def get_reference_address_location(self):
     """ get Lat/Lng coordinates for the address currently used as reference address by the WebGeocoder instance """
     from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim as nom  #
     geolocator = nom(user_agent='pnj-python-web-geocoder')
     address, (latitude,
               longitude) = geolocator.geocode(self.get_reference_address())
     return (latitude, longitude)  # return just the lat & lng, in a tuple
예제 #2
def count_number_of_labels_per_postcode(unieke_postcodes, unieke_energielabels,
    number_of_energielabels_per_postcode = np.zeros(
        (len(unieke_postcodes), len(unieke_energielabels)))
    geolocator = nom()
    for a in range(len(relevant_data)):
        for i in range(len(unieke_postcodes)):
            if relevant_data[a, 0] == unieke_postcodes[i]:
                if relevant_data[a, 1] == 'A':
                    number_of_energielabels_per_postcode[i, 0] += 1
                elif relevant_data[a, 1] == 'A+':
                    number_of_energielabels_per_postcode[i, 1] += 1
                elif relevant_data[a, 1] == 'A++':
                    number_of_energielabels_per_postcode[i, 2] += 1
                elif relevant_data[a, 1] == 'B':
                    number_of_energielabels_per_postcode[i, 3] += 1
                elif relevant_data[a, 1] == 'C':
                    number_of_energielabels_per_postcode[i, 4] += 1
                elif relevant_data[a, 1] == 'D':
                    number_of_energielabels_per_postcode[i, 5] += 1
                elif relevant_data[a, 1] == 'E':
                    number_of_energielabels_per_postcode[i, 6] += 1
                elif relevant_data[a, 1] == 'F':
                    number_of_energielabels_per_postcode[i, 7] += 1
                elif relevant_data[a, 1] == 'G':
                    number_of_energielabels_per_postcode[i, 8] += 1
    return number_of_energielabels_per_postcode
예제 #3
def calculate_locations_of_postcodes(begin_postcode, eind_postcode,
    location = np.zeros((len(postcodeandcolorlabel), 2))
    kleur = np.empty([len(postcodeandcolorlabel), 1], dtype=np.dtype('a7'))
    geolocator = nom()
    for i in range(len(postcodeandcolorlabel)):
        if int(postcodeandcolorlabel[i, 0][:4]) >= int(begin_postcode) and int(
                postcodeandcolorlabel[i, 0][:4]) < int(eind_postcode):
            #print postcodeandcolorlabel[i,0]
            kleur[i] = postcodeandcolorlabel[i, 1]
            lat = geolocator.geocode(postcodeandcolorlabel[i, 0])
            location[i, 0] = lat.longitude
            location[i, 1] = lat.latitude

    return location, kleur
예제 #4
def funlongitudes_latitudes(students_per_locationin):
    print students_per_locationin[:, 1], len(students_per_locationin)
    #for b in range
    geolocator = nom()
    geo_students = np.zeros((len(students_per_locationin), 5))

    for i in range(len(students_per_locationin)):
        if students_per_locationin[i, 1] != "elders buiten NED":
            print students_per_locationin[i, 1]
            lat = geolocator.geocode(students_per_locationin[i, 0])
            geo_students[i, 0] = lat.longitude
            geo_students[i, 1] = lat.latitude
            let = geolocator.geocode(students_per_locationin[i, 1])
            geo_students[i, 2] = let.longitude
            geo_students[i, 3] = let.latitude
            geo_students[i, 4] = students_per_locationin[i, 2]
    print geo_students
    return geo_students
예제 #5
def getTimezone(pCity, pState):
    geolocator = nom()
    cityState = str(pCity + " " + pState)
    location = geolocator.geocode(cityState)
    print('lat/lon: ', (location.latitude, location.longitude))

    googleApiURL = "" + str(
        location.latitude) + "," + str(
        ) + "&timestamp=1331161200&key=" + googleAuth.GOOGLE_API_KEY
    soupedGoogle = soupTheLink.soupTheLink(googleApiURL)
    timezoneId = soupedGoogle.time_zone_id.get_text()
    timezoneName = soupedGoogle.time_zone_name.get_text()
    print('timezoneId: ', timezoneId)
    print('timezoneName: ', timezoneName)

    if len(timezoneId) == 0:
        timezoneId = 'No timezone ID found.'

        if len(timezoneName) == 0:
            timezoneName = 'No timezone name found.'

    return timezoneId, timezoneName
예제 #6
## Date: 12/14/20
## Authors: Jason Baker, Joseph Castro, Julian Fortin, Emerson Jimenez
## Github:
## Abstract: This program opens a visual GUI for the user to fill in location names and it performs operations to show relevant locational data using geopy API
import sys
from PySide2.QtWidgets import *
from PySide2.QtCore import *
# pip install geopy
import geopy
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim as nom
from geopy.distance import geodesic 
# geopy API key, using a generic name for user-agent gives a 403 forbidden error
geolocator = nom(user_agent="cst205final-project")
class MyWindow(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):
        # set name and dimensions for out GUI box
        self.setWindowTitle('Geography lookup')
        vbox = QVBoxLayout()
        # line edits used for entering in the locations what will talk to the geopy api
        self.my_line = QLineEdit(self)
        self.my_line2 = QLineEdit(self)
        self.my_lbl = QLabel('Enter a location name:')
        self.my_lbl2 = QLabel('')
def reverseGeocode(latitude, longitude):
    geolocator = nom()
    return geolocator.reverse(latitude, longitude)