예제 #1
    def run(self):

        # wait until we get our first gps coordinate
        # remember - the ros_handler code does not insert a gps record
        #           into the table until the gps has a fix
        haveGps = False
        print("waiting for gps")
        while not haveGps and not self._should_shutdown:
            # check for any entries by just getting all
            dao = IncomingGpsDAO(defaultConfigPath())
            results = dao.getAll()
            if results is None:
                haveGps = True  # we've got something!

            "Have gps! Using the first coordinate as our ground station. Starting geolocation..."

        # get the coordinates from the first recorded gps measurement
        # this will be the coordinates we use for the groundstation
        # in geolocation
        dao = IncomingGpsDAO(defaultConfigPath())
        groundstationGps = dao.getFirst()

        # now we can run stuff
        geo = targetGeolocation(groundstationGps.lat, groundstationGps.lon)
        while not self._should_shutdown:

            # lets deal with manual classifications in the queue
            dao = OutgoingManualDAO(defaultConfigPath())
            classifications = dao.getUnlocatedClassifications()

            if classifications is not None:
                for classification in classifications:
                    self.processManualGeolocation(geo, classification)

            # now lets do autonomous
            dao = OutgoingAutonomousDAO(defaultConfigPath())
            classifications = dao.getUnlocatedClassifications()

            if classifications is not None:
                for classification in classifications:
                    self.processAutonomousGeolocation(geo, classification)

예제 #2
 def generalTest(self):
     testGndLat = 40.248471
     testGndLon = -111.645821
     testMavLat = 40.246531
     testMavLon = -111.648298
     testHeight = 16
     testRoll = 0
     testPitch = 60
     testYaw = 90
     testTLCoorX = 1986
     testTLCoorY = 969
     testBRCoorX = 1988
     testBRCoorY = 971
     system = targetGeolocation(testGndLat, testGndLon)
     targetLocation = system.calculate_geolocation(testMavLat, testMavLon, testHeight, testRoll, testPitch, testYaw, testTLCoorX, testTLCoorY, testBRCoorX, testBRCoorY)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(testGndLat, targetLocation[0], places=3)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(testGndLon, targetLocation[1], places=3)
예제 #3
 def testZeroStateData(self):
     testGndLat = 40.248471
     testGndLon = -111.645821
     testMavLat = 40.174375
     testMavLon = -111.655704
     testHeight = 16
     testRoll = 0
     testPitch = 0
     testYaw = 0
     testTLCoorX = 999
     testTLCoorY = 999
     testBRCoorX = 1001
     testBRCoorY = 1001
     system = targetGeolocation(testGndLat, testGndLon)
     targetLocation = system.calculate_geolocation(testMavLat, testMavLon, testHeight, testRoll, testPitch, testYaw, testTLCoorX, testTLCoorY, testBRCoorX, testBRCoorY)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(testMavLat, targetLocation[0], places=3)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(testMavLon, targetLocation[1], places=3)
예제 #4
 def testArbitraryData(self):
     testLat = 1000
     testLon = 2000
     testMavLat = 250
     testMavLon = 120
     testHeight = 20
     testRoll = 20
     testPitch = 45
     testYaw = 95
     testTLCoorX = 200
     testTLCoorY = 200
     testBRCoorX = 400
     testBRCoorY = 400
     system = targetGeolocation(testLat, testLon)
     system.calculate_geolocation(testMavLat, testMavLon, testHeight, testRoll, testPitch, testYaw, testTLCoorX, testTLCoorY, testBRCoorX, testBRCoorY)
     self.assertEqual(system.lat_mav, testMavLat)
     self.assertEqual(system.lon_mav, testMavLon)
     self.assertEqual(system.phi_deg, testRoll)
     self.assertEqual(system.theta_deg, testPitch)
     self.assertEqual(system.TopLeftX, testTLCoorX)
     self.assertEqual(system.TopLeftY, testTLCoorY)
     self.assertEqual(system.BottomRightX, testBRCoorX)
     self.assertEqual(system.BottomRightY, testBRCoorY)
예제 #5
 def testConstructor(self):
     testLat = 1000
     testLon = 2000
     system = targetGeolocation(testLat, testLon)
     self.assertEqual(system.lat_gnd, testLat)
     self.assertEqual(system.lon_gnd, testLon)