def main(): """ Extracts latitude and longitude from the JSON feed, converts the list of dictionaries to a dataframe and then plot the coordinates via GeoPlotLib """ url = "" json_obj = get_json(url) entire_report_dictionary = json_loads_to_dictionary(json_obj) number_of_records, id_lon_lat = extract_records(entire_report_dictionary)[ 0], extract_records(entire_report_dictionary)[1] print("writing to file\n") with open('id_coordinates.csv', 'wt') as textiowrapper: textiowrapper.writelines('name,lon,lat\n') for i in range(number_of_records): x = 0 id_num = str(id_lon_lat[i][x]) lon = str(id_lon_lat[i][x + 1]) lat = str(id_lon_lat[i][x + 2]) s = id_num + ',' + lon + ',' + lat textiowrapper.writelines(s + '\n') del x textiowrapper.close() print("done writing to file\n") print("mapping the data\n") data = read_csv('id_coordinates.csv')
def getHistogramOfMatches(self): #self.updateLocationDataFile() data = read_csv(self.location_data) print(data) geoplotlib.hist(data, colorscale='sqrt', binsize=8)
def getDelaunayTriangulation(self): #self.updateLocationDataFile() data = read_csv(self.location_data) print(data) geoplotlib.delaunay(data, cmap='hot_r')
def getHeatmapOfMatches(self): #self.updateLocationDataFile() data = read_csv(self.location_data) print(data) geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=[5, 5])
def geo_dot(file): # file must have at top: name,lat,lon """ Renders a geo dot graph :param file: path to file :return: saves image to temp/map.png """ data = read_csv(file), point_size=3) # geoplotlib.savefig('temp/map')
def geo_spatial(file): """ Renders a geo spatial graph :param file: path to file :return: saves image to temp/spatial.png """ data = read_csv(file) geoplotlib.graph(data, src_lat='lat_departure', src_lon='lon_departure', dest_lat='lat_arrival', dest_lon='lon_arrival', color='hot_r', alpha=16, linewidth=2) # geoplotlib.savefig('temp/spatial')
def test_graph(): import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv movement_data = read_csv('./data/graph_movement.csv') geoplotlib.graph(movement_data, src_lat='SourceLat', src_lon='SourceLon', dest_lat='TargetLat', dest_lon='TargetLon', alpha=80, linewidth=2, color='inferno', color_by='Weight', levels=10)
def __init__(self): = read_csv('data/taxi.csv') =['taxi_id'] == list(set(['taxi_id']))[2]) self.t =['timestamp'].min() self.painter = BatchPainter()
#convert list with [phi, lambda, h] to [name, lat, lon] Locations.append([Sname, deg(series[0].pos[0]), deg(series[0].pos[1])]) #path to SLOCs.csv os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) #empty SLOCs.csv f = open("SLOCs.csv", "w+") f.close() #write csv to be read by geoplotlib with open('SLOCs.csv', mode='w', newline='') as SLOCs: SLOCs = csv.writer(SLOCs, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) SLOCs.writerow(['name', 'lat', 'lon']) for station in Locations: SLOCs.writerow([station[0], station[1], station[2]]) #plot stations Plotdata = read_csv('SLOCs.csv') gp.set_bbox(BoundingBox(north=9, west=110, south=1, east=95)), color='red', point_size=2) gp.labels(Plotdata, 'name', color='black', font_size=8, anchor_x='center') gp.tiles_provider('positron') '{Z}/row{Y}/{Z}_{X}-{Y}.jpg' #ToDo: change tile to map from the web (url above)
""" Example of voronoi layer with filled area """ import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv, BoundingBox data = read_csv('data/bus.csv') geoplotlib.voronoi(data, cmap='Blues_r', max_area=1e5, alpha=255, f_tooltip=lambda d: d['name']) geoplotlib.set_bbox(BoundingBox.DK)
import sys import numpy import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv, BoundingBox from geoplotlib.colors import ColorMap data = read_csv('data/out_FL.csv') #TODO: apply filtering here rather than when making the csv bb = BoundingBox.from_points(lons=data['lon'], lats=data['lat']) #TODO: utilize layers #mark the station locations, color=[0, 0, 0, 255]) #TODO: show based on zoom level #geoplotlib.labels(data,'Station Name (LEA)', color=[150,150,190,255], font_size=9, anchor_x='center') #geoplotlib.voronoi(data, cmap='Blues_r', max_area=8e3, alpha=200, f_tooltip=lambda d:d['Station Name (LEA)'] ) geoplotlib.kde(data, cmap='Blues_r', bw=10, cut_below=1e-4, scaling='lin') #geoplotlib.delaunay(data,cmap='hot_r') ##post geoplotlib.set_bbox(bb) geoplotlib.set_smoothing(True)
""" Multiple examples of kernel density estimation visualization """ import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv, BoundingBox, DataAccessObject data = read_csv('data/opencellid_dk.csv') geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=[5, 5], cut_below=1e-6) # lowering clip_above changes the max value in the color scale #geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=[5,5], cut_below=1e-6, clip_above=1) # different bandwidths #geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=[20,20], cmap='coolwarm', cut_below=1e-6) #geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=[2,2], cmap='coolwarm', cut_below=1e-6) # linear colorscale #geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=[5,5], cmap='jet', cut_below=1e-6, scaling='lin') geoplotlib.set_bbox(BoundingBox.DK)
# Simple use of Geoplotlib # Python v 3.6 # 5/15/2018 import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv data = read_csv('data/mtb_ride_data.csv')
f = open("VLOCs.csv", "w+") f.close() #write csv to be read by geoplotlib with open('VLOCs.csv', mode='w', newline='') as VLOCs: VLOCs = csv.writer(VLOCs, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) VLOCs.writerow(['name', 'S_lat', 'S_lon', 'D_lat', 'D_lon']) for station in Locations: VLOCs.writerow([station[0], station[1], station[2], station[3], station[4]]) #empty SLOCs.csv f = open("SLOCs.csv", "w+") f.close() #write csv to be read by geoplotlib with open('SLOCs.csv', mode='w', newline='') as SLOCs: SLOCs = csv.writer(SLOCs, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) SLOCs.writerow(['name', 'lat', 'lon']) for station in Locations: SLOCs.writerow([station[0], station[1], station[2]]) #plot stations Plotdata1 = read_csv('VLOCs.csv') Plotdata2 = read_csv('SLOCs.csv') gp.set_bbox(BoundingBox(north=9, west=110, south=1, east=95)) gp.graph(Plotdata1, 'S_lat', 'S_lon', 'D_lat', 'D_lon', linewidth=2, color='Blues'), color='blue', point_size=3) gp.labels(Plotdata2, 'name', color='black', font_size=8, anchor_x='center') gp.tiles_provider('positron')
""" Example of delaunay triangulation """ from geoplotlib.layers import DelaunayLayer import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv, BoundingBox data = read_csv('data/test_map2.csv') geoplotlib.delaunay(data, cmap='hot_r') geoplotlib.set_bbox(BoundingBox.DK) geoplotlib.set_smoothing(True)
def __init__(self): = read_csv('data/taxi.csv') self.cmap = colorbrewer(['taxi_id'], alpha=220) self.t =['timestamp'].min() self.painter = BatchPainter()
# The p-value in this case is 0.7716, which is Bigger than the standard thresholds of 0.05 or 0.01, so we accept the null hypothesis and we can say there isn't any statistically significant difference between the daily average per day of the week and the general daily average. # # Geo-Plot : All crimes - 2017 # In[116]: data = crime_data_2017_DF.loc[crime_data_2017_DF['Resolved'] == 'Resolved',['Category','X','Y']] data = data.rename(columns={"Category":"name", "X":"lon", "Y":"lat"}) data.to_csv("../data/GraphData_2017.csv", encoding="utf-8", index=False) data.head() data = read_csv('../data/GraphData_2017.csv') # In[117]: geoplotlib.savefig('../plot/22.AllCrimes_2017') # # Map plot for Unresolved Arson : 2017 vs. 2016 (using Folium) # In[118]:
def __init__(self): = read_csv('SLOCs.csv') self.cmap = colorbrewer(['name'], alpha=220) self.t =['timestamp'].min() self.painter = BatchPainter()
""" Example of spatial graph """ import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv data = read_csv('./data/flights.csv') geoplotlib.graph(data, src_lat='lat_departure', src_lon='lon_departure', dest_lat='lat_arrival', dest_lon='lon_arrival', color='hot_r', alpha=16, linewidth=2)
""" Multiple examples of kernel density estimation visualization """ import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv, BoundingBox, DataAccessObject data = read_csv('data/opencellid_dk.csv') geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=5, cut_below=1e-4) # lowering clip_above changes the max value in the color scale #geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=5, cut_below=1e-4, clip_above=.1) # different bandwidths #geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=20, cmap='PuBuGn', cut_below=1e-4) #geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=2, cmap='PuBuGn', cut_below=1e-4) # linear colorscale #geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=5, cmap='jet', cut_below=1e-4, scaling='lin') geoplotlib.set_bbox(BoundingBox.KBH)
) schools = df.School data = [go.Bar(x=df.School, y=df.Gap)] py.iplot(data, filename='jupyter-basic_bar') # # geoplotlib # In[ ]: import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv data = read_csv('bus.csv') # # Direct plotting # In[116]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(200, 6), index=pd.date_range('1/9/2009', periods=200), columns=list('ABCDEF')) df.plot(figsize=(20, 10)).legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
from math import degrees from geoplotlib.colors import colorbrewer from geoplotlib.utils import epoch_to_str, BoundingBox, read_csv if __name__ == "__main__": path = sys.argv[1] files = os.listdir(path) stations = [] for file in files: stations.append(parse_binary_llh(path + '/' + file)[0]) print(stations[-1].name) file = open('tmp.csv', 'w') file.write('name,lat,lon\n') for stat in stations: name, lon, lat = (, degrees(stat.pos[0]), degrees(stat.pos[1])) print(name, lon, lat) file.write(','.join([name, str(lon), str(lat)]) + '\n') file.close() data = read_csv('tmp.csv') print(type(data)) geoplotlib.delaunay(data, cmap="hot_r") geoplotlib.labels(data, 'name', color=[0, 0, 255, 255], font_size=10, anchor_x='center')
import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv data = read_csv('test_map2.csv')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv, BoundingBox import sys args = sys.argv if len(args) != 2: sys.exit(f"usage: ./{args[0]} /path/to/.csv") data = read_csv(args[1]) geoplotlib.kde(data, 5, cut_below=1e-4, show_colorbar=False) geoplotlib.set_bbox(BoundingBox.USA)
""" Example of voronoi layer with filled area """ import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv, BoundingBox data = read_csv("data/bus.csv") geoplotlib.voronoi(data, cmap="Blues_r", max_area=1e5, alpha=255, f_tooltip=lambda d: d["name"]) geoplotlib.set_bbox(BoundingBox.DK)
""" Example of delaunay triangulation """ from geoplotlib.layers import DelaunayLayer import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv, BoundingBox data = read_csv('data/bus.csv') geoplotlib.delaunay(data, cmap='hot_r') geoplotlib.set_bbox(BoundingBox.DK) geoplotlib.set_smoothing(True)
import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.colors import colorbrewer from geoplotlib.utils import epoch_to_str, BoundingBox, read_csv data = read_csv('./data/metro.csv'), 'r') geoplotlib.labels(data, 'name', color=[0,0,255,255], font_size=10, anchor_x='center') geoplotlib.set_bbox(BoundingBox.KBH)
#!/usr/bin/env python2 import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv, BoundingBox, DataAccessObject data = read_csv('filtered_lonlat.csv') #, color=[0,0,0], point_size=1.5) geoplotlib.kde(data, bw=10, cmap='PuBuGn', cut_below=1e-4, clip_above=1e-2, alpha=180) geoplotlib.graph(read_csv('group0.csvgraph.csv'), src_lat='flat', src_lon='flon', dest_lat='tlat', dest_lon='tlon', color=[0,0,0], linewidth=2) geoplotlib.graph(read_csv('group1.csvgraph.csv'), src_lat='flat', src_lon='flon', dest_lat='tlat', dest_lon='tlon', color=[0,255,0], linewidth=2) geoplotlib.graph(read_csv('group2.csvgraph.csv'), src_lat='flat', src_lon='flon', dest_lat='tlat', dest_lon='tlon', color=[128,0,128], linewidth=2) geoplotlib.kde(read_csv('chokepoints.csv'), bw=10, cmap='hot', cut_below=1e-4, clip_above=1e-2, alpha=180) bbox = BoundingBox(north=25.7188,west=-80.280,south=25.711,east=-80.280) geoplotlib.set_bbox(bbox) geoplotlib.set_window_size(1400, 1600) #geoplotlib.set_window_size(700, 800) geoplotlib.tiles_provider('toner') geoplotlib.set_smoothing(True) geoplotlib.savefig('output')
import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.colors import colorbrewer from geoplotlib.utils import epoch_to_str, BoundingBox, read_csv data = read_csv('./data/metro.csv'), 'r') geoplotlib.labels(data, 'name', color=[0, 0, 255, 255], font_size=10, anchor_x='center') geoplotlib.set_bbox(BoundingBox.KBH)
#Scipy example of curve fitting noisy data np.random.seed(0) x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 2000) y = np.cos(x) + 0.3*np.random.rand(2000) p =, y, 90) t = np.linspace(-1, 1, 200) plt.plot(x, y, 'r.') plt.plot(t, p(t), 'k-', lw=3) #geoplot example of mapping patterns according to flight paths data = read_csv('flights.csv') geoplotlib.graph(data, src_lat='lat_departure', src_lon='lon_departure', dest_lat='lat_arrival', dest_lon='lon_arrival', color='hot_r', alpha=16, linewidth=2) # 3D plotting and visualization of signals using numpy np.random.seed(1) N = 70
#!/usr/bin/env python2 import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv, BoundingBox data = read_csv('./network_density.csv') geoplotlib.voronoi(data, line_color='b', line_width=1) geoplotlib.set_bbox(BoundingBox.DK)
""" Example of rendering markers """ import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv metro = read_csv('./data/metro.csv') s_tog = read_csv('./data/s-tog.csv') geoplotlib.markers(metro, 'data/m.png', f_tooltip=lambda r: r['name']) geoplotlib.markers(s_tog, 'data/s-tog.png', f_tooltip=lambda r: r['name'])
#!/usr/bin/env python2 import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.utils import read_csv data = read_csv('ui_network_density.csv')
import geoplotlib from geoplotlib.colors import colorbrewer from geoplotlib.utils import epoch_to_str, BoundingBox, read_csv data = read_csv('agentTest.csv') plot points, 'b') # plot the heatmap #geoplotlib.hist(data, colorscale='sqrt', binsize=4) #