예제 #1
    def test_updateState_PosOffsetPosArc(self):
        Test the robot following a path starting from the same angle
        but with a positive offset and larger radius
        pathSeg = PathSegmentMsg()
        pathSeg.seg_type = pathSeg.ARC
        pathSeg.seg_number = 1
        pathSeg.seg_length = math.pi / 2.0

        pathSeg.ref_point.x = 0.0
        pathSeg.ref_point.y = 0.0

        init_quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, math.pi + math.pi / 2)
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.w = init_quat[3]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.x = init_quat[0]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.y = init_quat[1]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.z = init_quat[2]

        pathSeg.curvature = 1.0

        maxSpeed = TwistMsg()
        maxSpeed.linear.x = 1.0
        maxSpeed.angular.z = 1.0
        pathSeg.max_speeds = maxSpeed

        minSpeed = TwistMsg()
        pathSeg.min_speeds = minSpeed

        pathSeg.accel_limit = 1.0
        pathSeg.decel_limit = -1.0

        state = State(pathSeg)

        vel_cmd = TwistMsg()
        vel_cmd.linear.x = 0.5
        vel_cmd.angular.z = 0.0

        point = PointMsg()

        maxIter = 1000
        count = 1

        rhoDes = pathSeg.curvature - .3
        angle = State.getYaw(pathSeg.init_tan_angle)
        r = 1 / abs(rhoDes)
        startAngle = angle - math.pi / 2.0

        # extrapolate next point
        while (state.segDistDone < 1.0 and maxIter > count):
            # create where the robot should have moved
            dAng = pathSeg.seg_length * (count / (maxIter / 2.0)) * rhoDes
            arcAng = startAngle + dAng
            point.x = pathSeg.ref_point.x + r * math.cos(arcAng)
            point.y = pathSeg.ref_point.y + r * math.sin(arcAng)
            state.updateState(vel_cmd, point, 0.0)
            count += 1

        self.assertTrue(count < maxIter)
        self.assertTrue(state.segDistDone >= 1.0)
예제 #2
    def test_updateState_NegOffsetNegSpin(self):
        Test the robot following a path starting from an angle with
        a positive offset
        pathSeg = PathSegmentMsg()
        pathSeg.seg_type = pathSeg.SPIN_IN_PLACE
        pathSeg.seg_number = 1
        pathSeg.seg_length = math.pi

        pathSeg.ref_point.x = 0.0
        pathSeg.ref_point.y = 0.0
        pathSeg.ref_point.z = 0.0

        init_quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0.0)
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.w = init_quat[3]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.x = init_quat[0]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.y = init_quat[1]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.z = init_quat[2]

        pathSeg.curvature = 1.0

        ref_point = PointMsg()
        ref_point.x = 1.0
        ref_point.y = 1.0
        pathSeg.ref_point = ref_point

        maxSpeed = TwistMsg()
        maxSpeed.linear.x = 1.0
        maxSpeed.angular.z = 1.0
        pathSeg.max_speeds = maxSpeed

        minSpeed = TwistMsg()
        pathSeg.min_speeds = minSpeed

        pathSeg.accel_limit = 1.0
        pathSeg.decel_limit = -1.0

        state = State(pathSeg)

        vel_cmd = TwistMsg()
        vel_cmd.linear.x = 0.0
        vel_cmd.angular.z = 0.5

        point = PointMsg()

        psi = 0.0
        maxIter = 1000
        count = 1
        # extrapolate next point
        while (state.segDistDone < 1.0 and maxIter > count):
            # create where the robot should have moved
            psi = 2.0 * state.pathSeg.seg_length * count / maxIter + math.pi / 4.0
            state.updateState(vel_cmd, point, psi)
            count += 1

        self.assertTrue(count < maxIter)
        self.assertTrue(state.segDistDone >= 1.0)
예제 #3
    def test_updateState_NegOffsetLine(self):
        Test the robot following a path starting with a negative
        offset and crossing over the path
        pathSeg = PathSegmentMsg()
        pathSeg.seg_type = pathSeg.LINE
        pathSeg.seg_number = 1
        pathSeg.seg_length = math.sqrt(2) * 2

        pathSeg.ref_point.x = 0.0
        pathSeg.ref_point.y = 0.0
        pathSeg.ref_point.z = 0.0

        init_quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, math.pi / 4.0)
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.w = init_quat[3]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.x = init_quat[0]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.y = init_quat[1]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.z = init_quat[2]

        pathSeg.curvature = 0.0

        maxSpeed = TwistMsg()
        maxSpeed.linear.x = 1.0
        maxSpeed.angular.z = 1.0
        pathSeg.max_speeds = maxSpeed

        minSpeed = TwistMsg()
        pathSeg.min_speeds = minSpeed

        pathSeg.accel_limit = 1.0
        pathSeg.decel_limit = -1.0

        state = State(pathSeg)

        vel_cmd = TwistMsg()
        vel_cmd.linear.x = 0.5
        vel_cmd.angular.z = 0.0

        point = PointMsg()

        actSegLength = 2.0 * math.sqrt(2) + 1.0

        maxIter = 1000
        count = 1
        # extrapolate next point
        while (state.segDistDone < 1.0 and maxIter > count):
            # create where the robot should have moved
            point.x = actSegLength * (count / (maxIter / 2.0)) * math.cos(
                3 * math.pi / 4.0) + 1.0
            point.y = actSegLength * (count / (maxIter / 2.0)) * math.sin(
                3 * math.pi / 4.0)
            state.updateState(vel_cmd, point, 0.0)
            count += 1

        self.assertTrue(count < maxIter)
        self.assertTrue(state.segDistDone >= 1.0)
예제 #4
def stopForObs():
    Responsible for stopping the robot before an obstacle collision

    # calculate the stopping acceleration
    # this is allowed to override the segment constraints, because
    # its more important to stop and not crash than it is to
    # follow the speed limit

    print "Obstacle detected!"
    dt = 1.0 / RATE
    decel_rate = -lastVCmd / (2 * (obs.distance - .2))

    naptime = rospy.Rate(RATE)

    des_vel = TwistMsg()

    if (lastVCmd > 0):
        v_test = lastVCmd + decel_rate * dt
        des_vel.linear.x = max(
            v_test, 0.0)  # this is assuming that velocity is always positive

    # ensure the robot will stop before crashing
    if (obs.distance < .25):
        des_vel.linear.x = 0

    return des_vel
예제 #5
def stopForObs(desVelPub,segStatusPub):
    global obsExists
    global obsDist
    global currState
    global currSeg
    global nextSeg
    global RATE
    global segments
    # calculate the stopping acceleration
    # this is allowed to override the segment constraints, because its more important
    # to not crash than to follow the speed limit

    print "Obstacle detected!"
    dt = 1.0/RATE
    decel_rate = pow(currState.v,2)/(2*(obsDist-1.2))

    naptime = rospy.Rate(RATE)
    des_vel = TwistMsg()
    if(decel_rate > 0):
        while(currState.v-.0001 > 0 or currState.v+.0001 < 0):
            if(not obsExists):
                return # if the obstacle went away then resume without fully stopping
            # this should take care of negatives
            if(currState.v > 0):
                v_test = currState.v - decel_rate*dt
                des_vel.linear.x = max(v_test,0.0)
            publishSegStatus(segStatusPub) # let everyone else know the status of the segment
        des_vel.linear.x = 0.0
    else: # should already be stopped
    print "Waiting for obstacle to move..."
    startTime = rospy.Time.now()
    waitPeriod = rospy.Duration(3.0)
        if(rospy.Time.now() - startTime > waitPeriod):
            print "Aborting"
            segments = Queue() # flush the queue, the callback thread probably won't appreciate this
            publishSegStatus(segStatusPub,True) # send the abort flag
            currSeg = None
            nextSeg = None
예제 #6
def stopForEstop(desVelPub,segStatusPub):
    global RATE
    global currState
    currState.stop() # make sure currentState knows the robot is stopped
    rospy.loginfo("E-Stop enabled. Pausing...")
    des_vel = TwistMsg() # publish 0's for velocity
    publishSegStatus(segStatusPub) # publish the segment status
    naptime = rospy.Rate(RATE)

    while(stopped): # stay here until the robot is no longer stopped
    rospy.loginfo("E-Stop disabled. Taking a quick nap...")
    rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(1.0)) # sleep for 1 more second to ensure motor controllers are back online
    rospy.loginfo("Good Morning!")
예제 #7
def main():

    desVelPub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', TwistMsg)

    rospy.Subscriber("blob_dist", BlobDistance, distanceCallback)

    vel_cmd = TwistMsg()

    naptime = rospy.Rate(20.0)

    while (not rospy.is_shutdown()):
        #Max speed is .25
        if (distance > THRESHHOLD + 20):
            vel_cmd.angular.z = -.25
        elif (distance < THRESHHOLD - 20):
            vel_cmd.angular.z = .25
            vel_cmd.angular.z = 0

예제 #8
def getDesiredVelocity(vTrajSeg, wTrajSeg):
    Given a velocity trajectory segment and an omega trajectory segment this function will
    Compute the scheduled velocity and omega for the robot's current position along the path
    global vTrajectory
    global wTrajectory
    global pathSegments
    global currSeg

    # print "segDistDone: %f" % (currSeg.segDistDone)
    if (vTrajSeg.segType == TrajSeg.ACCEL):
        #print "Using velocity acceleration segment"
        vCmd = getDesiredVelAccel(vTrajSeg, currSeg.segDistDone)
    elif (vTrajSeg.segType == TrajSeg.CONST):
        #print "Using constant velocity segment"
        vCmd = getDesiredVelConst(vTrajSeg, currSeg.segDistDone)
    elif (vTrajSeg.segType == TrajSeg.DECEL):
        #print "Using velocity deceleration segment"
        vCmd = getDesiredVelDecel(vTrajSeg, currSeg.segDistDone)
        #print "vCmd: %f" % vCmd

    if (wTrajSeg.segType == TrajSeg.ACCEL):
        #print "Using omega acceleration segment"
        wCmd = getDesiredVelAccel(wTrajSeg, currSeg.segDistDone, 1)
    elif (wTrajSeg.segType == TrajSeg.CONST):
        #print "Using constant omega segment"
        wCmd = getDesiredVelConst(wTrajSeg, currSeg.segDistDone, 1)
    elif (wTrajSeg.segType == TrajSeg.DECEL):
        #print "Using omega deceleration segment"
        wCmd = getDesiredVelDecel(wTrajSeg, currSeg.segDistDone, 1)

    vel_cmd = TwistMsg()
    vel_cmd.linear.x = vCmd
    vel_cmd.angular.z = wCmd

    return vel_cmd
예제 #9
def main():
    I assume that the velocity profiler will take care of making the velocity 0
    when there is an obstacle. If not then uncomment callback subscriber,
    import etc. and make a check before publishing. I also assume that we wont
    need to keep track of how far we are in the segment. I'm not sure if this
    will mess up arcs. If arcs are messed up then set psiPathSeg = current
    desired omega. This steering only changes the heading, not the speed.
    global RATE, lastMapPose, nextSeg, desVel
    cmdPub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel',TwistMsg)
    # rospy.Subscriber('obstacles',ObstaclesMsg,obstaclesCallback)
    # rospy.Subscriber('seg_status',SegStatusMsg,segStatusCallback)
    naptime = rospy.Rate(RATE)
    cmdVel = TwistMsg()
    xyRobotCoords = np.array([lastMapPose.pose.position.x, 
    xyStartCoords = np.array([1,0])

    #control params
    #TODO: tune these
    dThreshold = 1.0 # threshold before we correct
    kOmega = 30.0
    omegaSat = 2.0 # max omega
    dt = 0.01 #timestep

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        while not tfl.canTransform("map", "odom", rospy.Time.now()):
            naptime.sleep() # spin till we have some map data

        vel = desVel.linear.x #m/s
        curSeg = nextSeg
        psiRobot = tf.getYaw(lastMapPose.pose.orientation)
        psiPathSeg = tf.getYaw(curSeg.init_tan_angle)
        tHat = np.array([m.cos(psiPathSeg),m.sin(PsiPathSeg)])
        #tranform rot around z pi/2 * tHat
        nHat = np.dot(np.array([[0,-1],[1,0]]), tHat)

        d = np.subtract(xyRobotCoords, xyStartCoords)
        #convert to matrix transpose then convert back
        d = np.array(np.matrix(d).T) # the code was mat'*n_hat. I think this works
        d = np.dot(d,nHat)
        # left of path, point to path
        if d > dThreshold:
            psiDes = psiPathSeg-m.pi/2
        # too far right, point to path
        else if d < -dThreshold:
            psiDes = psiPathSeg+m.pi/2
        #offset is small, gradually parallelize
            psiDes = psiPathSeg-(m.pi/2)*d/dThreshold

        #normalize to [-pi,pi]
        psiError = normalizeToPi(psiRobot-psiDes)
        omegaCmd = -kOmega*psiError
        if omegaCmd > omegaSat
            omegaCmd = omegaSat
        else if omegaCmd < -omegaSat
            omegaCmd = -omegaSat

        psiDot = omegaCmd
        xdot = vel*m.cos(psiRobot)
        xdot = vel*m.sin(psiRobot)

        psiRobot = psiRobot+psiDot*dt
        #normalize to [-pi,pi]
        psiRobot = normalizeToPi(psiRobot)
        xyRobotCoords = xyRobotCoords+np.array([xdot,ydot])*dt
        cmdVel = desVel
        cmdVel.angular.z = omegaCmd
예제 #10
def main():
    The main function that is executed while the node is running
    global RATE, naptime, lastGoodYaw, waypoints, currPoint, completedPoints

    naptime = rospy.Rate(RATE)

    cmdPub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', TwistMsg)

    rospy.Subscriber('map_pos', PoseStampedMsg, poseCallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('centroid_point', CentroidPointsMsg,

    print "Entering main loop"

    Kd = 0.5
    Ktheta = 1.0

    while (not rospy.is_shutdown()):
        if (currPoint is None):
            if (len(waypoints) > 0):
                print "New Point"
                currPoint = waypoints[0]
                print "currPoint: (%f,%f)" % (currPoint.x, currPoint.y)

                del waypoints[0]  # remove the point from the list

            print "No points"
            # For now publish stop messages when no point is detected
            # Eventually this will be the spin routine
            if (lastGoodYaw is None):
                lastGoodYaw = getYaw(orientation)

            cmd = TwistMsg()
            cmd.angular.z = .5


        if (lastGoodYaw is not None):
            if (approx_equal(getYaw(orientation), lastGoodYaw + pi,
                currPoint = None
                cmd = TwistMsg()
                cmd.angular.z = .5

        if (approx_equal(position.x, currPoint.x, 0)
                and approx_equal(position.y, currPoint.y, 0)):
            currPoint = None

        #print "Steering to (%f,%f)" % (currPoint.x,currPoint.y)
        print waypoints

        xVec = currPoint.x - position.x
        yVec = currPoint.y - position.y

        actPsi = getYaw(orientation)
        desPsi = atan2(yVec, xVec)

        dTheta = (desPsi - actPsi) % (2 * pi)
        if (dTheta > pi):
            dTheta = dTheta - 2 * pi

        cmd_vel = TwistMsg()
        cmd_vel.angular.z = Ktheta * dTheta
        if (cmd_vel.angular.z > .25):
            cmd_vel.angular.z = .25
        elif (cmd_vel.angular.z < -.25):
            cmd_vel.angular.z = -.25

        cmd_vel.linear.x = .25  # Eventually this will actually accelerate and decelerate

예제 #11
def main():
    The main function that is executed while the node is running
    global RATE, desVel, naptime
    naptime = rospy.Rate(RATE)

    cmdPub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel',TwistMsg)
    rospy.Subscriber('des_vel', TwistMsg, desVelCallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('path', PathListMsg, pathListCallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('map_pos', PoseStampedMsg, poseCallback)
    rospy.Subscriber('seg_status', SegStatusMsg, segStatusCallback)

    print "Steering entering main loop"
    Kd = 0.5
    Ktheta = 1.0

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if(currSeg is not None and currSeg.seg_type == PathSegmentMsg.LINE):
            (p_s,p_f) = getStartAndEndPoints()
            desPsi = getYaw(currSeg.init_tan_angle)

            currPsi = getYaw(orientation)
            tx = cos(desPsi)
            ty = sin(desPsi)
            nx = -ty
            ny = tx

            dTheta = (desPsi - currPsi) % (2*pi)
            if(dTheta > pi):
                dTheta  = dTheta-2*pi
            # compute offset error
            currX = position.x
            currY = position.y

            # vector from start point to current robot point
            xrs = currX-p_s.x
            yrs = currY-p_s.y

            # dot this vectory with path normal vector to get the offset (works for line segments)
            offset = xrs*nx+yrs*ny

            cmd_vel = TwistMsg()
            cmd_vel.angular.z = -Kd*offset + Ktheta*dTheta
            cmd_vel.linear.x = desVel.linear.x

        elif(currSeg is not None):
            #print "--------"
            #print "cmd_vel:"
            #print "--------"
            #print cmd_vel
            #print ""
        #print "-------"
        #print "desVel:"
        #print "-------"
        #print desVel
        #print ""
        #print "--------"
        #print "currSeg:"
        #print "--------"
        #print currSeg
        #print ""
        #print "-------------------"
        #print "lastSegComplete: %i" % lastSegComplete
        #print "-------------------"
        #print ""
        #print "---------"
        #print "position:"
        #print "---------"
        #print position
        #print ""
        #print "----"
        #print "psi:"
        #print "----"
        #print "%f" % (getYaw(orientation))
        #print ""
예제 #12
def main():
    global RATE
    global lastVCmd
    global lastOCmd
    global obs
    global obsDist
    global obsExists
    global stopped
    global seg_number
    global currSeg
    global nextSeg
    global pose
    global ping_angle
    desVelPub = rospy.Publisher('des_vel',TwistMsg) # Steering reads this and adds steering corrections on top of the desired velocities
    segStatusPub = rospy.Publisher('seg_status', SegStatusMsg) # Lets the other nodes know what path segment the robot is currently executing
    rospy.Subscriber("motors_enabled", BoolMsg, eStopCallback) # Lets velocity profiler know the E-stop is enabled
    rospy.Subscriber("obstacles", ObstaclesMsg, obstaclesCallback) # Lets velocity profiler know where along the path there is an obstacle 
    rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel", TwistMsg, velCmdCallback) # 
    rospy.Subscriber("path_seg", PathSegmentMsg, pathSegmentCallback)
    rospy.Subscriber("map_pos", PoseStampedMsg, poseCallback)
    naptime = rospy.Rate(RATE)
    vel_cmd = TwistMsg()
    point = PointMsg()

    # while(not ros.Time.isValid()):
    print "Entering main loop"
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if(currSeg is not None):
         #   print "seg type %i " % currSeg.seg_type
          #  print "ref_point %s " % currSeg.ref_point
           # print "curv %f" % currSeg.curvature
           print "dist done %f" % currState.segDistDone
        if stopped:
        if(currSeg is not None):
            # Eventually this should work with arcs, spins and lines, but right
            # now its only working with lines
            if(currSeg.seg_type == PathSegmentMsg.LINE):
                # if there is an obstacle and the obstacle is within the segment length
                print ping_angle
                if(obsExists and obsDist/currSeg.seg_length < 1.0-currState.segDistDone and ping_angle > 60 and ping_angle < 140):
            vel_cmd.linear.x = lastVCmd
            vel_cmd.angular.z = lastOCmd
            point.x = pose.pose.position.x
            point.y = pose.pose.position.y
            point.z = pose.pose.position.z
            currState.updateState(vel_cmd, point, State.getYaw(pose.pose.orientation)) # update where the robot is at
            (sVAccel, sVDecel, sWAccel, sWDecel) = computeTrajectory(currSeg,nextSeg) # figure out the switching points in the trajectory
            #print "sVAccel: %f sVDecel: %f" % (sVAccel,sVDecel)
            #print "sWAccel: %f, sWDecel: %f" % (sWAccel,sWDecel)
            des_vel = getVelCmd(sVAccel, sVDecel, sWAccel, sWDecel) # figure out the robot commands given the current state and the desired trajectory
            desVelPub.publish(des_vel) # publish the commands
            publishSegStatus(segStatusPub) # let everyone else know the status of the segment
            # see if its time to switch segments yet
            if(currState.segDistDone > 1.0):
                print "Finished segment type %i" % (currState.pathSeg.seg_type)
                print "currState.segDistDone %f" % (currState.segDistDone)
                currSeg = None
            # try and get new segments
            if(nextSeg is not None):
                currSeg = nextSeg # move the nextSegment up in line
                nextSeg = None # assume no segment until code below is run
            else: # didn't have a next segment before
                try: # so try and get a new one from the queue
                    currSeg = segments.get(False)
                except QueueEmpty: # if the queue is still empty then 
                    currSeg = None # just set it to None
            try: # see if a next segment is specified
                nextSeg = segments.get(False) # try and get it
            except QueueEmpty: # if nothing specified
                nextSeg = None # set to None
            point = PointMsg()
            point.x = pose.pose.position.x
            point.y = pose.pose.position.y
            point.z = pose.pose.position.z
            currState.newPathSegment(currSeg, point, pose.pose.orientation)
            des_vel = TwistMsg()
            desVelPub.publish(des_vel) # publish all zeros for the des_vel
            publishSegStatus(segStatusPub) # publish that there is no segment
            if(currSeg is not None):
                rospy.logwarn("Starting a new segment, type %i" %currSeg.seg_type)
                rospy.logwarn("\tcurvature: %f" % currSeg.curvature)
                rospy.logwarn("\tref_point: %s" % currSeg.ref_point)
예제 #13
def getVelCmd(sVAccel, sVDecel, sWAccel, sWDecel):
    global currState
    global RATE
    global currSeg
    global dV
    dt = 1.0/RATE
    a_max = currState.pathSeg.accel_limit
    d_max = currState.pathSeg.decel_limit
    v_max = currState.pathSeg.max_speeds.linear.x
    w_max = currState.pathSeg.max_speeds.angular.z
    segLength = currState.pathSeg.seg_length
    segDistDone = currState.segDistDone
    des_vel = TwistMsg()
    if(currState.segDistDone < 1.0):
        if(currState is None):
            return des_vel
        #print "seg_type: %i" % (currState.pathSeg.seg_type)
        if(currState.pathSeg.seg_type == PathSegmentMsg.ARC):
            #print "This is an arc"
            (v_max,w_max) = max_v_w(v_max,w_max,currState.pathSeg.curvature)
        # figure out the v_cmd
        if(segDistDone < sVDecel):
            #print "V is accelerating or const"
            if(currState.v < v_max):
                #print "V is less than max"
                v_test = currState.v + a_max*dt
                des_vel.linear.x = min(v_test,v_max)
            elif(currState.v > v_max):
                #print "V is greater than max"
                v_test = currState.v - d_max*dt # NOTE: This assumes the d_max is opposite sign of velocity
                des_vel.linear.x = max(v_test,v_max)
                #print "V is same as max"
                des_vel.linear.x = currState.v
            #print "V is decelerating"
            v_i = currSeg.max_speeds.linear.x - dV
            v_scheduled = sqrt(2*(1.0-segDistDone)*segLength*d_max + pow(v_i,2))
            if(currState.v > v_scheduled):
                #print "V is greater than scheduled"
                v_test = currState.v - d_max*dt
                des_vel.linear.x = max(v_test,v_max)
            elif(currState.v < v_scheduled):
                #print "v is less than scheduled"
                v_test = currState.v + a_max*dt
                des_vel.linear.x = min(v_test,v_max)
                #print "v is same as scheduled"
                des_vel.linear.x = currState.v
        #print "max_v: %f, max_w: %f" % (v_max,w_max)
        #print "accel_limit: %f, decel_limit: %f" % (currSeg.accel_limit, currSeg.decel_limit)
        #print "sWAccel: %f, sWDecel: %f" % (sWAccel,sWDecel)    
        #print "sVAccel: %f, sVDecel: %f" % (sVAccel,sVDecel)
        #print "segDistDone: %f" % (currState.segDistDone)   
        #print "curvature: %f" % (currSeg.curvature) 
        # figure out the w_cmd
        if(segDistDone < sWDecel):
            #print "Accelerating or Const Velocity"
            if(currSeg.curvature >=0):
                #print "Curvature is positive"
                if(currState.w < w_max):
                    w_test = currState.w + a_max*dt
                    des_vel.angular.z = min(w_test,w_max)
                elif(currState.w > w_max):
                    w_test = currState.w + d_max*dt
                    des_vel.angular.z = max(w_test,w_max)
                    des_vel.angular.z = currState.w
                #print "Curvature is negative"
                if(currState.w > -w_max):
                    #print "Going slower than maximum"
                    w_test = currState.w - a_max*dt
                    des_vel.angular.z = max(w_test,-w_max)
                elif(currState.w < -w_max):
                    #print "Going faster than maximum"
                    w_test = currState.w + d_max*dt
                    des_vel.angular.z = min(w_test,-w_max)
                    #print "Going same speed as maximum"
                    des_vel.angular.z = currState.w
            #print "Decelerating"
            w_scheduled = sqrt(2*(1.0-segDistDone)*(abs(currState.pathSeg.curvature)/segLength)*d_max)
            if(currSeg.curvature >= 0):
                #print "Curvature is positive"
                if(currState.w > w_scheduled):
                    #print "Going faster than w_scheduled"
                    w_test = currState.w - d_max*dt
                    des_vel.angular.z = min(w_test,w_max)
                elif(currState.w < w_scheduled):
                    #print "Going slower than w_scheduled"
                    w_test = currState.w + a_max*dt
                    des_vel.angular.z = max(w_test,w_max)
                    #print "Going same speed as w_scheduled"
                    des_vel.angular.z = currState.w
                #print "Curvature is negative"
                w_scheduled = -w_scheduled
                if(currState.w < w_scheduled):
                    #print "Going faster than w_scheduled"
                    w_test = currState.w - a_max*dt
                    des_vel.angular.z = max(w_test,w_scheduled)
                elif(currState.w > w_scheduled):
                    #print "Going slower than w_scheduled"
                    w_test = currState.w + d_max*dt
                    des_vel.angular.z = min(w_test,w_scheduled)
                    #print "Going same speed as w_scheduled"
                    des_vel.angular.z = currState.w

    #print des_vel
    return des_vel
예제 #14
def update():
    This function is responsible for updating all the state variables each iteration of the node's main loop
    global currSeg
    global pathSegments
    global vTrajectory
    global wTrajectory
    global lastSegNumber

    oldVTraj = None
    oldWTraj = None

    if (len(vTrajectory) == 0 or len(wTrajectory) == 0):
        # Clear the deques because either they should both have elements or neither should
        )  # clear out the path segments because they are now useless

    # if it made it to here then there is at least one segment in vTrajectory and wTrajectory
    if (currSeg.pathSeg is None):
                               position, State.getYaw(orientation))
        last_vel = TwistMsg()
        last_vel.linear.x = lastVCmd
        last_vel.angular.z = lastWCmd
        currSeg.updateState(last_vel, position, State.getYaw(orientation))

    if (currSeg.segDistDone >= vTrajectory[0].endS):  # this segment is done
        oldVTraj = vTrajectory.popleft(
        )  # temporary storage, this will eventually be thrown away
        if (len(vTrajectory) == 0):
            lastSegNumber = oldVTraj.segNumber
        if (oldVTraj.segNumber != vTrajectory[0].segNumber):
            lastSegNumber = oldVTraj.segNumber
            )  # could potentially be out of sync. This method does not account for that
                                   position, State.getYaw(orientation))
                oldVTraj.segNumber)  # remove no longer needed pathSegments

    if (currSeg.segDistDone >= wTrajectory[0].endS):  # this segment is done
        oldWTraj = wTrajectory.popleft()
        if (len(wTrajectory) == 0):
            lastSegNumber = oldWTraj.segNumber
        if (oldWTraj.segNumber != wTrajectory[0].segNumber):
            lastSegNumber = oldWTraj.segNumber
                                   position, State.getYaw(orientation))
예제 #15
def main():
    global naptime
    global currSeg

    naptime = rospy.Rate(
        RATE)  # this will be used globally by all functions that need to loop
    desVelPub = rospy.Publisher(
        'des_vel', TwistMsg
    )  # Steering reads this and adds steering corrections on top of the desired velocities
    segStatusPub = rospy.Publisher(
        'seg_status', SegStatusMsg
    )  # Lets the other nodes know what path segment the robot is currently executing
        "motors_enabled", BoolMsg,
        eStopCallback)  # Lets velocity profiler know the E-stop is enabled
        "obstacles", ObstaclesMsg, obstaclesCallback
    )  # Lets velocity profiler know where along the path there is an obstacle
    rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel", TwistMsg, velCmdCallback)  #
    rospy.Subscriber("path", PathListMsg, pathListCallback)
    rospy.Subscriber("map_pos", PoseStampedMsg, poseCallback)

    abortTime = None  # will be set to the time an obstacle is detected

    if rospy.has_param('waitTime'):
        waitTime = rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param('waitTime'))
        waitTime = rospy.Duration(3.0)

    print "Velocity Profiler entering main loop"

    currSeg = State(dt=1 / RATE)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        # check where the robot is
        last_vel = TwistMsg()
        last_vel.linear.x = lastVCmd
        last_vel.angular.z = lastWCmd
        if (currSeg.pathSeg is not None):
            currSeg.updateState(last_vel, position, State.getYaw(orientation))

        # check if there are segments to execute
        if (len(vTrajectory) != 0 or len(wTrajectory) !=
                0):  # Note: Either both or neither should have 0 elements
            # check for obstacles
            if (obsWithinPathSeg()):
                # set the timer if necessary
                if (abortTime is None):
                    abortTime = rospy.Time.now()
                    if (rospy.Time.now() - abortTime > waitTime):
                        # time to abort
                        abortTime = None  # reset the time

                        # this method will reset anything
                        # that needs to be reset
                        # this may need to block here until the
                        # path list changes

                        # make sure the robot is stopped

                        # publish the abort flag
                        publishSegStatus(segStatusPub, abort=False)

                des_vel = stopForObs()
                abortTime = None  # make sure that the abortTime gets reset
                des_vel = getDesiredVelocity(vTrajectory[0], wTrajectory[0])
            des_vel = TwistMsg()  # initialized to 0's by default
            des_vel)  # publish either the scheduled commands or 0's
        )  # remove completed segments and change currSeg's path segment when necessary
예제 #16
from geometry_msgs.msg._PoseStamped import PoseStamped as PoseStampedMsg
from geometry_msgs.msg._Point import Point as PointMsg
from geometry_msgs.msg._Twist import Twist as TwistMsg

from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler, euler_from_quaternion

from math import cos,sin,tan,pi,sqrt

# set the rate the node runs at
RATE = 20.0

# this will store a Rate instance to keep the node running at the specified RATE
naptime = None # this will be initialized first thing in main

# keeps track of the desired velocity
desVel = TwistMsg()

# the current segment definition to steer to
currSeg = None

# the last segment completed
lastSegComplete = 0

# pose data
position = PointMsg()
orientation = QuaternionMsg()

def segStatusCallback(segStat):
    Updates what the last segment completed was.
    pathListCallback uses this information to determine
예제 #17
    def test_stop(self):
        Test the stop method
        pathSeg = PathSegmentMsg()
        pathSeg.seg_type = pathSeg.LINE
        pathSeg.seg_number = 1
        pathSeg.seg_length = math.sqrt(2) * 2

        pathSeg.ref_point.x = 0.0
        pathSeg.ref_point.y = 0.0
        pathSeg.ref_point.z = 0.0

        init_quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, math.pi / 4.0)
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.w = init_quat[3]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.x = init_quat[0]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.y = init_quat[1]
        pathSeg.init_tan_angle.z = init_quat[2]

        pathSeg.curvature = 0.0

        maxSpeed = TwistMsg()
        maxSpeed.linear.x = 1.0
        maxSpeed.angular.z = 1.0
        pathSeg.max_speeds = maxSpeed

        minSpeed = TwistMsg()
        pathSeg.min_speeds = minSpeed

        pathSeg.accel_limit = 1.0
        pathSeg.decel_limit = -1.0

        state = State(pathSeg)

        vel_cmd = TwistMsg()
        vel_cmd.linear.x = 0.5
        vel_cmd.angular.z = 1.5

        point = PointMsg()

        maxIter = 300
        count = 1
        # extrapolate next point
        while (state.segDistDone < 1.0 and maxIter > count):
            # create where the robot should have moved
            point.x = pathSeg.seg_length * (count /
                                            (maxIter / 2.0)) * math.cos(
                                                math.pi / 4.0)
            point.y = pathSeg.seg_length * (count /
                                            (maxIter / 2.0)) * math.sin(
                                                math.pi / 4.0)
            state.updateState(vel_cmd, point, 0.0)
            count += 1

        self.assertTrue(count < maxIter)
        self.assertTrue(state.segDistDone >= 1.0)

        self.assertEquals(state.v, 0.5)
        self.assertEquals(state.o, 1.5)


        self.assertEquals(state.v, 0.0)
        self.assertEquals(state.o, 0.0)