예제 #1
def formula_to_serialized_entities(match_parse, formula, tree,
    offset = match_parse.graph_parse.core_parse.image_segment_parse.diagram_image_segment.offset
    grounded_formula = ground_formulas(match_parse, [formula])[0]
    entities = []
    zipped_formula = grounded_formula.zip(tree)
    for zipped_node in zipped_formula:
        formula_node, tree_node = zipped_node.nodes
        if not isinstance(formula_node, FormulaNode):
        if len(formula_node.children) == 1 and not issubtype(
                formula_node.return_type, 'entity'):
            formula_node = formula_node.children[0]
        if issubtype(formula_node.return_type, 'entity'):
            coords = match_parse.graph_parse.core_parse.evaluate(formula_node)
            if coords is not None:
                coords = offset_coords(coords, formula_node.return_type,
                content = tree_node.content.serialized()
                content['signature']['return_type'] = formula_node.return_type
                entity = {
                    "content": content,
                    "coords": serialize_entity(coords),
                    "sentence_number": sentence_number
    return entities
예제 #2
파일: rule.py 프로젝트: Darriall/geosolver
 def val_func(parent_tag_rule, a_tag_rule, b_tag_rule):
     valence = parent_tag_rule.signature.valence
     if valence == 2:
         a = issubtype(a_tag_rule.signature.return_type, parent_tag_rule.signature.arg_types[0])
         b = issubtype(b_tag_rule.signature.return_type, parent_tag_rule.signature.arg_types[1])
         return a and b
         return False
예제 #3
 def val_func(p, a, b):
     if p.signature.id != "Is":
         return False
     if not issubtype(a.signature.return_type, b.signature.return_type) and \
             not issubtype(b.signature.return_type, a.signature.return_type):
         return False
     if not (issubtype(a.signature.return_type, 'number') or issubtype(a.signature.return_type, 'entity')):
         return False
     return BinaryRule.val_func(p, a, b)
예제 #4
 def val_func(parent_tag_rule, a_tag_rule, b_tag_rule):
     valence = parent_tag_rule.signature.valence
     if valence == 2:
         a = issubtype(a_tag_rule.signature.return_type,
         b = issubtype(b_tag_rule.signature.return_type,
         return a and b
         return False
예제 #5
파일: rule.py 프로젝트: Darriall/geosolver
 def val_func(parent_tag_rule, child_tag_rule):
     valence = parent_tag_rule.signature.valence
     if valence == 0:
         return False
     elif valence == 1:
         return issubtype(child_tag_rule.signature.return_type, parent_tag_rule.signature.arg_types[0])
     elif valence == 2:
         c1 = issubtype(child_tag_rule.signature.return_type, parent_tag_rule.signature.arg_types[0])
         c2 = issubtype(parent_tag_rule.signature.arg_types[1], 'entity')
         return c1 and c2
     raise Exception()
예제 #6
 def val_func(parent_tag_rule, child_tag_rule):
     valence = parent_tag_rule.signature.valence
     if valence == 0:
         return False
     elif valence == 1:
         return issubtype(child_tag_rule.signature.return_type,
     elif valence == 2:
         c1 = issubtype(child_tag_rule.signature.return_type,
         c2 = issubtype(parent_tag_rule.signature.arg_types[1], 'entity')
         return c1 and c2
     raise Exception()
def AreaOf(twod):
    name = twod.__class__.__name__
    assert issubtype(name, 'twod')
    if name == "circle":
        center, radius = twod
        area = np.pi * radius**2
    elif issubtype(name, 'polygon'):
        # http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PolygonArea.html
        area = area_of_polygon(twod)
    elif name == 'arc':
        circle, a, b = twod
        raise Exception()
    return area
def Is(a, b):
    if is_number(a) or is_number(b):
        return Equals(a, b)

    a_name = a.__class__.__name__
    b_name = b.__class__.__name__
    if issubtype(a_name, 'polygon') or issubtype(a_name, 'line'):
        truth = set(a) == set(b)
        truth = a == b

    if truth:
        return TruthValue(0)
        return TruthValue(np.inf)
예제 #9
def semantic_tree_to_serialized_entities(match_parse, semantic_tree,
                                         sentence_number, value_expr_formulas):
    offset = match_parse.graph_parse.core_parse.image_segment_parse.diagram_image_segment.offset
    formula = semantic_tree.to_formula()
    entities = []
    grounded_formula = ground_formulas(match_parse, [formula],
    zipped_formula = grounded_formula.zip(semantic_tree)
    for zipped_node in zipped_formula:
        formula_node, tree_node = zipped_node.nodes
        if isinstance(formula_node, FormulaNode) and issubtype(
                formula_node.return_type, 'entity'):
            coords = match_parse.graph_parse.core_parse.evaluate(formula_node)
            if coords is not None:
                coords = offset_coords(coords,
                entity = {
                    "content": tree_node.content.serialized(),
                    "coords": serialize_entity(coords),
                    "sentence_number": sentence_number

    return entities
예제 #10
def parse_match_formulas(match_parse):
    assert isinstance(match_parse, MatchParse)
    match_atoms = []
    for label, terms in match_parse.match_dict.iteritems():
        for term in terms:
            assert isinstance(term, FormulaNode)
            if issubtype(term.return_type, 'entity'):
                if term.signature.id == "Angle":
                    res = FormulaNode(signatures['Ge'], [FormulaNode(signatures['Pi'], []), FormulaNode(signatures['MeasureOf'], [term])])

            # FIXME : to be obtained by tag model

            left_term = prefix_to_formula(expression_parser.parse_prefix(label))

            if is_number(label):
                left_term = FormulaNode(FunctionSignature(label, "number", []), [])
                vs = VariableSignature(label, 'number')
                left_term = FormulaNode(vs, [])

            atom = FormulaNode(signatures['Equals'], [left_term, term])

            if term.signature.id == "Div":
                # TODO : this should be only constrained if the observed angle is < 180
                # TODO : In fact, the labeling should be reorganized. (x --> x*\degree)
                res = FormulaNode(signatures['Ge'], [180, left_term])

    return match_atoms
예제 #11
def offset_coords(coords, type_, offset):
    coords = list(coords)
    if issubtype(type_, 'point'):
        coords = offset_point(coords, offset)
    elif issubtype(type_, "line"):
        coords[0] = offset_point(coords[0], offset)
        coords[1] = offset_point(coords[1], offset)
    elif issubtype(type_, 'circle'):
        coords[0] = offset_point(coords[0], offset)
    elif issubtype(type_, 'arc') or issubtype(type_, 'sector'):
        coords[0][0] = offset_point(coords[0][0], offset)
        coords[1] = offset_point(coords[1], offset)
        coords[2] = offset_point(coords[2], offset)
        coords = [offset_point(point, offset) for point in coords]
    return coords
예제 #12
파일: run.py 프로젝트: Darriall/geosolver
def offset_coords(coords, type_, offset):
    coords = list(coords)
    if issubtype(type_, 'point'):
        coords = offset_point(coords, offset)
    elif issubtype(type_, "line"):
        coords[0] = offset_point(coords[0], offset)
        coords[1] = offset_point(coords[1], offset)
    elif issubtype(type_, 'circle'):
        coords[0] = offset_point(coords[0], offset)
    elif issubtype(type_, 'arc') or issubtype(type_, 'sector'):
        coords[0][0] = offset_point(coords[0][0], offset)
        coords[1] = offset_point(coords[1], offset)
        coords[2] = offset_point(coords[2], offset)
        coords = [offset_point(point, offset) for point in coords]
    return coords
예제 #13
def is_valid_relation(parent_signature, child_signature, index):
    parent_type = parent_signature.arg_types[index]
    child_type = child_signature.return_type
    if parent_type[0] != "*" and child_type == "*":
        return False
    if parent_type[0] == "*":
        parent_type = parent_type[1:]
    if child_type[0] == "*":
        child_type = child_type[1:]
    return issubtype(child_type, parent_type)
def Tangent(line, twod):
    name = twod.__class__.__name__
    if name == "circle":
        d = perpendicular_distance_between_line_and_point(line, twod.center)
        return Equals(d, twod.radius)
    elif issubtype(name, 'polygon'):
        out = reduce(operator.__or__,
                     (PointLiesOnLine(point, line) for point in twod), False)
        return out
    raise Exception()
예제 #15
def is_valid_relation(parent_signature, child_signature, index):
    parent_type = parent_signature.arg_types[index]
    child_type = child_signature.return_type
    if parent_type[0] != "*" and child_type == "*":
        return False
    if parent_type[0] == "*":
        parent_type = parent_type[1:]
    if child_type[0] == "*":
        child_type = child_type[1:]
    return issubtype(child_type, parent_type)
예제 #16
파일: run.py 프로젝트: Darriall/geosolver
def formula_to_serialized_entities(match_parse, formula, tree, sentence_number):
    offset = match_parse.graph_parse.core_parse.image_segment_parse.diagram_image_segment.offset
    grounded_formula = ground_formulas(match_parse, [formula])[0]
    entities = []
    zipped_formula = grounded_formula.zip(tree)
    for zipped_node in zipped_formula:
        formula_node, tree_node = zipped_node.nodes
        if not isinstance(formula_node, FormulaNode):
        if len(formula_node.children) == 1 and not issubtype(formula_node.return_type, 'entity'):
            formula_node = formula_node.children[0]
        if issubtype(formula_node.return_type, 'entity'):
            coords = match_parse.graph_parse.core_parse.evaluate(formula_node)
            if coords is not None:
                coords = offset_coords(coords, formula_node.return_type, offset)
                content = tree_node.content.serialized()
                content['signature']['return_type'] = formula_node.return_type
                entity = {"content": content, "coords": serialize_entity(coords),
                          "sentence_number": sentence_number}
    return entities
 def get_semantic_trees_by_type(self, return_type, terminator=None):
     roots = [
         node for node in self.node_dict.values()
         if issubtype(node.tag_rule.signature.return_type, return_type)
         and node.tag_rule.signature.return_type != 'ground'
     semantic_trees = set(
             self.get_semantic_trees_by_node(root, terminator)
             for root in roots
     return semantic_trees
def IsCenterOf(point, twod):
    name = twod.__class__.__name__
    if name == 'circle':
        return Equals(point[0], twod.center[0]) & Equals(
            point[1], twod.center[1])
    elif issubtype(name, 'polygon'):
        distances = [distance_between_points(point, each) for each in twod]
        reg = IsRegular(twod)
        out = reduce(operator.__and__,
                     (Equals(distances[index - 1], distance)
                      for index, distance in enumerate(distances)), True)
        return reg & out
        raise Exception()
예제 #19
파일: run.py 프로젝트: Darriall/geosolver
def formula_to_semantic_tree(formula, syntax_parse, span):
    Create dummy semantic tree where each tag's syntax Parse and span is given
    :param formula:
    :param index:
    assert isinstance(formula, FormulaNode)
    if issubtype(formula.signature.return_type, 'entity'):
        new_sig = VariableSignature(formula.signature.id, formula.signature.return_type, name='temp')
        tag_rule = TagRule(syntax_parse, span, new_sig)
        return SemanticTreeNode(tag_rule, [])
    tag_rule = TagRule(syntax_parse, span, formula.signature)
    children = [formula_to_semantic_tree(child, syntax_parse, span) for child in formula.children]
    semantic_tree = SemanticTreeNode(tag_rule, children)
    return semantic_tree
예제 #20
파일: run.py 프로젝트: Darriall/geosolver
def semantic_tree_to_serialized_entities(match_parse, semantic_tree, sentence_number, value_expr_formulas):
    offset = match_parse.graph_parse.core_parse.image_segment_parse.diagram_image_segment.offset
    formula = semantic_tree.to_formula()
    entities = []
    grounded_formula = ground_formulas(match_parse, [formula], value_expr_formulas)[0]
    zipped_formula = grounded_formula.zip(semantic_tree)
    for zipped_node in zipped_formula:
        formula_node, tree_node = zipped_node.nodes
        if isinstance(formula_node, FormulaNode) and issubtype(formula_node.return_type, 'entity'):
            coords = match_parse.graph_parse.core_parse.evaluate(formula_node)
            if coords is not None:
                coords = offset_coords(coords, tree_node.content.signature.return_type, offset)
                entity = {"content": tree_node.content.serialized(), "coords": serialize_entity(coords),
                          "sentence_number": sentence_number}
    return entities
예제 #21
    def map(self, tr):
        assert isinstance(tr, TagRule)
        sp = tr.syntax_parse
        out = []

        for ref_rt in self.return_type_set:
            out.append(int(issubtype(tr.signature.return_type, ref_rt)))
        for ref_pos in self.pos_set:
            out.append(int(ref_pos == sp.get_pos_by_span(tr.span)))

        nbrs = sp.get_neighbors(tr.span)
        pairs = set((rel, sp.get_word(key)) for key, rel in nbrs.iteritems())
        for key_rel in self.key_rels:
            for nbr in self.key_nbrs:
                pair = (key_rel, nbr)
                out.append(int(pair in pairs))

        return tuple(out)
    def map(self, tr):
        assert isinstance(tr, TagRule)
        sp = tr.syntax_parse
        out = []

        for ref_rt in self.return_type_set:
            out.append(int(issubtype(tr.signature.return_type, ref_rt)))
        for ref_pos in self.pos_set:
            out.append(int(ref_pos == sp.get_pos_by_span(tr.span)))

        nbrs = sp.get_neighbors(tr.span)
        pairs = set((rel, sp.get_word(key)) for key, rel in nbrs.iteritems())
        for key_rel in self.key_rels:
            for nbr in self.key_nbrs:
                pair = (key_rel, nbr)
                out.append(int(pair in pairs))

        return tuple(out)
예제 #23
def formula_to_semantic_tree(formula, syntax_parse, span):
    Create dummy semantic tree where each tag's syntax Parse and span is given
    :param formula:
    :param index:
    assert isinstance(formula, FormulaNode)
    if issubtype(formula.signature.return_type, 'entity'):
        new_sig = VariableSignature(formula.signature.id,
        tag_rule = TagRule(syntax_parse, span, new_sig)
        return SemanticTreeNode(tag_rule, [])
    tag_rule = TagRule(syntax_parse, span, formula.signature)
    children = [
        formula_to_semantic_tree(child, syntax_parse, span)
        for child in formula.children
    semantic_tree = SemanticTreeNode(tag_rule, children)
    return semantic_tree
def evaluate(formula, assignment):
    if not isinstance(formula, Node):
        return formula
    if not formula.is_grounded(assignment.keys()):
        return None

    if isinstance(formula, SetNode):
        if issubtype(formula.head.return_type, 'boolean'):
            out = reduce(operator.__and__, (evaluate(child, assignment)
                                            for child in formula.children),
            return out
        return formula

    if isinstance(formula.signature, VariableSignature):
        return assignment[formula.signature.id]
    elif is_number(formula.signature.id):
        return float(formula.signature.id)
        evaluated_args = []
        for arg in formula.children:
            if isinstance(arg, FormulaNode):
                evaluated_args.append(evaluate(arg, assignment))
            elif isinstance(arg, SetNode):
                        evaluate(arg_arg, assignment)
                        for arg_arg in arg.children
        # FIXME : rather than try/catch, check type matching
            out = getattr(this, formula.signature.id)(*evaluated_args)
            return out
            return TruthValue(np.inf)
예제 #25
def parse_match_formulas(match_parse):
    assert isinstance(match_parse, MatchParse)
    match_atoms = []
    for label, terms in match_parse.match_dict.iteritems():
        for term in terms:
            assert isinstance(term, FormulaNode)
            if issubtype(term.return_type, 'entity'):
                if term.signature.id == "Angle":
                    res = FormulaNode(signatures['Ge'], [
                        FormulaNode(signatures['Pi'], []),
                        FormulaNode(signatures['MeasureOf'], [term])

            # FIXME : to be obtained by tag model

            left_term = prefix_to_formula(
            if is_number(label):
                left_term = FormulaNode(FunctionSignature(label, "number", []), [])
                vs = VariableSignature(label, 'number')
                left_term = FormulaNode(vs, [])

            atom = FormulaNode(signatures['Equals'], [left_term, term])

            if term.signature.id == "Div":
                # TODO : this should be only constrained if the observed angle is < 180
                # TODO : In fact, the labeling should be reorganized. (x --> x*\degree)
                res = FormulaNode(signatures['Ge'], [180, left_term])

    return match_atoms
def parse_match_from_known_labels(graph_parse, known_labels):
    assert isinstance(graph_parse, GraphParse)
    match_dict = {}
    point_key_dict = {}
    offset = graph_parse.image_segment_parse.diagram_image_segment.offset
    for idx, d in enumerate(known_labels):
        label = d['label']
        x = d['x'] - offset[0]
        y = d['y'] - offset[1]
        label_point = instantiators['point'](x, y)
        type_ = d['type']
        arr = type_.split(' ')
        if len(arr) > 1:
            type_ = arr[-1]

        # Find closest type_ instance's key in graph_parse
        instances = get_all_instances(graph_parse, type_)
        if len(instances) == 0:
            logging.error("no instance found of type %s" % type_)

        if len(arr) > 1 and type_ == 'line' and arr[0] == 'length':
            distances = [(key,
                          label_distance_to_line(label_point, instance, True))
                         for key, instance in instances.iteritems()]
        elif type_ == 'line':
            distances = [(key,
                          label_distance_to_line(label_point, instance, False))
                         for key, instance in instances.iteritems()]
        elif type_ == 'point':
            distances = [(key, label_distance_to_point(label_point, instance))
                         for key, instance in instances.iteritems()]
        elif type_ == 'arc':
            distances = [(key, label_distance_to_arc(label_point, instance))
                         for key, instance in instances.iteritems()]
        elif type_ == 'angle':
            # filter subangles
            # instances = {key: value for key, value in instances.iteritems() if all(x == value or not is_subangle(x, value) for x in instances.values())}
            distances = [(key, label_distance_to_angle(label_point, instance))
                         for key, instance in instances.iteritems()]

        # Then use the key to get corresponding variable in general graph
        # Wrap the general instance in function nod3. If there are extra prefixes, add these as well the formula
        argmin_key = min(distances, key=lambda pair: pair[1])[0]
        if type_ == 'line':
            a_key, b_key = argmin_key
            a_point = graph_parse.point_variables[a_key]
            b_point = graph_parse.point_variables[b_key]
            formula = FormulaNode(signatures['Line'], [a_point, b_point])
            if len(arr) > 1 and arr[0] == 'length':
                formula = FormulaNode(signatures['LengthOf'], [formula])
        elif type_ == 'point':
            formula = graph_parse.point_variables[argmin_key]
            point_key_dict[label] = argmin_key
        elif type_ == 'angle':
            a_key, b_key, c_key = argmin_key
            a_point = graph_parse.point_variables[a_key]
            b_point = graph_parse.point_variables[b_key]
            c_point = graph_parse.point_variables[c_key]
            formula = FormulaNode(signatures['Angle'],
                                  [a_point, b_point, c_point])
            if len(arr) > 1 and arr[0] == 'angle':
                formula = FormulaNode(signatures['MeasureOf'], [formula])
                formula = FormulaNode(
                    [formula, FormulaNode(signatures['Degree'], [])])
        elif type_ == 'arc':
            (center_key, radius_key), a_key, b_key = argmin_key
            center_point = graph_parse.point_variables[center_key]
            radius = graph_parse.radius_variables[center_key][radius_key]
            circle = FormulaNode(signatures['Circle'], [center_point, radius])
            a_point = graph_parse.point_variables[a_key]
            b_point = graph_parse.point_variables[b_key]
            formula = FormulaNode(signatures['Arc'],
                                  [circle, a_point, b_point])
        if label not in match_dict:
            match_dict[label] = []
        elif issubtype(formula.return_type, 'entity'):
            raise Exception()

    match_parse = MatchParse(graph_parse, match_dict, point_key_dict)
    return match_parse
예제 #27
 def get_semantic_trees_by_type(self, return_type, terminator=None):
     roots = [node for node in self.node_dict.values() if issubtype(node.tag_rule.signature.return_type, return_type)
              and node.tag_rule.signature.return_type != 'ground']
     semantic_trees = set(itertools.chain(*[self.get_semantic_trees_by_node(root, terminator) for root in roots]))
     return semantic_trees
def parse_match_from_known_labels(graph_parse, known_labels):
    assert isinstance(graph_parse, GraphParse)
    match_dict = {}
    point_key_dict = {}
    offset = graph_parse.image_segment_parse.diagram_image_segment.offset
    for idx, d in enumerate(known_labels):
        label = d['label']
        x = d['x'] - offset[0]
        y = d['y'] - offset[1]
        label_point = instantiators['point'](x, y)
        type_ = d['type']
        arr = type_.split(' ')
        if len(arr) > 1:
            type_ = arr[-1]

        # Find closest type_ instance's key in graph_parse
        instances = get_all_instances(graph_parse, type_)
        if len(instances) == 0:
            logging.error("no instance found of type %s" % type_)

        if len(arr) > 1 and type_ == 'line' and arr[0] == 'length':
            distances = [(key, label_distance_to_line(label_point, instance, True)) for key, instance in instances.iteritems()]
        elif type_ == 'line':
            distances = [(key, label_distance_to_line(label_point, instance, False)) for key, instance in instances.iteritems()]
        elif type_ == 'point':
            distances = [(key, label_distance_to_point(label_point, instance)) for key, instance in instances.iteritems()]
        elif type_ == 'arc':
            distances = [(key, label_distance_to_arc(label_point, instance)) for key, instance in instances.iteritems()]
        elif type_ == 'angle':
            # filter subangles
            # instances = {key: value for key, value in instances.iteritems() if all(x == value or not is_subangle(x, value) for x in instances.values())}
            distances = [(key, label_distance_to_angle(label_point, instance)) for key, instance in instances.iteritems()]

        # Then use the key to get corresponding variable in general graph
        # Wrap the general instance in function nod3. If there are extra prefixes, add these as well the formula
        argmin_key = min(distances, key=lambda pair: pair[1])[0]
        if type_ == 'line':
            a_key, b_key = argmin_key
            a_point = graph_parse.point_variables[a_key]
            b_point = graph_parse.point_variables[b_key]
            formula = FormulaNode(signatures['Line'], [a_point, b_point])
            if len(arr) > 1 and arr[0] == 'length':
                formula = FormulaNode(signatures['LengthOf'], [formula])
        elif type_ == 'point':
            formula = graph_parse.point_variables[argmin_key]
            point_key_dict[label] = argmin_key
        elif type_ == 'angle':
            a_key, b_key, c_key = argmin_key
            a_point = graph_parse.point_variables[a_key]
            b_point = graph_parse.point_variables[b_key]
            c_point = graph_parse.point_variables[c_key]
            formula = FormulaNode(signatures['Angle'], [a_point, b_point, c_point])
            if len(arr) > 1 and arr[0] == 'angle':
                formula = FormulaNode(signatures['MeasureOf'], [formula])
                formula = FormulaNode(signatures['Div'], [formula, FormulaNode(signatures['Degree'], [])])
        elif type_ == 'arc':
            (center_key, radius_key), a_key, b_key = argmin_key
            center_point = graph_parse.point_variables[center_key]
            radius = graph_parse.radius_variables[center_key][radius_key]
            circle = FormulaNode(signatures['Circle'], [center_point, radius])
            a_point = graph_parse.point_variables[a_key]
            b_point = graph_parse.point_variables[b_key]
            formula = FormulaNode(signatures['Arc'], [circle, a_point, b_point])
            if len(arr) > 0 and arr[0] == 'angle':
                formula = FormulaNode(signatures['MeasureOf'], [formula])
                formula = FormulaNode(signatures['Div'], [formula, FormulaNode(signatures['Degree'], [])])
        if label not in match_dict:
            match_dict[label] = []
        elif issubtype(formula.return_type, 'entity'):
            raise Exception()

    match_parse = MatchParse(graph_parse, match_dict, point_key_dict)
    return match_parse