예제 #1
    def hover_up(self, data):
        """give commands to hover at 1m above the starting position"""

        if self.hover_counter == 0:
            self.hover_start_time = data.header.stamp.to_sec()
        self.RHP_time = data.header.stamp.to_sec() - self.hover_start_time
        if self.hover_counter == 0:
            path = [[
                self.initial_position[0], self.initial_position[1],
                        self.initial_position[0], self.initial_position[1],

            vel = np.array([0, 0, 0])
            acc = np.array([0, 0, 0])
            jerk = np.array([0, 0, 0])
            counter = 0
            velocity = self.vel_hl

            T, p1, p2, p3 = Minimum_jerk_trajetory(
                counter, velocity, path, vel, acc,

            msg = PolynomialCoefficients()
            header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
            header.stamp = data.header.stamp  #rospy.Time.now()
            header.frame_id = 'map'
            msg.header = header
            msg.polynomial_order = 7
            for i in range(len(p1)):
            msg.number_of_segments = 1
            msg.planning_start_time = str(self.hover_start_time)
            for j in T:
            msg.desired_direction.x = self.initial_orientation[0]
            msg.desired_direction.y = self.initial_orientation[1]
            msg.desired_direction.z = self.initial_orientation[2]
            msg.execution_time_horizon = str(0)  # dummy value
            msg.trajectory_mode = 'hover'

        self.hover_counter += 1
예제 #2
    def plan_in_camera_fov(self, pc_data):
        a = time.time()

        self.RHP_time = pc_data.header.stamp.to_sec() - self.hover_start_time
        distance_to_goal = np.linalg.norm(self.goal - self.Pglobal)
        if self.replanning_counter == 1:
            ps = self.Pglobal
            direction = self.initial_orientation
            self.replanning_start_time = time.time()
            currenttime = 0.1
            ps = self.Pglobal  #self.p_eoe
            vector = self.goal - self.Pglobal
            direction = vector / np.linalg.norm(vector)
            currenttime = time.time() - self.replanning_start_time

        if self.goal_moving == False and distance_to_goal > self.sensor_range:
            goal_vector = self.goal - ps
            self.lgoal = ps + goal_vector * self.sensor_range / np.linalg.norm(

            r = min(distance_to_goal, self.sensor_range)
            end_points = self.generate_regular_pyramid_grid2(r)
            p11 = np.dot(self.Rcdoc_cdl[0:3, 0:3], end_points.T).T
            p22 = self.Rvibase_cl[0:3, 3:4].T + p11
            p33 = self.Rcg_vibase[0:3, 3:4].T + np.dot(
                np.linalg.inv(self.Rcg_vibase[0:3, 0:3]), p22.T).T
            end_points = ps[np.newaxis] + np.dot(self.Rglobal, p33.T).T

            occupied_points = ros_numpy.numpify(pc_data)

            if len(occupied_points) != 0:
                transformed_cloud = self.transform_cloud(ps, occupied_points)
                if self.replanning_counter == 100:
                    for i in transformed_cloud:
                        f3 = open(self.path + 'occ_points.txt', 'a')
                        f3.write('%s, %s\n' %
                                 (pc_data.header.stamp.to_sec(), i))
                if len(transformed_cloud) == 0:

                    final_points = end_points
                    Wcollision = [1] * len(final_points)
                    Wdist2goal = np.linalg.norm(self.lgoal - final_points,
                    Wdist2goal = map(lambda i: i * 1.0 / max(Wdist2goal),
                    final_points, Wdist2goal, Wcollision = self.check_collision_get_cost(
                        ps, end_points, transformed_cloud, self.lgoal)
                    Wcollision = map(lambda i: i * 1.0 / max(Wcollision),
                    Wdist2goal = map(lambda i: i * 1.0 / max(Wdist2goal),
                final_points = end_points
                Wcollision = [1] * len(final_points)
                Wdist2goal = np.linalg.norm(self.lgoal - final_points, axis=1)
                Wdist2goal = map(lambda i: i * 1.0 / max(Wdist2goal),

            #print 'length of end points and occupied points' , len(Wdist2goal), len(Wcollision), len(final_points)
            Wtotal = map(lambda i, j: 3 * i + 1.0 / j, Wdist2goal, Wcollision)
            #print 'wtotal len', len(Wtotal)
            local_goal = final_points[np.argmin(Wtotal)]

            n = self.no_of_segments
            #self.N = 8
            path = zip(np.linspace(ps[0], local_goal[0], n + 1),
                       np.linspace(ps[1], local_goal[1], n + 1),
                       np.linspace(ps[2], local_goal[2], n + 1))

            vel, f1, f2 = self.get_velocity(currenttime, distance_to_goal)

            f = open(self.path + 'velocities.txt', 'a')
            f.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' %
                    (currenttime, distance_to_goal, f1, f2, vel))

            T, _p1, _p2, _p3 = Minimum_jerk_trajetory(
                self.replanning_counter, vel, path, self.v_eoe, self.a_eoe,

            _pp1 = [_p1[i:i + self.N] for i in range(0, len(_p1), self.N)]
            [i.reverse() for i in _pp1]

            _pp2 = [_p2[i:i + self.N] for i in range(0, len(_p2), self.N)]
            [i.reverse() for i in _pp2]

            _pp3 = [_p3[i:i + self.N] for i in range(0, len(_p3), self.N)]
            [i.reverse() for i in _pp3]

            #t = map(lambda i: np.linspace(T[i], T[i+1], 201), range(1))
            tt = self.execution_time
            index = len(np.where(np.array(T) < tt)[0]) - 1

            xx = np.poly1d(_pp1[index])
            yy = np.poly1d(_pp2[index])
            zz = np.poly1d(_pp3[index])
            vx = np.polyder(xx, 1)
            vy = np.polyder(yy, 1)
            vz = np.polyder(zz, 1)
            accx = np.polyder(xx, 2)
            accy = np.polyder(yy, 2)
            accz = np.polyder(zz, 2)
            jx = np.polyder(xx, 3)
            jy = np.polyder(yy, 3)
            jz = np.polyder(zz, 3)
            #index = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(t[0])-tt))

            self.p_eoe = np.array([xx(tt), yy(tt), zz(tt)])
            self.v_eoe = np.array([vx(tt), vy(tt), vz(tt)])
            self.a_eoe = np.array([accx(tt), accy(tt), accz(tt)])
            self.j_eoe = np.array([jx(tt), jy(tt), jz(tt)])

            msg = PolynomialCoefficients()
            header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
            header.stamp = pc_data.header.stamp
            header.frame_id = 'map'
            msg.header = header
            msg.polynomial_order = self.N - 1
            for i in range(len(_p1)):
            msg.number_of_segments = n
            #msg.sensor_update_segment = N_sensor_update
            msg.planning_start_time = str(self.odom_time)
            for j in T:
            msg.desired_direction.x = direction[0]
            msg.desired_direction.y = direction[1]
            msg.desired_direction.z = direction[2]

            msg.trajectory_mode = 'planning_in_camera_fov'
            msg.execution_time_horizon = str(self.execution_time)
            self.previous_msg = msg

            self.trajectory_endtime = T[-1]
            #print '1', time.time()-a
            #****************** only for rviz visualization will be deleted eventually **************************************************
            #eoe_msg = Odometry()
            #eoe_msg.pose.pose.position.x = self.p_eoe[0]
            #eoe_msg.pose.pose.position.y = self.p_eoe[1]
            #eoe_msg.pose.pose.position.z = self.p_eoe[2]
            #eoe_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            #eoe_msg.header.frame_id = 'map'
            t = np.linspace(T[:n], T[1:n+1], 20, axis=1)
            xx = map(lambda i: np.poly1d(_pp1[i]), range(n))
            yy = map(lambda i: np.poly1d(_pp2[i]), range(n))
            zz = map(lambda i: np.poly1d(_pp3[i]), range(n))
            vx = map(lambda i: np.polyder(xx[i], 1), range(n))
            vy = map(lambda i: np.polyder(yy[i], 1), range(n))
            vz = map(lambda i: np.polyder(zz[i], 1), range(n))
            accx = map(lambda i: np.polyder(xx[i], 2), range(n))
            accy = map(lambda i: np.polyder(yy[i], 2), range(n))
            accz = map(lambda i: np.polyder(zz[i], 2), range(n))
            jx = map(lambda i: np.polyder(xx[i], 3), range(n))
            jy = map(lambda i: np.polyder(yy[i], 3), range(n))
            jz = map(lambda i: np.polyder(zz[i], 3), range(n))
            #print '12', time.time()-a
            #f = open(self.path+'end_points.txt', 'a')
            #f.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' %(time.time()-a, vel, f1, f2, local_goal, tt, T[1], currenttime, self.RHP_time, pc_data.header.stamp.to_sec(), self.hover_start_time)) 
            self.traj = MultiDOFJointTrajectory()
            header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
            header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            header.frame_id = 'map'
            self.traj.header = header
            self.traj.joint_names = 'mav_cog' # testing for now
            self.pathh = Path()    
            self.pathh.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            self.pathh.header.frame_id = 'map'
            start_time =self.odom_time
            for i in range(n): # "changed to no_of_segments_to_track" instead of "no_of_segments" 
                for j in t[i]:
                    pose = PoseStamped()
                    pose.header = pc_data.header 
                    ttt = j + start_time    
                    xdes = xx[i](j); ydes = yy[i](j); zdes = zz[i](j)
                    vxdes = vx[i](j); vydes = vy[i](j); vzdes = vz[i](j)
                    axdes = accx[i](j); aydes = accy[i](j); azdes = accz[i](j)
                    vector = np.array([self.goal[0]-self.Pglobal[0], self.goal[1]-self.Pglobal[1], self.goal[2]-self.Pglobal[2]])
                    #vector = np.array([self.Vglobal[0], self.Vglobal[1], self.Vglobal[2]])
                    direction = vector/np.linalg.norm(vector)
                    transforms = Transform(translation = Point(xdes, ydes, zdes), rotation = Quaternion(0,0,0,1))
                    velocities = Twist(linear = Point(vxdes, vydes, vzdes), angular = Point(0,0,0))
                    accelerations = Twist(linear = Point(axdes, aydes, azdes), angular = Point(direction[0],direction[1],direction[2]))
                    #accelerations = Twist(linear = Point(axdes, aydes, azdes), angular = Point(1,0,0))
                    point = MultiDOFJointTrajectoryPoint([transforms],[velocities],[accelerations],rospy.Duration(ttt))
                    pose.pose.position.x = xdes; pose.pose.position.y = ydes; pose.pose.position.z = zdes
                    pose.pose.orientation.x = 0; pose.pose.orientation.y = 0; pose.pose.orientation.z = 0; pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
            f1 = open(self.path+'goals.txt', 'a')
            f1.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (time.time()-a, index, T[1], self.Pglobal, ps))
            # publish generated pointcloud
            header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
            header.stamp = pc_data.header.stamp
            header.frame_id = 'map'#, 'firefly1/vi_sensor/camera_depth_optical_center_link'
            p = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, transformed_cloud)
            # publish local_goal
            header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
            header.stamp = pc_data.header.stamp
            header.frame_id = 'map'
            p = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, final_points)
            #****************** will be deleted eventually **********************************************************************************
            print '2', time.time() - a

            if RHPendcounter == 0:
                self.goal_in_fov = self.RHP_time
            self.previous_msg.execution_time_horizon = str(
            self.RHPendcounter += 1
            if self.RHP_time > self.goal_in_fov + self.trajectory_endtime + 10:
                self.reached_goal = True

        print time.time() - a
        self.replanning_counter += 1