예제 #1
def gen_kern_seq(num_spline_dots=12, kernel_size=(19, 38)):
    curve_degree = num_spline_dots - 1
    curve = BSpline.Curve()
    small_kernel_size = (int(np.round(kernel_size[0] / 1.5)) - 1,
                         int(np.round(kernel_size[1] / 1.5)) - 1)
    phi = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
    knot_dots = [[
        small_kernel_size[0] * np.cos(phi), small_kernel_size[1] * np.sin(phi)
    for i in range(1, num_spline_dots - 1):
        knot_dots += [[
            np.random.randint(0, small_kernel_size[0]),
            np.random.randint(0, small_kernel_size[1])

    phi = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
    knot_dots += [[
        small_kernel_size[0] * np.cos(phi), small_kernel_size[1] * np.sin(phi)
    curve.degree = curve_degree
    curve.ctrlpts = knot_dots
    curve.knotvector = generate_knot_vector(curve.degree, len(curve.ctrlpts))

    curve1, curve2 = split_curve(curve, np.random.rand() * 0.2 + 0.4)

    curve1.delta = 0.005
    curve2.delta = 0.005

    pts_1 = np.array(curve1.evalpts)
    pts_1[:, 0] -= (pts_1[:, 0].min() - 2)
    pts_1[:, 1] -= (pts_1[:, 1].min() - 2)

    pts_2 = np.array(curve2.evalpts)
    pts_2[:, 0] -= (pts_2[:, 0].min() - 2)
    pts_2[:, 1] -= (pts_2[:, 1].min() - 2)

    k_dim = int(max(np.ceil(pts_1.max()), np.ceil(pts_2.max()))) + 2

    k1 = kern_from_grid(pts_1, k_dim + 1)
    k2 = kern_from_grid(pts_2, k_dim + 1)

    cm_k1 = np.round(calculate_center_mass(k1), 0).astype(int)
    dim_k1_c = 2 * max(list(np.array(k1.shape) - cm_k1) + list(cm_k1))

    cm_k2 = np.round(calculate_center_mass(k2), 0).astype(int)
    dim_k2_c = 2 * max(list(np.array(k2.shape) - cm_k2) + list(cm_k2))

    dim_final = max(dim_k1_c, dim_k2_c)
    if dim_final % 2 == 0: dim_final += 1

    k1 = expand(k1, (dim_final, dim_final))
    k2 = expand(k2, (dim_final, dim_final))

    k1 /= k1.sum()
    k2 /= k2.sum()
    return k1, k2
예제 #2
# Fix file path

# Create a BSpline (NUBS) curve instance
curve = BSpline.Curve()

# Set up the curve
curve.degree = 3
curve.ctrlpts = exchange.import_txt("ex_curve02.cpt")

# Auto-generate knot vector
curve.knotvector = utilities.generate_knot_vector(curve.degree,

# Split the curve
curve1, curve2 = operations.split_curve(curve, 0.2)

# Move the 1st curve a little bit far away from the 2nd curve
c2tan = curve2.tangent(0.0, normalize=True)
c2tanvec = [-1 * p for p in c2tan[1]]
operations.translate(curve1, c2tanvec, inplace=True)

# Plot the curves using the curve container
curves = multi.CurveContainer()
curves.sample_size = 40

vis_comp = VisMPL.VisCurve2D()
curves.vis = vis_comp
예제 #3
# Fix file path

# Create a B-Spline curve instance
curve = BSpline.Curve()

# Set up the curve
curve.degree = 4
curve.ctrlpts = exchange.import_txt("ex_curve01.cpt")

# Auto-generate knot vector
curve.knotvector = utilities.generate_knot_vector(curve.degree, len(curve.ctrlpts))

# Split the curve
curves = operations.split_curve(curve, 0.6)

# Move the 1st curve a little bit far away from the 2nd curve
c2tan = curves[1].tangent(0.0, normalize=True)
c2tanvec = [-3 * p for p in c2tan[1]]
operations.translate(curves[0], c2tanvec, inplace=True)

# Plot the curves using the curve container
curves.sample_size = 40

# Plot the curve
vis_comp = VisMPL.VisCurve2D()
curves.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
예제 #4
# Fix file path

# Create a B-Spline curve instance
curve = BSpline.Curve()

# Set up the curve
curve.degree = 4
curve.ctrlpts = exchange.import_txt("ex_curve01.cpt")

# Auto-generate knot vector
curve.knotvector = utilities.generate_knot_vector(curve.degree, len(curve.ctrlpts))

# Split the curve
curve_list = operations.split_curve(curve, 0.6)
curves = multi.CurveContainer(curve_list)

# Move the 1st curve a little bit far away from the 2nd curve
c2tan = curves[1].tangent(0.0, normalize=True)
c2tanvec = [-3 * p for p in c2tan[1]]
operations.translate(curves[0], c2tanvec, inplace=True)

# Plot the curves using the curve container
curves.sample_size = 40

# Plot the curve
vis_comp = VisMPL.VisCurve2D()
curves.vis = vis_comp