def ClipRasterOld(self,geoFormatD): layerIn_proj = mj_gis.MjProj() layerIn_proj.SetFromWKT(geoFormatD['projection']) layerIn_proj.ReadSpatialRef() #BALLE #if layerIn_proj.epsg != tar_epsg: #print bounds_epsg, tar_epsg if self.params.t_epsg == 0 or self.params.t_epsg == layerIn_proj.epsg: print ('setting dst epsg to src epsg') dst_epsg = layerIn_proj.epsg elif self.params.t_epsg != self.params.bounds_epsg: self.SetTarEPSGCoordinates(self.params.bounds_epsg, self.params.t_epsg) if self.params.t_epsg == layerIn_proj.epsg: gdalcmd = '/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.11/Programs/gdal_translate' gdalcmd = '%(cmd)s -projwin %(ulx)f %(uly)f %(lrx)f %(lry)f' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'ulx':self.ulx, 'uly':self.uly, 'lrx':self.lrx, 'lry':self.lry} gdalcmd = '%(cmd)s %(src)s %(dst)s' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'src':self.layerInFPN, 'dst':self.layerOutFPN} print (gdalcmd) BALLE os.system(gdalcmd) #print ' Registering',self.layerOutD[key],self.layerOutD[key].FPN else: layerOut_proj = mj_gis.MjProj() layerOut_proj.SetFromEPSG(self.params.t_epsg) layerOut_proj.SetProj4() gdalcmd = '/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.11/Programs/gdalwarp -t_srs "%(cs)s"' %{'cs':layerOut_proj.proj4} #if self.aD['celltype'] != 'auto': # gdalcmd = ' %(cmd)s -ot %(ot)s ' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'ot': self.aD['celltype']} if self.params.xres == self.params.yres == 0: pass else: gdalcmd = ' %(cmd)s -tr %(tr_x)1.9f %(tr_y)1.9f ' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'tr_x': self.params.tr_xres, 'tr_y': self.params.tr_yres} gdalcmd = ' %(cmd)s -te %(ulx)s %(lry)s %(lrx)s %(uly)s ' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'ulx': self.ulx,'uly': self.uly, 'lrx': self.lrx, 'lry': self.lry} if self.params.resample: gdalcmd = ' %(cmd)s -r %(resample)s ' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'resample': self.params.resample} #linestr = ' %(s1)s -dstnodata %(nodata)d -r %(resample)s -ot %(celltype)s -of ERS' %{'s1':linestr, 'nodata': self.nodata, 'resample': self.resample, 'celltype': self.cellType} gdalcmd = '%(cmd)s %(src)s %(dst)s' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'src':self.srcFPN, 'dst':self.dstFPN} print (gdalcmd) os.system(gdalcmd)
def SetTarEPSGCoordinates(self,srcEPSG,tarEPSG): srcProj = mj_gis.MjProj() srcProj.SetFromEPSG(srcEPSG) #if not roiLayer.Exists() or self.process.overwrite: #or overwrite # mj_gis.CreateESRIPolygonPtL(roiLayer.FPN, roiLayer.fieldDefL, region.BoundsPtL, projection.proj_cs, region.regionid) #Get the bounds in the original projection #boundsD = mj_gis.GetFeatureBounds(roiLayer.FPN,'REGIONID') boundsPtL = [(self.ulx, self.uly),(self.lrx,self.uly), (self.lrx,self.lry), (self.ulx,self.lry)] #Set lonlat projection tarProj = mj_gis.MjProj() tarProj.SetFromEPSG(tarEPSG) #Get the corners in lonlat #print 'srcProj.proj_cs',srcProj.proj_cs #print 'tarProj.proj_cs',tarProj.proj_cs coords = mj_gis.ReprojectBoundsToAny(boundsPtL,srcProj.proj_cs, tarProj.proj_cs) #print coords self.ulx = min(coords['ulx'],coords['llx']) self.uly = max(coords['uly'],coords['ury']) self.lrx = max(coords['urx'],coords['lrx']) self.lry = min(coords['lly'],coords['lry'])
def ClipVector(self): ''' ''' #Get the projection and other metadata for the source layer (mosaic) self._GetVectorProjection() if self.params.t_epsg == 0 or self.params.t_epsg == self.spatialRef.epsg: dstEPSG = self.spatialRef.epsg elif self.params.t_epsg != self.spatialRef.epsg: if self.params.t_epsg != 4326: #not lonlat self.SetTarEPSGCoordinates(self.params.bounds_epsg, self.params.t_epsg) else: dstEPSG = 4326 if self.params.t_epsg == self.spatialRef.epsg: #No reprojection, just cut gdalcmd = os.path.join(GDALpath,'ogr2ogr') gdalcmd = '%(cmd)s -overwrite -clipdst %(ulx)f %(lry)f %(lrx)f %(uly)f ' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'ulx':self.ulx, 'uly':self.uly, 'lrx':self.lrx, 'lry':self.lry} if self.params.tolerance: gdalcmd += '-simplify %s ' %(self.params.tolerance) gdalcmd = '%(cmd)s %(dst)s %(src)s ' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'src':self.srcFPN, 'dst':self.dstFPN} os.system(gdalcmd) #print ' Registering',self.layerOutD[key],self.layerOutD[key].FPN else: dstProj = mj_gis.MjProj() dstProj.SetFromEPSG(dstEPSG) dstProj.SetProj4() gdalcmd = '/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/2.1/Programs/ogr2ogr -t_srs "%(cs)s"' %{'cs':dstProj.proj4} if self.params.xres == self.params.yres == 0: pass else: gdalcmd = ' %(cmd)s -tr %(tr_x)1.9f %(tr_y)1.9f ' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'tr_x': self.params.xres, 'tr_y': self.params.yres} gdalcmd = ' %(cmd)s -te %(ulx)s %(lry)s %(lrx)s %(uly)s ' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'ulx': self.ulx,'uly': self.uly, 'lrx': self.lrx, 'lry': self.lry} if self.params.resample: gdalcmd = ' %(cmd)s -r %(resample)s ' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'resample': self.params.resample} gdalcmd = '%(cmd)s %(src)s %(dst)s' %{'cmd':gdalcmd, 'src':self.srcFPN, 'dst':self.dstFPN} print (gdalcmd) os.system(gdalcmd)
def SetTargetProj(self,tarEPSG): self.tarProj = mj_gis.MjProj() self.tarProj.SetFromEPSG(tarEPSG)
def _DefaultRegion(self, srcLayer, datum, comp, parentcat): '''THIS IS A DUPLICATE, SHOULD BE FIXED ''' ''' <parameter paramid = 'copycomp' paramtyp = 'text' tagorattr = 'Attr' required = 'N' defaultvalue = 'tractproject' ></parameter> <parameter paramid = 'defaultregion' paramtyp = 'text' tagorattr = 'Attr' required = 'Y' defaultvalue = '' ></parameter> <parameter paramid = 'compid' paramtyp = 'text' tagorattr = 'Attr' required = 'Y' defaultvalue = '' ></parameter> <parameter paramid = 'tractid' paramtyp = 'text' tagorattr = 'Attr' required = 'Y' defaultvalue = ''></parameter> <parameter paramid = 'tractname' paramtyp = 'text' tagorattr = 'Attr' required = 'Y' defaultvalue = ''></parameter> <parameter paramid = 'projid' paramtyp = 'text' tagorattr = 'Attr' required = 'Y' defaultvalue = '' ></parameter> <parameter paramid = 'projname' paramtyp = 'text' tagorattr = 'Attr' required = 'Y' defaultvalue = '' ></parameter> <parameter paramid = 'projtitle' paramtyp = 'text' tagorattr = 'Tag' required = 'Y' defaultvalue = '' ></parameter> <parameter paramid = 'projlabel' paramtyp = 'text' tagorattr = 'Tag' required = 'Y' defaultvalue = '' ></parameter> <parameter paramid = 'tracttitle' paramtyp = 'text' tagorattr = 'Tag' required = 'Y' defaultvalue = '' ></parameter> <parameter paramid = 'tractlabel' paramtyp = 'text' tagorattr = 'Tag' required = 'Y' defaultvalue = '' ></parameter> ''' dstLayer = self.process.dstLayerD[ self.process.params.tractid][datum][comp] print(dstLayer.FPN) if not dstLayer._Exists() or self.process.proc.overwrite: #fieldDD = self._SetfieldD( query['regionid'], query['regionname'], query['regioncat'], query['stratum'], query['parentid'], query['parentcat']) fieldDD = self._SetfieldD(self.process.params.tractid, self.process.params.tractname, 'tract', 12, self.process.params.defaultregion, parentcat) dstLayer.CreateVectorAttributeDef(fieldDD) srcLayer._GetBounds() if srcLayer.spatialRef.epsg == 4326: mj_gis.CreateESRIPolygonPtL(dstLayer.FPN, dstLayer.fieldDefL, srcLayer.BoundsPtL, srcLayer.spatialRef.proj_cs, self.process.params.tractid) valueL = [] paramL = [ 'ullon', 'ullat', 'urlon', 'urlat', 'lrlon', 'lrlat', 'lllon', 'lllat' ] ptL = [ item for sublist in srcLayer.BoundsPtL for item in sublist ] llD = dict(zip(paramL, ptL)) bounds = (srcLayer.minx, srcLayer.miny, srcLayer.maxx, srcLayer.maxy) else: print(srcLayer.spatialRef.epsg) GEOTRANSRUN dstLayer._SetBounds(srcLayer.epsg, minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat) projection = mj_gis.MjProj() projection.SetFromEPSG(epsg) if not dstLayer._Exists() or self.process.proc.overwrite: mj_gis.CreateESRIPolygonPtL(dstLayer.FPN, dstLayer.fieldDefL, dstLayer.BoundsPtL, projection.proj_cs, query['regionid']) boundsD = mj_gis.GetFeatureBounds(layer.FPN, 'REGIONID') #Set lonlat projection lonlatproj = mj_gis.MjProj() lonlatproj.SetFromEPSG(4326) #Get the corners in lonlat llD = mj_gis.ReprojectBounds(layer.BoundsPtL, projection.proj_cs, lonlatproj.proj_cs) print( print(dstLayer.comp) print(llD) #self.process, layer, query, boundsD[query['regionid']], llD #query['regioncat'], query['regionid'], query['regionname'], query['parentid'], query['title'], query['label']) query = { 'regionvcat': 'tract', 'regionid': self.process.params.tractid, 'regionname': self.process.params.tractname, 'parentid': self.process.params.defaultregion, 'title': self.process.params.tracttitle, 'label': self.process.params.tractlabel, 'regioncat': 'tract', 'parentcat': parentcat, 'epsg': srcLayer.spatialRef.epsg } self.session._InsertTractRegion(self.process, dstLayer, query, bounds, llD) return dstLayer
def MGRSorginalNGAtiles(FP, dstFN): '''Expects a folder with all NGA original tiles assembled per Grid Zone Designator in shapefiles ''' from math import sqrt driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") dstFPN = os.path.join(FP, dstFN) if os.path.exists(dstFPN): driver.DeleteDataSource(dstFPN) dstDS = driver.CreateDataSource(dstFPN) dst_srs = osr.SpatialReference() dst_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) dstLayer = dstDS.CreateLayer('tiles', dst_srs, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) dst_srs = mj_gis.MjProj() dst_srs.SetFromEPSG(4326) mgrs_field = ogr.FieldDefn("MGRS", ogr.OFTString) mgrs_field.SetWidth(8) dstLayer.CreateField(mgrs_field) gzd_field = ogr.FieldDefn("GZD", ogr.OFTString) gzd_field.SetWidth(8) dstLayer.CreateField(gzd_field) for FPN in glob.glob(os.path.join(FP, '*.zip')): if 'arctic' in FPN.lower(): continue FN = os.path.split(FPN)[1] #print ('FN',FN) zipFPN = os.path.join(FP, FN) #print ('zipFPN',zipFPN) zipFP = os.path.splitext(zipFPN)[0] print(zipFP) ''' zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zipFPN, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(zipFP) zip_ref.close() ''' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(zipFP): shpFPN = '' for name in files: if name.endswith("shp"): shpFPN = os.path.join(root, name) if os.path.isfile(shpFPN): #print (' root',root) #print (' ',shpFPN) srcDS = driver.Open(shpFPN, 0) srcLayer = srcDS.GetLayer() spatialRef = srcLayer.GetSpatialRef() src_srs = mj_gis.MjProj() src_srs.SetProj(spatialRef) mgrsL = [] layerDefinition = srcLayer.GetLayerDefn() fieldNameL = [] for i in range(layerDefinition.GetFieldCount()): fieldNameL.append( layerDefinition.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName()) for feature in srcLayer: if 'MGRS' in fieldNameL: MGRS = feature.GetField("MGRS") elif ('GZD' in fieldNameL and '100kmSQ_ID' in fieldNameL): MGRS = '%(gzd)s%(EN)s' % { 'gzd': feature.GetField("GZD"), 'EN': feature.GetField("100kmSQ_ID") } else: print(fieldNameL) UNKNOWN srcGeom = mj_gis.Geometry() srcGeom.GeomFromFeature(feature) if srcGeom.shapelyGeom.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon': print(' ', MGRS, srcGeom.shapelyGeom.geom_type) #print (srcGeom.shapelyGeom) polygeom = mj_gis.Geometry() polygeom.MultPolyToSinglePoly(srcGeom.shapelyGeom) #print (polygeom.shapelyGeom) #BALLE #for poly in srcGeom.shapelyGeom: print(polygeom.shapelyGeom) edgeL = list(polygeom.shapelyGeom.exterior.coords) else: edgeL = list(srcGeom.shapelyGeom.exterior.coords) boundsL = srcGeom.BoundsToPoly() cL = ['ul', 'ur', 'lr', 'll'] cornerD = {} cornerL = list(boundsL.exterior.coords) for i, c in enumerate(cL): dist = 100000 for j, d in enumerate(edgeL): testdist = sqrt((cornerL[i][0] - d[0])**2 + (cornerL[i][1] - d[1])**2) if testdist < dist: dp = j dist = testdist if dp >= len(edgeL) or dist == 100000: print('MGRS', MGRS) print('boundsL', boundsL) print('dist', dist) print('dp', dp) print('edgeL', edgeL) print('edgeL', len(edgeL)) BALLE cornerD[c] = edgeL[dp] #print (cornerD) ''' print ('corner',cornerL) FISK print ('MGRS',MGRS) print ('len',len(cornerL)) if len(cornerL) > 5: tol = 1 factor = 1.1 while len(cornerL) > 5: tol *= factor corners = srcGeom.shapelyGeom.simplify(tol, preserve_topology=False) if not corners.is_empty: cornerL = list(corners.exterior.coords) if tol > 1000000: factor = 0.9 coords = list(corners.exterior.coords) if len(coords) == 5: coords.pop(4) if len(coords) != 4: print ('coords',coords) ERROR ysortedCoords = sorted(coords, key=itemgetter(1)) minyCoords = ysortedCoords[0:2] maxyCoords = ysortedCoords[2:4] cornerD = {} if minyCoords[0][0] < minyCoords[1][0]: cornerD['ll'] = minyCoords[0] cornerD['lr'] = minyCoords[1] else: cornerD['ll'] = minyCoords[1] cornerD['lr'] = minyCoords[0] if maxyCoords[0][0] < maxyCoords[1][0]: cornerD['ul'] = maxyCoords[0] cornerD['ur'] = maxyCoords[1] else: cornerD['ul'] = maxyCoords[1] cornerD['ur'] = maxyCoords[0] #print (cornerD) ''' cornerPtL = (cornerD['ul'], cornerD['ur'], cornerD['lr'], cornerD['ll']) cornerGeom = mj_gis.Geometry() cornerGeom.PointsToPolygonGeom(cornerPtL) #print (cornerGeom.shapelyGeom) #cornerGeom.SetShapelyGeom(corners) #print ('corners',corners) #cornerGeom = mj_gis.Geometry() #cornerGeom.SetShapelyGeom(corners) #BALLE #bounds = srcGeom.BoundsToPoly() #print (bounds) ''' featureDefn = dstLayer.GetLayerDefn() transfeat = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) transfeat.SetGeometry(srcGeom.ogrGeom) transfeat.SetField("MGRS", 'orig') transfeat.SetField("GZD", 'orig') dstLayer.CreateFeature(transfeat) transfeat = None featureDefn = dstLayer.GetLayerDefn() transfeat = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) # transfeat.SetGeometry(cornerGeom.ogrGeom) transfeat.SetField("MGRS", 'bounds') transfeat.SetField("GZD", 'bounds') dstLayer.CreateFeature(transfeat) transfeat = None srcDS = None dstDS = None BALLE ''' dstGeom = src_srs.ReprojectGeom(cornerGeom, dst_srs) #bounds = dstGeom.BoundsToPoly() #print (bounds) if 'MGRS' in fieldNameL: MGRS = feature.GetField("MGRS") elif ('GZD' in fieldNameL and '100kmSQ_ID' in fieldNameL): MGRS = '%(gzd)s%(EN)s' % { 'gzd': feature.GetField("GZD"), 'EN': feature.GetField("100kmSQ_ID") } else: print(fieldNameL) UNKNOWN if MGRS in mgrsL: #continue pass else: boundsL = list(dstGeom.shapelyGeom.exterior.coords) print(len(boundsL), boundsL, abs(int(round(boundsL[0][0])))) if MGRS[0:2] == '01' and abs(int(round( boundsL[0][0]))) == 180: print(' fixing') boundsL[0] = (-180, boundsL[0][1]) boundsL[3] = (-180, boundsL[3][1]) if len(boundsL) > 4: boundsL[4] = (-180, boundsL[4][1]) if MGRS[0:2] == '60' and abs(int(round( boundsL[0][1]))) == 180: boundsL[1] = (180, boundsL[1][1]) boundsL[2] = (180, boundsL[2][1]) lonL = [p[0] for p in boundsL] latL = [p[1] for p in boundsL] if boundsL[0][0] > boundsL[1][0]: printstr = 'Skipping %(mgrs)s' % {'mgrs': MGRS} #if MGRS[0:2] == '01': # boundsL[0][0] = boundsL[3][0] = boundsL[4][0] = -180 print(printstr) print(boundsL) BALLE elif boundsL[1][0] - boundsL[0][0] > 6.0001: printstr = 'Skipping %(mgrs)s' % {'mgrs': MGRS} print(printstr) print(boundsL[0][0], boundsL[1][0]) print(boundsL) testGeom = mj_gis.Geometry() testGeom.GeomFromFeature(feature) print(testGeom.shapelyGeom) BALLE elif round(min(lonL), 2) < -180 or round(max(lonL), 2) > 180: printstr = 'Skipping %(mgrs)s' % {'mgrs': MGRS} print(printstr) print(boundsL) BALLE elif round(min(latL), 2) < -90 or round(max(latL), 2) > 90: printstr = 'Skipping %(mgrs)s' % {'mgrs': MGRS} print(printstr) print(boundsL) BALLE else: featureDefn = dstLayer.GetLayerDefn() transfeat = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) transfeat.SetGeometry(dstGeom.ogrGeom) transfeat.SetField("MGRS", MGRS) transfeat.SetField("GZD", feature.GetField("GZD")) dstLayer.CreateFeature(transfeat) transfeat = None mgrsL.append(MGRS) # Save and close DataSource srcDS = None dstDS = None
def MGRSorginalNGAtilesV2(FP, dstFN): '''Expects a folder with all NGA original tiles assembled per Grid Zone Designator in shapefiles ''' driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") dstFPN = os.path.join(FP, dstFN) if os.path.exists(dstFPN): driver.DeleteDataSource(dstFPN) dstDS = driver.CreateDataSource(dstFPN) dst_srs = osr.SpatialReference() dst_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) dstLayer = dstDS.CreateLayer('tiles', dst_srs, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) dst_srs = mj_gis.MjProj() dst_srs.SetFromEPSG(4326) mgrs_field = ogr.FieldDefn("MGRS", ogr.OFTString) mgrs_field.SetWidth(8) dstLayer.CreateField(mgrs_field) gzd_field = ogr.FieldDefn("GZD", ogr.OFTString) gzd_field.SetWidth(8) dstLayer.CreateField(gzd_field) area_field = ogr.FieldDefn("AREAKM2", ogr.OFTReal) area_field.SetWidth(8) area_field.SetPrecision(2) dstLayer.CreateField(area_field) easting_field = ogr.FieldDefn("EASTING", ogr.OFTString) easting_field.SetWidth(12) dstLayer.CreateField(easting_field) northing_field = ogr.FieldDefn("NORTHING", ogr.OFTString) northing_field.SetWidth(12) dstLayer.CreateField(northing_field) maxwidth_field = ogr.FieldDefn("MAXWIDTH", ogr.OFTInteger) maxwidth_field.SetWidth(8) dstLayer.CreateField(maxwidth_field) maxheight_field = ogr.FieldDefn("MAXHEIGHT", ogr.OFTInteger) maxheight_field.SetWidth(8) dstLayer.CreateField(maxheight_field) for FPN in glob.glob(os.path.join(FP, '*.zip')): if 'arctic' in FPN.lower(): continue FN = os.path.split(FPN)[1] zipFPN = os.path.join(FP, FN) zipFP = os.path.splitext(zipFPN)[0] print(zipFP) ''' zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zipFPN, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(zipFP) zip_ref.close() ''' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(zipFP): shpFPN = '' for name in files: if name.endswith("shp"): shpFPN = os.path.join(root, name) if os.path.isfile(shpFPN): srcDS = driver.Open(shpFPN, 0) srcLayer = srcDS.GetLayer() spatialRef = srcLayer.GetSpatialRef() src_srs = mj_gis.MjProj() src_srs.SetProj(spatialRef) mgrsL = [] layerDefinition = srcLayer.GetLayerDefn() fieldNameL = [] for i in range(layerDefinition.GetFieldCount()): fieldNameL.append( layerDefinition.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName()) for feature in srcLayer: if 'MGRS' in fieldNameL: MGRS = feature.GetField("MGRS") elif ('GZD' in fieldNameL and '100kmSQ_ID' in fieldNameL): MGRS = '%(gzd)s%(EN)s' % { 'gzd': feature.GetField("GZD"), 'EN': feature.GetField("100kmSQ_ID") } else: print(fieldNameL) exit() srcGeom = mj_gis.Geometry() srcGeom.GeomFromFeature(feature) if srcGeom.shapelyGeom.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon': #Special routine converting MultiPolygon to Polygon polygeom = mj_gis.Geometry() polygeom.MultPolyToSinglePoly(srcGeom.shapelyGeom) edgeL = list(polygeom.shapelyGeom.exterior.coords) else: edgeL = list(srcGeom.shapelyGeom.exterior.coords) edgeGeom = mj_gis.Geometry() edgeGeom.PointsToPolygonGeom(edgeL) areakm2 = int(round(edgeGeom.shapelyGeom.area / 1000000)) #Retrieve the maximum width and the maximum height xL = [p[0] for p in edgeL] yL = [p[1] for p in edgeL] maxwidth = int(round(max(xL) - min(xL))) maxheight = int(round(max(yL) - min(yL))) dstGeom = src_srs.ReprojectGeom(edgeGeom, dst_srs) if 'MGRS' in fieldNameL: MGRS = feature.GetField("MGRS") elif ('GZD' in fieldNameL and '100kmSQ_ID' in fieldNameL): MGRS = '%(gzd)s%(EN)s' % { 'gzd': feature.GetField("GZD"), 'EN': feature.GetField("100kmSQ_ID") } else: print(fieldNameL) exit() if 'EASTING' in fieldNameL: easting = feature.GetField("EASTING") elif 'Easting' in fieldNameL: easting = feature.GetField("Easting") elif 'EASTINT' in fieldNameL: easting = feature.GetField("EASTINT") elif 'E3' in fieldNameL: easting = feature.GetField("E3") else: print(fieldNameL) exit() if MGRS in mgrsL: #continue pass else: boundsL = list(dstGeom.shapelyGeom.exterior.coords) fixBoundsL = [] # #Force the edges longitude = -180 and 180 if MGRS[0:2] == '01': for bounds in boundsL: if round(bounds[0], 4) == -180.0000: #print(bounds ) fixBoundsL.append((-180.0, bounds[1])) elif int(round(bounds[0])) == 180: fixBoundsL.append((-180.0, bounds[1])) else: fixBoundsL.append(bounds) elif MGRS[0:2] == '60': for bounds in boundsL: if round(bounds[0], 4) == 180.0000: #print(bounds ) fixBoundsL.append((180.0, bounds[1])) elif int(round(bounds[0])) == -180: fixBoundsL.append((180.0, bounds[1])) else: fixBoundsL.append(bounds) else: fixBoundsL = boundsL #Set the geometry dstGeom = mj_gis.Geometry() dstGeom.PointsToPolygonGeom(fixBoundsL) #Create the feature featureDefn = dstLayer.GetLayerDefn() transfeat = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) transfeat.SetGeometry(dstGeom.ogrGeom) transfeat.SetField("MGRS", MGRS) transfeat.SetField("GZD", feature.GetField("GZD")) transfeat.SetField("AREAKM2", areakm2) transfeat.SetField("EASTING", easting) transfeat.SetField("NORTHING", feature.GetField("NORTHING")) transfeat.SetField("MAXWIDTH", maxwidth) transfeat.SetField("MAXHEIGHT", maxheight) dstLayer.CreateFeature(transfeat) transfeat = None mgrsL.append(MGRS) # Save and close DataSource srcDS = None # Save and close DataSource dstDS = None
def _DefaultRegion(self, session): ''' ''' for locus in self.process.dstLayerD: for datum in self.process.dstLayerD[locus]: for comp in self.process.dstLayerD[locus][datum]: query = self.process.proc.paramsD fieldDD = self._SetfieldD(query['regionid'], query['regionname'], query['regioncat'], query['stratum'], query['parentid'], query['parentcat']) layer = self.process.dstLayerD[locus][datum][comp] #The destination region must be forced,this is because the locus to be created did not exists when chekcing for the feault locus if self.verbose: print(' forcing region from to', locus, self.process.proc.paramsD['regionid']) if != self.process.proc.paramsD[ 'regionid']: = self.process.proc.paramsD[ 'regionid'] if != self.process.proc.paramsD[ 'regionid']: = self.process.proc.paramsD[ 'regionid'] layer._SetPath() if self.verbose: print(' filepath', layer.FPN) layer.CreateVectorAttributeDef(fieldDD) layer._SetBounds(query['epsg'], query['minlon'], query['minlat'], query['maxlon'], query['maxlat']) projection = mj_gis.MjProj() projection.SetFromEPSG(query['epsg']) if not layer._Exists() or self.process.proc.overwrite: mj_gis.CreateESRIPolygonPtL(layer.FPN, layer.fieldDefL, layer.BoundsPtL, projection.proj_cs, query['regionid']) boundsD = mj_gis.GetFeatureBounds(layer.FPN, 'REGIONID') #Set lonlat projection lonlatproj = mj_gis.MjProj() lonlatproj.SetFromEPSG(4326) #Get the corners in lonlat llD = mj_gis.ReprojectBounds(layer.BoundsPtL, projection.proj_cs, lonlatproj.proj_cs) session._InsertDefRegion(self.process, layer, query, boundsD[query['regionid']], llD, self.process.proc.overwrite, self.process.proc.delete)
def ModisTileCoords(): ''' ''' #Check the karttur password (local .netrc file session = SelectUser() userid = 'karttur' userData = session._SelectUserCreds(userid, '') if userData[2] < 10: exitstr = 'The user does not have sufficient rights for this process' exit(exitstr) #Open the db session for MODIS session = ManageRegion() SINproj = mj_gis.MjProj() SINproj.SetFromProj4( '+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs' ) LatLonproj = mj_gis.MjProj() LatLonproj.SetFromProj4( '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0') ptL = [] for lon in range(360): ptL.append((lon - 180, 90)) for lat in range(180): ptL.append((180, -1 * (lat - 90))) for lon in range(360): ptL.append((-1 * (lon - 180), -90)) for lat in range(180): ptL.append((-180, lat - 90)) #worldgeom = mj_gis.ShapelyPoygon('polygon',ptL) #print ('ptL',ptL) #worldgeom = mj_gis.Geometry() #worldgeom.PointsToPolygonGeom(ptL) #print (worldgeom.shapelyGeom) #SNULLEKOLLA worldgeom = mj_gis.ShapelyPolyGeom(ptL) worldgeom.ShapelyToOgrGeom() worldgeom.GeoTransform(LatLonproj, SINproj) worldgeom.OgrGeomToShapely() home = path.expanduser("~") tarShpFP = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'data') if not path.exists(tarShpFP): makedirs(tarShpFP) FN = 'modtiles-multi_karttur_global_epsg6842.shp' tarShpFPN = path.join(tarShpFP, FN) fieldDefD = { 'type': 'string', 'transfer': 'constant', 'source': 'globe', 'width': 8 } fieldDefL = [mj_gis.FieldDef('name', fieldDefD)] mj_gis.CreateESRIPolygonGeom(tarShpFPN, fieldDefL, worldgeom, SINproj.proj_cs, 'globe') # Create a shape file for all individual tiles in SIN proj FN = 'modtiles-single_karttur_global_epsg6842.shp' tarShpFPN = path.join(tarShpFP, FN) tarDS, tarLayer = mj_gis.ESRICreateDSLayer(tarShpFPN, SINproj.proj_cs, 'polygon', 'tiles', fieldDefL) # Create a shape file for all individual tiles in Geographic coordinates FN = 'modtiles_karttur_global_0.shp' tarShpFPN = path.join(tarShpFP, FN) tarDSLonLat, tarLayerLonLat = mj_gis.ESRICreateDSLayer( tarShpFPN, LatLonproj.proj_cs, 'polygon', 'tiles', fieldDefL) #create a region with all tiles tlen = 20015109.3539999984204769 tlen /= 18 #regioncat = 'globe' #regionid = 'globe' for h in range(36): minx = tlen * (18 - 36) + h * tlen maxx = minx + tlen for v in range(18): maxy = tlen * (9 - 18) + (18 - v) * tlen miny = maxy - tlen ptL = [(minx, maxy), (maxx, maxy), (maxx, miny), (minx, miny)] #TGTODO MOVE TO mj_gis tilegeom = mj_gis.ShapelyMultiPointGeom(ptL) #convert to ogr tilegeom.ShapelyToOgrGeom() #write target feature tilegeom.GeoTransform(SINproj, LatLonproj) tilegeom.OgrGeomToShapely() coordL = [] for point in [ptgeom for ptgeom in tilegeom.shapelyGeom]: coordL.extend( [list(point.coords)[0][0], list(point.coords)[0][1]]) ullon, ullat, urlon, urlat, lrlon, lrlat, lllon, lllat = coordL tilepoly = mj_gis.ShapelyPolyGeom([(minx, maxy), (maxx, maxy), (maxx, miny), (minx, miny)]) #Test if this tile is inside the globe if tilepoly.shapelyGeom.intersects(worldgeom.shapelyGeom): if h < 10: htile = 'h0%s' % (h) else: htile = 'h%s' % (h) if v < 10: vtile = 'v0%s' % (v) else: vtile = 'v%s' % (v) hvtile = '%s%s' % (htile, vtile) polytilegeom = mj_gis.ShapelyPolyGeom(ptL) polytilegeom.ShapelyToOgrGeom() fieldDefD = { 'type': 'string', 'transfer': 'constant', 'source': hvtile, 'width': 8 } fieldDefL = [mj_gis.FieldDef('name', fieldDefD)] #create target feature tarFeat = mj_gis.ogrFeature(tarLayer) print(polytilegeom.shapelyGeom) tarFeat.CreateOgrFeature(polytilegeom.ogrGeom, fieldDefL) if h == 17: pass else: #to be correct 5 points are needed and also the lat must be fitted if h < 18 and ullon > 0: ullon = -180 #continue if h < 18 and lllon > 0: lllon = -180 #continue if h < 18 and urlon > 0: urlon = -180 #continue if h < 18 and lrlon > 0: lrlon = -180 #continue if h > 18 and urlon < 0: urlon = 180 #continue if h > 18 and lrlon < 0: lrlon = 180 #continue if h > 18 and ullon < 0: ullon = 180 #continue if h > 18 and lllon < 0: lllon = 180 if hvtile == 'h24v01': urlon = 180 if hvtile == 'h24v16': lrlon = 180 if hvtile == 'h11v01': ullon = -180 if hvtile == 'h11v16': lllon = -180 if ullon > urlon: print('ERROR', 'ullon > urlon', hvtile, ullon, urlon) if lllon > lrlon: print('ERROR', 'lllon > lrlon', hvtile, lllon, lrlon) # polytilegeom = mj_gis.ShapelyPolyGeom([(ullon, ullat), (urlon, urlat), (lrlon, lrlat), (lllon, lllat)]) polytilegeom.ShapelyToOgrGeom() #polytilegeom.GeoTransform(SINproj,LatLonproj) #create target feature tarLonLatFeat = mj_gis.ogrFeature(tarLayerLonLat) tarLonLatFeat.CreateOgrFeature(polytilegeom.ogrGeom, fieldDefL) west, south, east, north = polytilegeom.shapelyGeom.bounds session._InsertModisTileCoord(hvtile, h, v, minx, maxy, maxx, miny, west, south, east, north, ullat, ullon, lrlon, lrlat, urlon, urlat, lllon, lllat) #print ('', query = { 'system': 'system', 'table': 'regions', 'h': h, 'v': v, 'hvtile': hvtile, 'regionid': 'global', 'regioncat': 'global', 'regiontype': 'default', 'delete': False } session._InsertModisRegionTile(query) tarDS.CloseDS() tarDSLonLat.CloseDS() session._Close() print('Check the shaoe file', tarShpFPN) return (tarShpFPN)
def _DefaultRegFromVec(self, session): for locus in self.process.dstLayerD: if self.verbose: print('locus', locus) for datum in self.process.dstLayerD[locus]: if self.verbose: print('datum', datum) for comp in self.process.dstLayerD[locus][datum]: dstLayer = self.process.dstLayerD[locus][datum][comp] #if not dstLayer._Exists() or self.process.proc.overwrite: srcLayer = self.process.srcLayerD[locus][datum][comp] if not path.isfile(srcLayer.FPN): exitstr = 'setup_process_class: No source layer in _DefaultRegFromVec', srcLayer.FPN exit(exitstr) p = self.process.params fieldL = [ p.idcol, p.namecol, p.categorycol, p.parentidcol, p.parentcatcol, p.stratumcol, p.titlecol, p.labelcol ] fieldD = mj_gis.GetFeatureAttributeList( srcLayer.FPN, fieldL, p.idcol) if not fieldD: exit( 'setup_process_class: fieldD failed in _DefaultRegFromVec' ) for key in fieldD: fieldDD = self._SetfieldD( str(fieldD[key][p.idcol]), str(fieldD[key][p.namecol]), str(fieldD[key][p.categorycol]), int(fieldD[key][p.stratumcol]), str(fieldD[key][p.parentidcol]), str(fieldD[key][p.parentcatcol])) regionid, regioncat, parentid, regionname, parentcat = fieldD[ key][p.idcol], fieldD[key][p.categorycol], fieldD[ key][p.parentidcol], fieldD[key][ p.namecol], fieldD[key][p.parentcatcol] parentid = str(parentid.lower()).replace(' ', '-') #regionname = str(regionname.lower()).replace(' ', '-') regionid = str(regionid.lower()).replace(' ', '-') if self.verbose: print(' forcing dst region from to', locus, regionid) = regionid = regionid if self.verbose: print( ' forcing comp band and prefix region to "roi"' ) #print ('', = dstLayer.comp.prefix = 'roi' dstLayer.comp._SetCompid() #print ('dstLayer.comp.compid',dstLayer.comp.compid) dstLayer._SetPath() dstLayer.CreateVectorAttributeDef(fieldDD) fieldname = p.idcol valueLL = [[fieldD[key][p.idcol]]] if not dstLayer._Exists( ) or self.process.proc.overwrite: mj_gis.ExtractFeaturesToNewDS( srcLayer.FPN, dstLayer.FPN, fieldname, valueLL, dstLayer.fieldDefL) fieldname = 'REGIONID' #Get the epsg and bounds boundsD = mj_gis.GetFeatureBounds( dstLayer.FPN, fieldname) if len(boundsD) != 1: exitstr = 'Default regions must consist on only one (1) feature (polygon or multipolygon): %s' % ( dstLayer.FPN) exit(exitstr) projection = mj_gis.GetVectorProjection( dstLayer.FPN) k = list(boundsD)[0] bounds = boundsD[k] dstLayer._SetBounds(projection.epsg, boundsD[k][0], boundsD[k][1], boundsD[k][2], boundsD[k][3]) #Set lonlat projection lonlatproj = mj_gis.MjProj() lonlatproj.SetFromEPSG(4326) #Get the corners in lonlat llD = mj_gis.ReprojectBounds( dstLayer.BoundsPtL, projection.proj_cs, lonlatproj.proj_cs) title = label = 'default region %s' % (regionid) query = { 'regionname': regionname, 'regioncat': regioncat, 'parentid': parentid, 'parentcat': parentcat, 'regionid': regionid, 'title': title, 'label': label, 'epsg': projection.epsg } session._InsertDefRegion(self.process, dstLayer, query, bounds, llD, self.process.overwrite, self.process.delete) else: boundsD = mj_gis.GetFeatureBounds( dstLayer.FPN, "REGIONID") key = list(boundsD.keys())[0] bounds = boundsD[key] minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bounds llparams = [ 'ullon', 'ullat', 'urlon', 'urlat', 'lrlon', 'lrlat', 'lllon', 'lllat' ] llvalues = [ minx, maxy, maxx, maxy, maxx, miny, minx, miny ] llD = dict(zip(llparams, llvalues)) title = label = 'default region %s' % (regionid) query = { 'regionname': regionname, 'regioncat': regioncat, 'parentid': parentid, 'parentcat': parentcat, 'regionid': regionid, 'title': title, 'label': label, 'epsg': 4326 } session._InsertDefRegion(self.process, dstLayer, query, bounds, llD, self.process.overwrite, self.process.delete) if self.verbose: printstr = ' Layer %s already exists, skipping' % ( dstLayer.FPN) print(printstr)