def to_message(self): """Convert current data to a trajectory point message. > *Returns* Trajectory point message as `uuv_control_msgs/TrajectoryPoint` """ p_msg = TrajectoryPointMsg() # FIXME Sometimes the time t stored is NaN (secs, nsecs) = float_sec_to_int_sec_nano(self.t) p_msg.header.stamp = rclpy.time.Time(seconds=secs, nanoseconds=nsecs).to_msg() p_msg.pose.position = geometry_msgs.Point(x=self.p[0], y=self.p[1], z=self.p[2]) p_msg.pose.orientation = geometry_msgs.Quaternion(x=self.q[0], y=self.q[1], z=self.q[2], w=self.q[3]) p_msg.velocity.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=self.v[0], y=self.v[1], z=self.v[2]) p_msg.velocity.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=self.w[0], y=self.w[1], z=self.w[2]) p_msg.acceleration.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=self.a[0], y=self.a[1], z=self.a[2]) p_msg.acceleration.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=self.alpha[0], y=self.alpha[1], z=self.alpha[2]) return p_msg
def odometry_callback(self, msg): """Handle updated measured velocity callback.""" if not bool(self.config): return linear = msg.twist.twist.linear angular = msg.twist.twist.angular v_linear = numpy.array([linear.x, linear.y, linear.z]) v_angular = numpy.array([angular.x, angular.y, angular.z]) if self.config['odom_vel_in_world']: # This is a temp. workaround for gazebo's pos3d plugin not behaving properly: # Twist should be provided wrt child_frame, gazebo provides it wrt world frame # see xyzw_array = lambda o: numpy.array([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w]) q_wb = xyzw_array(msg.pose.pose.orientation) R_bw = trans.quaternion_matrix(q_wb)[0:3, 0:3].transpose() v_linear = v_angular = # Compute compute control output: t = msg.header.stamp.to_sec() e_v_linear = (self.v_linear_des - v_linear) e_v_angular = (self.v_angular_des - v_angular) a_linear = self.pid_linear.regulate(e_v_linear, t) a_angular = self.pid_angular.regulate(e_v_angular, t) # Convert and publish accel. command: cmd_accel = geometry_msgs.Accel() cmd_accel.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*a_linear) cmd_accel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*a_angular) self.pub_cmd_accel.publish(cmd_accel)
def publish_pose(self): '''TODO: Publish velocity in body frame ''' linear_vel = self.body.getRelPointVel((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # TODO: Not 100% on this transpose angular_vel = self.orientation.transpose().dot(self.angular_vel) quaternion = self.body.getQuaternion() translation = self.body.getPosition() header = sub8_utils.make_header(frame='/world') pose = geometry.Pose( position=geometry.Point(*translation), orientation=geometry.Quaternion(-quaternion[1], -quaternion[2], -quaternion[3], quaternion[0]), ) twist = geometry.Twist( linear=geometry.Vector3(*linear_vel), angular=geometry.Vector3(*angular_vel) ) odom_msg = Odometry( header=header, child_frame_id='/body', pose=geometry.PoseWithCovariance( pose=pose ), twist=geometry.TwistWithCovariance( twist=twist ) ) self.truth_odom_pub.publish(odom_msg)
def make_wrench_stamped(force, torque, frame='/body'): '''Make a WrenchStamped message without all the fuss Frame defaults to body ''' wrench = geometry_msgs.WrenchStamped( header=make_header(frame), wrench=geometry_msgs.Wrench(force=geometry_msgs.Vector3(*force), torque=geometry_msgs.Vector3(*torque))) return wrench
def send_wrench(self, force, torque): ''' Specify wrench in Newtons, Newton-meters (Are you supposed to say Newtons-meter? Newtons-Meters?) ''' wrench_msg = geometry_msgs.WrenchStamped( header=sub8_utils.make_header(), wrench=geometry_msgs.Wrench(force=geometry_msgs.Vector3(*force), torque=geometry_msgs.Vector3(*torque))) self.wrench_pub.publish(wrench_msg)
def publishTagMarkers(tags, publisher): """Republishes the tag_markers topic""" SHIFT = 0.05 h = std_msgs.Header(, frame_id='map') ca = std_msgs.ColorRGBA(r=1, a=1) cb = std_msgs.ColorRGBA(g=1, a=1) ct = std_msgs.ColorRGBA(b=1, a=1) sa = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=0.1, y=0.5, z=0.5) sb = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=0.1, y=0.25, z=0.25) st = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=1, y=1, z=1) ma = visualization_msgs.MarkerArray() ma.markers.append( visualization_msgs.Marker( header=h, id=-1, action=visualization_msgs.Marker.DELETEALL)) for i, t in enumerate(tags): th = t['th_deg'] * math.pi / 180. q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, th) q = geometry_msgs.Quaternion(x=q[0], y=q[1], z=q[2], w=q[3]) ma.markers.append( visualization_msgs.Marker( header=h, id=i * 3, type=visualization_msgs.Marker.CUBE, action=visualization_msgs.Marker.ADD, pose=geometry_msgs.Pose( position=geometry_msgs.Point(x=t['x'], y=t['y']), orientation=q), scale=sa, color=ca)) ma.markers.append( visualization_msgs.Marker( header=h, id=i * 3 + 1, type=visualization_msgs.Marker.CUBE, action=visualization_msgs.Marker.ADD, pose=geometry_msgs.Pose( position=geometry_msgs.Point( x=t['x'] + SHIFT * math.cos(th), y=t['y'] + SHIFT * math.sin(th)), orientation=q), scale=sb, color=cb)) ma.markers.append( visualization_msgs.Marker( header=h, id=i * 3 + 2, type=visualization_msgs.Marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING, action=visualization_msgs.Marker.ADD, pose=geometry_msgs.Pose( position=geometry_msgs.Point(x=t[1], y=t[2], z=0.5), orientation=q), scale=st, color=ct, text=str(t['id']))) publisher.publish(ma)
def to_message(self): """Convert current data to a trajectory point message.""" p_msg = TrajectoryPointMsg() p_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(self.t) p_msg.pose.position = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*self.p) p_msg.pose.orientation = geometry_msgs.Quaternion(*self.q) p_msg.velocity.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*self.v) p_msg.velocity.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*self.w) p_msg.acceleration.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*self.a) p_msg.acceleration.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*self.alpha) return p_msg
def odometry_callback(self, msg): """Handle updated measured velocity callback.""" if not bool(self.config): return p = msg.pose.pose.position q = msg.pose.pose.orientation p = numpy.array([p.x, p.y, p.z]) q = numpy.array([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w]) if not self.initialized: # If this is the first callback: Store and hold latest pose. self.pos_des = p self.quat_des = q self.initialized = True # Compute control output: t = time_in_float_sec_from_msg(msg.header.stamp) # Position error e_pos_world = self.pos_des - p e_pos_body = transf.quaternion_matrix(q).transpose()[0:3, 0:3].dot( e_pos_world) # Error quaternion wrt body frame e_rot_quat = transf.quaternion_multiply(transf.quaternion_conjugate(q), self.quat_des) if numpy.linalg.norm(e_pos_world[0:2]) > 5.0: # special case if we are far away from goal: # ignore desired heading, look towards goal position heading = math.atan2(e_pos_world[1], e_pos_world[0]) quat_des = numpy.array( [0, 0, math.sin(0.5 * heading), math.cos(0.5 * heading)]) e_rot_quat = transf.quaternion_multiply( transf.quaternion_conjugate(q), quat_des) # Error angles e_rot = numpy.array(transf.euler_from_quaternion(e_rot_quat)) v_linear = self.pid_pos.regulate(e_pos_body, t) v_angular = self.pid_rot.regulate(e_rot, t) # Convert and publish vel. command: cmd_vel = geometry_msgs.Twist() cmd_vel.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=v_linear[0], y=v_linear[1], z=v_linear[2]) cmd_vel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=v_angular[0], y=v_angular[1], z=v_angular[2]) self.pub_cmd_vel.publish(cmd_vel)
def adjust_position(self): back_up_command = geometry_msgs.Twist(geometry_msgs.Vector3(-.5, 0, 0), geometry_msgs.Vector3(0, 0, 0)) rotate_command = geometry_msgs.Twist(geometry_msgs.Vector3(0, 0, 0), geometry_msgs.Vector3(0, 0, .6)) for _ in xrange(20): # IPython.embed() self._ros_cmd.publish(back_up_command) self.rate.sleep() for _ in xrange(30): self._ros_cmd.publish(rotate_command) self.rate.sleep() self._ros_cmd.publish(geometry_msgs.Twist())
def SendNavigationMessage(self, request, context): # TODO: This frame_id should be dynamically set from a config file. nav_header = std_msgs.msg.Header(frame_id="fosenkaia_NED", stamp=rospy.Time.from_sec( request.timeStamp)) position = geomsgs.Point() position.x = request.position.x position.y = request.position.y position.z = request.position.z orientation = geomsgs.Quaternion() orientation.x = request.orientation.x orientation.y = request.orientation.y orientation.z = request.orientation.z orientation.w = request.orientation.w pose_msg = geomsgs.PoseStamped(header=nav_header, pose=geomsgs.Pose( position=position, orientation=orientation)) pose_pub.publish(pose_msg) linear_vel = geomsgs.Vector3() linear_vel.x = request.linearVelocity.x linear_vel.y = request.linearVelocity.y linear_vel.z = request.linearVelocity.z angular_vel = geomsgs.Vector3() angular_vel.x = request.angularVelocity.x angular_vel.y = request.angularVelocity.y angular_vel.z = request.angularVelocity.z twist_msg = geomsgs.TwistStamped(header=nav_header, twist=geomsgs.Twist( linear=linear_vel, angular=angular_vel)) twist_pub.publish(twist_msg) transform = geomsgs.TransformStamped(header=nav_header, child_frame_id="vessel_center", transform=geomsgs.Transform( translation=position, rotation=orientation)) tf_pub.sendTransform(transform) return navigation_pb2.NavigationResponse(success=True)
def to_geometry_msg(self) -> geometry_msgs.Vector3: """To ROS geometry_msg. Returns: This vector as a geometry_msgs/Vector3 """ return geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z)
def from_dict(self, dict_, root=None): """ This function creates a XForm tree from a dictionary object :param dict_: The dictionary to create the XForm tree from :type dict_: dict :param root: The current root XForm of the tree :type root: XForm """ if not root: root = self dict_ = dict_[dict_.keys()[0]] for k, v in dict_.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): child = XForm(root, name=k, ref_frame=dict_[k]['ref_frame']) child.translation = gm_msg.Vector3( x=dict_[k]['translation'][0], y=dict_[k]['translation'][1], z=dict_[k]['translation'][2]) child.rotation = gm_msg.Quaternion(x=dict_[k]['rotation'][0], y=dict_[k]['rotation'][1], z=dict_[k]['rotation'][2], w=dict_[k]['rotation'][3]) self.from_dict(dict_[k], child)
def publish_dvl(self): """Publishes dvl sensor data - twist message, and array of 4 dvl velocities based off of ray orientations""" correlation = -1 header = Header(, frame_id='/world' ) vel_dvl_body = self.body.vectorFromWorld(self.body.getRelPointVel(self.dvl_position)) velocity_measurements = [] for ray in self.dvl_ray_orientations: velocity_measurements.append(VelocityMeasurement( direction=geometry.Vector3(*ray),, vel_dvl_body), correlation=correlation )) dvl_msg = VelocityMeasurements( header=header, velocity_measurements=velocity_measurements ) self.dvl_sensor_pub.publish(dvl_msg)
def draw_marker(self, ps, id=None, type=Marker.CUBE, ns='default_ns', rgba=(0, 1, 0, 1), scale=(.03, .03, .03), text='', duration=0): """ If markers aren't showing up, it's probably because the id's are being overwritten. Make sure to set the ids and namespace. """ if id is None: id = self.get_unused_id() marker = Marker(type=type, action=Marker.ADD) marker.ns = ns marker.header = ps.header marker.pose = ps.pose marker.scale = gm.Vector3(*scale) marker.color = stdm.ColorRGBA(*rgba) = id marker.text = text marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(duration) self.ids.add(id) return MarkerHandle(marker,
def odometry_callback(self, msg): """Handle updated measured velocity callback.""" if not bool(self.config): return q = msg.orientation q = numpy.array([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w]) if not self.initialized: # If this is the first callback: Store and hold latest pose. self.quat_des = q self.initialized = True # Compute control output: t = time_in_float_sec_from_msg(msg.header.stamp) # Error quaternion wrt body frame e_rot_quat = transf.quaternion_multiply(transf.quaternion_conjugate(q), self.quat_des) # Error angles e_rot = numpy.array(transf.euler_from_quaternion(e_rot_quat)) v_angular = self.pid_rot.regulate(e_rot, t) # Convert and publish vel. command: cmd_vel = geometry_msgs.Twist() cmd_vel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=v_angular[0], y=v_angular[1], z=v_angular[2]) self.pub_cmd_vel.publish(cmd_vel)
def make_pose_stamped(position, orientation, frame='/body'): wrench = geometry_msgs.WrenchStamped( header=make_header(frame), pose=geometry_msgs.Pose( force=geometry_msgs.Vector3(*position), orientation=geometry_msgs.Quaternion(*orientation))) return wrench
def to_message(self): """Convert current data to a trajectory point message. > *Returns* Trajectory point message as `uuv_control_msgs/TrajectoryPoint` """ p_msg = TrajectoryPointMsg() # FIXME Sometimes the time t stored is NaN p_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(self.t) p_msg.pose.position = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*self.p) p_msg.pose.orientation = geometry_msgs.Quaternion(*self.q) p_msg.velocity.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*self.v) p_msg.velocity.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*self.w) p_msg.acceleration.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*self.a) p_msg.acceleration.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*self.alpha) return p_msg
def __transform_from_pose_2d(ps): msg = gms.Transform() msg.translation = gms.Vector3(x=ps.x, y=ps.y, z=__HEIGHT) euler = (0.0, 0.0, ps.theta) qa = t3de.euler2quat(*euler) quat = gms.Quaternion(w=qa[0], x=qa[1], y=qa[2], z=qa[3]) msg.rotation = quat return msg
def publish_action_twist(self): v_w = self.domain.dynamics.setpoint_body.linearVelocity w_w = self.domain.dynamics.setpoint_body.angularVelocity a = self.domain.dynamics.grasp_body.angle m = tf.transformations.rotation_matrix(-a, [0, 0, 1])[0:2, 0:2] m *= (1.0 / self.domain.dynamics.simulation_scale) v_g =, v_w) v = geom_msg.Vector3(v_g[0], v_g[1], 0) w = geom_msg.Vector3(0, 0, w_w) ts = geom_msg.TwistStamped( std_msg.Header(None, self.get_domain_sim_time(), "grasp"), geom_msg.Twist(v, w)) self.action_twist_publisher.publish(ts)
def to_transform(pose, child_frame=None): if isinstance(pose, geometry_msgs.Pose2D): return geometry_msgs.Transform( geometry_msgs.Vector3(pose.x, pose.y, 0.0), quaternion_msg_from_yaw(pose.theta)) elif isinstance(pose, geometry_msgs.Pose): return geometry_msgs.Transform( geometry_msgs.Vector3(pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z), pose.orientation) elif isinstance(pose, geometry_msgs.PoseStamped): p = pose.pose tf = geometry_msgs.Transform( geometry_msgs.Vector3(p.position.x, p.position.y, p.position.z), p.orientation) return geometry_msgs.TransformStamped(pose.header, child_frame, tf) raise rospy.ROSException( "Input parameter pose is not a valid geometry_msgs pose object")
def cmd_vel_callback(msg): global pose_lock, saved_pose, last_time, new_time pose_lock.acquire() ps = cp.copy(saved_pose) pose_lock.release() #if last_time is None: # last_time = rp.get_rostime() #else: # last_time = cp.copy(new_time) #new_time = rp.get_rostime() #time_step = float(new_time.secs-last_time.secs) + 1e-9*np.float128(new_time.nsecs-last_time.nsecs) #rp.logwarn(new_time) #rp.logwarn(time_step) if ps is None: return twist = gms.Twist() translation = gms.Vector3() # if ps.position[0] <= XLIM[0] and msg.linear[0] <= 0.0: # twist.linear.x = 0.0 # translation.x = XLIM[0] # elif ps.position[0] >= XLIM[1] and msg.linear[0] >= 0.0: # twist.linear.x = 0.0 # translation.x = XLIM[1] # else: # twist.linear.x = msg.linear[0] # translation.x = ps.position[0] # if ps.position[1] <= YLIM[0] and msg.linear[1] <= 0.0: # twist.linear.y = 0.0 # translation.y = YLIM[0] # elif ps.position[1] >= YLIM[1] and msg.linear[1] >= 0.0: # twist.linear.y = 0.0 # translation.y = YLIM[1] # else: # twist.linear.y = msg.linear[1] # translation.y = ps.position[1] twist.linear.x = msg.linear[0] translation.x = ps.position[0] twist.linear.y = msg.linear[1] translation.y = ps.position[1] twist.linear.z = 0.0 twist.angular.z = msg.angular translation.z = ALTITUDE rot_mat = np.eye(4) rot_mat[0:2,0] = np.array(ps.orientation) rot_mat[0:2,1] = utl.ccws_perp(ps.orientation) quat = tft.quaternion_from_matrix(rot_mat) rotation = gms.Quaternion() rotation.x = quat[0] rotation.y = quat[1] rotation.z = quat[2] rotation.w = quat[3] transform = gms.Transform(translation, rotation) cmd_traj = tms.MultiDOFJointTrajectory() cmd_traj.points.append(tms.MultiDOFJointTrajectoryPoint()) cmd_traj.points[0].transforms.append(transform) cmd_traj.points[0].velocities.append(twist) cmd_traj_pub.publish(cmd_traj)
def publish_forcetorque(self): ft_w = self.domain.forcetorque_measurement f_w = ft_w[0:2] # this is ft measured in the physics simulation frame. # however, in real life, the sensor is mounted on the grasp frame. # so project the force into the rotated frame. a = self.domain.dynamics.grasp_body.angle m = tf.transformations.rotation_matrix(-a, [0, 0, 1])[0:2, 0:2] f_g =, f_w) f = geom_msg.Vector3(f_g[0], f_g[1], 0) t = geom_msg.Vector3(0, 0, ft_w[2]) ws = geom_msg.WrenchStamped( std_msg.Header(None, self.get_domain_sim_time(), "grasp"), geom_msg.Wrench(f, t)) self.forcetorque_publisher.publish(ws)
def list_to_vector3(list_): """ This function creates a Vector3 object from a position list :param list_: A list of x, y, z attributes :type list_: list :return: A Vector3 object :rtype: Vector3 """ return gm_msg.Vector3(x=list_[0], y=list_[1], z=list_[2])
def __init__(self, f1, f2, listener, color='black'): self.marker = VM.Marker() self.marker.type = VM.Marker.LINE_LIST self.marker.header.frame_id = "world" = hash(f1+f2)%(2**16) self.marker.scale = GM.Vector3(*(0.01,0.01,0.01)) self.set_color(color) self.listener = listener self.f1 = f1 self.f2 = f2 self.update_points()
def __init__(self, m): self.marker = VM.Marker() self.marker.type = VM.Marker.LINE_STRIP scale = m.scale.x/10.0 self.marker.scale = GM.Vector3(*(scale, scale, scale)) self.marker.header.frame_id = m.header.frame_id = hash( + self.marker.type)%(2**16) self.marker.color = m.color self.marker.color.a = 1.0 self.point_list = [] self.max_size = rospy.get_param('path_len', NUMBER_MESSAGES) self.update_path(m)
def publish_imu(self, dt): """Publishes imu sensor information - orientation, angular velocity, and linear acceleration""" orientation_matrix = self.pose[:3, :3] sigma = 0.01 noise = np.random.normal(0.0, sigma, 3) # Work on a better way to get this # We can't get this nicely from body.getForce() g = self.body.vectorFromWorld(self.g) # Get current velocity of IMU in body frame cur_vel = np.array(self.body.vectorFromWorld(self.body.getRelPointVel(self.imu_position))) linear_acc = - self.last_vel) / dt linear_acc += g + (noise * dt) # TODO: Fix frame angular_vel = + (noise * dt) header = sub8_utils.make_header(frame='/body') linear = geometry.Vector3(*linear_acc) angular = geometry.Vector3(*angular_vel) covariance = [sigma ** 2, 0., 0., 0., sigma ** 2, 0., 0., 0., sigma ** 2] orientation_covariance = [-1, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] imu_msg = Imu( header=header, angular_velocity=angular, angular_velocity_covariance=covariance, linear_acceleration=linear, linear_acceleration_covariance=covariance, orientation_covariance=orientation_covariance ) self.imu_sensor_pub.publish(imu_msg)
def create_marker(w): global id_count m = viz_msgs.Marker() m.header.frame_id = w['frame_id'] m.ns = w['name'] = id_count m.action = viz_msgs.Marker.ADD m.pose = create_geo_pose(w) m.scale = geometry_msgs.Vector3(1.0,0.3,0.3) m.color = std_msgs.ColorRGBA(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0) id_count = id_count + 1 return m
def odometry_callback(self, msg): """Handle updated measured velocity callback.""" if not bool(self.config): return p = msg.pose.pose.position q = msg.pose.pose.orientation p = numpy.array([p.x, p.y, p.z]) q = numpy.array([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w]) if not self.initialized: # If this is the first callback: Store and hold latest pose. self.pos_des = p self.quat_des = q self.initialized = True # Compute control output: t = msg.header.stamp.to_sec() # Position error wrt. body frame e_pos = trans.quaternion_matrix(q).transpose()[0:3, 0:3].dot(self.pos_des - p) # Error quaternion wrt body frame e_rot_quat = trans.quaternion_multiply(trans.quaternion_conjugate(q), self.quat_des) # Error angles e_rot = numpy.array(trans.euler_from_quaternion(e_rot_quat)) v_linear = self.pid_pos.regulate(e_pos, t) v_angular = self.pid_rot.regulate(e_rot, t) # Convert and publish vel. command: cmd_vel = geometry_msgs.Twist() cmd_vel.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*v_linear) cmd_vel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*v_angular) self.pub_cmd_vel.publish(cmd_vel)
def publish_imu(self, dt): """Publishes imu sensor information - orientation, angular velocity, and linear acceleration""" orientation_matrix = self.pose[:3, :3] sigma = 0.01 noise = np.random.normal(0.0, sigma, 3) linear_acc = - self.last_vel) / dt linear_acc += noise # TODO: Fix frame angular_vel = + noise header = Header(, frame_id='/world' ) linear = geometry.Vector3(*linear_acc) angular = geometry.Vector3(*angular_vel) covariance = [sigma ** 2, 0., 0., 0., sigma ** 2, 0., 0., 0., sigma ** 2] orientation_covariance = [-1, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] imu_msg = Imu( header=header, angular_velocity=angular, angular_velocity_covariance=covariance, linear_acceleration=linear, linear_acceleration_covariance=covariance, orientation_covariance=orientation_covariance ) self.imu_sensor_pub.publish(imu_msg)
def odometry_callback(self, msg): """Handle updated measured velocity callback.""" if not bool(self.config): return linear = msg.twist.twist.linear angular = msg.twist.twist.angular v_linear = numpy.array([linear.x, linear.y, linear.z]) v_angular = numpy.array([angular.x, angular.y, angular.z]) # Compute compute control output: t = msg.header.stamp.to_sec() e_v_linear = (self.v_linear_des - v_linear) e_v_angular = (self.v_angular_des - v_angular) a_linear = self.pid_linear.regulate(e_v_linear, t) a_angular = self.pid_angular.regulate(e_v_angular, t) # Convert and publish accel. command: cmd_accel = geometry_msgs.Accel() cmd_accel.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*a_linear) cmd_accel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*a_angular) self.pub_cmd_accel.publish(cmd_accel)