예제 #1
파일: body.py 프로젝트: jankoslavic/DyS
    def __init__(self, name, MBD_folder_abs_path=None, density=0, volume=0, mass=0, J_zz=0, CM_CAD_LCS=np.zeros(3), CAD_LCS_GCS=np.zeros(3), theta=np.zeros(3), dR=np.zeros(3), dtheta=np.zeros(3), color_GL=np.ones(3), transparent_GL=1, visible=True, display_style="filled", connected_to_ground=False, parent=None):
        Constructor of body class
        :param name:                    body name (string)
        :param MBD_folder_abs_path:     absolute path to MBD system project folder
        :param density:                 density of the material of the body
        :param volume:                  volume of the body (as float) in m^3
        :param mass:                    mass of the body (as float) in kg
        :param J_zz:                    mass moment of inertia of a body against z-axis (as float) in kg*m^2
        :param CM_CAD_LCS:              a vector to mass center of a body in body CAD CS (as array) in m
        :param CAD_LCS_GCS:             a vector to body CAD CS in GCS of a system (as array) in m
        :param theta:                   orientation angles (numpy array) in degrees
        :param dR:                      a vector of velocities (numpy array) in m/s
        :param dtheta:                  a vector of angular velocities (numpy array) in deg/s
        :param color_GL:                a color vector (RGB)
        :param transparent_GL:          transparency (float) a value from 0 to 1
        :param visible:                 true or false
        :param display_style:           a display style (as string) options: filled, wireframe, points-check last option
        :param properties_file:         a path to mass and geometry properties data in .dat file (todo)
        :param geometry_data_file:      a path to geometry .stl or .obj file (todo)
        super(Body, self).__init__(name, parent)

        #   parent
        self._parent = parent

        #    set working directory
        if name.lower() == "ground":
            self.body_id = -1
            #    body id
            self.body_id = self.__id.next()
            # self.body_id = (len(self._parent._children) - 1)

            if MBD_folder_abs_path != None:
                print "MBS data folder not found. Define MBS data folder."
#             raise IOError, "MBS data folder not found. Define MBS data folder."

#         self.body_id = (len(bodies_list) - 1) + 1
        #    name as string
        self._name = name
        #    check if body is ground
        if not name == "ground":
            self.mass = mass
            self.J_zz = J_zz
            #    override default geometry and physical properties
            self.mass = 0
            self.J_zz = 0

        #   material and geometry properties
        self.density = density
        self.volume = volume
        self.CM_CAD_LCS = CM_CAD_LCS
        self.CAD_LCS_GCS = CAD_LCS_GCS

        #    dynamic properties
        #    transform with respect to selected CS
        #    options: CAD, LCS
        self.transformCS = "CAD"
        self.R = self.CM_CAD_LCS + self.CAD_LCS_GCS
        #    (initial) coordinates and angles (in degrees)
        self.theta = theta
        #    (initial) translational and rotational velocities
        self.dR = dR
        self.dtheta = dtheta

        #    connected to ground
        self._connected_to_ground = connected_to_ground

        #   list of forces
        self.forces = []

        #   list for markers
        self.markers = []

        #   list of contact geometry data (nodes, edges) objects that are created for contact detection
        self.contact_geometries = []

        #   geometry properties
        self._geometry_type = None
        self._geometry_types = ["line", 
                                "lines"] #    todo: lines - for complex parametric models
        self.geometry = None
        self.geometry_filename = None
        self.geometry_file_extension = ".stl"
        self.z_dim = 0

        #   opengl visualization properties
        self._visible = visible
        self.geometry = None
        self.VBO_created = False
        self._idVisible = False

        #    AABB tree object assigned to body object as attribute if body is specified to be in contact with other body
        self.AABBtree = None
        self.AABBtree_created = False
        #    file properties
        if hasattr(self._parent, "_typeInfo"):
            if self._parent._typeInfo == "MBDsystem":  #    ground body object has parent MBD system
                self.properties_file_extension = self._parent._project_filetype
            elif hasattr(self._parent._parent, "_typeInfo"):
                if self._parent._typeInfo == "group":  #    ground body object has parent MBD system
                    self.properties_file_extension = self._parent._parent._data_filetype
            print 'Data file not found for body %s' % self._name

        self.properties_file_with_extension = self._name + self.properties_file_extension

        #   opengl properties
        #   create coordinate systems
        #   local coordinate system at center of gravity of a body
        self.LCS = CoordinateSystem(parent=self)
        self.LCS._visible = False

        if name.lower() == "ground":
            self.color_GL = color_GL
            self.transparent_GL = transparent_GL
            self.display_style = display_style

            #    contact properties
            self.max_penetration_depth = 1E-7
            self.uP_i_max = None

            #    if body is not ground read body properties data
            if name.lower() == "ground":
                self._visible = False
                self.actual_body_name = "ground"
                #    read body properties file
                if os.path.isfile(self.properties_file_with_extension):
                    # self.actual_body_name, self.density, self.volume, self.mass, self.J_zz, self.CM_CAD_LCS, self.CAD_LCS_GCS, self.theta, self.dR, self.dtheta, self.body_geometry_filename, self.color_GL, self.transparent_GL, self.display_style = read_body_data_file.read_data(self.properties_file_with_extension)
                    _dict = read_body_data_file.read_data(self.properties_file_with_extension)

                    #    check if both files exist
                    if not os.path.isfile(self.properties_file_with_extension):
                        raise IOError, "Properties file not found!"

                    if self._geometry_type == self.geometry_file_extension and self.geometry_filename is not None:
                        if not os.path.isfile(self.geometry_filename):
                            raise IOError, "Geometry file %s not found!"%self.geometry_filename

            # self.CM_CAD_LCS_ = self.CM_CAD_LCS
#             print "self.CM_CAD_LCS ="
#             print self.CM_CAD_LCS
#             print "self.CAD_LCS_GCS ="
#             print self.CAD_LCS_GCS
            #    additional translation due to rotation with respect to CAD CS
            self.CM_CAD_LCS[0:2] = Ai_ui_P_vector(self.CM_CAD_LCS[0:2], 0)#self.theta[2]
            # print "self.CAD_LCS_GCS =", self.CAD_LCS_GCS
            # print "self.theta[2] =", self.theta[2]
            __dR = self.CM_CAD_LCS - Ai_ui_P_vector(self.CM_CAD_LCS, self.theta[2])#np.zeros(3)#
            # print "__dR =", __dR

            if all(self.CM_CAD_LCS == np.zeros(3)) and all(self.CAD_LCS_GCS == np.zeros(3)):
                self.R = self.CM_CAD_LCS + self.CAD_LCS_GCS - __dR
#             print "self.R ="
#             print self.R
            #   cad coordinate system of geometry
            self.CAD_CS = Marker(-self.CM_CAD_LCS, parent=self)#-self.CM_CAD_LCS-self.CAD_LCS_GCS
            self.CAD_CS._visible = False

            #    create geometry object
            #    read geometry file and save vertices and normals
            if self.geometry_filename is not None:
                if os.path.isfile(self.geometry_filename):
                    self.geometry = Geometry(self.geometry_filename, parent=self)
                    #   get extension
                    self._geometry_type = os.path.splitext(self.geometry_filename)[1]

            elif self._geometry_type == "line":
                self.geometry = Line(parent=self)
                if self.geometry is None:
                    print "Body geometry file %s not found! Attribute self.geometry for body %s not created."%(self.geometry_filename, self._name)

            #   add additional attributes to geometry object
            _dict_geometry = extract_from_dictionary_by_string_in_key(_dict, "geometry.")
            if self.geometry is not None and _dict_geometry:
예제 #2
파일: body.py 프로젝트: jankoslavic/DyS
class Body(BodyItem):
    __id = itertools.count(0)

    def __init__(self, name, MBD_folder_abs_path=None, density=0, volume=0, mass=0, J_zz=0, CM_CAD_LCS=np.zeros(3), CAD_LCS_GCS=np.zeros(3), theta=np.zeros(3), dR=np.zeros(3), dtheta=np.zeros(3), color_GL=np.ones(3), transparent_GL=1, visible=True, display_style="filled", connected_to_ground=False, parent=None):
        Constructor of body class
        :param name:                    body name (string)
        :param MBD_folder_abs_path:     absolute path to MBD system project folder
        :param density:                 density of the material of the body
        :param volume:                  volume of the body (as float) in m^3
        :param mass:                    mass of the body (as float) in kg
        :param J_zz:                    mass moment of inertia of a body against z-axis (as float) in kg*m^2
        :param CM_CAD_LCS:              a vector to mass center of a body in body CAD CS (as array) in m
        :param CAD_LCS_GCS:             a vector to body CAD CS in GCS of a system (as array) in m
        :param theta:                   orientation angles (numpy array) in degrees
        :param dR:                      a vector of velocities (numpy array) in m/s
        :param dtheta:                  a vector of angular velocities (numpy array) in deg/s
        :param color_GL:                a color vector (RGB)
        :param transparent_GL:          transparency (float) a value from 0 to 1
        :param visible:                 true or false
        :param display_style:           a display style (as string) options: filled, wireframe, points-check last option
        :param properties_file:         a path to mass and geometry properties data in .dat file (todo)
        :param geometry_data_file:      a path to geometry .stl or .obj file (todo)
        super(Body, self).__init__(name, parent)

        #   parent
        self._parent = parent

        #    set working directory
        if name.lower() == "ground":
            self.body_id = -1
            #    body id
            self.body_id = self.__id.next()
            # self.body_id = (len(self._parent._children) - 1)

            if MBD_folder_abs_path != None:
                print "MBS data folder not found. Define MBS data folder."
#             raise IOError, "MBS data folder not found. Define MBS data folder."

#         self.body_id = (len(bodies_list) - 1) + 1
        #    name as string
        self._name = name
        #    check if body is ground
        if not name == "ground":
            self.mass = mass
            self.J_zz = J_zz
            #    override default geometry and physical properties
            self.mass = 0
            self.J_zz = 0

        #   material and geometry properties
        self.density = density
        self.volume = volume
        self.CM_CAD_LCS = CM_CAD_LCS
        self.CAD_LCS_GCS = CAD_LCS_GCS

        #    dynamic properties
        #    transform with respect to selected CS
        #    options: CAD, LCS
        self.transformCS = "CAD"
        self.R = self.CM_CAD_LCS + self.CAD_LCS_GCS
        #    (initial) coordinates and angles (in degrees)
        self.theta = theta
        #    (initial) translational and rotational velocities
        self.dR = dR
        self.dtheta = dtheta

        #    connected to ground
        self._connected_to_ground = connected_to_ground

        #   list of forces
        self.forces = []

        #   list for markers
        self.markers = []

        #   list of contact geometry data (nodes, edges) objects that are created for contact detection
        self.contact_geometries = []

        #   geometry properties
        self._geometry_type = None
        self._geometry_types = ["line", 
                                "lines"] #    todo: lines - for complex parametric models
        self.geometry = None
        self.geometry_filename = None
        self.geometry_file_extension = ".stl"
        self.z_dim = 0

        #   opengl visualization properties
        self._visible = visible
        self.geometry = None
        self.VBO_created = False
        self._idVisible = False

        #    AABB tree object assigned to body object as attribute if body is specified to be in contact with other body
        self.AABBtree = None
        self.AABBtree_created = False
        #    file properties
        if hasattr(self._parent, "_typeInfo"):
            if self._parent._typeInfo == "MBDsystem":  #    ground body object has parent MBD system
                self.properties_file_extension = self._parent._project_filetype
            elif hasattr(self._parent._parent, "_typeInfo"):
                if self._parent._typeInfo == "group":  #    ground body object has parent MBD system
                    self.properties_file_extension = self._parent._parent._data_filetype
            print 'Data file not found for body %s' % self._name

        self.properties_file_with_extension = self._name + self.properties_file_extension

        #   opengl properties
        #   create coordinate systems
        #   local coordinate system at center of gravity of a body
        self.LCS = CoordinateSystem(parent=self)
        self.LCS._visible = False

        if name.lower() == "ground":
            self.color_GL = color_GL
            self.transparent_GL = transparent_GL
            self.display_style = display_style

            #    contact properties
            self.max_penetration_depth = 1E-7
            self.uP_i_max = None

            #    if body is not ground read body properties data
            if name.lower() == "ground":
                self._visible = False
                self.actual_body_name = "ground"
                #    read body properties file
                if os.path.isfile(self.properties_file_with_extension):
                    # self.actual_body_name, self.density, self.volume, self.mass, self.J_zz, self.CM_CAD_LCS, self.CAD_LCS_GCS, self.theta, self.dR, self.dtheta, self.body_geometry_filename, self.color_GL, self.transparent_GL, self.display_style = read_body_data_file.read_data(self.properties_file_with_extension)
                    _dict = read_body_data_file.read_data(self.properties_file_with_extension)

                    #    check if both files exist
                    if not os.path.isfile(self.properties_file_with_extension):
                        raise IOError, "Properties file not found!"

                    if self._geometry_type == self.geometry_file_extension and self.geometry_filename is not None:
                        if not os.path.isfile(self.geometry_filename):
                            raise IOError, "Geometry file %s not found!"%self.geometry_filename

            # self.CM_CAD_LCS_ = self.CM_CAD_LCS
#             print "self.CM_CAD_LCS ="
#             print self.CM_CAD_LCS
#             print "self.CAD_LCS_GCS ="
#             print self.CAD_LCS_GCS
            #    additional translation due to rotation with respect to CAD CS
            self.CM_CAD_LCS[0:2] = Ai_ui_P_vector(self.CM_CAD_LCS[0:2], 0)#self.theta[2]
            # print "self.CAD_LCS_GCS =", self.CAD_LCS_GCS
            # print "self.theta[2] =", self.theta[2]
            __dR = self.CM_CAD_LCS - Ai_ui_P_vector(self.CM_CAD_LCS, self.theta[2])#np.zeros(3)#
            # print "__dR =", __dR

            if all(self.CM_CAD_LCS == np.zeros(3)) and all(self.CAD_LCS_GCS == np.zeros(3)):
                self.R = self.CM_CAD_LCS + self.CAD_LCS_GCS - __dR
#             print "self.R ="
#             print self.R
            #   cad coordinate system of geometry
            self.CAD_CS = Marker(-self.CM_CAD_LCS, parent=self)#-self.CM_CAD_LCS-self.CAD_LCS_GCS
            self.CAD_CS._visible = False

            #    create geometry object
            #    read geometry file and save vertices and normals
            if self.geometry_filename is not None:
                if os.path.isfile(self.geometry_filename):
                    self.geometry = Geometry(self.geometry_filename, parent=self)
                    #   get extension
                    self._geometry_type = os.path.splitext(self.geometry_filename)[1]

            elif self._geometry_type == "line":
                self.geometry = Line(parent=self)
                if self.geometry is None:
                    print "Body geometry file %s not found! Attribute self.geometry for body %s not created."%(self.geometry_filename, self._name)

            #   add additional attributes to geometry object
            _dict_geometry = extract_from_dictionary_by_string_in_key(_dict, "geometry.")
            if self.geometry is not None and _dict_geometry:

        #    construct and display body geometry from stl data file
        # if body_name != "ground":
        #     #    check if opengl is running without errors and creates VBOs
        #     try:
        #         #if glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR:
        #         self.create_VBO()
        #     except:
        #         self.create_VBO()
        #         ValueError
        #         logging.getLogger("DyS_logger").error("OpenGL error - is geometry created and displayed?")
        #         raise

    def add_attributes_from_dict(self, dict):

        for key in dict:
            val = dict[key]
            if key == "theta" and self._parent._parent._angle_units == "deg":
                val = np.deg2rad(val)

            setattr(self, key, val)

    def _evaluate_uP_i_max(self):
        Function finds max coordinate of a point of body geometry in x and y axis
        self.uP_i_max = np.zeros(3)
        if self.geometry is not None:
            if self._geometry_type == ".stl":
                self.uP_i_max = np.amax(abs(self.geometry.geom_data.vertices), axis=0)
            elif self._geometry_type == "line":
                self.uP_i_max = np.amax(abs(self.geometry.vertices), axis=0)
                print "uPmax not evaluated"

    def get_uP_i_max(self):

        return self.uP_i_max

    def _show(self):
        if self._visible:
            self._visible = False
            self._visible = True

    def _showID(self):

        if self._idVisible:
            self._idVisible = False
            self._idVisible = True

    def _show_AABB(self):

        if self.AABBtree._visible:
            self.AABBtree._visible = False
            self.AABBtree._visible = True

    def get_q(self):

        theta = self.theta[2]
        #    check angle units for display
        if self._parent._parent._angle_units == "deg":
            theta = np.rad2deg(theta)
        print np.append(self.R[0:2], theta)

    def get_dq(self):

        print np.append(self.dR[0:2], self.dtheta[2])

    def get_qdq(self):

        print np.array([np.append(self.R[0:2], self.theta[2]), np.append(self.dR[0:2], self.dtheta[2])]).flatten()

    def _update_VBO(self):
        self.geometry._update_VBO_color(self.color_GL, self.transparent_GL)

    def create_VBO(self):
        Method is called after the opengl is initialised for each body to construct opengl VBO.
        # print "=================================="
        # print "create_VBO() =", self._name, "id =", self.body_id
        #    construct a body shape OpenGL object - VBO
        if self.geometry is not None:
            #    is buffer - status if VBO is created and can be displayed
            self.VBO_created = True
            #   create body LCS as vbo
            # #    create body CAD LCS vbo

        # print "self.markers =", self.markers
        # for marker in self.markers:
            # pprint(vars(marker))
            # marker._create_VBO()
            # print "node =", marker.node
        # marker = self.markers[1]
        # if self.body_id == 0:
        #     print "node =", marker.node
        #     marker._create_VBO()

        for contact_geometry in self.contact_geometries:
        if not self.AABBtree_created and self.AABBtree is not None:
            self.AABBtree_created = True
            self.AABBtree._visible = False

    def _paintGL_VBO_AABBtree(self, shader_program):
        if self.AABBtree is not None and self.AABBtree._visible and self.AABBtree._VBO_created:
            color_location = shader_program.uniformLocation("vertex_color")
            shader_program.setUniformValue(color_location, QtGui.QVector3D(self.AABBtree.color_GL[0], self.AABBtree.color_GL[1], self.AABBtree.color_GL[2]))  # cg.cgtypes.vec3(body.AABBtree.color_GL) ctypes.c_floatQVector3D(1, 0, 0)


    def paintGL_VBO(self, step=None, shader=None):
        Paint body VBO
        #    translations
        glTranslatef(self.R[0], self.R[1], self.R[2])
        #    rotations
        glRotatef(np.rad2deg(self.theta[2]), 0, 0, 1)
        glRotatef(np.rad2deg(self.theta[0]), 1, 0, 0)
        glRotatef(np.rad2deg(self.theta[1]), 0, 1, 0)

#         for contact_geometry in self.contact_geometries:
#             contact_geometry.paintGL_VBO()

        if self._visible:
            for force in self.forces:
            if self.LCS._visible and self.LCS._VBO_created:

            if hasattr(self, "CAD_CS"):
                if self.CAD_CS._visible and self.CAD_CS._VBO_created:
            #   display markers of a body
            for marker in self.markers:
                if marker._VBO_created and marker._visible:

            if self.VBO_created:
                    raise UserWarning, "VBO object created but not displayed!"
#                 print "buffer check(body) =", glIsBuffer(self.geometry.vbo_id)

        # for contact_geometry in self.contact_geometries:
        #     contact_geometry.paintGL_VBO()

                # for marker in self.markers:
                #     if marker._VBO_created and marker._visible:
                #             marker._paintGL_VBO()
                #     else:
                #         marker._create_VBO()

    def update_coordinates_and_angles_2D(self, q_i):
        Function updates coordinates Rx, Ry and angle theta and can be displayed in opengl widget
            q_i - vector of coordinates of i-th body
        self.R[0:2] = q_i[0:2]
        self.theta[2] = q_i[2]

    def update_velocities_2D(self, dq):
        Function updates velocities (translational and rotational) dRx, dRy and angle dtheta and can be displayed in opengl widget
            dq - vector of velocities
        self.dR[0:2] = dq[0:2]
        self.dtheta[2] = dq[2]

    def delete_VBO(self):
#        if self.AABBtree != None:
#            for _AABBtree in self.AABBtree.children:
#                _AABBtree.__del__()

    def mechanical_energy(self, q=None, dq=None, gravity=None):
        Function evaluates mechanical energy of the body
        if q is None:
            R = self.R[0:2]
            R = q[0:2]

        if dq is None:
            dR = self.dR[0:2]
            dtheta = self.dR[2]
            dR = dq[0:2]
            dtheta = dq[2]

        if gravity is None:
            g = 0
            g = gravity

        #   mechanical energy (kinematic and potential)
        _energy = 0.5 * (self.mass * (np.linalg.norm(dR)**2) + self.J_zz * (dtheta**2)) + (self.mass * gravity * R[1])

        return _energy