def positionCamera(point, direction, rotAngle):
    """Highly globally dependent function. Very complicated geometry positioning. Must not be
    called before all intrinsic parameters are set."""
    perpendicularAxis = direction.cross(defaultVecDir)
    angle = math.atan2(perpendicularAxis.norm(), direction*defaultVecDir)
    focalVec, vecxx, vecyy = (focVec, imVecX, imVecY) if defaultVecDir.cross(direction) == ZEROVEC \
        else rotate_3d(perpendicularAxis, angle, [focVec, imVecX, imVecY])
    vecxx, vecyy = rotate_3d(focalVec, rotAngle, [vecxx, vecyy])
    vecbx = (focalVec - vecxx).normalize() * widthP
    vecby = (focalVec - vecyy).normalize() * heightP
    origin = point + focalVec - vecbx * (widthPxl-1) / 2. - vecby * (heightPxl-1) / 2.
    return focalVec, vecbx, vecby, origin
def positionCamera(point, direction, rotAngle):
    """Highly globally dependent function. Very complicated geometry positioning. Must not be
    called before all intrinsic parameters are set."""
    perpendicularAxis = direction.cross(defaultVecDir)
    angle = math.atan2(perpendicularAxis.norm(), direction * defaultVecDir)
    focalVec, vecxx, vecyy = (focVec, imVecX, imVecY) if defaultVecDir.cross(direction) == ZEROVEC \
        else rotate_3d(perpendicularAxis, angle, [focVec, imVecX, imVecY])
    vecxx, vecyy = rotate_3d(focalVec, rotAngle, [vecxx, vecyy])
    vecbx = (focalVec - vecxx).normalize() * widthP
    vecby = (focalVec - vecyy).normalize() * heightP
    origin = point + focalVec - vecbx * (widthPxl -
                                         1) / 2. - vecby * (heightPxl - 1) / 2.
    return focalVec, vecbx, vecby, origin
    heightPxl = origImg.shape[0]
    widthChip = 0.0000014 * 2600 * CHIP_MUL
    heightChip = 0.0000014 * 1952 * CHIP_MUL
    widthC = widthChip * (widthPxl-1) / widthPxl
    heightC = heightChip * (heightPxl-1) / heightPxl
    widthP = widthChip / widthPxl
    heightP = heightChip / heightPxl

    # Intrinsic calculations that do not depend on camera position
    # Angle between the focal vector and vector that touches the half point of the side
    # of the image. Length of the said vector and the vector itself.
    angleX = math.atan(widthC/2./focalLength)
    angleY = math.atan(heightC/2./focalLength)
    lenX = math.sqrt(focalLength*focalLength + widthC*widthC/4.)
    lenY = math.sqrt(focalLength*focalLength + heightC*heightC/4.)
    imVecX = rotate_3d(perpX, angleX, [defaultVecDir])[0].normalize() * lenX
    imVecY = rotate_3d(perpY, angleY, [defaultVecDir])[0].normalize() * lenY
    focVec = defaultVecDir * focalLength

    # Source camera
    rotAngleS = 0
    source = Vector(X_OFF, Y_OFF, Z_HEIGHT)
    cameraDirS = Vector(-TILT, 0., -1.).normalize()
    focVecS, vecbxs, vecbys, originS = positionCamera(source, cameraDirS, rotAngleS)
    # plotImVs(ax, source, focVecS*1000, vecbxs*1000, vecbys*1000, widthPxl, heightPxl)
    plotL(ax, source, source + focVecS*1000, 'r')
    grid = create_grid(widthPxl, heightPxl, vecbxs, vecbys, originS)
    # plotG(ax, grid, 'r')

    # Drain camera
    heightPxl = origImg.shape[0]
    widthChip = 0.0000014 * 2600 * CHIP_MUL
    heightChip = 0.0000014 * 1952 * CHIP_MUL
    widthC = widthChip * (widthPxl - 1) / widthPxl
    heightC = heightChip * (heightPxl - 1) / heightPxl
    widthP = widthChip / widthPxl
    heightP = heightChip / heightPxl

    # Intrinsic calculations that do not depend on camera position
    # Angle between the focal vector and vector that touches the half point of the side
    # of the image. Length of the said vector and the vector itself.
    angleX = math.atan(widthC / 2. / focalLength)
    angleY = math.atan(heightC / 2. / focalLength)
    lenX = math.sqrt(focalLength * focalLength + widthC * widthC / 4.)
    lenY = math.sqrt(focalLength * focalLength + heightC * heightC / 4.)
    imVecX = rotate_3d(perpX, angleX, [defaultVecDir])[0].normalize() * lenX
    imVecY = rotate_3d(perpY, angleY, [defaultVecDir])[0].normalize() * lenY
    focVec = defaultVecDir * focalLength

    # Source camera
    rotAngleS = 0
    source = Vector(X_OFF, Y_OFF, Z_HEIGHT)
    cameraDirS = Vector(-TILT, 0., -1.).normalize()
    focVecS, vecbxs, vecbys, originS = positionCamera(source, cameraDirS,
    # plotImVs(ax, source, focVecS*1000, vecbxs*1000, vecbys*1000, widthPxl, heightPxl)
    plotL(ax, source, source + focVecS * 1000, 'r')

    grid = create_grid(widthPxl, heightPxl, vecbxs, vecbys, originS)
    # plotG(ax, grid, 'r')