def autotest_ssmi(fnames, command_line_args=None):
    ''' Pass through script to take command line arguments, and create calls to all ssmi drivers

        fnames (list): list of strings specifying the files on disk to process
        command_line_args (dict) : dictionary of command line arguments
                                     'readername': Explicitly request reader
                                     Optional: 'sectorfiles': list of YAML sectorfiles
                                               'sectorlist': list of desired sectors found in "sectorfiles"
                                                                tc<YYYY><BASIN><NUM><NAME> for TCs,
                                                                ie tc2020sh16gabekile
                                               'comparepath': Full path to directory of comparison images
                                     If sectorfiles and sectorlist not included, drivers will look in database

        (int) - 0 for successful completion (if comparepath sent, successful ONLY if there are
                    no bad comparisons, missing comparisons, or missing tests).
                Non-zero: bit error codes
                    WXYZ where W = 1 is for a bad comparison
                               X = 1 is for one or more missing comparison products
                               Y = 1 for on or more missing tests
                               Z = 1 for one or more missing current products
    output_products = []
    comparepaths = command_line_args['comparepaths']
    from geoips2.drivers.pmw_tbs import pmw_tbs
    from geoips2.drivers.template_driver import template_driver
    for fname in fnames:

        # If template products were requested command line, then produce them - must explicitly request to avoid
        # accidentally producing template products operationally...
        if command_line_args[
                'product_options'] and 'includetemplate' in command_line_args[
            # The template driver includes ALL products, so must specify which reader to use.
            command_line_args['readername'] = 'ssmi_binary'
            output_products += template_driver([fname], command_line_args)

        output_products += pmw_tbs([fname], command_line_args)

    from os.path import basename'The following products were produced from driver %s',
    for output_product in output_products:'    WORKFLOWSUCCESS %s', output_product)

    retval = 0
    if comparepaths:
        from geoips2.test_scripts import compare_outputs
        retval = compare_outputs(comparepaths[0], output_products)

    return retval
예제 #2
def autotest_amsr2(fnames, command_line_args=None):
    ''' Overall template driver.  This handles reading the datafiles,
    determining appropriate sectors based on file time, then calling the appropriate products on each

        fnames (list): list of strings specifying the files on disk to process
        command_line_args (dict) : dictionary of command line arguments
                                     * Optional: 'sectorfiles': list of YAML sectorfiles
                                              * 'sectorlist': list of desired sectors found in "sectorfiles"
                                                                tc<YYYY><BASIN><NUM><NAME> for TCs,
                                                                ie tc2020sh16gabekile
                                              * 'bgfnames': List of filenames for background vis/ir imagery
                                              * 'bgreadername': Reader used for background imagery
                                              * 'comparepath': Full path to directory of comparison images
                                     * If sectorfiles and sectorlist not included, looks in database

        int: * 0 for successful completion (if comparepath set, successful ONLY if there are
                  no bad comparisons, missing comparisons, or missing tests).
             * Non-zero: bit error codes
                  * XYZ where
                      * X = 1 is for a bad comparison
                      * Y = 1 is for a missing comparison
                      * Z = 1 for a missing test
    output_products = []'Starting AMSR2 Autotest')
    comparepaths = command_line_args['comparepaths']'Importing xarray')
    import xarray

    # If background filenames are specified, preprocess the background vis/ir data
    if command_line_args['bgfnames']:'Pre-processing background data')
        from geoips2.drivers.visir_driver import visir_driver
        bg_command_line_args = command_line_args.copy()
        bg_command_line_args['readername'] = command_line_args['bgreadername']
        output_products += visir_driver(command_line_args['bgfnames'],

    from geoips2.drivers.sfc_winds import sfc_winds
    from geoips2.drivers.template_driver import template_driver
    from geoips2.drivers.pmw_tbs import pmw_tbs

    # Now loop through the AMSR2 filenames.  These include 3 different data types!
    #     MBT files for passive microwave processing
    #     OCEAN files for ocean surface winds data
    #     Remote Sensing Systems for ocean surface winds data from an alternative algorithm

    for fname in fnames:'NEXT fname %s in', fname)
        xobj = xarray.open_dataset(fname)

        if 'OCEAN' in xobj.title:
  'NEXT sfc_winds for fname %s in', fname)
            # All surface winds products use the same reader, so no need to specify here.
            # But, the template driver below includes ALL products, so must specify which reader to use.
            output_products += sfc_winds([fname], command_line_args)
            command_line_args['readername'] = 'sfc_winds_ncdf'
            template_files = [fname]
        elif 'MBT' in xobj.title:
  'NEXT pmw_tbs for fname %s in', fname)
            # The pmw_tbs driver includes all PMW products, so must specify which reader to use.
            command_line_args['readername'] = 'amsr2_ncdf'
            output_products += pmw_tbs([fname], command_line_args)
            template_files = [fname]
        elif hasattr(xobj, 'institution'
                     ) and 'Remote Sensing Systems' in xobj.institution:
  'NEXT sfc_winds for fname %s in', fname)
            # All surface winds products use the same reader, so no need to specify here.
            # But, the template driver below includes ALL products, so must specify which reader to use.
            output_products += sfc_winds([fname], command_line_args)
            command_line_args['readername'] = 'sfc_winds_ncdf'
            template_files = [fname]
  'SKIPPING Currently unsupported file type %s', fname)

        # If template products were requested command line, then produce them - must explicitly request to avoid
        # accidentally producing template products operationally...
        if command_line_args[
                'product_options'] and 'includetemplate' in command_line_args[
  'NEXT template_driver for fname %s in',
            # The template driver includes ALL products, so must specify which reader to use.
            output_products += template_driver(template_files,

    from os.path import basename'The following products were produced from driver %s',
    for output_product in output_products:'    WORKFLOWSUCCESS %s', output_product)

    retval = 0
    if comparepaths:
        from geoips2.test_scripts import compare_outputs
        retval = compare_outputs(comparepaths[0], output_products)

    return retval