def test_sankey(self): gplt.sankey(path=list_paths, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(), edgecolor='white') gplt.sankey(path=list_paths, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(), color='white') gplt.sankey(path=list_paths, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(), linewidth=1) gplt.sankey(path=list_paths, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(), linestyle='--')
def test_sankey(self, projection, hue_vars, scale_vars, legend_vars, data_kwargs): kwargs = {'projection': projection} kwargs = { **kwargs, **hue_vars, **scale_vars, **legend_vars, **data_kwargs } try: gplt.sankey(network, **kwargs) finally: plt.close()
def pretty_plot(gg: GeoDataFrame, islands: GeoDataFrame, poly_viewsheds: GeoDataFrame, save_figure_to: str, proj=PROJECTION): x = gg[gg.apply(lambda x: not x.is_empty and x.area > 1e-9)] xa = GeoDataFrame(x.centroid, geometry=0, xa.columns = ['geometry'] xa_tmp = xa.reset_index() xa_tmp['idx'] = xa_tmp.apply(lambda y: (y.idx_a, y.idx_b), axis=1) xa_tmp['idx_other'] = xa_tmp.apply(lambda y: (y.idx_b, y.idx_a), axis=1) xa_tmp = xa_tmp.set_index('idx') paths = xa_tmp.join(xa_tmp, on='idx_other', lsuffix='_ab', rsuffix='_ba') paths = paths[paths.apply(lambda y: y.geometry_ab is not np.nan and y.geometry_ba is not np.nan, axis=1)] ax = gplt.polyplot( islands, projection=proj, figsize=(20, 20), color='darkgray' ) gplt.polyplot( poly_viewsheds, projection=proj, ax=ax, linewidth=0, facecolor='lightgray', alpha=0.3 ) gplt.polyplot( x, projection=proj, ax=ax, linewidth=0, facecolor='red', alpha=0.3 ) gplt.sankey( paths, start='geometry_ab', end='geometry_ba', ax=ax, projection=proj, alpha=0.05, rasterized=False ) plt.savefig(save_figure_to)
`the matplotlib documentation <>`_. `Click here <>`_ to see an interactive scrolly-panny version of this webmap built with ``mplleaflet``. To learn more about ``mplleaflet``, refer to `the mplleaflet GitHub repo <>`_. """ import geopandas as gpd import geoplot as gplt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mplleaflet from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap napoleon_troop_movements = gpd.read_file( gplt.datasets.get_path('napoleon_troop_movements')) colors = [(215 / 255, 193 / 255, 126 / 255), (37 / 255, 37 / 255, 37 / 255)] cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('minard', colors) gplt.sankey(napoleon_troop_movements, scale='survivors', limits=(0.5, 45), hue='direction', cmap=cm) fig = plt.gcf() plt.savefig("minard-napoelon-russia.png", bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) # Uncomment and run the following line of code to save as an interactive webmap. # mplleaflet.save_html(fig, fileobj='minard-napoleon-russia.html')
# Shape the data. troop_positions = pd.read_fwf("../../data/napoloen/troops.txt") troop_positions = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data=troop_positions, geometry=troop_positions\ .apply(lambda srs: Point(srs['long'], srs['lat']), axis='columns')) subsrs = [] for a, b in zip(range(len(troop_positions) - 1), range(1, len(troop_positions))): srs = troop_positions.iloc[b] srs = srs.rename({'geometry': 'from'}) srs['to'] = troop_positions.iloc[a].geometry subsrs.append(srs) troop_movements = pd.concat(subsrs, axis=1).T troop_movements = troop_movements[['survivors', 'direction', 'group', 'from', 'to']] troop_movements['direction'] = d: 0 if d == 'A' else 1) # Plot the data. # We'll use a custom colormap, to match the one that Minard uses. from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap colors = [(215/255, 193/255, 126/255), (37/255, 37/255, 37/255)] cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('minard', colors) gplt.sankey(troop_movements, start='from', end='to', scale='survivors', limits=(0.5, 45), hue='direction', categorical=True, cmap=cm) fig = plt.gcf() mplleaflet.save_html(fig, fileobj='minard-napoleon-russia.html')
""" Sankey of traffic volumes in Washington DC ========================================== This example plots `annual average daily traffic volume <>`_ in Washington DC. """ import geopandas as gpd import geoplot as gplt import as gcrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dc_roads = gpd.read_file(gplt.datasets.get_path('dc_roads')) gplt.sankey(dc_roads, projection=gcrs.AlbersEqualArea(), scale='aadt', limits=(0.1, 10), color='black') plt.title("Streets in Washington DC by Average Daily Traffic, 2015") plt.savefig("dc-street-network.png", bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)
# Load the data (uses the `quilt` package). import geopandas as gpd from import geoplot_data troop_movements = gpd.read_file(geoplot_data.napoleon_troop_movements()) troop_movements['from'] = v: v[0]) troop_movements['to'] = v: v[1]) # Plot the data. We'll use a custom colormap, to match the one that Minard uses. import geoplot as gplt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mplleaflet from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap colors = [(215 / 255, 193 / 255, 126 / 255), (37 / 255, 37 / 255, 37 / 255)] cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('minard', colors) gplt.sankey(troop_movements, start='from', end='to', scale='survivors', limits=(0.5, 45), hue='direction', categorical=True, cmap=cm) fig = plt.gcf() mplleaflet.save_html(fig, fileobj='minard-napoleon-russia.html')
x = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': []}) for idx1, row1 in gdf.iterrows(): for idx2, row2 in gdf.iterrows(): if idx1 == idx2: continue if row1['district_id'] == 5 or row2['district_id'] == 5: continue dist = geodesic((row2['lat'], row2['lon']), (row1['lat'], row1['lon'])).km if dist <= 40: line = LineString( ([Point(row1['lon'], row1['lat']), Point(row2['lon'], row2['lat'])])) x.loc[len(x)] = [line] # plot ax3 = gplt.sankey(x, figsize=(30, 30)) gplt.sankey(x2, ax=ax3, color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) gplt.polyplot(district_df, ax=ax3) gplt.pointplot(rec, ax=ax3, color=[0, 1, 0]) gplt.pointplot(gdf, ax=ax3) c = [1, 0, 0] gplt.pointplot(gdf_hq, ax=ax3, color=c) # label labs and hq plt.rc('font', size=10) for idx, row in gdf.iterrows(): if row['district_id'] != 5: plt.text(s=row['id'], x=row['lon'], y=row['lat']) for idx, row in district_df.iterrows(): pt = row['geometry'].centroid lmao = pd.read_csv('../data/districts_data_v0.csv')
# This script demonstrates using the cartopy feature interface alongside geoplot. # For more information visit # Fetch the data. Note: this script doesn't actually work! For the moment. airline_city_pairs = pd.read_csv('../../data/world_flights/flights.csv', index_col=0) # Plot the data. f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12), subplot_kw={ 'projection': gcrs.Orthographic(central_latitude=40.7128, central_longitude=-74.0059) }) plt.suptitle('Popular Flights out of Los Angeles, 2016', fontsize=16) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) ax = gplt.sankey(airline_city_pairs.query('Origin == "Los Angeles, CA"'), start='Starting Point', end='Ending Point', projection=gcrs.Orthographic(), scale='PASSENGERS', hue='PASSENGERS', cmap='Purples', ax=axarr[0][0]) ax.set_global() ax.outline_patch.set_visible(True) ax.coastlines() ax = gplt.sankey(airline_city_pairs.query('Origin == "Los Angeles, CA"'), start='Starting Point', end='Ending Point', projection=gcrs.Orthographic(), scale='PASSENGERS', hue='PASSENGERS', cmap='Purples', ax=axarr[0][1]) ax.set_global() ax.outline_patch.set_visible(True) ax.stock_img() ax = gplt.sankey(airline_city_pairs.query('Origin == "Los Angeles, CA"'), start='Starting Point', end='Ending Point', projection=gcrs.Orthographic(), scale='PASSENGERS', hue='PASSENGERS', cmap='Purples', ax=axarr[1][0]) ax.set_global() ax.outline_patch.set_visible(True) ax.gridlines()
f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12), subplot_kw={ 'projection': gcrs.Orthographic(central_latitude=40.7128, central_longitude=-74.0059) }) plt.suptitle('Popular Flights out of Los Angeles, 2016', fontsize=16) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) ax = gplt.sankey(la_flights, start='start', end='end', projection=gcrs.Orthographic(), scale='Passengers', hue='Passengers', cmap='Purples', ax=axarr[0][0]) ax.set_global() ax.outline_patch.set_visible(True) ax.coastlines() ax = gplt.sankey(la_flights, start='start', end='end', projection=gcrs.Orthographic(), scale='Passengers', hue='Passengers', cmap='Purples', ax=axarr[0][1])
# Load the data (uses the `quilt` package). import geopandas as gpd from import geoplot_data dc = gpd.read_file(geoplot_data.dc_roads()) # Plot the data. import geoplot as gplt import as gcrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = gplt.sankey(dc, path=dc.geometry, projection=gcrs.AlbersEqualArea(), scale='aadt', limits=(0.1, 10)) plt.title("Streets in Washington DC by Average Daily Traffic, 2015") plt.savefig("dc-street-network.png", bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)
def test_sankey(self): try: gplt.sankey(start=map_start_points(), end=map_end_points()) gplt.sankey(start=map_start_points(), end=map_end_points()) gplt.sankey(start=list_start_points, end=list_end_points) gplt.sankey(start=list_start_points, end=list_end_points) gplt.sankey(start=series_start_points, end=series_end_points) gplt.sankey(start=series_start_points, end=series_end_points) gplt.sankey(start=map_start_points(), end=map_end_points()) gplt.sankey(start=map_start_points(), end=map_end_points()) gplt.sankey(dataframe_gaussian_points, start='starts', end='ends') gplt.sankey(path=list_paths) gplt.sankey(path=series_paths) gplt.sankey(path=map_paths()) gplt.sankey(dataframe_gaussian_points, path='paths') finally: plt.close('all')
data_df, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(data_df.lon, # get district hqs and data gdf_hq = pd.read_csv('../data/districts_data_v0.csv') gdf_hq = gpd.GeoDataFrame( gdf_hq, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(gdf_hq.lon, # get labs nearer than 40 km x = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': []}) for idx1, row1 in gdf.iterrows(): for idx2, row2 in gdf.iterrows(): if idx1 == idx2: continue if row1['district_id'] == 5 and row2['district_id'] == 5: continue dist = geodesic((row2['lat'], row2['lon']), (row1['lat'], row1['lon'])).km if dist <= 40: line = LineString( ([Point(row1['lon'], row1['lat']), Point(row2['lon'], row2['lat'])])) x.loc[len(x)] = [line] # plot ax = gplt.polyplot(district_df) gplt.pointplot(gdf, ax=ax) c = [1, 0, 0] gplt.pointplot(gdf_hq, ax=ax, color=c) gplt.sankey(x, ax=ax)
la_flights = gpd.read_file(gplt.datasets.get_path('la_flights')) f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12), subplot_kw={ 'projection': gcrs.Orthographic(central_latitude=40.7128, central_longitude=-74.0059) }) plt.suptitle('Popular Flights out of Los Angeles, 2016', fontsize=16) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) ax = gplt.sankey(la_flights, scale='Passengers', hue='Passengers', cmap='Purples', k=5, ax=axarr[0][0]) ax.set_global() ax.outline_patch.set_visible(True) ax.coastlines() ax = gplt.sankey(la_flights, scale='Passengers', hue='Passengers', cmap='Purples', k=5, ax=axarr[0][1]) ax.set_global() ax.outline_patch.set_visible(True) ax.stock_img()
import sys sys.path.insert(0, '../') import geoplot as gplt import as gcrs import geopandas as gpd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # The data being used here is the DC portion of the Federal Highway Administration's roadway traffic volume # shapefiles, retrieved from The AADT column of # interest here is the FHA's traffic volume estimates. # Load the data. dc = gpd.read_file("../../data/us_roads/District_Sections.shp") # Plot the data. ax = gplt.sankey(dc, path=dc.geometry, projection=gcrs.AlbersEqualArea(), scale='aadt', limits=(0.1, 10)) plt.title("Streets in Washington DC by Average Daily Traffic, 2015") plt.savefig("largest-cities-usa.png", bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)
) # Plot the data. import geoplot as gplt import as gcrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cartopy f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12), subplot_kw={ 'projection': gcrs.Orthographic(central_latitude=40.7128, central_longitude=-74.0059) }) plt.suptitle('Popular Flights out of Los Angeles, 2016', fontsize=16) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) ax = gplt.sankey(la_flights, start='start', end='end', projection=gcrs.Orthographic(), scale='Passengers', hue='Passengers', cmap='Purples', ax=axarr[0][0]) ax.set_global() ax.outline_patch.set_visible(True) ax.coastlines() ax = gplt.sankey(la_flights, start='start', end='end', projection=gcrs.Orthographic(), scale='Passengers', hue='Passengers', cmap='Purples', ax=axarr[0][1]) ax.set_global() ax.outline_patch.set_visible(True) ax.stock_img() ax = gplt.sankey(la_flights, start='start', end='end', projection=gcrs.Orthographic(), scale='Passengers', hue='Passengers', cmap='Purples', ax=axarr[1][0]) ax.set_global() ax.outline_patch.set_visible(True) ax.gridlines()