예제 #1
파일: vellib.py 프로젝트: tarynblack/big3
def tsx_near_time(time, glacier, just_filename=False):
  x,y,vx,vy,v,time = tsx_near_time(time,glacier,just_filename = False)
  Find TSX data closest to "time".
  time: time that you want data
  glacier: glacier name (Kanger or Helheim)
  just_filename: option to only return the filename

  x,y: grid coordinates
  vx,vy: x and y velocities
  v: velocity magnitudes for gird
  time: time of transect


    DIR_TSX = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),
                           "Velocity/TSX/" + glacier + "/")

    DIRs = os.listdir(DIR_TSX)
    tpt = []

    best_track = []
    min_diff = 1.0
    for DIR in DIRs:
        if DIR.startswith('track'):
            tsx_time, interval = geodatlib.readtime(DIR_TSX + DIR +
            if abs(tsx_time - time) < min_diff:
                min_diff = abs(tsx_time - time)
                best_time = tsx_time
                best_track = DIR

    if just_filename:
        year, month, day = datelib.fracyear_to_date(best_time)

        return DIR_TSX + 'TIF/' + best_track + '_' + "%04d%02d%02d" % (
            year, month, day), best_time

        # Return the closest velocity profile
        x, y, v, vx, vy, ex, ey, time, interval = geodatlib.readvelocity(
            DIR_TSX, best_track, "/mosaicOffsets")

        return x, y, vx, vy, v, time
예제 #2
파일: vellib.py 프로젝트: tarynblack/big3
def divergence_at_eulpoints(xpt, ypt):

    # Finds divx, divy at nearest gridcell to xpt, ypt through time. The output is vx, vy,
    # divx, and divy.

        n = len(xpt)
        n = 0

    DIR_TSX = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),
                           "Velocity/TSX/" + glacier + "/")
    DIR_RADARSAT = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),

    # LOAD TSX Data #

    DIRs = os.listdir(DIR_TSX)
    tpt = []

    # Get number of velocity files
    m = 0
    for DIR in DIRs:
        if DIR.startswith('track'):
            m = m + 1

    divxpt = np.zeros([m, n])
    divypt = np.zeros([m, n])
    vpt = np.zeros([m, n])
    vxpt = np.zeros([m, n])
    vypt = np.zeros([m, n])
    tpt = np.zeros([m, 1])
    count = 0
    for j in range(0, len(DIRs)):
        DIR = DIRs[j]
        if DIR.startswith('track'):
            x, y, v, vx, vy, ex, ey, time, interval = geodatlib.readvelocity(
                DIR_TSX, DIR, "mosaicOffsets")
            tpt[count] = time

            for i in range(0, n):
                    xind = (abs(x - xpt[i])).argmin()
                    yind = (abs(y - ypt[i])).argmin()
                    vpt[count, i] = v[yind, xind]
                    vxpt[count, i] = vx[yind, xind]
                    vypt[count, i] = vy[yind, xind]
                    if (x[xind] > xpt[i]):
                        xind = xind - 1
                    if (y[yind] > ypt[i]):
                        yind = yind - 1
                    xind = (abs(x - xpt)).argmin()
                    yind = (abs(y - ypt)).argmin()
                    vpt[count, i] = v[yind, xind]
                    vxpt[count, i] = vx[yind, xind]
                    vypt[count, i] = vy[yind, xind]
                    if (x[xind] > xpt):
                        xind = xind - 1
                    if (y[yind] > ypt):
                        yind = yind - 1

                divxpt[count, i] = (vx[yind, xind + 1] -
                                    vx[yind, xind]) / (x[xind + 1] - x[xind])
                divypt[count, i] = (vy[yind + 1, xind] -
                                    vy[yind, xind]) / (y[yind + 1] - y[yind])

            count = count + 1

    # Sort arrays by time
    tpt_tsx = tpt
    vpt_tsx = vpt
    vxpt_tsx = vxpt
    vypt_tsx = vypt
    divxpt_tsx = divxpt
    divypt_tsx = divypt

    # Load RADARSAT data #
    DIRs = os.listdir(DIR_RADARSAT)

    # Get number of velocity files
    m = 0
    for DIR in DIRs:
        if DIR.startswith('winter'):
            m = m + 1

    divxpt = np.zeros([m, n])
    divypt = np.zeros([m, n])
    vpt = np.zeros([m, n])
    vxpt = np.zeros([m, n])
    vypt = np.zeros([m, n])
    tpt = np.zeros([m, 1])
    count = 0
    for j in range(0, len(DIRs)):
        DIR = DIRs[j]
        if DIR.startswith('winter'):
            print "Loading ", dir
            infile = DIR_RADARSAT + DIR
            x, y, v, vx, vy, ex, ey, time, interval = geodatlib.readvelocity(
                DIR_RADARSAT, DIR, "mosaicOffsets")
            tpt[count] = float('20' + DIR[9:])

            for i in range(0, n):
                    xind = (abs(x - xpt[i])).argmin()
                    yind = (abs(y - ypt[i])).argmin()
                    vpt[count, i] = v[yind, xind]
                    vxpt[count, i] = vx[yind, xind]
                    vypt[count, i] = vy[yind, xind]
                    if (x[xind] > xpt[i]):
                        xind = xind - 1
                    if (y[yind] > ypt[i]):
                        yind = yind - 1
                    xind = (abs(x - xpt)).argmin()
                    yind = (abs(y - ypt)).argmin()
                    vpt[count, i] = v[yind, xind]
                    vxpt[count, i] = vx[yind, xind]
                    vypt[count, i] = vy[yind, xind]
                    if (x[xind] > xpt):
                        xind = xind - 1
                    if (y[yind] > ypt):
                        yind = yind - 1

                divxpt[count, i] = (vx[yind, xind + 1] -
                                    vx[yind, xind]) / (x[xind + 1] - x[xind])
                divypt[count, i] = (vy[yind + 1, xind] -
                                    vy[yind, xind]) / (y[yind + 1] - y[yind])

            count = count + 1

    tpt_radarsat = tpt
    vpt_radarsat = vpt
    vxpt_radarsat = vxpt
    vypt_radarsat = vypt
    divxpt_radarsat = divxpt
    divypt_radarsat = divypt

    tpt_all = np.row_stack([tpt_radarsat, tpt_tsx])
    vpt_all = np.row_stack([vpt_radarsat, vpt_tsx])
    vxpt_all = np.row_stack([vxpt_radarsat, vxpt_tsx])
    vypt_all = np.row_stack([vypt_radarsat, vypt_tsx])
    divxpt_all = np.row_stack([divxpt_radarsat, divxpt_tsx])
    divypt_all = np.row_stack([divypt_radarsat, divypt_tsx])

    # Sort arrays by time
    sortind = np.argsort(tpt_all, 0)
    tpt_all = tpt_all[sortind[:, 0]]
    vpt_all = vpt_all[sortind[:, 0], :]
    vxpt_all = vxpt_all[sortind[:, 0], :]
    vypt_all = vypt_all[sortind[:, 0], :]
    divxpt_all = divxpt_all[sortind[:, 0], :]
    divypt_all = divypt_all[sortind[:, 0], :]

    return vpt_all, vxpt_all, vypt_all, divxpt_all, divypt_all, tpt_all
예제 #3
파일: vellib.py 프로젝트: tarynblack/big3
def variability(glacier, time1, time2):


    DIR_TSX = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),
                           "Velocity/TSX/" + glacier + "/")

    if glacier == 'Helheim':
        xmin = 270000.0
        xmax = 354900.0
        ymin = -2601000.0
        ymax = -2541000.0
    elif glacier == 'Kanger':
        xmin = 457000.0
        xmax = 517000.0
        ymin = -2319100.0
        ymax = -2247100.0

    dx = dy = 100.
    nx = int(np.ceil((xmax - xmin) / dx) + 1)
    x = np.linspace(xmin, (nx - 1) * dx + xmin, nx)
    ny = int(np.ceil((ymax - ymin) / dx) + 1)
    y = np.linspace(ymin, (ny - 1) * dy + ymin, ny)
    xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    coords = np.column_stack([ygrid.flatten(), xgrid.flatten()])

    # LOAD TSX Data #

    DIRs = os.listdir(DIR_TSX)

    # Get number of velocity files
    nt = 0
    for DIR in DIRs:
        if DIR.startswith('track'):
            nt = nt + 1

    # Set up variables
    velgrid = np.zeros([ny, nx, nt])
    mask = np.zeros([ny, nx, nt])
    velgrid_mask = np.zeros([ny, nx, nt])
    time = np.zeros(nt)
    ergrid = np.zeros([ny, nx, nt])

    # Load velocity and mask
    count = 0
    for j in range(0, len(DIRs)):
        DIR = DIRs[j]
        if DIR.startswith('track'):
            # Load velocity
            x1, y1, v1, vx1, vy1, ex1, ey1, time_file, interval1 = geodatlib.readvelocity(
                DIR_TSX, DIR, "mosaicOffsets")

            time[count] = time_file
            year, month, day = datelib.fracyear_to_date(time_file)

            xind1 = np.argmin(abs(x1 - xmin))
            xind2 = np.argmin(abs(x1 - xmax)) + 1
            yind1 = np.argmin(abs(y1 - ymin))
            yind2 = np.argmin(abs(y1 - ymax)) + 1

            # Load velocity
                # If the input and output grids have the same dimensions...
                velgrid[:, :, count] = v1[yind1:yind2, xind1:xind2]
                # Otherwise interpolate onto output grid
                f_dem = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator(
                    [y1, x1],
                v_flatten = f_dem(coords)

                # Reshape to grid
                velgrid[:, :, count] = np.reshape(v_flatten, (ny, nx))

            # Load mask
            date = "%04d%02d%02d" % (year, month, day)
            maskfile = DIR_TSX + 'TIF/' + DIR + '_' + date + '_' + 'mask.tif'
            if os.path.isfile(maskfile):
                xmask, ymask, mask[:, :, count] = geotifflib.read(maskfile)
                xmask, ymask, mask[:, :, count] = masklib.load_grid(
                    glacier, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dx, icefront_time=time1)
                geotifflib.write_from_grid(xmask, ymask,
                                           np.flipud(mask[:, :, count]),
                                           float('nan'), maskfile)

            velgrid_mask[:, :, count] = np.array(velgrid[:, :, count])
            velgrid_mask[mask[:, :, count] == 1, count] = float('nan')

            count = count + 1

    del count, maskfile, date, xind1, yind1, xind2, yind2, year, month, x1, y1, vx1, vy1, ex1, ey1, time_file, interval1

    # Throw out obvious outliers
    ind = np.where(velgrid > 16.0e3)
    velgrid[ind[0], ind[1], ind[2]] = float('nan')
    velgrid_mask[ind[0], ind[1], ind[2]] = float('nan')
    print "Throwing out velocities above 16 km/yr to deal with outliers in Kanger record"

    # Only keep data that falls between time1 and time2, and sort that data by time
    sortind = np.argsort(time)
    time = time[sortind]
    velgrid_mask = velgrid_mask[:, :, sortind]
    velgrid = velgrid[:, :, sortind]

    ind = np.where((time > time1) & (time < time2))[0]
    velgrid_mask = velgrid_mask[:, :, ind]
    time = time[ind]
    velgrid = velgrid[:, :, ind]

    # Get average and std values
    velmean = np.nanmean(velgrid_mask, axis=2)

    # Get linear trends
    veltrend = np.zeros_like(velmean)
    veltrend_time1 = np.zeros_like(velmean)
    veltrend_time2 = np.zeros_like(velmean)
    veltrend_count = np.zeros_like(velmean)
    veltrend_p = np.zeros_like(velmean)
    veltrend_error = np.zeros_like(velmean)
    veltrend_r = np.zeros_like(velmean)
    veltrend_intercept = np.zeros_like(velmean)
    veltrend_p[:, :] = float('nan')
    veltrend[:, :] = float('nan')
    veltrend_error[:, :] = float('nan')
    veltrend_r[:, :] = float('nan')
    veltrend_intercept[:, :] = float('nan')
    for j in range(0, len(y)):
        for i in range(0, len(x)):
            nonnan = np.where((~(np.isnan(velgrid_mask[j, i, :]))))[0]
            if len(nonnan) > 0.75 * len(time):
                if (np.floor(np.min(time[nonnan])) == time1) and np.ceil(
                        np.max(time[nonnan])) == time2:
                    slope, intercept, r, p, std_err = stats.linregress(
                        time[nonnan], velgrid_mask[j, i, nonnan])
                    veltrend_count[j, i] = len(nonnan)
                    veltrend[j, i] = slope
                    veltrend_p[j, i] = p
                    veltrend_error[j, i] = std_err
                    veltrend_time1[j, i] = np.min(time[nonnan])
                    veltrend_time2[j, i] = np.max(time[nonnan])
                    veltrend_r[j, i] = r
                    veltrend_intercept[j, i] = intercept

    # Detrend velocity timeseries
    veldetrend = np.zeros_like(velgrid_mask)
    for i in range(0, len(time)):
        trend = veltrend_intercept + time[i] * veltrend
        veldetrend[:, :, i] = velgrid_mask[:, :, i] - trend

    # Calculate range of observed values
    velrange = np.zeros_like(velmean)
    velrange[:, :] = float('nan')
    for i in range(0, len(x)):
        for j in range(0, len(y)):
            nonnan = np.where(~(np.isnan(veldetrend[j, i, :])))[0]
            if len(nonnan) > 1:
                velrange[j, i] = np.max(veldetrend[j, i, nonnan]) - np.min(
                    veldetrend[j, i, nonnan])

    # Remove insignifcant trends
    ind = np.where(veltrend_p > 0.05)
    veltrend[ind] = float('nan')
    veltrend_error[ind] = float('nan')

    # Get number of nonnan velocities for each pixel
    velcount = np.zeros([ny, nx])
    for j in range(0, ny):
        for i in range(0, nx):
            nonnan = len(np.where(~(np.isnan(velgrid_mask[j, i, :])))[0])
            velcount[j, i] = nonnan

    sortind = np.argsort(time)
    velgrid_mask = velgrid_mask[:, :, sortind]
    time = time[sortind]

    return x, y, velgrid_mask, veltrend, veldetrend, velrange, velcount, veltrend_error, time
예제 #4
파일: vellib.py 프로젝트: tarynblack/big3
def velocity_at_lagpoints(xf, yf, dists, pts, glacier, data='all'):

    # Find velocity at lagrangian points with distance "pts" behind (or in front) of the
    # glacier terminus.
    # Output is velocity through time.

    # Select data type
    if data == 'all':
        data = ['TSX', 'RADARSAT']
    elif data == 'RADARSAT':
        data = ['RADARSAT']
    elif data == 'TSX':
        data = ['TSX']
        print "Unknown data type"

    # Load terminus positions #

    term_values, term_time = icefrontlib.distance_along_flowline(
        xf, yf, dists, glacier, type='icefront')

    # LOAD velocities #

    # Find velocity files to be imported
    files = []
    dirs = []
    for type in data:
        if type == 'RADARSAT':
            DIRTOP = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),
        elif type == 'TSX':
            DIRTOP = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),
                                  "Velocity/TSX/" + glacier + "/")

        DIRs = os.listdir(DIRTOP)
        for DIR in DIRs:
            if DIR.startswith('track') or DIR.startswith('winter'):

    # Load velocities
    m = len(files)
        n = len(pts)
        n = 1

    velocities = np.zeros([m, n])
    velocities[:, :] = 'nan'
    positions = np.zeros([m, n])
    positions[:, :] = 'nan'
    xpts_all = np.zeros([m, n])
    ypts_all = np.zeros([m, n])
    error = np.zeros([m, n])
    error[:, :] = 'nan'
    times = np.zeros([m])
    intervals = np.zeros([m])
    termini = np.zeros([m])
    count = 0
    for i in range(0, len(files)):
        x, y, v, vx, vy, ex, ey, time, interval = geodatlib.readvelocity(
            ''.join(dirs[i]), ''.join(files[i]), "mosaicOffsets")
        if 'winter' in files[i]:
            time = float('20' + files[i][-2:])
        times[count] = time
        intervals[count] = interval

        # Set up grid for interpolation
        fv = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator([y, x],
        fvx = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator([y, x],
        fvy = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator([y, x],
        fex = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator([y, x],
        fey = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator([y, x],

        # Find terminus position
        terminus = np.interp(time, term_time, term_values)
        flowdists = terminus + pts

        xpts = np.interp(flowdists, dists, xf)
        ypts = np.interp(flowdists, dists, yf)

        # Find velocities
        velocities[count, :] = fv(np.array([ypts, xpts]).T)
        error[count, :] = velocities[count, :] * np.sqrt(
            (fex(np.array([ypts, xpts]).T) /
             fvx(np.array([ypts, xpts]).T))**2 +
            (fey(np.array([ypts, xpts]).T) / fvy(np.array([ypts, xpts]).T))**2)

        positions[count, :] = flowdists
        xpts_all[count, :] = xpts
        ypts_all[count, :] = ypts

        count = count + 1

    # Sort arrays by time
    sortind = np.argsort(times, 0)
    tpt_all = np.column_stack([times[sortind], intervals[sortind]])
    vpt_all = velocities[sortind, :]
    ept_all = error[sortind, :]
    xpt_all = xpts_all[sortind, :]
    ypt_all = ypts_all[sortind, :]
    dists_all = positions[sortind, :]

    return vpt_all, tpt_all, ept_all, dists_all, xpt_all, ypt_all
예제 #5
파일: vellib.py 프로젝트: tarynblack/big3
def velocity_along_flowline(xf,
  Find velocity along flowline with coordinates xf, yf. The variable "dists" (distance 
  along flowline) is used to determine which points to throw out in front if the ice front.
  The output is velocity along the flowline through time.
  xf,yf: flowline positions
  dists: distances along flowline
  glacier: Kanger or Helheim
  cutoff: cutoff velocities in front of terminus if set to 'terminus'
  data: 'all' data, or just 'TSX' or 'RADARSAT' 
  vpt_sort: velocities along flowline
  tpt_sort: time for velocities
  term_sort: interpolated terminus positions for velocities

    if data == 'all':
        data = ['TSX', 'RADARSAT']
    elif data == 'RADARSAT':
        data = ['RADARSAT']
    elif data == 'TSX':
        data = ['TSX']
        print "Unknown data type"

    # Load terminus profiles so we can cutoff velocities in front of the terminus #

    term_values, term_time = icefrontlib.distance_along_flowline(
        xf, yf, dists, glacier, type='icefront')

    # Load velocities #

    # Find velocity files to be imported
    files = []
    dirs = []
    for type in data:
        if type == 'RADARSAT':
            DIRTOP = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),
        elif type == 'TSX':
            DIRTOP = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),
                                  "Velocity/TSX/" + glacier + "/")

        DIRs = os.listdir(DIRTOP)
        for DIR in DIRs:
            if DIR.startswith('track') or DIR.startswith('winter'):

    # Load velocities
    m = len(files)
    n = len(xf)

    velocities = np.zeros([m, n])
    velocities[:, :] = 'nan'
    times = np.zeros(m)
    termini = np.zeros(m)
    count = 0
    for i in range(0, len(files)):
        x, y, v, vx, vy, ex, ey, time, interval = geodatlib.readvelocity(
            ''.join(dirs[i]), ''.join(files[i]), "mosaicOffsets")
        if 'winter' in files[i]:
            time = float('20' + files[i][-2:])
        times[count] = time

        # Set up grid for interpolation
        fv = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator([y, x],

        # Find velocities
        velocities[count, :] = fv(np.array([yf, xf]).T)

        # Find flowline coordinates behind terminus
        terminus = np.interp(time, term_time, term_values)

        if cutoff == 'terminus':
            ind = np.where(dists > terminus)
            velocities[count, ind] = 'nan'

        termini[count] = terminus

        count = count + 1

    # Sort arrays by time
    sortind = np.argsort(times, 0)
    tpt_sort = times[sortind]
    term_sort = termini[sortind]
    vpt_sort = velocities[sortind, :].T

    # Print warning if removing points in front of ice front
    if cutoff == 'terminus':
        print "Cleaning up velocity points by removing points in front of ice front."
        print "You can change this setting by setting `cutoff = 'none'.'"

    return vpt_sort, tpt_sort, term_sort
예제 #6
파일: vellib.py 프로젝트: tarynblack/big3
def velocity_at_eulpoints(xpt,
  Finds velocity at nearest gridcell to xpt, ypt for all 
  velocity maps. Output is velocity at xpt, ypt through time.

  vpt_sort,tpt_sort,ept_sort = velocity_at_eulpoints(xpt,ypt,glacier,data='all',xy_velocities='False')

  # Inputs:
  # xpt, ypt: coordinates of flowline
  # glacier: glacier name
  # data: TSX, Radarsat, or all data
  # xy_velocities: True or False; do you want the x,y velocities too?
    # Select data type
    if data == 'all':
        data = ['TSX', 'RADARSAT']
    elif data == 'RADARSAT':
        data = ['RADARSAT']
    elif data == 'TSX':
        data = ['TSX']
        print "Unknown data type"

    # Load velocities #

    # Find velocity files to be imported
    files = []
    dirs = []
    for type in data:
        if type == 'RADARSAT':
            DIRTOP = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),
        elif type == 'TSX':
            DIRTOP = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),
                                  "Velocity/TSX/" + glacier + "/")

        DIRs = os.listdir(DIRTOP)
        for DIR in DIRs:
            if DIR.startswith('track') or DIR.startswith('winter'):

    # Load velocities
    m = len(files)
        n = len(xpt)
        n = 1

    # Set up variables
    velocities = np.zeros([m, n])
    velocities[:, :] = 'nan'
    velocities_x = np.zeros([m, n])
    velocities_x[:, :] = 'nan'
    velocities_y = np.zeros([m, n])
    velocities_y[:, :] = 'nan'
    error = np.zeros([m, n])
    error[:, :] = 'nan'
    times = np.zeros([m])
    termini = np.zeros([m])
    count = 0

    for i in range(0, len(files)):
        x, y, v, vx, vy, ex, ey, time, interval = geodatlib.readvelocity(
            ''.join(dirs[i]), ''.join(files[i]), "mosaicOffsets")
        if 'winter' in files[i]:
            time = float('20' + files[i][-2:])
        times[count] = time

        # Set up grid for interpolation
        fv = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator([y, x],
        fex = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator([y, x],
        fey = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator([y, x],
        fvx = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator([y, x],
        fvy = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator([y, x],

        # Find velocities
        velocities[count, :] = fv(np.array([ypt, xpt]).T)
        velocities_x[count, :] = fvx(np.array([ypt, xpt]).T)
        velocities_y[count, :] = fvy(np.array([ypt, xpt]).T)
        error[count, :] = velocities[count, :] * np.sqrt(
            (fex(np.array([ypt, xpt]).T) / fvx(np.array([ypt, xpt]).T))**2 +
            (fey(np.array([ypt, xpt]).T) / fvy(np.array([ypt, xpt]).T))**2)

        count = count + 1

    # Sort arrays by time
    sortind = np.argsort(times, 0)
    tpt_sort = times[sortind]
    vpt_sort = velocities[sortind, :]
    ept_sort = error[sortind, :]
    vxpt_sort = velocities_x[sortind, :]
    vypt_sort = velocities_y[sortind, :]

    if xy_velocities == 'True':
        return vpt_sort, tpt_sort, ept_sort, vxpt_sort, vypt_sort
        return vpt_sort, tpt_sort, ept_sort
예제 #7
파일: vellib.py 프로젝트: tarynblack/big3
def velocity_grid(glacier,

    DIR_TSX = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),
                           "Velocity/TSX/" + glacier + "/")

    dx = dy = float(resolution)
    nx = int(np.ceil((xmax - xmin) / dx) + 1)
    x = np.linspace(xmin, (nx - 1) * dx + xmin, nx)
    ny = int(np.ceil((ymax - ymin) / dx) + 1)
    y = np.linspace(ymin, (ny - 1) * dy + ymin, ny)
    xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    coords = np.column_stack([ygrid.flatten(), xgrid.flatten()])

    # LOAD TSX Data #

    DIRs = os.listdir(DIR_TSX)

    # Get number of velocity files
    nt = 0
    for DIR in DIRs:
        if DIR.startswith('track'):
            nt = nt + 1

    # Set up variables
    velgrid = np.zeros([ny, nx, nt])
    time = np.zeros(nt)
    ergrid = np.zeros([ny, nx, nt])

    # Load velocity and mask
    count = 0
    for j in range(0, len(DIRs)):
        DIR = DIRs[j]
        if DIR.startswith('track'):
            # Load velocity
            x1, y1, v1, vx1, vy1, ex1, ey1, time_file, interval1 = geodatlib.readvelocity(
                DIR_TSX, DIR, "mosaicOffsets")

            time[count] = time_file
            year, month, day = datelib.fracyear_to_date(time_file)

            xind1 = np.argmin(abs(x1 - xmin))
            xind2 = np.argmin(abs(x1 - xmax)) + 1
            yind1 = np.argmin(abs(y1 - ymin))
            yind2 = np.argmin(abs(y1 - ymax)) + 1

            # Load velocity
                # If the input and output grids have the same dimensions...
                velgrid[:, :, count] = v1[yind1:yind2, xind1:xind2]
                # Otherwise interpolate onto output grid
                f_dem = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator(
                    [y1, x1],
                v_flatten = f_dem(coords)

                # Reshape to grid
                velgrid[:, :, count] = np.reshape(v_flatten, (ny, nx))

            count = count + 1

    # Sort velocities
    sortind = np.argsort(time)
    time = time[sortind]
    velgrid = velgrid[:, :, sortind]

    return x, y, velgrid, time