예제 #1
    def calculateElevels(self):
         R = self.R

         kb = self.kb
         h = self.h
         amu = self.amu
         K = geomUtility.calculateD32(self.geom,self.Mass,self.rotors)
         #let us take k = -500, 500 
         m = 200
         #print K
         for irot in range(len(self.Harmonics)):
          H = mat(zeros((2*m+1,2*m+1),dtype=complex))
          kcos = self.Harmonics[irot].Kcos
          ksin = self.Harmonics[irot].Ksin

          for k in range(0,2*m+1):
             H[k,k] = 6.023e23*h**2*(k-m)**2/8.0/math.pi**2/K[irot]/amu/1e-20/4180 + self.Harmonics[irot].A

             for n in range(1,6):
                if k-n >= 0:
                  H[k,k-n] = kcos[n-1]/2 + ksin[n-1]/2j
                if k+n < 2*m+1:
                  H[k,k+n] = kcos[n-1]/2 - ksin[n-1]/2j
          (l,v) = linalg.eigh(H)
         return E
예제 #2
    def printData(self, oFile):
        geom = self.geom
        Mass = self.Mass
        oFile.write('%10s' % 'Mass(amu)' + '%10s' % 'X(ang)' +
                    '%10s' % 'Y(ang)' + '%10s' % 'Z(ang)' + '\n')
        for i in range(Mass.size):
            oFile.write('%10.3f' % float(Mass[i]) +
                        '%10.4f' % float(geom[i, 0]) +
                        '%10.4f' % float(geom[i, 1]) +
                        '%10.4f' % float(geom[i, 2]) + '\n')

        oFile.write('\nFrequencies (cm-1):\n')
        Freq = self.Freq
        if self.TS:
            oFile.write('Imaginary Frequency: ' + str(self.imagFreq) + '\n')
        for i in range(len(Freq) / 3 + 1):
            for j in range(3):
                if 3 * i + j < len(Freq):
                    oFile.write('%10.3f' % Freq[3 * i + j])
        oFile.write('\nExternal Symmetry = ' + str(self.extSymm) + '\n')
        oFile.write('Principal Moments of Inertia = ' + str(self.Iext[0]) +
                    '  ' + str(self.Iext[1]) + '  ' + str(self.Iext[2]) + '\n')
        oFile.write('Electronic Degeneracy = ' + str(self.nelec) + '\n')

        if self.numRotors == 0:
            '\nFitted Harmonics V(p) = sum (A_i cos(i*p) + B_i sin(i*p)) :\n')

        k = 1
        K = geomUtility.calculateD32(self.geom, self.Mass, self.rotors)
        for harmonic in self.Harmonics:
            oFile.write('Harmonic ' + str(k) + '\n')
            oFile.write('Moment of Inertia: ' + str(float(K[k - 1])) + '\n')
            oFile.write('Symmetry ' + str(self.rotors[k].symm) + '\n')
            oFile.write('BarrierHeight ' + str(harmonic.Barrier_Height) + '\n')
            oFile.write('%12s' % 'A_i' + '%12s' % 'B_i' + '\n')
            for j in range(5):
                oFile.write('%12.3e' % harmonic.Kcos[j] +
                            '%12.3e' % harmonic.Ksin[j] + '\n')
            k = k + 1
예제 #3
    def calculateElevels(self):
        R = self.R

        kb = self.kb
        h = self.h
        amu = self.amu
        K = geomUtility.calculateD32(self.geom, self.Mass, self.rotors)
        E = []
        #let us take k = -500, 500
        m = 200
        ke = 6.023e23 * h**2 / 8.0 / math.pi**2 / amu / 1e-20 / 4180  #frequently used quantity for the kinetic energy part of the matrix
        #print K
        for irot in range(len(self.Harmonics)):
            H = mat(zeros((2 * m + 1, 2 * m + 1), dtype=complex))
            kcos = self.Harmonics[irot].Kcos
            ksin = self.Harmonics[irot].Ksin
            icos = self.Harmonics[irot].Icos
            isin = self.Harmonics[irot].Isin

            for k in range(0, 2 * m + 1):
                H[k, k] = self.Harmonics[irot].A

                if self.variableInertia:
                    H[k, k] += ke * (k - m) * (k - m) * self.Harmonics[irot].B
                    H[k, k] += ke * (k - m) * (k - m) / float(K[irot])

                for n in range(1, 6):
                    if k - n >= 0:
                        H[k, k - n] = kcos[n - 1] / 2 + ksin[n - 1] / 2j
                        if self.variableInertia:
                            H[k, k - n] += (icos[n - 1] / 2 + isin[n - 1] /
                                            2j) * ke * (k - m) * (k - n - m)
                    if k + n < 2 * m + 1:
                        H[k, k + n] = kcos[n - 1] / 2 - ksin[n - 1] / 2j
                        if self.variableInertia:
                            H[k, k + n] += (icos[n - 1] / 2 - isin[n - 1] /
                                            2j) * ke * (k - m) * (k + n - m)
            (l, v) = linalg.eigh(H)
        return E
예제 #4
    def calculateElevels(self):
         R = self.R

         kb = self.kb
         h = self.h
         amu = self.amu
         K = geomUtility.calculateD32(self.geom,self.Mass,self.rotors)
         #let us take k = -500, 500 
         m = 200
	 ke = 6.023e23*h**2/8.0/math.pi**2/amu/1e-20/4180 #frequently used quantity for the kinetic energy part of the matrix
         #print K
         for irot in range(len(self.Harmonics)):
          H = mat(zeros((2*m+1,2*m+1),dtype=complex))
          kcos = self.Harmonics[irot].Kcos
          ksin = self.Harmonics[irot].Ksin
	  icos = self.Harmonics[irot].Icos
	  isin = self.Harmonics[irot].Isin

          for k in range(0,2*m+1):
             H[k,k] = self.Harmonics[irot].A

	     if self.variableInertia:
		 H[k,k] += ke*(k-m)*(k-m)*self.Harmonics[irot].B
		 H[k,k] += ke*(k-m)*(k-m)/float(K[irot])

             for n in range(1,6):
                if k-n >= 0:
                  H[k,k-n] = kcos[n-1]/2 + ksin[n-1]/2j
		  if self.variableInertia:
		      H[k,k-n]+= (icos[n-1]/2 + isin[n-1]/2j)*ke*(k-m)*(k-n-m)
                if k+n < 2*m+1:
                  H[k,k+n] = kcos[n-1]/2 - ksin[n-1]/2j
		  if self.variableInertia:
		      H[k,k+n] += (icos[n-1]/2 - isin[n-1]/2j)*ke*(k-m)*(k+n-m)
          (l,v) = linalg.eigh(H)
         return E
예제 #5
    def printData(self,oFile):
       geom = self.geom
       Mass = self.Mass
       for i in range(Mass.size):

       oFile.write('\nFrequencies (cm-1):\n')
       Freq = self.Freq
       if self.TS:
	oFile.write('Imaginary Frequency: '+str(self.imagFreq)+'\n')
       for i in range(len(Freq)/3+1):
         for j in range(3):
            if 3*i+j <len(Freq):
       oFile.write('\nExternal Symmetry = '+str(self.extSymm)+'\n')
       oFile.write('Principal Moments of Inertia = '+str(self.Iext[0])+'  '+str(self.Iext[1])+'  '+str(self.Iext[2])+'\n')
       oFile.write('Electronic Degeneracy = '+str(self.nelec)+'\n')

       if self.numRotors == 0:
       oFile.write('\nFitted Harmonics V(p) = sum (A_i cos(i*p) + B_i sin(i*p)) :\n' )

       k = 1
       K = geomUtility.calculateD32(self.geom,self.Mass,self.rotors)
       for harmonic in self.Harmonics:
           oFile.write('Harmonic '+str(k)+'\n')
           oFile.write('Moment of Inertia: '+ str(float(K[k-1]))+'\n')
           oFile.write('Symmetry '+str(self.rotors[k].symm)+'\n')
           oFile.write('BarrierHeight '+str(harmonic.A)+'\n')
           for j in range(5):
           k = k+1
예제 #6
    def getIntRotationalThermo_Q(self,oFile,Temp):
         ent = [0.0]*len(Temp)
         cp = [0.0]*len(Temp)
         dH = [0.0]*len(Temp)
         parti = [1.0]*len(Temp)
         R = self.R
         kb = self.kb
         h = self.h
         amu = self.amu

         oFile.write('\n\nInternal Rotational Contributions\n')
         #iterate over temperatures
         for T in Temp:

         sigma = 1.0
         for rotor in self.rotors:
             sigma = sigma*rotor.symm

         K = geomUtility.calculateD32(self.geom,self.Mass,self.rotors)
         for irot in range(len(self.rotors)-1):
	        harm = self.Harmonics[irot]
                ddv = 0.0
                for l in range(5):
                  ddv = ddv-1*harm.Kcos[l]*(l+1)**2
                freq = 1.0/2.0/pi*sqrt(ddv*4180.0/K[irot]/1.0e-20/amu/6.023e23)/3.0e10
                #print '%12.2f'%float(freq),

         #calculate the energy levels for the hindered rotors
         E = self.calculateElevels()
         for iT in range(len(Temp)):
            T = Temp[iT]
            #print T,
            for irot in range(len(self.rotors)-1):
               sum = 0.0
               vsum = 0.0
               v2sum = 0.0

               for e in E[irot]:
                 e = e - E[irot][0]
                 sum = sum + exp(-e*1.0e3/R/T)
                 vsum = vsum + e*1e3*exp(-e*1.0e3/R/T)
                 v2sum = v2sum + e**2*1e6*exp(-e*1.0e3/R/T)

               ent[iT] = ent[iT] + R*math.log(sum)+vsum/sum/T-R*log(self.rotors[irot+1].symm)
               dH[iT] = dH[iT] + vsum/sum/1.0e3
               cp[iT] = cp[iT] + (v2sum*sum-vsum**2)/sum**2/R/T**2
               parti[iT] = parti[iT] *sum
               #print (v2sum*sum-vsum**2)/sum**2/R/T**2,

               #print R*math.log(sum)+vsum/sum/T-R*log(self.rotors[irot+1].symm),
         for i in range(len(Temp)):

         for i in range(len(Temp)):

         for i in range(len(Temp)):

         for i in range(len(Temp)):

         return ent, cp , dH, parti
예제 #7
    def getIntRotationalThermo_PG(self,oFile,Temp):
         ent = []
         cp = []
         dH = []
         R = self.R
         kb = self.kb
         h = self.h
         amu = self.amu
         seed = 500
         numIter = 100000

         oFile.write('\n\nInternal Rotational Contributions\n')
         #iterate over temperatures
         for T in Temp:

         sigma = 1.0
         for rotor in self.rotors:
             sigma = sigma*rotor.symm

         K = geomUtility.calculateD32(self.geom,self.Mass,self.rotors)
         print K
         p = 1.0
         a = 1.0
         for T in Temp:
             #print 'Calculating rotational entropy for T: ',T
             Sq = 0.0
             Scl = 0.0
             S = 0.0
             Hq = 0.0
             Hcl = 0.0
             H = 0.0
             cpcl = 0.0
             cpq = 0.0
             Cp = 0.0
             for l in range(self.numRotors):                   
                sum = 0.0
                vsumexpv = 0.0
                v2sumexpv = 0.0
                minpot = 5.0
                for i in range(numIter):
                   ang = random.rand()
                   pot = self.Harmonics[l].getPotential(ang*360)
                   if (pot < minpot):
                      minpot = pot

                for i in range(100):
                   ang = i*360.0/100
                   pot = self.Harmonics[l].getPotential(ang)-minpot
		   print pot

#                   fi = sqrt(K[l])*exp(-pot*1.0e3/R/T) 
                   fi = exp(-pot*1.0e3/R/T) 
                   sum = sum + fi
                   vsumexpv = vsumexpv + pot*1.0e3 * fi
                   v2sumexpv = v2sumexpv + pot**2*1.0e6 *fi
                   average = sum/(i+1)
                   parti =  (2.0*math.pi*kb*T*amu*1e-20/h**2)**(0.5) *(2*math.pi) * average/self.rotors[l+1].symm

                a = a*average
                S = S + R*math.log(parti) + R/2 + vsumexpv/sum/T
		H = H + R*T/2.0 + vsumexpv/sum #reference to the minimum of the well
                Cp = Cp + R/2.0 + (v2sumexpv*sum-vsumexpv**2)/sum**2/R/T**2

             sumfreq = 0.0
             for k in range(len(self.hindFreq)):
                harm = self.Harmonics[k]
                ddv = 0.0
                for l in range(5):
                  ddv = ddv-1*harm.Kcos[l]*(l+1)**2
                freq = 1.0/2.0/pi*sqrt(ddv*4180.0/K[k]/1.0e-20/amu/6.023e23)/3.0e10
                #print freq, K[l], pi, ddv, K

                Sq = Sq -R*math.log( 1.0 - math.exp(-h*freq*3.0e10/kb/T)) + 6.023e23*(h*freq*3.0e10/T) / ( math.exp(h*freq*3.0e10/kb/T) - 1.0 )/4.18
                Scl = Scl + R + R*math.log(kb*T/h/freq/3.0e10)
                Hq = Hq + 6.023e23*(h*freq*3.0e10)/( math.exp(h*freq*3.0e10/kb/T) - 1.0 )/4.18
                Hcl = Hcl + R*T
                cpq = cpq + R * (h*freq*3.0e10/kb/T)**2 * math.exp(h*freq*3.0e10/kb/T)/( 1.0 - math.exp(h*freq*3.0e10/kb/T))**2
                cpcl = cpcl + R
                sumfreq = sumfreq +freq

             H = H + Hq - Hcl
             S = S + Sq - Scl
             Cp = Cp + cpq - cpcl


         for i in range(len(Temp)):

         for i in range(len(Temp)):

         for i in range(len(Temp)):

         return ent, cp, dH
예제 #8
파일: Molecule.py 프로젝트: cfgold/CanTherm
    def getIntRotationalThermo_Q(self,oFile,Temp):
         ent = [0.0]*len(Temp)
         cp = [0.0]*len(Temp)
         dH = [0.0]*len(Temp)
         parti = [1.0]*len(Temp)
         R = self.R
         kb = self.kb
         h = self.h
         amu = self.amu
         # Minimum_Barrier is used to determine when a particular rotor
         # should be treated as a free rotor.
         # If the barrier height is less than this value, it is a free rotor.
         # the default value is 0.5 kcal/mol, which is equal to ~250 Kelvin.
         Minimum_Barrier = 0.5

         oFile.write('\n\nInternal Rotational Contributions\n')
         #iterate over temperatures
         for T in Temp:

         sigma = 1.0
         for rotor in self.rotors:
             sigma = sigma*rotor.symm

         K = geomUtility.calculateD32(self.geom,self.Mass,self.rotors)
         for irot in range(len(self.rotors)-1):
	        harm = self.Harmonics[irot]
                ddv = 0.0
                for l in range(5):
                  ddv = ddv-1*harm.Kcos[l]*(l+1)**2
                freq = 1.0/2.0/pi*sqrt(ddv*4180.0/K[irot]/1.0e-20/amu/6.023e23)/3.0e10
                #print '%12.2f'%float(freq),
         #cfg       print self.Harmonics[irot].Barrier_Height

         #calculate the energy levels for the hindered rotors
         E = self.calculateElevels()
         for iT in range(len(Temp)):
            T = Temp[iT]
            #print T,
            for irot in range(len(self.rotors)-1):
               sum = 0.0
               vsum = 0.0
               v2sum = 0.0

               if self.Harmonics[irot].Barrier_Height > Minimum_Barrier:

                   for e in E[irot]:
                       e = e - E[irot][0]
                       sum = sum + exp(-e*1.0e3/R/T)
                       vsum = vsum + e*1e3*exp(-e*1.0e3/R/T)
                       v2sum = v2sum + e**2*1e6*exp(-e*1.0e3/R/T)

                       # WHY IS THIS irot+1 ?!?
                   ent[iT] = ent[iT] + R*math.log(sum)+vsum/sum/T-R*log(self.rotors[irot+1].symm)
                   dH[iT] = dH[iT] + vsum/sum/1.0e3
                   cp[iT] = cp[iT] + (v2sum*sum-vsum**2)/sum**2/R/T**2
                   parti[iT] = parti[iT] *sum


                   ent[iT] = ent[iT] + R*log( math.sqrt(8*math.pi**3 * K[irot] *kb*T*amu*1e-20) / self.rotors[irot+1].symm / h)  + 0.5*R
                   dH[iT] = dH[iT] + 0.5*R*T/1.0e3
                   cp[iT]  = cp[iT] + 0.5 * R
                   parti[iT] = parti[iT] * math.sqrt(8*math.pi**3 * K[irot] *kb*T*amu*1e-20) / self.rotors[irot+1].symm / h
               #print (v2sum*sum-vsum**2)/sum**2/R/T**2,

               #print R*math.log(sum)+vsum/sum/T-R*log(self.rotors[irot+1].symm),
         for i in range(len(Temp)):

         for i in range(len(Temp)):

         for i in range(len(Temp)):

         for i in range(len(Temp)):

         return ent, cp , dH, parti
예제 #9
#inputFiles = ['12211.log','02211.log','22211.log','11011.log','11022.log']
#inputFiles = ['111122.log','212211.log', '102022.log', '002022.log',   '212122.log',   '022022.log']
harmonics = file('harmonics.dat_ring','w')
energy_base =  readGeomFc.readHFEnergy(inputFiles[0][:-4]+'_rot0_6.log')
numRotors = 4
for files in inputFiles:
    y = matrix(zeros((13,1),dtype=float))
    x = matrix(zeros((13,11),dtype=float))
    energy = readGeomFc.readHFEnergy(files[:-4]+'_rot0_6.log')
#    harmonics.write(files+'\n')
    (geom,Mass) = readGeomFc.readGeom(open(files,'r'))
    inertia = open('inertia.dat','r')
    (rotors) = readGeomFc.readGeneralInertia(inertia,Mass)
    if (files == inputFiles[0]):
        K = geomUtility.calculateD32(geom,Mass,rotors)
        detD = 1.0
        for i in range(numRotors):
            print K[i],
            detD = detD*K[i]
    if (energy < energy_base):
        print files, " has lower energy"
    for i in range(numRotors):
        potgiven = []
        for j in range(13):
            angle = (-60.0 + j*120.0/12.0)*2*math.pi/360.0
            fname = files[:-4]+'_rot'+str(i)+'_'+str(j)+'.log'
            y[j] = (readGeomFc.readHFEnergy(fname)-energy)*627.5095
예제 #10
    def __init__(self,file, isTS):
        self.Freq = []
        self.Harmonics = []
        self.hindFreq = []
        self.bonds = []
        self.Etype = ''
        self.TS = isTS
        self.E0 = []
	self.variableInertia = False

#read dummy line "MOL #"
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        #self.linearity = line.split()[0].upper

#read linearity
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        if line.split()[0].upper() == 'NONLINEAR' :
          self.linearity = 'Nonlinear'
        elif line.split()[0].upper() == 'LINEAR' :
          self.linearity = 'Linear'
        elif line.split()[0].upper() == 'ATOM' :
          self.linearity = 'Atom'
        else :
          print 'Linearity keyword not recognized ' + line
        #linearity = line.split()[0].upper

# read geometry
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        tokens = line.split()
        if tokens[0].upper() != 'GEOM' :
           print 'Geom keyword not found in the input file' + line

        if len(tokens) == 1:
           #geometry is given following the GEOM keyword
           line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
           numAtoms = int(line.split()[0])
           self.geom = matrix(array(zeros((numAtoms,3),dtype=float)))
           self.Mass = matrix(array(zeros((numAtoms,1),dtype=float)))
           for i in range(numAtoms):
               line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
               tokens = line.split()
               atomicNum = int(tokens[1])
               if (atomicNum == 6): self.Mass[i]=12.0
               if (atomicNum == 8): self.Mass[i]=15.99491
               if (atomicNum == 1): self.Mass[i]=1.00783
               if (atomicNum == 7): self.Mass[i]=14.0031
               if (atomicNum == 17): self.Mass[i]=34.96885
               if (atomicNum == 16): self.Mass[i]=31.97207
               if (atomicNum == 9): self.Mass[i]=18.99840

        #read geometry from the file
        elif tokens[1].upper() == 'FILE' :
           print "reading Geometry from the file: ",tokens[2]
           geomFile = open(tokens[2],'r')
           (self.geom,self.Mass) = readGeomFc.readGeom(geomFile); 
	   #print self.geom
	elif tokens[1].upper() == 'MM4FILE' :#mm4 option added by gmagoon
           print "reading MM4 Geometry from the file: ",tokens[2]
           geomFile = open(tokens[2],'r')
           (self.geom,self.Mass) = readGeomFc.readMM4Geom(geomFile);
	   #print self.geom
           print 'Either give geometry or give keyword File followed by the file containing geometry data'


# read force constant or frequency data
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
	tokens = line.split()
        if tokens[0].upper() == 'FORCEC' and tokens[1].upper() == 'FILE':
            #MRH added following line on 2/Dec/2009
            if self.linearity != 'Atom':
                fcfile = open(tokens[2],'r')
                self.Fc = readGeomFc.readFc(fcfile)

                for i in range(0,3*self.Mass.size):
                    for j in range(i,3*self.Mass.size):
                        self.Fc[i,j] = self.Fc[j,i]
	elif tokens[0].upper() == 'FORCEC' and tokens[1].upper() == 'MM4FILE':#MM4 case
            if self.linearity != 'Atom':
                fcfile = open(tokens[2],'r')
                self.Fc = readGeomFc.readMM4Fc(fcfile)

                for i in range(0,3*self.Mass.size):
                    for j in range(i,3*self.Mass.size):
                        self.Fc[i,j] = self.Fc[j,i]

        elif tokens[0].upper() == "FREQ" :
             line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
             numFreq = int(line.split()[0])
             i = 0
             while (i < numFreq):
                 line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
                 tokens = line.split()
                 i = i+ len(tokens)
                 for j in tokens:
             if self.TS :
                 self.imagFreq = self.Freq.pop(0)
             if len(self.Freq) > numFreq:
                 print 'More frequencies than ', numFreq, ' are specified'

            print 'Frequency information cannot be read, check input file again'

#read energy 
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        tokens = line.split()
        if (tokens[0].upper() != 'ENERGY'):
            print 'Energy information not given'
        if tokens[1].upper() == 'FILE' :
            print 'Reading energy from file: ', tokens[2]
            energyFile = open(tokens[2],'r')
            if (tokens[3].upper() == 'CBS-QB3'):
               self.Etype = 'cbsqb3'
            elif (tokens[3].upper() == 'CBS-QB3_ULTRAFINE'):
               self.Etype = 'cbsqb3uf'
               print 'Warning: "Regular" (non-ultrafine) CBS-QB3 values will be used for P, N as a first approximation'
            elif (tokens[3].upper() == 'G3'):
               self.Etype = 'g3'
            elif (tokens[3].upper() == 'KLIP_1'):
               self.Etype = 'klip_1'
            elif (tokens[3].upper() == 'KLIP_2'):
               self.Etype = 'klip_2'
            elif (tokens[3].upper() == 'KLIP_2_CC'):
               self.Etype = 'klip_2_cc'
            self.Energy = readGeomFc.readEnergy(energyFile, self.Etype)
            print self.Energy, self.Etype
        elif (len(tokens) == 3):
            self.Energy = float(tokens[1])
            if (tokens[2].upper() == 'CBS-QB3'):
               self.Etype = 'cbsqb3'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'CBS-QB3_ULTRAFINE'):
               self.Etype = 'cbsqb3uf'
               print 'Warning: "Regular" (non-ultrafine) CBS-QB3 values will be used for P, N as a first approximation'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'G3'):
               self.Etype = 'g3'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'Klip_1'):
               self.Etype = 'klip_1'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'Klip_2'):
               self.Etype = 'klip_2'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'KLIP_2_CC'):
               self.Etype = 'klip_2_cc'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'MM4'):
               self.Etype = 'mm4'
            print self.Etype.upper(),' Energy: ',self.Energy
        else :
            print 'Cannot read the Energy'

#read external symmetry
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        if (line.split()[0].upper() != 'EXTSYM'):
           print 'Extsym keyword required'
        self.extSymm = float(line.split()[1])

#read electronic degeneracy
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        if (line.split()[0].upper() != 'NELEC'):
           print 'Nelec keyword required'
        self.nelec = int(line.split()[1])

#read rotor information     
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        if (line.split()[0].upper() != 'ROTORS'):
           print 'Rotors keyword required'
        self.numRotors = int(line.split()[1])
        if self.numRotors == 0:
           #Line added by MRH o 2/Dec/2009
           #If no rotors exist and molecule is not a single atom, still need to:
           #   (1) Check if frequencies are already computed
           #   (2) Read in the BAC information
           if self.linearity != 'Atom':
               self.rotors = []
               if (len(self.Freq) == 0):
               #calculate frequencies from force constant
               line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
               tokens = line.split()
               for bond in tokens:
           # If the molecule is a single atom, no rotors exist, no frequencies need
           #    calculating, and no BAC information needs to be read

        rotorFile = line.split()[2]
        inertiaFile = open(rotorFile,'r')
        #print self.Mass
        (self.rotors)= readGeomFc.readGeneralInertia(inertiaFile,self.Mass)
        if len(self.rotors)-1 != self.numRotors :
            print "The number of rotors specified in file, ",rotorFile,' is different than, ',self.numRotors

        if (len(self.Freq) == 0):
            #calculate frequencies from force constant
            #Added by MRH on 2/Dec/2009
            if self.linearity != 'Atom':
        else :
            if self.linearity != 'Atom':

#read potential information for rotors
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        tokens = line.split()
        if tokens[0].upper() != 'POTENTIAL': 
            print 'No information for potential given'

        if tokens[1].upper() == 'SEPARABLE':
            if tokens[2].upper() == 'FILES':
               line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
               tokens = line.split()
               if len(tokens) != self.numRotors :
                   print 'give a separate potential file for each rotor'
               for files in tokens:
                   Ksin =[]
                   harmonic = Harmonics(5,Kcos,Ksin)
            elif tokens[2].upper().startswith('MM4FILES'):
               if tokens[2].upper() == 'MM4FILES_INERTIA':#whether to consider variable inertia or not
               line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
               tokens = line.split()
               if len(tokens) != self.numRotors :
                   print 'give a separate potential file for each rotor'
               line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)#the next line contains V0 (kcal/mol) followed by the rotor dihedrals (degrees) for the minimum energy conformation
	       rotinfo = line.split()
	       V0 = float(rotinfo[0])
	       K = geomUtility.calculateD32(self.geom,self.Mass,self.rotors)#get the rotor moments of inertia for the minimum energy conformation, which will be used during the Fourier fit
	       i = 0
	       for files in tokens:
		   dihedralMinimum = float(rotinfo[i])
                   Ksin =[]
                   harmonic = Harmonics(5,Kcos,Ksin)
                   harmonic.fitMM4Potential(files, V0, dihedralMinimum,self.variableInertia, self.rotors[i], float(K[i-1]))

            elif tokens[2].upper() == 'HARMONIC':
               for i in range(self.numRotors):
                  line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
                  numFit = int(line.split()[0])
                  Ksin = []
                  Kcos = []
                  for i in range(numFit):
                      line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
                      tokens = line.split()
                  harmonic = Harmonics(numFit,Kcos,Ksin)

        elif tokens[1].upper() == 'NONSEPARABLE':
             line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
             self.potentialFile = line.split()[0]
# read the energy base
        #line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        #tokens = line.split()
        #if (tokens[0].upper() != 'ENERGYBASE'):
        #    print 'Keyword EnergyBase required'
        #    exit()
# read the bonds
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        tokens = line.split()
        for bond in tokens:
        #read the random seed number
        '''line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
예제 #11
    def getIntRotationalThermo_Q(self, oFile, Temp):
        ent = [0.0] * len(Temp)
        cp = [0.0] * len(Temp)
        dH = [0.0] * len(Temp)
        parti = [1.0] * len(Temp)
        R = self.R
        kb = self.kb
        h = self.h
        amu = self.amu
        # Minimum_Barrier is used to determine when a particular rotor
        # should be treated as a free rotor.
        # If the barrier height is less than this value, it is a free rotor.
        # the default value is 0.5 kcal/mol, which is equal to ~250 Kelvin.
        Minimum_Barrier = 0.5

        oFile.write('\n\nInternal Rotational Contributions\n')
        oFile.write('%12s' % 'Temperature')

        #iterate over temperatures
        for T in Temp:
            oFile.write('%12.2f' % T)

        sigma = 1.0
        for rotor in self.rotors:
            sigma = sigma * rotor.symm

        K = geomUtility.calculateD32(self.geom, self.Mass, self.rotors)
        for irot in range(len(self.rotors) - 1):
            harm = self.Harmonics[irot]
            ddv = 0.0
            for l in range(5):
                ddv = ddv - 1 * harm.Kcos[l] * (l + 1)**2
            freq = 1.0 / 2.0 / pi * sqrt(
                ddv * 4180.0 / K[irot] / 1.0e-20 / amu / 6.023e23) / 3.0e10
        #print '%12.2f'%float(freq),
        #cfg       print self.Harmonics[irot].Barrier_Height

        #calculate the energy levels for the hindered rotors
        E = self.calculateElevels()
        for iT in range(len(Temp)):
            T = Temp[iT]
            #print T,
            for irot in range(len(self.rotors) - 1):
                sum = 0.0
                vsum = 0.0
                v2sum = 0.0

                if self.Harmonics[irot].Barrier_Height > Minimum_Barrier:

                    for e in E[irot]:
                        e = e - E[irot][0]
                        sum = sum + exp(-e * 1.0e3 / R / T)
                        vsum = vsum + e * 1e3 * exp(-e * 1.0e3 / R / T)
                        v2sum = v2sum + e**2 * 1e6 * exp(-e * 1.0e3 / R / T)

                        # WHY IS THIS irot+1 ?!?
                    ent[iT] = ent[iT] + R * math.log(
                        sum) + vsum / sum / T - R * log(
                            self.rotors[irot + 1].symm)
                    dH[iT] = dH[iT] + vsum / sum / 1.0e3
                    cp[iT] = cp[iT] + (v2sum * sum -
                                       vsum**2) / sum**2 / R / T**2
                    parti[iT] = parti[iT] * sum / self.rotors[irot + 1].symm


                    ent[iT] = ent[iT] + R * log(
                            8 * math.pi**3 * K[irot] * kb * T * amu * 1e-20) /
                        self.rotors[irot + 1].symm / h) + 0.5 * R
                    dH[iT] = dH[iT] + 0.5 * R * T / 1.0e3
                    cp[iT] = cp[iT] + 0.5 * R
                    parti[iT] = parti[iT] * math.sqrt(
                        8 * math.pi**3 * K[irot] * kb * T * amu *
                        1e-20) / self.rotors[irot + 1].symm / h

                #print (v2sum*sum-vsum**2)/sum**2/R/T**2,

                #print R*math.log(sum)+vsum/sum/T-R*log(self.rotors[irot+1].symm),
        oFile.write('\n%12s' % 'Entropy')
        for i in range(len(Temp)):
            oFile.write('%12.2f' % ent[i])

        oFile.write('\n%12s' % 'Cp')
        for i in range(len(Temp)):
            oFile.write('%12.2f' % cp[i])

        oFile.write('\n%12s' % 'dH')
        for i in range(len(Temp)):
            oFile.write('%12.2f' % dH[i])

        oFile.write('\n%12s' % 'q_int')
        for i in range(len(Temp)):
            oFile.write('%12.2e' % parti[i])

        return ent, cp, dH, parti
예제 #12
    def getIntRotationalThermo_PG(self, oFile, Temp):
        ent = []
        cp = []
        dH = []
        R = self.R
        kb = self.kb
        h = self.h
        amu = self.amu
        seed = 500
        numIter = 100000

        oFile.write('\n\nInternal Rotational Contributions\n')
        oFile.write('%12s' % 'Temperature')

        #iterate over temperatures
        for T in Temp:
            oFile.write('%12.2f' % T)

        sigma = 1.0
        for rotor in self.rotors:
            sigma = sigma * rotor.symm

        K = geomUtility.calculateD32(self.geom, self.Mass, self.rotors)
        print K
        p = 1.0
        a = 1.0
        for T in Temp:
            #print 'Calculating rotational entropy for T: ',T
            Sq = 0.0
            Scl = 0.0
            S = 0.0
            Hq = 0.0
            Hcl = 0.0
            H = 0.0
            cpcl = 0.0
            cpq = 0.0
            Cp = 0.0
            for l in range(self.numRotors):
                sum = 0.0
                vsumexpv = 0.0
                v2sumexpv = 0.0
                minpot = 5.0
                for i in range(numIter):
                    ang = random.rand()
                    pot = self.Harmonics[l].getPotential(ang * 360)
                    if (pot < minpot):
                        minpot = pot

                for i in range(100):
                    ang = i * 360.0 / 100
                    pot = self.Harmonics[l].getPotential(ang) - minpot
                    print pot

                    #                   fi = sqrt(K[l])*exp(-pot*1.0e3/R/T)
                    fi = exp(-pot * 1.0e3 / R / T)
                    sum = sum + fi
                    vsumexpv = vsumexpv + pot * 1.0e3 * fi
                    v2sumexpv = v2sumexpv + pot**2 * 1.0e6 * fi
                    average = sum / (i + 1)
                    parti = (2.0 * math.pi * kb * T * amu * 1e-20 / h**2)**(
                        0.5) * (2 * math.pi) * average / self.rotors[l +

                a = a * average
                S = S + R * math.log(parti) + R / 2 + vsumexpv / sum / T
                H = H + R * T / 2.0 + vsumexpv / sum  #reference to the minimum of the well
                Cp = Cp + R / 2.0 + (v2sumexpv * sum -
                                     vsumexpv**2) / sum**2 / R / T**2

            sumfreq = 0.0
            for k in range(len(self.hindFreq)):
                harm = self.Harmonics[k]
                ddv = 0.0
                for l in range(5):
                    ddv = ddv - 1 * harm.Kcos[l] * (l + 1)**2
                freq = 1.0 / 2.0 / pi * sqrt(
                    ddv * 4180.0 / K[k] / 1.0e-20 / amu / 6.023e23) / 3.0e10
                #print freq, K[l], pi, ddv, K

                Sq = Sq - R * math.log(
                    1.0 - math.exp(-h * freq * 3.0e10 / kb / T)) + 6.023e23 * (
                        h * freq * 3.0e10 / T) / (
                            math.exp(h * freq * 3.0e10 / kb / T) - 1.0) / 4.18
                Scl = Scl + R + R * math.log(kb * T / h / freq / 3.0e10)
                Hq = Hq + 6.023e23 * (h * freq * 3.0e10) / (
                    math.exp(h * freq * 3.0e10 / kb / T) - 1.0) / 4.18
                Hcl = Hcl + R * T
                cpq = cpq + R * (h * freq * 3.0e10 / kb / T)**2 * math.exp(
                    h * freq * 3.0e10 / kb /
                    T) / (1.0 - math.exp(h * freq * 3.0e10 / kb / T))**2
                cpcl = cpcl + R
                sumfreq = sumfreq + freq

            H = H + Hq - Hcl
            S = S + Sq - Scl
            Cp = Cp + cpq - cpcl

            dH.append(H / 1e3)

        oFile.write('\n%12s' % 'Entropy')
        for i in range(len(Temp)):
            oFile.write('%12.2f' % ent[i])

        oFile.write('\n%12s' % 'Cp')
        for i in range(len(Temp)):
            oFile.write('%12.2f' % cp[i])

        oFile.write('\n%12s' % 'dH')
        for i in range(len(Temp)):
            oFile.write('%12.2f' % dH[i])

        return ent, cp, dH
예제 #13
    def __init__(self, file, isTS):
        self.Freq = []
        self.Harmonics = []
        self.hindFreq = []
        self.bonds = []
        self.Etype = ''
        self.TS = isTS
        self.E0 = []
        self.variableInertia = False

        #read dummy line "MOL #"
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        #self.linearity = line.split()[0].upper

        #read linearity
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        if line.split()[0].upper() == 'NONLINEAR':
            self.linearity = 'Nonlinear'
        elif line.split()[0].upper() == 'LINEAR':
            self.linearity = 'Linear'
        elif line.split()[0].upper() == 'ATOM':
            self.linearity = 'Atom'
            print 'Linearity keyword not recognized ' + line
        #linearity = line.split()[0].upper

# read geometry
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        tokens = line.split()
        if tokens[0].upper() != 'GEOM':
            print 'Geom keyword not found in the input file' + line

        if len(tokens) == 1:
            #geometry is given following the GEOM keyword
            line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
            numAtoms = int(line.split()[0])
            self.geom = matrix(array(zeros((numAtoms, 3), dtype=float)))
            self.Mass = matrix(array(zeros((numAtoms, 1), dtype=float)))
            for i in range(numAtoms):
                line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
                tokens = line.split()
                self.geom[i, 0] = double(tokens[3])
                self.geom[i, 1] = double(tokens[4])
                self.geom[i, 2] = double(tokens[5])
                atomicNum = int(tokens[1])
                if (atomicNum == 6): self.Mass[i] = 12.0
                if (atomicNum == 8): self.Mass[i] = 15.99491
                if (atomicNum == 1): self.Mass[i] = 1.00783
                if (atomicNum == 7): self.Mass[i] = 14.0031
                if (atomicNum == 17): self.Mass[i] = 34.96885
                if (atomicNum == 16): self.Mass[i] = 31.97207
                if (atomicNum == 9): self.Mass[i] = 18.99840

        #read geometry from the file
        elif tokens[1].upper() == 'FILE':
            print "reading Geometry from the file: ", tokens[2]
            geomFile = open(tokens[2], 'r')
            (self.geom, self.Mass) = readGeomFc.readGeom(geomFile)
#print self.geom
        elif tokens[1].upper() == 'MM4FILE':  #mm4 option added by gmagoon
            print "reading MM4 Geometry from the file: ", tokens[2]
            geomFile = open(tokens[2], 'r')
            (self.geom, self.Mass) = readGeomFc.readMM4Geom(geomFile)
#print self.geom
            print 'Either give geometry or give keyword File followed by the file containing geometry data'


        # read force constant or frequency data
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        tokens = line.split()
        if tokens[0].upper() == 'FORCEC' and tokens[1].upper() == 'FILE':
            #MRH added following line on 2/Dec/2009
            if self.linearity != 'Atom':
                fcfile = open(tokens[2], 'r')
                self.Fc = readGeomFc.readFc(fcfile)

                for i in range(0, 3 * self.Mass.size):
                    for j in range(i, 3 * self.Mass.size):
                        self.Fc[i, j] = self.Fc[j, i]
        elif tokens[0].upper() == 'FORCEC' and tokens[1].upper(
        ) == 'MM4FILE':  #MM4 case
            if self.linearity != 'Atom':
                fcfile = open(tokens[2], 'r')
                self.Fc = readGeomFc.readMM4Fc(fcfile)

                for i in range(0, 3 * self.Mass.size):
                    for j in range(i, 3 * self.Mass.size):
                        self.Fc[i, j] = self.Fc[j, i]

        elif tokens[0].upper() == "FREQ":
            line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
            numFreq = int(line.split()[0])
            i = 0
            while (i < numFreq):
                line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
                tokens = line.split()
                i = i + len(tokens)
                for j in tokens:
            if self.TS:
                self.imagFreq = self.Freq.pop(0)

            if len(self.Freq) > numFreq:
                print 'More frequencies than ', numFreq, ' are specified'

            print 'Frequency information cannot be read, check input file again'

#read energy
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        tokens = line.split()
        if (tokens[0].upper() != 'ENERGY'):
            print 'Energy information not given'
        if tokens[1].upper() == 'FILE':
            print 'Reading energy from file: ', tokens[2]
            energyFile = open(tokens[2], 'r')
            if (tokens[3].upper() == 'CBS-QB3'):
                self.Etype = 'cbsqb3'
            elif (tokens[3].upper() == 'CBS-QB3_ULTRAFINE'):
                self.Etype = 'cbsqb3uf'
                print 'Warning: "Regular" (non-ultrafine) CBS-QB3 values will be used for P, N as a first approximation'
            elif (tokens[3].upper() == 'G3'):
                self.Etype = 'g3'
            elif (tokens[3].upper() == 'KLIP_1'):
                self.Etype = 'klip_1'
            elif (tokens[3].upper() == 'KLIP_2'):
                self.Etype = 'klip_2'
            elif (tokens[3].upper() == 'KLIP_2_CC'):
                self.Etype = 'klip_2_cc'
            self.Energy = readGeomFc.readEnergy(energyFile, self.Etype)
            print self.Energy, self.Etype
        elif (len(tokens) == 3):
            self.Energy = float(tokens[1])
            if (tokens[2].upper() == 'CBS-QB3'):
                self.Etype = 'cbsqb3'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'CBS-QB3_ULTRAFINE'):
                self.Etype = 'cbsqb3uf'
                print 'Warning: "Regular" (non-ultrafine) CBS-QB3 values will be used for P, N as a first approximation'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'G3'):
                self.Etype = 'g3'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'Klip_1'):
                self.Etype = 'klip_1'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'Klip_2'):
                self.Etype = 'klip_2'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'KLIP_2_CC'):
                self.Etype = 'klip_2_cc'
            elif (tokens[2].upper() == 'MM4'):
                self.Etype = 'mm4'
            print self.Etype.upper(), ' Energy: ', self.Energy
            print 'Cannot read the Energy'

#read external symmetry
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        if (line.split()[0].upper() != 'EXTSYM'):
            print 'Extsym keyword required'
        self.extSymm = float(line.split()[1])

        #read electronic degeneracy
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        if (line.split()[0].upper() != 'NELEC'):
            print 'Nelec keyword required'
        self.nelec = int(line.split()[1])

        #read rotor information
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        if (line.split()[0].upper() != 'ROTORS'):
            print 'Rotors keyword required'
        self.numRotors = int(line.split()[1])
        if self.numRotors == 0:
            #Line added by MRH o 2/Dec/2009
            #If no rotors exist and molecule is not a single atom, still need to:
            #   (1) Check if frequencies are already computed
            #   (2) Read in the BAC information
            if self.linearity != 'Atom':
                self.rotors = []
                if (len(self.Freq) == 0):
                    #calculate frequencies from force constant
                line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
                tokens = line.split()
                for bond in tokens:
            # If the molecule is a single atom, no rotors exist, no frequencies need
            #    calculating, and no BAC information needs to be read

        rotorFile = line.split()[2]
        inertiaFile = open(rotorFile, 'r')
        #print self.Mass
        (self.rotors) = readGeomFc.readGeneralInertia(inertiaFile, self.Mass)
        if len(self.rotors) - 1 != self.numRotors:
            print "The number of rotors specified in file, ", rotorFile, ' is different than, ', self.numRotors

        if (len(self.Freq) == 0):
            #calculate frequencies from force constant
            #Added by MRH on 2/Dec/2009
            if self.linearity != 'Atom':
            if self.linearity != 'Atom':

#read potential information for rotors
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        tokens = line.split()
        if tokens[0].upper() != 'POTENTIAL':
            print 'No information for potential given'

        if tokens[1].upper() == 'SEPARABLE':
            if tokens[2].upper() == 'FILES':
                line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
                tokens = line.split()
                if len(tokens) != self.numRotors:
                    print 'give a separate potential file for each rotor'
                for files in tokens:
                    Kcos = []
                    Ksin = []
                    harmonic = Harmonics(5, Kcos, Ksin)
            elif tokens[2].upper().startswith('MM4FILES'):
                if tokens[2].upper(
                ) == 'MM4FILES_INERTIA':  #whether to consider variable inertia or not
                    self.variableInertia = True
                line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
                tokens = line.split()
                if len(tokens) != self.numRotors:
                    print 'give a separate potential file for each rotor'
                line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(
                )  #the next line contains V0 (kcal/mol) followed by the rotor dihedrals (degrees) for the minimum energy conformation
                rotinfo = line.split()
                V0 = float(rotinfo[0])
                K = geomUtility.calculateD32(
                    self.geom, self.Mass, self.rotors
                )  #get the rotor moments of inertia for the minimum energy conformation, which will be used during the Fourier fit
                i = 0
                for files in tokens:
                    i = i + 1
                    dihedralMinimum = float(rotinfo[i])
                    Kcos = []
                    Ksin = []
                    harmonic = Harmonics(5, Kcos, Ksin)

                    harmonic.fitMM4Potential(files, V0, dihedralMinimum,
                                             self.rotors[i], float(K[i - 1]))

            elif tokens[2].upper() == 'HARMONIC':
                for i in range(self.numRotors):
                    line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
                    numFit = int(line.split()[0])
                    Ksin = []
                    Kcos = []
                    for i in range(numFit):
                        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
                        tokens = line.split()
                    harmonic = Harmonics(numFit, Kcos, Ksin)

        elif tokens[1].upper() == 'NONSEPARABLE':
            line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
            self.potentialFile = line.split()[0]
# read the energy base
#line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
#tokens = line.split()
#if (tokens[0].upper() != 'ENERGYBASE'):
#    print 'Keyword EnergyBase required'
#    exit()
# read the bonds
        line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
        tokens = line.split()
        for bond in tokens:
        #read the random seed number
        '''line = readGeomFc.readMeaningfulLine(file)
예제 #14
#inputFiles = ['12211.log','02211.log','22211.log','11011.log','11022.log']
#inputFiles = ['111122.log','212211.log', '102022.log', '002022.log',   '212122.log',   '022022.log']
harmonics = file('harmonics.dat_ring', 'w')
energy_base = readGeomFc.readHFEnergy(inputFiles[0][:-4] + '_rot0_6.log')
numRotors = 4
harmonics.write(str(len(inputFiles)) + '\n')
for files in inputFiles:
    y = matrix(zeros((13, 1), dtype=float))
    x = matrix(zeros((13, 11), dtype=float))
    energy = readGeomFc.readHFEnergy(files[:-4] + '_rot0_6.log')
    #    harmonics.write(files+'\n')
    (geom, Mass) = readGeomFc.readGeom(open(files, 'r'))
    inertia = open('inertia.dat', 'r')
    (rotors) = readGeomFc.readGeneralInertia(inertia, Mass)
    if (files == inputFiles[0]):
        K = geomUtility.calculateD32(geom, Mass, rotors)
        detD = 1.0
        for i in range(numRotors):
            detD = detD * K[i]
        harmonics.write(str(float(detD)) + '\n')
    harmonics.write(str((energy - energy_base) * ha_to_kcal) + '\n')
    if (energy < energy_base):
        print(files, " has lower energy")
    for i in range(numRotors):
        potgiven = []
        for j in range(13):
            angle = (-60.0 + j * 120.0 / 12.0) * 2 * math.pi / 360.0
            fname = files[:-4] + '_rot' + str(i) + '_' + str(j) + '.log'
            y[j] = (readGeomFc.readHFEnergy(fname) - energy) * ha_to_kcal