예제 #1
def file_osm(directory, coordinates_points):
    This function gets a list with tuples corresponding a geographic
    points. Each tuple has the coordinates (lat, lon) of the point.
    Then, it creates a bounding box which contain all coordinates
    inside. Besides, it checks if exists a Open Street Map '.osm' file
    in a directory. If it not exists, this function
    downloads the file.

    :param file_name:                       String

    :param coordinates_points:              list
                                            the list contains tuples.
                                            Each tuple has the latitude
                                            and the longitude corresponding
                                            to the geographic point.
                                            [(lat, lon)]

    coordinates_list = Coordinates.coordinates_list_bbox(
        coordinates_points, margin_value_coordinate=0.0)
    file_name = directory + Coordinates.def_file_name(
        coordinates_list) + '.osm'

    file = Saves.verify_file_exists(coordinates_list, file_name)
    if file is not False:
        print("OSM exists in ", file)
        return MAPS_DIRECTORY + file

    coordinates_list = Coordinates.coordinates_list_bbox(coordinates_points)
    coordinates_osm = Coordinates.coordinates_string(coordinates_list)
    file_name = directory + Coordinates.def_file_name(
        coordinates_list) + '.osm'

    # it just download a new osm file if does not exists a file with
    # the current coordinates
    _osm(coordinates_osm, file_name)
    return file_name
예제 #2
def def_file_name(directory, coordinates_points, extension):
    coordinates_list = Coordinates.coordinates_list_bbox(coordinates_points)
    file_name = directory + Coordinates.def_file_name(
        coordinates_list) + extension

    return file_name