예제 #1
 def test_astype(self):
     arr = from_shapely(self.geoms, crs=27700)
     df = GeoDataFrame({"col1": [0, 1]}, geometry=arr)
     df2 = df.astype({"col1": str})
     assert df2.crs == self.osgb
예제 #2
    def get_CoRegPoints_table(self):
        assert self.XY_points is not None and self.XY_mapPoints is not None

        # create a dataframe containing 'geometry','POINT_ID','X_IM','Y_IM','X_UTM','Y_UTM'
        # (convert imCoords to mapCoords
        XYarr2PointGeom = np.vectorize(lambda X, Y: Point(X, Y), otypes=[Point])
        geomPoints = np.array(XYarr2PointGeom(self.XY_mapPoints[:, 0], self.XY_mapPoints[:, 1]))

        if isLocal(self.COREG_obj.shift.prj):
            crs = None
        elif isProjectedOrGeographic(self.COREG_obj.shift.prj) == 'geographic':
            crs = dict(ellps='WGS84', datum='WGS84', proj='longlat')
        elif isProjectedOrGeographic(self.COREG_obj.shift.prj) == 'projected':
            UTMzone = abs(get_UTMzone(prj=self.COREG_obj.shift.prj))
            south = get_UTMzone(prj=self.COREG_obj.shift.prj) < 0
            crs = dict(ellps='WGS84', datum='WGS84', proj='utm', zone=UTMzone, south=south, units='m', no_defs=True)
            if not south:
                del crs['south']
            crs = None

        GDF = GeoDataFrame(index=range(len(geomPoints)), crs=crs,
                           columns=['geometry', 'POINT_ID', 'X_IM', 'Y_IM', 'X_UTM', 'Y_UTM'])
        GDF['geometry'] = geomPoints
        GDF['POINT_ID'] = range(len(geomPoints))
        GDF.loc[:, ['X_IM', 'Y_IM']] = self.XY_points
        GDF.loc[:, ['X_UTM', 'Y_UTM']] = self.XY_mapPoints

        # exclude offsite points and points on bad data mask
        GDF = self._exclude_bad_XYpos(GDF)
        if GDF.empty:
            self.CoRegPoints_table = GDF
            return self.CoRegPoints_table

        # choose a random subset of points if a maximum number has been given
        if self.max_points and len(GDF) > self.max_points:
            GDF = GDF.sample(self.max_points).copy()

        # equalize pixel grids in order to save warping time
        if len(GDF) > 100:
            # NOTE: actually grid res should be also changed here because self.shift.xgsd changes and grid res is
            # connected to that

        # validate reference and target image inputs
        assert self.ref.footprint_poly  # this also checks for mask_nodata and nodata value
        assert self.shift.footprint_poly

        # ensure the input arrays for CoReg are in memory -> otherwise the code will get stuck in multiprocessing if
        # neighboured matching windows overlap during reading from disk!!
            [self.COREG_obj.ref.band4match])  # only sets geoArr._arr_cache; does not change number of bands

        # get all variations of kwargs for coregistration
        list_coreg_kwargs = (self._get_coreg_kwargs(i, self.XY_mapPoints[i]) for i in GDF.index)  # generator

        # run co-registration for whole grid
        if self.CPUs is None or self.CPUs > 1:
            if not self.q:
                cpus = self.CPUs if self.CPUs is not None else multiprocessing.cpu_count()
                print("Calculating tie point grid (%s points) using %s CPU cores..." % (len(GDF), cpus))

            with multiprocessing.Pool(self.CPUs, initializer=mp_initializer, initargs=(self.ref, self.shift)) as pool:
                if self.q or not self.progress:
                    results = pool.map(self._get_spatial_shifts, list_coreg_kwargs)
                    results = pool.map_async(self._get_spatial_shifts, list_coreg_kwargs, chunksize=1)
                    bar = ProgressBar(prefix='\tprogress:')
                    while True:
                        # this does not really represent the remaining tasks but the remaining chunks
                        # -> thus chunksize=1
                        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
                        numberDone = len(GDF) - results._number_left
                        if self.progress:
                            bar.print_progress(percent=numberDone / len(GDF) * 100)
                        if results.ready():
                            # <= this is the line where multiprocessing can freeze if an exception appears within
                            # COREG ans is not raised
                            results = results.get()

            # declare global variables needed for self._get_spatial_shifts()
            global global_shared_imref, global_shared_im2shift
            global_shared_imref = self.ref
            global_shared_im2shift = self.shift

            if not self.q:
                print("Calculating tie point grid (%s points) on 1 CPU core..." % len(GDF))
            results = np.empty((len(geomPoints), 14), np.object)
            bar = ProgressBar(prefix='\tprogress:')
            for i, coreg_kwargs in enumerate(list_coreg_kwargs):
                if self.progress:
                    bar.print_progress((i + 1) / len(GDF) * 100)
                results[i, :] = self._get_spatial_shifts(coreg_kwargs)

        # merge results with GDF
        # NOTE: We use a pandas.DataFrame here because the geometry column is missing.
        #       GDF.astype(...) fails with geopandas>0.6.0 if the geometry columns is missing.
        records = DataFrame(results,
                            columns=['POINT_ID', 'X_WIN_SIZE', 'Y_WIN_SIZE', 'X_SHIFT_PX', 'Y_SHIFT_PX', 'X_SHIFT_M',
                                     'Y_SHIFT_M', 'ABS_SHIFT', 'ANGLE', 'SSIM_BEFORE', 'SSIM_AFTER',
                                     'SSIM_IMPROVED', 'RELIABILITY', 'LAST_ERR'])

        # merge DataFrames (dtype must be equal to records.dtypes; We need np.object due to None values)
        GDF = GDF.astype(np.object).merge(records.astype(np.object), on='POINT_ID', how="inner")
        GDF = GDF.replace([np.nan, None], int(self.outFillVal))  # fillna fails with geopandas==0.6.0
        GDF.crs = crs  # gets lost when using GDF.astype(np.object), so we have to reassign that

        if not self.q:
            print("Found %s matches." % len(GDF[GDF.LAST_ERR == int(self.outFillVal)]))

        # filter tie points according to given filter level
        if self.tieP_filter_level > 0:
            if not self.q:
                print('Performing validity checks...')
            TPR = Tie_Point_Refiner(GDF[GDF.ABS_SHIFT != self.outFillVal], **self.outlDetect_settings)
            GDF_filt, new_columns = TPR.run_filtering(level=self.tieP_filter_level)
            GDF = GDF.merge(GDF_filt[['POINT_ID'] + new_columns], on='POINT_ID', how="outer")

        GDF = GDF.replace([np.nan, None], int(self.outFillVal))  # fillna fails with geopandas==0.6.0

        self.CoRegPoints_table = GDF

        if not self.q:
            if GDF.empty:
                warnings.warn('No valid GCPs could by identified.')
                if self.tieP_filter_level > 0:
                    print("%d valid tie points remain after filtering." % len(GDF[GDF.OUTLIER.__eq__(False)]))

        return self.CoRegPoints_table