예제 #1
 def __init__(self, e):
     self.factory = StyleFactory()
     if isinstance(e, Expression):
         self.expr = e.expr
         self.expr = self._expr(e)
예제 #2
class Symbolizer(object):
  Base class for all symbolizers.

  def __init__(self):
    self.filter = Filter.PASS
    self.scale = (-1,-1)
    self.z = 0
    self.options = {}
    self.factory = StyleFactory()

  def where(self, filter):
    Appies a filter to the symbolizer. The ``filter`` argument can be a CQL string or
    an instance of :class:`Filter <geoscript.filter.Filter>`.
    self.filter = self.filter + filter
    return self

  def range(self, min=-1, max=-1):
    Applies a min/max scale denominator to the symbolizer.
    self.scale = (min, max) 
    return self

  def zindex(self, z):
    Applies a z-index to the symbolizer. Symbolizers with a higher z-index are drawn on
    top of those with a smaller z-index.
    self.z = z
    return self

  def asSLD(self, out=sys.stdout):
    Serializes the symbolizer to SLD. The ``out`` argument is the file/output stream to
    write to.
    io.writeSLD(self, out)
  def _apply(self, sym):
    for k,v in self.options.iteritems(): 
	  sym.getOptions()[k] = str(v)

  def __add__(self, other):
    from geoscript.style.composite import Composite
    return Composite(self, other)

  def _style(self):
    from geoscript.style.composite import Composite
    # first level table groups by zindex
    ztbl = seqdict()
    q = [self]
    while len(q) > 0:
      sym = q[0]; del q[0]
      if isinstance(sym, Composite):
        [q.insert(0, x) for x in reversed(sym.parts)]
        if not ztbl.has_key(sym.z):
          ztbl[sym.z] = seqdict()
        # second level table is scale
        stbl = ztbl[sym.z]
        if not stbl.has_key(sym.scale):
          stbl[sym.scale] = seqdict() 
        # third level table is filter
        ftbl = stbl[sym.scale]
        if not ftbl.has_key(sym.filter):
          ftbl[sym.filter] = []
    style = self.factory.createStyle()
    for stbl in ztbl.values():
      fts = self.factory.createFeatureTypeStyle()
      for scale in stbl.keys():
        ftbl = stbl[scale]
        for fil in ftbl.keys():
          syms = ftbl[fil]
          rule = self.factory.createRule() 
          if scale[0] > -1:
          if scale[1] > -1:

          for sym in syms:  
    return style

  def _repr(self, *props):
    return '%s(' % (self.__class__.__name__) + ','.join(
      ['%s=%s' % (p, getattr(self, p)) for p in props]) + ')%s' % (   
      self.filter if self.filter != Filter.PASS else '')
예제 #3
class Symbolizer(object):
  Base class for all symbolizers.
    def __init__(self):
        self.filter = Filter.PASS
        self.scale = (-1, -1)
        self.z = 0
        self.options = {}
        self.factory = StyleFactory()

    def where(self, filter):
    Appies a filter to the symbolizer. The ``filter`` argument can be a CQL string or
    an instance of :class:`Filter <geoscript.filter.Filter>`.
        self.filter = self.filter + filter
        return self

    def range(self, min=-1, max=-1):
    Applies a min/max scale denominator to the symbolizer.
        self.scale = (min, max)
        return self

    def zindex(self, z):
    Applies a z-index to the symbolizer. Symbolizers with a higher z-index are drawn on
    top of those with a smaller z-index.
        self.z = z
        return self

    def asSLD(self, out=sys.stdout):
    Serializes the symbolizer to SLD. The ``out`` argument is the file/output stream to
    write to.
        io.writeSLD(self, out)

    def _apply(self, sym):
        for k, v in self.options.iteritems():
            sym.getOptions()[k] = str(v)

    def __add__(self, other):
        from geoscript.style.composite import Composite
        return Composite(self, other)

    def _style(self):
        from geoscript.style.composite import Composite
        # first level table groups by zindex
        ztbl = seqdict()
        q = [self]

        while len(q) > 0:
            sym = q[0]
            del q[0]
            if isinstance(sym, Composite):
                [q.insert(0, x) for x in reversed(sym.parts)]
                if not ztbl.has_key(sym.z):
                    ztbl[sym.z] = seqdict()

                # second level table is scale
                stbl = ztbl[sym.z]
                if not stbl.has_key(sym.scale):
                    stbl[sym.scale] = seqdict()

                # third level table is filter
                ftbl = stbl[sym.scale]
                if not ftbl.has_key(sym.filter):
                    ftbl[sym.filter] = []


        style = self.factory.createStyle()
        for stbl in ztbl.values():
            fts = self.factory.createFeatureTypeStyle()

            for scale in stbl.keys():
                ftbl = stbl[scale]
                for fil in ftbl.keys():
                    syms = ftbl[fil]
                    rule = self.factory.createRule()
                    if scale[0] > -1:
                    if scale[1] > -1:


                    for sym in syms:

        return style

    def _repr(self, *props):
        return '%s(' % (self.__class__.__name__) + ','.join([
            '%s=%s' % (p, getattr(self, p)) for p in props
        ]) + ')%s' % (self.filter if self.filter != Filter.PASS else '')
예제 #4
 def __init__(self):
   self.filter = Filter.PASS
   self.scale = (-1,-1)
   self.z = 0
   self.options = {}
   self.factory = StyleFactory()
예제 #5
 def __init__(self):
     self.filter = Filter.PASS
     self.scale = (-1, -1)
     self.z = 0
     self.options = {}
     self.factory = StyleFactory()