예제 #1
 def respond(*args, **kw):
     kw['content_type'] = 'text/html'
     return json_response(*args, **kw)
예제 #2
def annotations(req, mapid):
    '''management of annotations for a given mapid'''
    #todo cleanup and break apart
    if req.method == 'GET':
        cols = [
            'title', 'content', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'in_map',
            'in_timeline', 'appearance'

        mapobj = _resolve_object(req,
        ann = models.Annotation.objects.filter(map=mapid)
        ann = ann.order_by('start_time', 'end_time')
        if bool(req.GET.get('in_map', False)):
            ann = ann.filter(in_map=True)
        if bool(req.GET.get('in_timeline', False)):
            ann = ann.filter(in_timeline=True)
        if 'page' in req.GET:
            page = int(req.GET['page'])
            page_size = 25
            start = page * page_size
            end = start + page_size
            ann = ann[start:end]
        if 'csv' in req.GET:
            response = HttpResponse(mimetype='text/csv')
                'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=map-%s-annotations.csv' % mapobj.id
            response['Content-Encoding'] = 'utf-8'
            writer = csv.writer(response)
            sidx = cols.index('start_time')
            eidx = cols.index('end_time')
            # default csv writer chokes on unicode
            encode = lambda v: v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, basestring
                                                               ) else str(v)
            get_value = lambda a, c: getattr(a, c) if c not in (
                'start_time', 'end_time') else ''
            for a in ann:
                vals = [encode(get_value(a, c)) for c in cols]
                vals[sidx] = a.start_time_str
                vals[eidx] = a.end_time_str
            return response
        # strip the superfluous id, it will be added at the feature level
        props = [c for c in cols if c != 'id']

        def encoder(query_set):
            results = []
            for res in query_set:
                feature = {'id': res.id}
                if res.the_geom:
                    geometry = {}
                    geometry['type'] = res.the_geom.geom_type
                    geometry['coordinates'] = res.the_geom.coords
                    feature['geometry'] = geometry
                fp = feature['properties'] = {}
                for p in props:
                    val = getattr(res, p)
                    if val is not None:
                        fp[p] = val
            return results

        return json_response({
            'type': 'FeatureCollection',
            'features': encoder(ann)

    if req.method == 'POST':
        mapobj = _resolve_object(req,
        # either a bulk upload or a JSON change
        action = 'upsert'
        get_props = lambda r: r
        finish = lambda: None
        created = []
        form_mode = 'client'
        content_type = None
        overwrite = False
        error_format = None

        def id_collector(form):

        if req.FILES:
            fp = iter(req.FILES.values()).next()
            # ugh, builtin csv reader chokes on unicode
            data = unicode_csv_dict_reader(fp)
            id_collector = lambda f: None
            form_mode = 'csv'
            content_type = 'text/html'
            ids = list(
                    'id', flat=True))
            # delete existing, we overwrite
            finish = lambda: models.Annotation.objects.filter(id__in=ids
            overwrite = True

            def error_format(row_errors):
                response = []
                for re in row_errors:
                    row = re[0] + 1
                    for e in re[1]:
                        response.append('[%s] %s : %s' % (row, e, re[1][e]))
                return 'The following rows had problems:<ul><li>' + '</li><li>'.join(
                    response) + "</li></ul>"
            data = json.loads(req.body)
            if isinstance(data, dict):
                action = data.get('action', action)
            if 'features' in data:
                data = data.get('features')
                get_props = lambda r: r['properties']

        if action == 'delete':
            return json_response({'success': True})

        errors = []
        i = None
        for i, r in enumerate(data):
            props = get_props(r)
            props['map'] = mapobj.id
            ann = None
            id = r.get('id', None)
            if id and not overwrite:
                ann = models.Annotation.objects.get(map=mapobj, pk=id)

            # form expects everything in the props, copy geometry in
            if 'geometry' in r:
                props['geometry'] = r['geometry']
            props.pop('id', None)
            form = AnnotationForm(props, instance=ann, form_mode=form_mode)
            if not form.is_valid():
                errors.append((i, form.errors))
            if id is None:
        if i is None:
            errors = [(0, 'No data could be read')]
        if errors:
            body = None
            if error_format:
                return HttpResponse(error_format(errors), status=400)
            body = {'success': True}
            if created:
                body['ids'] = created
        return json_response(body=body,

    return HttpResponse(status=400)
예제 #3
def annotations(req, mapid):
    '''management of annotations for a given mapid'''
    #todo cleanup and break apart
    if req.method == 'GET':
        cols = [ f.name for f in models.Annotation._meta.fields if f.name not in ('map','the_geom') ]

        mapobj = _resolve_object(req, models.Map, 'maps.view_map',
                                 allow_owner=True, id=mapid)
        ann = models.Annotation.objects.filter(map=mapid)
        if bool(req.GET.get('in_map', False)):
            ann = ann.filter(in_map=True)
        if bool(req.GET.get('in_timeline', False)):
            ann = ann.filter(in_timeline=True)
        if 'page' in req.GET:
            page = int(req.GET['page'])
            page_size = 25
            start = page * page_size
            end = start + page_size
            ann = ann[start:end]
        if 'csv' in req.GET:
            response = HttpResponse(mimetype='text/csv')
            response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=map-%s-annotations.csv' % mapobj.id
            response['Content-Encoding'] = 'utf-8'
            writer = csv.writer(response)
            sidx = cols.index('start_time')
            eidx = cols.index('end_time')
            # default csv writer chokes on unicode
            encode = lambda v: v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, basestring) else v
            for a in ann:
                vals = [ encode(getattr(a, c)) for c in cols if c not in ('start_time','end_time')]
                vals[sidx] = a.start_time_str
                vals[eidx] = a.end_time_str
            return response
        # strip the superfluous id, it will be added at the feature level
        props = [ c for c in cols if c != 'id' ]
        def encoder(query_set):
            results = []
            for res in query_set:
                feature = { 'id' : res.id}
                if res.the_geom:
                    geometry = {}
                    geometry['type'] = res.the_geom.geom_type
                    geometry['coordinates'] = res.the_geom.coords
                    feature['geometry'] = geometry
                fp = feature['properties'] = {}
                for p in props:
                    val = getattr(res, p)
                    if val:
                        fp[p] = val
            return results

        return json_response({'type':'FeatureCollection','features':encoder(ann)})

    if req.method == 'POST':
        mapobj = _resolve_object(req, models.Map, 'maps.change_map',
                                 allow_owner=True, id=mapid)
        # either a bulk upload or a JSON change
        action = 'upsert'
        get_props = lambda r: r
        finish = lambda: None
        created = []
        form_mode = 'client'
        content_type = None
        overwrite = False
        error_format = None

        def id_collector(form):

        if req.FILES:
            fp = iter(req.FILES.values()).next()
            # ugh, builtin csv reader chokes on unicode
            data = unicode_csv_dict_reader(fp)
            id_collector = lambda f: None
            form_mode = 'csv'
            content_type = 'text/html'
            ids = list(models.Annotation.objects.filter(map=mapobj).values_list('id', flat=True))
            # delete existing, we overwrite
            finish = lambda: models.Annotation.objects.filter(id__in=ids).delete()
            overwrite = True
            def error_format(row_errors):
                response = []
                for re in row_errors:
                    row = re[0] + 1
                    for e in re[1]:
                        response.append('[%s] %s : %s' % (row, e, re[1][e]))
                return 'The following rows had problems:<ul><li>' + '</li><li>'.join(response) + "</li></ul>"
            data = json.loads(req.body)
            if isinstance(data, dict):
                action = data.get('action', action)
            if 'features' in data:
                data = data.get('features')
                get_props = lambda r: r['properties']

        if action == 'delete':
            models.Annotation.objects.filter(pk__in=data['ids'], map=mapobj).delete()
            return json_response({'success' : True})

        errors = []
        i = None
        for i,r in enumerate(data):
            props = get_props(r)
            props['map'] = mapobj.id
            ann = None
            id = r.get('id', None)
            if id and not overwrite:
                ann = models.Annotation.objects.get(map=mapobj, pk=id)

            # form expects everything in the props, copy geometry in
            if 'geometry' in r:
                props['geometry'] = r['geometry']
            props.pop('id', None)
            form = AnnotationForm(props, instance=ann, form_mode=form_mode)
            if not form.is_valid():
                errors.append((i, form.errors))
            if id is None:
        if i is None:
            errors = [ (0, 'No data could be read')]
        if errors:
            body = None
            if error_format:
                return HttpResponse(error_format(errors), status=400)
            body = {'success' : True}
            if created:
                body['ids'] = created
        return json_response(body=body, errors=errors, content_type=content_type)

    return HttpResponse(status=400)
예제 #4
파일: views.py 프로젝트: sourada/mapstory
 def respond(*args,**kw):
     kw['content_type'] = 'text/html'
     return json_response(*args,**kw)
예제 #5
파일: views.py 프로젝트: cholmes/mapstory
 def respond(*args, **kw):
     kw["content_type"] = "text/html"
     return json_response(*args, **kw)