def capacity_vesic_1975(sl, fd, h_l=0, h_b=0, vertical_load=1, slope=0, base_tilt=0, verbose=0, gwl=1e6, **kwargs): """ Calculates the foundation capacity according Vesics(1975) #Gunaratne, Manjriker. 2006. "Spread Footings: Analysis and Design." Ref: BearingCapacityOfFoundations.pdf :param sl: Soil object :param fd: Foundation object :param h_l: Horizontal load parallel to length :param h_b: Horizontal load parallel to width :param vertical_load: Vertical load :param slope: ground slope :param base_tilt: The slope of the underside of the foundation :param verbose: verbosity :return: ultimate bearing stress """ if not kwargs.get("disable_requires", False): models.check_required(sl, ["phi_r", "cohesion", "unit_dry_weight"]) models.check_required(fd, ["length", "width", "depth"]) if fd.length > fd.width: # TODO: deal with plane strain fd_length = fd.length fd_width = fd.width else: fd_length = fd.width fd_width = fd.length area_foundation = fd_length * fd_width c_a = 0.6 - 1.0 * sl.cohesion horizontal_load = np.sqrt(h_l**2 + h_b**2) fd.nq_factor = ((np.tan(np.pi / 4 + sl.phi_r / 2))**2 * np.exp(np.pi * np.tan(sl.phi_r))) if sl.phi_r == 0: fd.nc_factor = 5.14 else: fd.nc_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) / np.tan(sl.phi_r) fd.ng_factor = 2.0 * (fd.nq_factor + 1) * np.tan(sl.phi_r) # shape factors: s_c = 1.0 + fd.nq_factor / fd.nc_factor * fd_width / fd_length s_q = 1 + fd_width / fd_length * np.tan(sl.phi_r) s_g = max(1.0 - 0.4 * fd_width / fd_length, 0.6) # add limit of 0.6 based on Vesic # depth factors: if fd.depth / fd_width > 1: k = np.arctan(fd.depth / fd_width) else: k = fd.depth / fd_width d_c = 1 + 0.4 * k d_q = 1 + 2 * np.tan(sl.phi_r) * (1 - np.sin(sl.phi_r))**2 * k d_g = 1.0 # load inclination factors m__b = (2.0 + fd_width / fd_length) / (1 + fd_width / fd_length) m_l = (2.0 + fd_length / fd_width) / (1 + fd_length / fd_width) m = np.sqrt(m__b**2 + m_l**2) if sl.phi_r == 0: i_q = 1.0 i_g = 1.0 else: i_q = (1.0 - horizontal_load / (vertical_load + area_foundation * c_a / np.tan(sl.phi_r)))**m i_g = (1.0 - horizontal_load / (vertical_load + area_foundation * c_a / np.tan(sl.phi_r)))**( m + 1) i_c = i_q - (1 - i_q) / (fd.nq_factor - 1) check_i_c = 1 - m * horizontal_load / (area_foundation * c_a * fd.nc_factor) if abs(check_i_c - i_c) / i_c > 0.001: raise DesignError # ground slope factors: if sl.phi_r == 0: # g_c = slope / 5.14 g_c = i_q else: g_c = i_q - (1 - i_q) / (5.14 * np.tan(sl.phi_r)) g_q = (1.0 - np.tan(slope))**2 g_g = g_q # tilted base factors if sl.phi_r == 0: b_c = g_c else: b_c = 1 - 2 * base_tilt / (5.14 * np.tan(sl.phi_r)) b_q = (1.0 - base_tilt * np.tan(sl.phi_r))**2 b_g = b_q # stress at footing base: if gwl == 0: q_d = sl.unit_eff_weight * fd.depth unit_weight = sl.unit_bouy_weight elif gwl > 0 and gwl < fd.depth: q_d = (sl.unit_dry_weight * gwl) + (sl.unit_bouy_weight * (fd.depth - gwl)) unit_weight = sl.unit_bouy_weight elif gwl >= fd.depth and gwl <= fd.depth + fd_width: sl.average_unit_bouy_weight = sl.unit_bouy_weight + ( ((gwl - fd.depth) / fd_width) * (sl.unit_dry_weight - sl.unit_bouy_weight)) q_d = sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.depth unit_weight = sl.average_unit_bouy_weight elif gwl > fd.depth + fd_width: q_d = sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.depth unit_weight = sl.unit_dry_weight if verbose: log("Nc: ", fd.nc_factor) log("N_qV: ", fd.nq_factor) log("Ng: ", fd.ng_factor) log("s_c: ", s_c) log("s_q: ", s_q) log("s_g: ", s_g) log("d_c: ", d_c) log("d_q: ", d_q) log("d_g: ", d_g) log("i_c: ", i_c) log("i_q: ", i_q) log("i_g: ", i_g) log("g_c: ", g_c) log("g_q: ", g_q) log("g_g: ", g_g) log("b_c: ", b_c) log("b_q: ", b_q) log("b_g: ", b_g) log("q_d: ", q_d) # Capacity fd.q_ult = (sl.cohesion * fd.nc_factor * s_c * d_c * i_c * g_c * b_c + q_d * fd.nq_factor * s_q * d_q * i_q * g_q * b_q + 0.5 * fd_width * unit_weight * fd.ng_factor * s_g * d_g * i_g * g_g * b_g) if verbose: log("qult: ", fd.q_ult) return fd.q_ult
def capacity_salgado_2008(sl, fd, h_l=0, h_b=0, vertical_load=1, verbose=0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the capacity according to The Engineering of Foundations textbook by Salgado ISBN: 0072500581 The method combines load factors from Bolton (1979) and shape factors from Brinch-Hansen (1970) :param sl: Soil object :param fd: Foundation object :param h_l: Horizontal load parallel to length :param h_b: Horizontal load parallel to width :param vertical_load: Vertical load :param verbose: verbosity :return: ultimate bearing stress """ # Need to make adjustments if sand has DR<40% or # clay has liquidity indices greater than 0.7 if not kwargs.get("disable_requires", False): models.check_required(sl, ["phi_r", "cohesion", "unit_dry_weight"]) models.check_required(fd, ["length", "width", "depth"]) h_eff_b = kwargs.get("h_eff_b", 0) h_eff_l = kwargs.get("h_eff_l", 0) ip_axis_2d = kwargs.get('ip_axis_2d', None) # TODO: implement phi as fn of sigma_m temp_fd_length = fd.length temp_fd_width = fd.width if ip_axis_2d is not None: if ip_axis_2d == 'width': temp_fd_length = temp_fd_width * 100 elif ip_axis_2d == 'length': temp_fd_width = temp_fd_length * 100 else: raise ValueError( f"ip_axis_2d must be either 'width' or 'length', not {ip_axis_2d}" ) v_l = kwargs.get("loc_v_l", temp_fd_length / 2) # given in fd coordinates v_b = kwargs.get("loc_v_b", temp_fd_width / 2) if temp_fd_length > temp_fd_width: # TODO: deal with plane strain fd_length = temp_fd_length fd_width = temp_fd_width loc_v_l = v_l loc_v_b = v_b loc_h_b = h_b loc_h_l = h_l else: fd_length = temp_fd_width fd_width = temp_fd_length loc_v_l = v_b loc_v_b = v_l loc_h_b = h_l loc_h_l = h_b ecc_b = loc_h_b * h_eff_b / vertical_load ecc_l = loc_h_l * h_eff_l / vertical_load width_eff = min(fd_width, 2 * (loc_v_b + ecc_b), 2 * (fd_width - loc_v_b - ecc_b)) length_eff = min(fd_length, 2 * (loc_v_l + ecc_l), 2 * (fd_length - loc_v_l - ecc_l)) # check para 3.4.1 if width_eff / 2 < fd_width / 6: DesignError("failed on eccentricity") # LOAD FACTORS: fd.nq_factor = np.exp(np.pi * np.tan(sl.phi_r)) * ( 1 + np.sin(sl.phi_r)) / (1 - np.sin(sl.phi_r)) fd.ng_factor = 1.5 * (fd.nq_factor - 1) * np.tan(sl.phi_r) # fd.ng_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) * np.tan(1.32 * sl.phi_r) if sl.phi_r == 0: fd.nc_factor = 5.14 else: fd.nc_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) / np.tan(sl.phi_r) # shape factors: s_q = 1 + (width_eff / length_eff) * np.sin(sl.phi_r) s_g = max(1 - 0.4 * width_eff / length_eff, 0.6) s_c = 1.0 # depth factors: d_over_b = min(1, fd.depth / width_eff) # limit to 1 d_q = 1 + 2 * np.tan(sl.phi_r) * (1 - np.sin(sl.phi_r))**2 * d_over_b d_g = 1.0 d_c = 1.0 # stress at footing base: q_d = sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.depth if verbose: log("width_eff: ", width_eff) log("length_eff: ", length_eff) log("Nc: ", fd.nc_factor) log("Nq: ", fd.nq_factor) log("Ng: ", fd.ng_factor) log("s_c: ", s_c) log("s_q: ", s_q) log("s_g: ", s_g) log("d_c: ", d_c) log("d_q: ", d_q) log("d_g: ", d_g) log("q_d: ", q_d) # Capacity fd.q_ult = ( sl.cohesion * fd.nc_factor * s_c * d_c + q_d * fd.nq_factor * s_q * d_q + 0.5 * width_eff * sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.ng_factor * s_g * d_g) if verbose: log("qult: ", fd.q_ult) return fd.q_ult
def capacity_nzs_vm4_2011(sl, fd, h_l=0, h_b=0, vertical_load=1, slope=0, verbose=0, **kwargs): """ calculates the capacity according to Appendix B verification method 4 of the NZ building code :param sl: Soil object :param fd: Foundation object :param h_l: Horizontal load parallel to length :param h_b: Horizontal load parallel to width :param vertical_load: Vertical load :param slope: ground slope :param verbose: verbosity :return: ultimate bearing stress """ # Need to make adjustments if sand has DR<40% or # clay has liquidity indices greater than 0.7 if not kwargs.get("disable_requires", False): models.check_required(sl, ["phi_r", "cohesion", "unit_dry_weight"]) models.check_required(fd, ["length", "width", "depth"]) horizontal_load = np.sqrt(h_l**2 + h_b**2) v_l = kwargs.get("loc_v_l", fd.length / 2) # given in fd coordinates v_b = kwargs.get("loc_v_b", fd.width / 2) h_eff_b = kwargs.get("h_eff_b", 0) h_eff_l = kwargs.get("h_eff_l", 0) if fd.length > fd.width: # TODO: deal with plane strain fd_length = fd.length fd_width = fd.width loc_v_l = v_l loc_v_b = v_b loc_h_b = h_b loc_h_l = h_l else: fd_length = fd.width fd_width = fd.length loc_v_l = v_b loc_v_b = v_l loc_h_b = h_l loc_h_l = h_b ecc_b = loc_h_b * h_eff_b / vertical_load ecc_l = loc_h_l * h_eff_l / vertical_load width_eff = min(fd_width, 2 * (loc_v_b + ecc_b), 2 * (fd_width - loc_v_b - ecc_b)) length_eff = min(fd_length, 2 * (loc_v_l + ecc_l), 2 * (fd_length - loc_v_l - ecc_l)) area_foundation = length_eff * width_eff # check para 3.4.1 if width_eff / 2 < fd_width / 6: raise DesignError("failed on eccentricity") # LOAD FACTORS: fd.nq_factor = ((np.tan(np.pi / 4 + sl.phi_r / 2))**2 * np.exp(np.pi * np.tan(sl.phi_r))) if sl.phi_r == 0: fd.nc_factor = 5.14 else: fd.nc_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) / np.tan(sl.phi_r) fd.ng_factor = 2.0 * (fd.nq_factor - 1) * np.tan(sl.phi_r) # shape factors: s_c = 1.0 + fd.nq_factor / fd.nc_factor * width_eff / length_eff s_q = 1 + width_eff / length_eff * np.tan(sl.phi_r) s_g = max(1.0 - 0.4 * width_eff / length_eff, 0.6) # add limit of 0.6 based on Vesics # depth factors: if fd.depth / width_eff > 1: k = np.arctan(fd.depth / width_eff) else: k = fd.depth / width_eff if sl.phi_r == 0: d_c = 1 + 0.4 * k d_q = 1.0 else: d_q = (1 + 2 * np.tan(sl.phi_r) * (1 - np.sin(sl.phi_r))**2 * k) d_c = d_q - (1 - d_q) / (fd.nq_factor * np.tan(sl.phi_r)) d_g = 1.0 # load inclination factors: if sl.phi_r == 0: i_c = 0.5 * (1 + np.sqrt(1 - horizontal_load / (area_foundation * sl.cohesion))) i_q = 1.0 i_g = 1.0 else: if h_b == 0: i_q = 1 - horizontal_load / (vertical_load + area_foundation * sl.cohesion / np.tan(sl.phi_r)) i_g = i_q elif h_b > 0 and h_l == 0: i_q = ((1 - 0.7 * horizontal_load / (vertical_load + area_foundation * sl.cohesion / np.tan(sl.phi_r)))**3) i_g = ((1 - horizontal_load / (vertical_load + area_foundation * sl.cohesion / np.tan(sl.phi_r)))**3) else: raise DesignError("not setup for bi-directional loading") i_c = (i_q * fd.nq_factor - 1) / (fd.nq_factor - 1) # ground slope factors: g_c = 1 - slope * (1.0 - fd.depth / (2 * width_eff)) / 150 g_q = (1 - np.tan(slope * (1 - fd.depth / (2 * width_eff))))**2 g_g = g_q # stress at footing base: q_d = sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.depth if verbose: log("Nc: ", fd.nc_factor) log("Nq: ", fd.nq_factor) log("Ng: ", fd.ng_factor) log("H: ", horizontal_load) log("s_c: ", s_c) log("s_q: ", s_q) log("s_g: ", s_g) log("d_c: ", d_c) log("d_q: ", d_q) log("d_g: ", d_g) log("i_c: ", i_c) log("i_q: ", i_q) log("i_g: ", i_g) log("g_c: ", g_c) log("g_q: ", g_q) log("g_g: ", g_g) # Capacity fd.q_ult = (sl.cohesion * fd.nc_factor * s_c * d_c * i_c * g_c + q_d * fd.nq_factor * s_q * d_q * i_q * g_q + 0.5 * width_eff * sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.ng_factor * s_g * d_g * i_g * g_g) if verbose: log("q_ult: ", fd.q_ult) return fd.q_ult
def capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl, fd, gwl=1e6, h_l=0, h_b=0, vertical_load=1, axis_inf=None, verbose=0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the foundation capacity according Meyerhoff (1963) :param sl: Soil object :param fd: Foundation object :param h_l: Horizontal load parallel to length :param h_b: Horizontal load parallel to width :param vertical_load: Vertical load :param verbose: verbosity :return: ultimate bearing stress """ if not kwargs.get("disable_requires", False): models.check_required(sl, ["phi_r", "cohesion", "unit_dry_weight"]) models.check_required(fd, ["length", "width", "depth"]) horizontal_load = np.sqrt(h_l**2 + h_b**2) if axis_inf is None: if fd.length > fd.width: fd_length = fd.length fd_width = fd.width else: fd_length = fd.width fd_width = fd.length elif axis_inf == 'width': fd_width = fd.length fd_length = None elif axis_inf == 'length': fd_width = fd.width fd_length = None else: raise ValueError( f'axis_inf must be either: None, "width", or "length" not {axis_inf}' ) fd.nq_factor = ((np.tan(np.pi / 4 + sl.phi_r / 2))**2 * np.exp(np.pi * np.tan(sl.phi_r))) if sl.phi_r == 0: fd.nc_factor = 5.14 else: fd.nc_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) / np.tan(sl.phi_r) fd.ng_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) * np.tan(1.4 * sl.phi_r) if verbose: log("Nc: ", fd.nc_factor) log("Nq: ", fd.nq_factor) log("Ng: ", fd.ng_factor) kp = (np.tan(np.pi / 4 + sl.phi_r / 2))**2 # shape factors if fd_length is None: s_c = 1 s_q = 1 else: s_c = 1 + 0.2 * kp * fd_width / fd_length if sl.phi > 10: s_q = 1.0 + 0.1 * kp * fd_width / fd_length else: s_q = 1.0 s_g = s_q # depth factors d_c = 1 + 0.2 * np.sqrt(kp) * fd.depth / fd_width if sl.phi > 10: d_q = 1 + 0.1 * np.sqrt(kp) * fd.depth / fd_width else: d_q = 1.0 d_g = d_q # inclination factors: theta_load = np.arctan(horizontal_load / vertical_load) i_c = (1 - theta_load / (np.pi * 0.5))**2 i_q = i_c if sl.phi > 0: i_g = (1 - theta_load / sl.phi_r)**2 else: i_g = 0 # stress at footing base: if gwl == 0: q_d = sl.unit_bouy_weight * fd.depth unit_weight = sl.unit_bouy_weight elif gwl > 0 and gwl < fd.depth: q_d = (sl.unit_dry_weight * gwl) + (sl.unit_bouy_weight * (fd.depth - gwl)) unit_weight = sl.unit_bouy_weight elif gwl >= fd.depth and gwl <= fd.depth + fd_width: sl.average_unit_bouy_weight = sl.unit_bouy_weight + ( ((gwl - fd.depth) / fd_width) * (sl.unit_dry_weight - sl.unit_bouy_weight)) q_d = sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.depth unit_weight = sl.average_unit_bouy_weight elif gwl > fd.depth + fd_width: q_d = sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.depth unit_weight = sl.unit_dry_weight if verbose: log("Nc: ", fd.nc_factor) log("Nq: ", fd.nq_factor) log("Ng: ", fd.ng_factor) log("s_c: ", s_c) log("s_q: ", s_q) log("s_g: ", s_g) log("d_c: ", d_c) log("d_q: ", d_q) log("d_g: ", d_g) log("i_c: ", i_c) log("i_q: ", i_q) log("i_g: ", i_g) log("q_d: ", q_d) # Capacity fd.q_ult = (sl.cohesion * fd.nc_factor * s_c * d_c * i_c + q_d * fd.nq_factor * s_q * d_q * i_q + 0.5 * fd_width * unit_weight * fd.ng_factor * s_g * d_g * i_g) return fd.q_ult
def capacity_hansen_1970(sl, fd, h_l=0, h_b=0, vertical_load=1, slope=0, base_tilt=0, verbose=0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the foundation capacity according Hansen (1970) Ref: hansens-bearing-capacity-theory/ :param sl: Soil object :param fd: Foundation object :param h_l: Horizontal load parallel to length :param h_b: Horizontal load parallel to width :param vertical_load: Vertical load :param slope: ground slope :param base_tilt: The slope of the underside of the foundation :param verbose: verbosity :return: ultimate bearing stress """ if not kwargs.get("disable_requires", False): models.check_required(sl, ["phi_r", "cohesion", "unit_dry_weight"]) models.check_required(fd, ["length", "width", "depth"]) if fd.length > fd.width: # TODO: deal with plane strain fd_length = fd.length fd_width = fd.width else: fd_length = fd.width fd_width = fd.length area_foundation = fd_length * fd_width horizontal_load = np.sqrt(h_l**2 + h_b**2) c_a = 0.6 - 1.0 * sl.cohesion fd.nq_factor = ((np.tan(np.pi / 4 + sl.phi_r / 2))**2 * np.exp(np.pi * np.tan(sl.phi_r))) if sl.phi_r == 0: fd.nc_factor = 5.14 else: fd.nc_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) / np.tan(sl.phi_r) fd.ng_factor = 1.5 * (fd.nq_factor - 1) * np.tan(sl.phi_r) # shape factors if sl.phi_r == 0: s_c = 0.2 * fd_width / fd_length else: s_c = 1.0 + fd.nq_factor / fd.nc_factor * fd_width / fd_length s_q = 1.0 + fd_width / fd_length * np.sin(sl.phi_r) s_g = 1.0 - 0.4 * fd_width / fd_length # depth factors: if fd.depth / fd_width > 1: k = np.arctan(fd.depth / fd_width) else: k = fd.depth / fd_width d_c = 1 + 0.4 * k if sl.phi == 0: d_c = 0.4 * k d_q = 1 + 2 * np.tan(sl.phi_r) * (1 - np.sin(sl.phi_r))**2 * k d_g = 1.0 # incline load factors: if sl.phi_r == 0: i_q = 1.0 i_c = 0.5 - 0.5 * np.sqrt(1 - horizontal_load / area_foundation * c_a) i_g = 1.0 else: i_q = ((1.0 - 0.5 * horizontal_load / (vertical_load + area_foundation * c_a / np.tan(sl.phi_r)))**5) i_c = i_q - (1 - i_q) / (fd.nq_factor - 1) i_g = ((1 - (0.7 * horizontal_load) / (vertical_load + area_foundation * c_a / np.tan(sl.phi_r)))**5) # slope factors: if sl.phi_r == 0: g_c = (slope / np.pi * 180) / 147 else: g_c = 1.0 - (slope / np.pi * 180) / 147 g_q = 1 - 0.5 * np.tan(slope)**5 g_g = g_q # base tilt factors: if sl.phi_r == 0: b_c = (base_tilt / np.pi * 180) / 147 else: b_c = 1.0 - (base_tilt / np.pi * 180) / 147 b_q = (np.exp(-0.0349 * (base_tilt / np.pi * 180) * np.tan(sl.phi_r))) b_g = (np.exp(-0.0471 * (base_tilt / np.pi * 180) * np.tan(sl.phi_r))) if verbose: log("Nc: ", fd.nc_factor) log("Nq: ", fd.nq_factor) log("Ng: ", fd.ng_factor) log("s_c: ", s_c) log("s_q: ", s_q) log("s_g: ", s_g) log("d_c: ", d_c) log("d_q: ", d_q) log("d_g: ", d_g) log("i_c: ", i_c) log("i_q: ", i_q) log("i_g: ", i_g) log("g_c: ", g_c) log("g_q: ", g_q) log("g_g: ", g_g) log("b_c: ", b_c) log("b_q: ", b_q) log("b_g: ", b_g) # stress at footing base: q_d = sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.depth # Capacity if sl.phi_r == 0: fd.q_ult = (sl.cohesion * fd.nc_factor * (1 + s_c + d_c - i_c - g_c - b_c) + q_d) else: fd.q_ult = (sl.cohesion * fd.nc_factor * s_c * d_c * i_c * g_c * b_c + q_d * fd.nq_factor * s_q * d_q * i_q * g_q * b_q + 0.5 * fd_width * sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.ng_factor * s_g * d_g * i_g * g_g * b_g)
def capacity_terzaghi_1943(sl, fd, round_footing=False, verbose=0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the foundation capacity according Terzaghi (1943) Ref: download/BearingCapacityOfFoundations.pdf :param sl: Soil object :param fd: Foundation object :param round_footing: if True, then foundation is round :param verbose: verbosity :return: ultimate bearing stress Note: the shape factor of 1.3 is used for aspect ratio > 6 """ if not kwargs.get("disable_requires", False): models.check_required(sl, ["phi_r", "cohesion", "unit_dry_weight"]) models.check_required(fd, ["length", "width", "depth"]) if fd.length > fd.width: # TODO: deal with plane strain fd_length = fd.length fd_width = fd.width else: fd_length = fd.width fd_width = fd.length a02 = ((np.exp(np.pi * (0.75 - sl.phi / 360) * np.tan(sl.phi_r)))**2) a0_check = (np.exp((270 - sl.phi) / 180 * np.pi * np.tan(sl.phi_r))) if (a02 - a0_check) / a02 > 0.001: raise DesignError fd.nq_factor = (a02 / (2 * (np.cos((45 + sl.phi / 2) * np.pi / 180))**2)) fd.ng_factor = (2 * (fd.nq_factor + 1) * np.tan(sl.phi_r) / (1 + 0.4 * np.sin(4 * sl.phi_r))) if sl.phi_r == 0: fd.nc_factor = 5.7 else: fd.nc_factor = (fd.nq_factor - 1) / np.tan(sl.phi_r) # shape factors: if round_footing: s_c = 1.3 s_g = 0.6 elif fd_length / fd_width < 5: s_c = 1.3 s_g = 0.8 else: s_c = 1.0 s_g = 1.0 s_q = 1.0 # stress at footing base: q_d = sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.depth # Capacity fd.q_ult = (sl.cohesion * fd.nc_factor * s_c + q_d * fd.nq_factor * s_q + 0.5 * fd_width * sl.unit_dry_weight * fd.ng_factor * s_g) if verbose: log("Nc: ", fd.nc_factor) log("Nq: ", fd.nq_factor) log("Ng: ", fd.ng_factor) log("s_c: ", s_c) log("s_q: ", s_q) log("s_g: ", s_g) log("qult: ", fd.q_ult) return fd.q_ult