예제 #1
def get_geocodes(tweet_list):
    """Get the latitude and longitude for each tweet's location.
    Returns the number of tweets with invalid location data."""
    print('Getting coordinates for tweet locations...')
    geo = OpenMapQuest(api_key=keys.mapquest_key)  # geocoder
    bad_locations = 0

    for tweet in tweet_list:
        processed = False
        delay = .1  # used if OpenMapQuest times out to delay next call
        while not processed:
            try:  # get coordinates for tweet['location']
                geo_location = geo.geocode(tweet['location'])
                processed = True
            except:  # timed out, so wait before trying again
                print('OpenMapQuest service timed out. Waiting.')
                delay += .1

        if geo_location:
            tweet['latitude'] = geo_location.latitude
            tweet['longitude'] = geo_location.longitude
            bad_locations += 1  # tweet['location'] was invalid

    print('Done geocoding')
    return bad_locations
예제 #2
def get_geocodes(tweet_list):
    """Get the latitude and longitude for each tweet's location.
    Returns the number of tweets with invalid location data."""
    print('Getting coordinates for tweet locations...')
    geo = OpenMapQuest(api_key=key.mapquest_key)  # geocoder
    bad_locations = 0

    for tweet in tweet_list:
        processed = False
        delay = .1  # used if OpenMapQuest times out to delay next call
        while not processed:
            try:  # get coordinates for tweet['location']
                geo_location = geo.geocode(tweet['location'])
                processed = True
            except:  # timed out, so wait before trying again
                print('OpenMapQuest service timed out. Waiting.')
                delay += .1

        if geo_location:
            tweet['latitude'] = geo_location.latitude
            tweet['longitude'] = geo_location.longitude
            bad_locations += 1  # tweet['location'] was invalid

    print('Done geocoding')
    return bad_locations

# (C) Copyright 2019 by Deitel & Associates, Inc. and                    #
# Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.                           #
#                                                                        #
# DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their     #
# best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the          #
# development, research, and testing of the theories and programs        #
# to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make       #
# no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these    #
# programs or to the documentation contained in these books. The authors #
# and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or       #
# consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the       #
# furnishing, performance, or use of these programs.                     #
def GetGeocodes(ListOfTweets):
     A Function to customize the list of dictionaries which 
    represents tweets, and add in every dictionary the GeoLocation.latitude
    and the GeoLocation.longitude attributes for the location of the tweet.
    print("Getting Coords...")

    # Connect mapquest with my personal developer API key.
    Geo = OpenMapQuest(api_key=Keys.MapAPIKey)

    # number of tweets without locations.
    BadLocations = 0

    # traverse the tweet list.
    for Tweet in ListOfTweets:
        ProcessedFlag = False
        Delay = .1
        GeoLocation = ""

        # try to see if a tweet is processed and handle a connection failure or timeout(if we trigger one).
        while not ProcessedFlag:
                GeoLocation = Geo.geocode(Tweet["Location"])
                ProcessedFlag = True
                print("Time out, trying again")
                Delay += .1

            # Add {"Latitude" : GeoLocation.latitude} and {"Longitude" : GeoLocation.longitude}
            # to our Tweet Dictionary.
            if GeoLocation:
                Tweet["Latitude"] = GeoLocation.latitude
                Tweet["Longitude"] = GeoLocation.longitude
                BadLocations += 1

    print("GeoCoding Done")

    # return the number of bad locations.
    return BadLocations
예제 #4
def get_geocodes(tweet_list):
    """Get the latitude and longitude for each tweet's location.
    Returns the number of tweets with invalid location data."""
    print('Getting tweet locations...')
    geo = OpenMapQuest(api_key=mykeys.mapquest_key)
    invalid = 0
    for tweet in tweet_list:
        processed = False
        delay = .1
        while not processed:
                geo_location = geo.geocode(tweet['location'])
                processed = True
                print('OpenMapQuest service timed out, trying again...')
                delay += .1
        if geo_location:
            tweet['latitude'] = geo_location.latitude
            tweet['longitude'] = geo_location.longitude
            invalid += 1  # tweet['location'] was invalid
    print('Geocoding successful')
    return invalid
예제 #5
# Section 15.2 Self Check snippets

# Exercise 1
import keys

from geopy import OpenMapQuest

geo = OpenMapQuest(api_key=keys.mapquest_key)

geo.geocode('Chicago, IL')

# (C) Copyright 2019 by Deitel & Associates, Inc. and                    #
# Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.                           #
#                                                                        #
# DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their     #
# best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the          #
# development, research, and testing of the theories and programs        #
# to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make       #
# no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these    #
# programs or to the documentation contained in these books. The authors #
# and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or       #
# consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the       #
# furnishing, performance, or use of these programs.                     #
예제 #6
from state_codes import state_codes

geo = OpenMapQuest(api_key=keys.mapquest_key)

states = tweet_counts_df.State.unique()


locations = []

for state in states:
    processed = False
    delay = .1
    while not processed:
            locations.append(geo.geocode(state_codes[state] + ', USA'))
            processed = True
        except:  # timed out, so wait before trying again
            print('OpenMapQuest service timed out. Waiting.')
            delay += .1

# Grouping the Tweet Counts by State
tweets_counts_by_state = tweet_counts_df.groupby('State', as_index=False).sum()


# Creating the Map
import folium