예제 #1
def calc_stand_ties(epoc, lat_ref, h_ref, h_rov, p0, t0, e0, unit="mm"):
    Determine standard atmospheric ties with analytical equation from Teke et al. (2011)

        epoc :
            time in Python datetime
        lat_ref :
            Latitude of Ref. station
        h_ref :
            Height of Ref. station
        h_rov :
            Height of Rov. station
            Pressure of Ref. station in hPa
            Temperature in C of Ref. station
            Water vapor pressure of Ref. station in hPa
        unit :
            in meters (m) or milimeters (mm)

        ties :
            Standard ties of total delay in milimeters or meters

    if utils.is_iterable(lat_ref):
        ties = []
        for epoc_m, lat_ref_m, h_ref_m, h_rov_m, p0_m, t0_m, e0_m in zip(
                epoc, lat_ref, h_ref, h_rov, p0, t0, e0):
            ties_m = calc_stand_ties(epoc_m, lat_ref_m, h_ref_m, h_rov_m, p0_m,
                                     t0_m, e0_m)
        return np.array(ties)

        t0 = t0 + 273.15  #convert to Kelvin

        p = p0 * ((1 - (0.0065 * (h_rov - h_ref) / t0))**(9.80665 /
                                                          (0.0065 * 287.058)))
        dZHD = (0.0022768 * (p0 - p)) / (1 - 0.00266 * np.cos(2 * lat_ref) -
                                         0.28e-6 * h_ref)
        dZWD = 2.789 * e0 / (t0**2) * (
            (5383 / t0) - 0.7803) * 0.0065 * (h_rov - h_ref)

        if unit == "m":
            return np.round(dZHD + dZWD, 4)

        elif unit == "mm":
            return np.round((dZHD + dZWD) * 1000, 4)
예제 #2
def PWV_conversion(zwd, Tm):
    This function convert from Zenith Wet delay to Precipitate Water Vapor (PWV)

    zwd :
        Zenith wet delay in meters
        Mean temperature of troposphere

    PWV :
        Precipitate Water Vapor in mm

    Solution and Constant k2' k3 from Atmospheric effects in Space Geodesy Chapter 3.
    if utils.is_iterable(zwd):
        PWV = []
        for zwd_m, Tm_m in zip(zwd, Tm):
            pwv = PWV_conversion(zwd_m, Tm_m)
        return np.array(PWV)

        k1 = 77.689
        k2 = 71.2952
        Md = 28.965 / 100  # g/mol -> kg/mol
        Mw = 18.016 / 100  # g/mol -> kg/mol
        k2d = k2 - (k1 * (Mw / Md))
        k3 = 375463
        R = 8.3143
        Rhow = 999.97

        CF = 10e6 * Mw / (Rhow * R * (k2d + (k3 / Tm)))
        PWV = CF * zwd * 1000
        return np.round(PWV, 2)
예제 #3
def trop_saast(p, dlat, hell, t=0, e=0, mode="dry"):
    This subroutine determines the zenith total delay based on the equation by Saastamoinen (1972) as refined by Davis et al. (1985)

    p :
        pressure in hPa

    dlat :
        ellipsoidal latitude in radians

    t :
         temperature in Celcius

    e :
         water vapor pressure in hPa

    hell :
         ellipsoidal height in meters

    mode :
         dry, wet or total

    res :
        zenith total delay in m (depend on mode)

     c Reference:
     Saastamoinen, J., Atmospheric correction for the troposphere and
     stratosphere in radio ranging of satellites. The use of artificial
     satellites for geodesy, Geophys. Monogr. Ser. 15, Amer. Geophys. Union,
     pp. 274-251, 1972.
     Davis, J.L, T.A. Herring, I.I. Shapiro, A.E.E. Rogers, and G. Elgered,
     Geodesy by Radio Interferometry: Effects of Atmospheric Modeling Errors
     on Estimates of Baseline Length, Radio Science, Vol. 20, No. 6,
     pp. 1593-1607, 1985.

    if utils.is_iterable(dlat):
        ztd = []
        for p_m, dlat_m, hell_m, t_m, e_m in zip(p, dlat, hell, t, e):
            ztd_m = trop_saast(p_m, dlat_m, hell_m, t_m, e_m, mode)
        return np.array(ztd)
        f = 1 - 0.00266 * np.cos(
            2 * dlat) - 0.00000028 * hell  # calculate denominator f
        t = t + 273.15  #convert celcius to kelvin
        if mode == "dry":
            res = 0.0022768 * p / f
        elif mode == "wet":
            res = (0.22768e-2) * ((0.1255e+4) + (t + 0.5e-1)) * (e / t)
        elif mode == "total":
            zhd = 0.0022768 * p / f
            zwd = (0.22768e-2) * ((0.1255e+4) + (t + 0.5e-1)) * (e / t)
            res = zhd + zwd

        return np.round(res, 4)
예제 #4
def gpt3(dtin, lat, lon, h_ell, C, it=0):
    This subroutine determines pressure, temperature, temperature lapse rate,
    mean temperature of the water vapor, water vapour pressure, hydrostatic
    and wet mapping function coefficients ah and aw, water vapour decrease
    factor, geoid undulation and empirical tropospheric gradients for
    specific sites near the earth's surface.
    It is based on a 5 x 5 degree external grid file ('gpt3_5.grd') with mean
    values as well as sine and cosine amplitudes for the annual and
    semiannual variation of the coefficients.

    dtin :
        datatime in Python datetime object

        ellipsoidal latitude in radians [-pi/2:+pi/2]

        longitude in radians [-pi:pi] or [0:2pi]

        ellipsoidal height in m

        case 1 no time variation but static quantities, case 0 with time variation (annual and semiannual terms)

        pressure in hPa

        temperature in degrees Celsius

        temperature lapse rate in degrees per km

        mean temperature weighted with the water vapor in degrees Kelvin

        water vapour pressure in hPa

        hydrostatic mapping function coefficient at zero height (VMF3)

        wet mapping function coefficient (VMF3)

        water vapour decrease factor

        geoid undulation in m

        hydrostatic north gradient in m

        hydrostatic east gradient in m

        wet north gradient in m

        wet east gradient in m

        Modified for Python by Chaiyaporn Kitpracha

        (c) Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vienna University of
        Technology, 2017

        The copyright in this document is vested in the Department of Geodesy and
        Geoinformation (GEO), Vienna University of Technology, Austria. This document
        may only be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval
        system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic,
        mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, either with the prior permission
        of GEO or in accordance with the terms of ESTEC Contract No.

        D. Landskron, J. Böhm (2018), VMF3/GPT3: Refined Discrete and Empirical Troposphere Mapping Functions,
        J Geod (2018) 92: 349., doi: 10.1007/s00190-017-1066-2.
        Download at: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00190-017-1066-2.pdf
    lat = np.array(lat)
    lon = np.array(lon)
    h_ell = np.array(h_ell)
    # Extract data from grid
    p_grid = C[:, 2:7]  # pressure in Pascal
    T_grid = C[:, 7:12]  # temperature in Kelvin
    Q_grid = C[:, 12:17] / 1000  # specific humidity in kg/kg
    dT_grid = C[:, 17:22] / 1000  # temperature lapse rate in Kelvin/m
    u_grid = C[:, 22]  # geoid undulation in m
    Hs_grid = C[:, 23]  # orthometric grid height in m
    ah_grid = C[:, 24:
                29] / 1000  # hydrostatic mapping function coefficient, dimensionless
    aw_grid = C[:, 29:
                34] / 1000  # wet mapping function coefficient, dimensionless
    la_grid = C[:, 34:39]  # water vapor decrease factor, dimensionless
    Tm_grid = C[:, 39:44]  # mean temperature in Kelvin
    Gn_h_grid = C[:, 44:49] / 100000  # hydrostatic north gradient in m
    Ge_h_grid = C[:, 49:54] / 100000  # hydrostatic east gradient in m
    Gn_w_grid = C[:, 54:59] / 100000  # wet north gradient in m
    Ge_w_grid = C[:, 59:64] / 100000  # wet east gradient in m

    # Convert from datetime to doy
    doy = float(conv.dt2doy(dtin)) + conv.dt2fracday(dtin)

    # determine the GPT3 coefficients

    # mean gravity in m/s**2
    gm = 9.80665
    # molar mass of dry air in kg/mol
    dMtr = 28.965e-3
    # universal gas constant in J/K/mol
    Rg = 8.3143

    # factors for amplitudes
    if it == 1:  # then  constant parameters
        cosfy = 0
        coshy = 0
        sinfy = 0
        sinhy = 0
        cosfy = np.cos(doy / 365.25 * 2 * np.pi)  # coefficient for A1
        coshy = np.cos(doy / 365.25 * 4 * np.pi)  # coefficient for B1
        sinfy = np.sin(doy / 365.25 * 2 * np.pi)  # coefficient for A2
        sinhy = np.sin(doy / 365.25 * 4 * np.pi)  # coefficient for B2

    nstat = lat.size

    # initialization
    p = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    T = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    dT = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    Tm = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    e = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    ah = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    aw = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    la = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    undu = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    Gn_h = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    Ge_h = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    Gn_w = np.zeros([nstat, 1])
    Ge_w = np.zeros([nstat, 1])

    if lon < 0:
        plon = (lon + 2 * np.pi) * 180 / np.pi
        plon = lon * 180 / np.pi

    ppod = (-lat + np.pi / 2) * 180 / np.pi

    ipod = np.floor(ppod + 1)
    ilon = np.floor(plon + 1)

    # changed for the 1 degree grid
    diffpod = (ppod - (ipod - 0.5))
    difflon = (plon - (ilon - 0.5))

    if ipod == 181:
        ipod = 180

    if ilon == 361:
        ilon = 1

    if ilon == 0:
        ilon = 360

    indx = np.zeros(4)
    indx[0] = (ipod - 1) * 360 + ilon

    # near the poles: nearest neighbour interpolation, otherwise: bilinear
    # with the 1 degree grid the limits are lower and upper
    bilinear = 0
    if ppod > 0.5 and ppod < 179.5:
        bilinear = 1

    if bilinear == 0:
        ix = int(indx[0]) - 1

        # transforming ellipsoidal height to orthometric height
        undu = u_grid[ix]
        hgt = h_ell - undu

        # pressure, temperature at the height of the grid
        T0 = T_grid[ix, 0] + T_grid[ix, 1] * cosfy + T_grid[
            ix, 2] * sinfy + T_grid[ix, 3] * coshy + T_grid[ix, 4] * sinhy
        p0 = p_grid[ix, 0] + p_grid[ix, 1] * cosfy + p_grid[
            ix, 2] * sinfy + p_grid[ix, 3] * coshy + p_grid[ix, 4] * sinhy

        # specific humidity
        Q = Q_grid[ix, 0] + Q_grid[ix, 1] * cosfy + Q_grid[
            ix, 2] * sinfy + Q_grid[ix, 3] * coshy + Q_grid[ix, 4] * sinhy

        # lapse rate of the temperature
        dT = dT_grid[ix, 0] + dT_grid[ix, 1] * cosfy + dT_grid[
            ix, 2] * sinfy + dT_grid[ix, 3] * coshy + dT_grid[ix, 4] * sinhy

        # station height - grid height
        redh = hgt - Hs_grid[ix]

        # temperature at station height in Celsius
        T = T0 + dT * redh - 273.15

        # temperature lapse rate in degrees / km
        dT = dT * 1000

        # virtual temperature in Kelvin
        Tv = T0 * [1 + 0.6077 * Q]

        c = gm * dMtr / [Rg * Tv]

        # pressure in hPa
        p = [p0 * np.exp[-c * redh]] / 100

        # hydrostatic and wet coefficients ah and aw
        ah = ah_grid[ix, 0] + ah_grid[ix, 2] * cosfy + ah_grid[
            ix, 3] * sinfy + ah_grid[ix, 4] * coshy + ah_grid[ix, 5] * sinhy
        aw = aw_grid[ix, 0] + aw_grid[ix, 2] * cosfy + aw_grid[
            ix, 3] * sinfy + aw_grid[ix, 4] * coshy + aw_grid[ix, 5] * sinhy

        # water vapour decrease factor la
        la = la_grid[ix,0] + \
                la_grid[ix,1]*cosfy + la_grid[ix,2]*sinfy + \
                la_grid[ix,3]*coshy + la_grid[ix,4]*sinhy

        # mean temperature Tm
        Tm = Tm_grid[ix,0] + \
                Tm_grid[ix,1]*cosfy + Tm_grid[ix,2]*sinfy + \
                Tm_grid[ix,3]*coshy + Tm_grid[ix,4]*sinhy

        # north and east gradients [total, hydrostatic and wet]
        Gn_h = Gn_h_grid[ix, 0] + Gn_h_grid[ix, 1] * cosfy + Gn_h_grid[
            ix, 2] * sinfy + Gn_h_grid[ix, 3] * coshy + Gn_h_grid[ix,
                                                                  4] * sinhy
        Ge_h = Ge_h_grid[ix, 0] + Ge_h_grid[ix, 1] * cosfy + Ge_h_grid[
            ix, 2] * sinfy + Ge_h_grid[ix, 3] * coshy + Ge_h_grid[ix,
                                                                  4] * sinhy
        Gn_w = Gn_w_grid[ix, 0] + Gn_w_grid[ix, 1] * cosfy + Gn_w_grid[
            ix, 2] * sinfy + Gn_w_grid[ix, 3] * coshy + Gn_w_grid[ix,
                                                                  4] * sinhy
        Ge_w = Ge_w_grid[ix, 0] + Ge_w_grid[ix, 1] * cosfy + Ge_w_grid[
            ix, 2] * sinfy + Ge_w_grid[ix, 3] * coshy + Ge_w_grid[ix,
                                                                  4] * sinhy

        # water vapor pressure in hPa
        e0 = Q * p0 / [0.622 + 0.378 * Q] / 100  # on the grid
        e = e0 * (100 * p / p0)**(
            la + 1)  # on the station height - (14] Askne and Nordius, 1987

        ipod1 = ipod + 1 * np.sign(diffpod)
        ilon1 = ilon + 1 * np.sign(difflon)

        # changed for the 1 degree grid
        if ilon1 == 361:
            ilon1 = 1

        if ilon1 == 0:
            ilon1 = 360

        # get the number of the line
        # changed for the 1 degree grid
        indx[1] = (ipod1 - 1) * 360 + ilon  # along same longitude
        indx[2] = (ipod - 1) * 360 + ilon1  # along same polar distance
        indx[3] = (ipod1 - 1) * 360 + ilon1  # diagonal
        indx = indx.astype(int)
        indx = indx - 1

        # transforming ellipsoidal height to orthometric height: Hortho = -N + Hell
        undul = u_grid[indx]
        hgt = h_ell - undul

        # pressure, temperature at the height of the grid
        T0 = T_grid[indx, 0] + T_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + T_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + T_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + T_grid[indx,
                                                                4] * sinhy
        p0 = p_grid[indx, 0] + p_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + p_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + p_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + p_grid[indx,
                                                                4] * sinhy

        # humidity
        Ql = Q_grid[indx, 0] + Q_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + Q_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + Q_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + Q_grid[indx,
                                                                4] * sinhy

        # reduction = stationheight - gridheight
        Hs1 = Hs_grid[indx]
        redh = hgt - Hs1

        # lapse rate of the temperature in degree / m
        dTl = dT_grid[indx, 0] + dT_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + dT_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + dT_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + dT_grid[indx,
                                                                  4] * sinhy

        # temperature reduction to station height
        Tl = T0 + dTl * redh - 273.15

        # virtual temperature
        Tv = T0 * (1 + 0.6077 * Ql)
        c = gm * dMtr / (Rg * Tv)

        # pressure in hPa
        pl = (p0 * np.exp(-c * redh)) / 100

        # hydrostatic and wet coefficients ah and aw
        ahl = ah_grid[indx, 0] + ah_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + ah_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + ah_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + ah_grid[indx,
                                                                  4] * sinhy
        awl = aw_grid[indx, 0] + aw_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + aw_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + aw_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + aw_grid[indx,
                                                                  4] * sinhy

        # water vapour decrease factor la
        lal = la_grid[indx, 0] + la_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + la_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + la_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + la_grid[indx,
                                                                  4] * sinhy

        # mean temperature of the water vapor Tm
        Tml = Tm_grid[indx, 0] + Tm_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + Tm_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + Tm_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + Tm_grid[indx,
                                                                  4] * sinhy

        # north and east gradients [total, hydrostatic and wet]
        Gn_hl = Gn_h_grid[indx, 0] + Gn_h_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + Gn_h_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + Gn_h_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + Gn_h_grid[
                indx, 4] * sinhy
        Ge_hl = Ge_h_grid[indx, 0] + Ge_h_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + Ge_h_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + Ge_h_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + Ge_h_grid[
                indx, 4] * sinhy
        Gn_wl = Gn_w_grid[indx, 0] + Gn_w_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + Gn_w_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + Gn_w_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + Gn_w_grid[
                indx, 4] * sinhy
        Ge_wl = Ge_w_grid[indx, 0] + Ge_w_grid[indx, 1] * cosfy + Ge_w_grid[
            indx, 2] * sinfy + Ge_w_grid[indx, 3] * coshy + Ge_w_grid[
                indx, 4] * sinhy

        # water vapor pressure in hPa
        e0 = Ql * p0 / (0.622 + 0.378 * Ql) / 100  # on the grid
        el = e0 * (100 * pl / p0)**(
            lal + 1)  # on the station height - [14] Askne and Nordius, 1987

        dnpod1 = abs(diffpod)  # distance nearer point
        dnpod2 = 1 - dnpod1  # distance to distant point
        dnlon1 = abs(difflon)
        dnlon2 = 1 - dnlon1

        # pressure
        R1 = dnpod2 * pl[0] + dnpod1 * pl[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * pl[2] + dnpod1 * pl[3]
        p = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2

        # temperature
        R1 = dnpod2 * Tl[0] + dnpod1 * Tl[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * Tl[2] + dnpod1 * Tl[3]
        T = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2

        # temperature in degree per km
        R1 = dnpod2 * dTl[0] + dnpod1 * dTl[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * dTl[2] + dnpod1 * dTl[3]
        dT = (dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2) * 1000

        # water vapor pressure in hPa
        R1 = dnpod2 * el[0] + dnpod1 * el[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * el[2] + dnpod1 * el[3]
        e = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2

        # ah and aw
        R1 = dnpod2 * ahl[0] + dnpod1 * ahl[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * ahl[2] + dnpod1 * ahl[3]
        ah = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2
        R1 = dnpod2 * awl[0] + dnpod1 * awl[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * awl[2] + dnpod1 * awl[3]
        aw = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2

        # undulation
        R1 = dnpod2 * undul[0] + dnpod1 * undul[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * undul[2] + dnpod1 * undul[3]
        undu = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2

        # water vapor decrease factor la
        R1 = dnpod2 * lal[0] + dnpod1 * lal[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * lal[2] + dnpod1 * lal[3]
        la = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2

        # gradients
        R1 = dnpod2 * Gn_hl[0] + dnpod1 * Gn_hl[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * Gn_hl[2] + dnpod1 * Gn_hl[3]
        Gn_h = (dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2)
        R1 = dnpod2 * Ge_hl[0] + dnpod1 * Ge_hl[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * Ge_hl[2] + dnpod1 * Ge_hl[3]
        Ge_h = (dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2)
        R1 = dnpod2 * Gn_wl[0] + dnpod1 * Gn_wl[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * Gn_wl[2] + dnpod1 * Gn_wl[3]
        Gn_w = (dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2)
        R1 = dnpod2 * Ge_wl[0] + dnpod1 * Ge_wl[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * Ge_wl[2] + dnpod1 * Ge_wl[3]
        Ge_w = (dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2)

        # mean temperature of the water vapor Tm
        R1 = dnpod2 * Tml[0] + dnpod1 * Tml[1]
        R2 = dnpod2 * Tml[2] + dnpod1 * Tml[3]
        Tm = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2

    soln = [np.round(p,3),np.round(T,3),np.round(dT,3),np.round(Tm,3),np.round(e,3), \
            np.round(ah,3),np.round(aw,3),np.round(la,3),np.round(undu,3),np.round(Gn_h,3),np.round(Ge_h,3), \
    return soln
예제 #5
def calc_stand_ties_gpt3(epoc,
    Determine standard atmospheric ties from meteological information from GPT3 with analytical equation from Teke et al. (2011)

        epoc :
            time in Python datetime
        lat_ref :
            Latitude of Ref. station
        lat_rov :
            Latitude of Rov. station
        h_ref :
            Height of Ref. station
        h_rov :
            Height of Rov. station
        grid_file :
            meteological grid file
        unit :
            in meters (m) or milimeters (mm)

        ties :
            Standard ties of total delay in milimeters or meters

    if utils.is_iterable(lat_ref):
        ties = []
        for epoc_m, lat_ref_m, lon_ref_m, h_ref_m, lat_rov_m, lon_rov_m, h_rov_m in zip(
                epoc, lat_ref, lon_ref, h_ref, lat_rov, lon_rov, h_rov):
            ties_m = calc_stand_ties_gpt3(epoc_m, lat_ref_m, lon_ref_m,
                                          h_ref_m, lat_rov_m, lon_rov_m,
                                          h_rov_m, grid)
        return np.array(ties)

        met_ref = gpt3(epoc, lat_ref, lon_ref, h_ref, grid)

        p0, t0, e0 = met_ref[0], met_ref[1], met_ref[4]
        t0 = t0 + 273.15  #convert to Kelvin

        p = p0 * ((1 - (0.0065 * (h_rov - h_ref) / t0))**(9.80665 /
                                                          (0.0065 * 287.058)))
        dZHD = (0.0022768 * (p0 - p)) / (1 - 0.00266 * np.cos(2 * lat_ref) -
                                         0.28e-6 * h_ref)
        dZWD = 2.789 * e0 / (t0**2) * (
            (5383 / t0) - 0.7803) * 0.0065 * (h_rov - h_ref)

        if unit == "m":
            return np.round(dZHD + dZWD, 4)

        elif unit == "mm":
            return np.round((dZHD + dZWD) * 1000, 4)