask: lakeModel = modelsPyramid.getLakeModelByZoom(tileXYZ[2]) query = session.query( lakeModel.watermaskRasterize(bounds).label('watermask')) for q in query: watermask = q.watermask # Get the interpolated point at the 4 corners # 0: (minX, minY), 1: (minX, maxY), 2: (maxX, maxY), 3: (maxX, minY) pts = [(bounds[0], bounds[1], 0), (bounds[0], bounds[3], 0), (bounds[2], bounds[3], 0), (bounds[2], bounds[1], 0)] def toSubQuery(x): return session.query(, model.interpolateHeightOnPlane(pts[x])).filter( and_(model.bboxIntersects(createBBox(pts[x], 0.01)), model.pointIntersects(pts[x]))).subquery('p%s' % x) subqueries = [toSubQuery(i) for i in range(0, len(pts))] # Get the height of the corner points as postgis cannot properly # clip a polygon cornerPts = {} step = 2 j = step query = session.query(*subqueries) for q in query: for i in range(0, len(q), step): sub = q[i:j] j += step cornerPts[sub[0]] = list( to_shape(WKBElement(sub[1])).coords) # Clip using the bounds clippedGeometry = model.bboxClippedGeom(bounds) query = session.query(, clippedGeometry.label('clip')).filter( model.bboxIntersects(bounds)) terrainTopo = TerrainTopology(hasLighting=hasLighting) for q in query: if to_shape(q.clip).geom_type == "GeometryCollection": continue if to_shape(q.clip).geom_type == "LineString" or to_shape( q.clip).geom_type == "Point": continue coords = list(to_shape(q.clip).exterior.coords) if in cornerPts: pt = cornerPts[][0] for i in range(0, len(coords)): c = coords[i] if c[0] == pt[0] and c[1] == pt[1]: coords[i] = [c[0], c[1], pt[2]] try: rings = processRingCoordinates(coords) except Exception as e: msg = '[%s] --------- ERROR ------- occured while ' \ 'collapsing non triangular shapes\n' % pid msg += '[%s]: %s' % (pid, e) logger.error(msg, exc_info=True) raise Exception(e) # Redundant coord has been remove already for vertices in rings: terrainTopo.addVertices(vertices) baseDir = '/Users/liberostelios/3d_forge_geodata/output' terrainDir = '%s/%s/%s' % (baseDir, tileXYZ[2], tileXYZ[0]) bucketKey = '%s/%s.terrain' % (terrainDir, tileXYZ[1]) verticesLength = len(terrainTopo.vertices) if verticesLength > 0: terrainTopo.create() # Prepare terrain tile terrainFormat = TerrainTile(watermask=watermask) terrainFormat.fromTerrainTopology(terrainTopo, bounds=bounds) # STELIOS: We want this in a file, instead if not os.path.isdir(terrainDir): os.makedirs(terrainDir) terrainFormat.toFile(bucketKey)'[%s] Just did %s %s' % (pid, bucketKey, bounds)) # Bytes manipulation and compression # fileObject = terrainFormat.toStringIO() # compressedFile = gzipFileObject(fileObject) # writeToS3( # bucket, bucketKey, compressedFile, model.__tablename__, # bucketBasePath, contentType=terrainFormat.getContentType() # ) tend = time.time() tilecount.value += 1 val = tilecount.value total = val + skipcount.value if val % 10 == 0:'[%s] Last tile %s (%s rings). ' '%s to write %s tiles. (total processed: %s)' % (pid, bucketKey, verticesLength, str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=tend - t0)), val, total)) else: skipcount.value += 1 val = skipcount.value total = val + tilecount.value # One should write an empyt tile'[%s] Skipping %s %s because no features found ' 'for this tile (%s skipped from %s total)' % (pid, bucketKey, bounds, val, total)) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise Exception(e) finally: db.userEngine.dispose() return 0