if np.mean(i[0:2000]) < 0:
    return signals

if __name__ == "__main__":

    client = StartSdas()
    shotP = 44501
    shotH = 44330
    shotV = 44278
    #%matplotlib qt4
    times, mirnovs_P = getMirnovInt(client, shotP, 'Post')
    times, mirnovs_H = getMirnovInt(client, shotH, 'Post')
    times, mirnovs_V = getMirnovInt(client, shotV, 'Post')

    timesp, Ip_prim, tbs = getSignal(client, ch_prim, shotP)
    timesp, Ip_hor, tbs = getSignal(client, ch_hor, shotP)
    timesp, Ip_vert, tbs = getSignal(client, ch_vert, shotP)

    timesh, Ih_prim, tbs = getSignal(client, ch_prim, shotH)
    timesh, Ih_hor, tbs = getSignal(client, ch_hor, shotH)
    timesh, Ih_vert, tbs = getSignal(client, ch_vert, shotH)

    timesv, Iv_prim, tbs = getSignal(client, ch_prim, shotV)
    timesv, Iv_hor, tbs = getSignal(client, ch_hor, shotV)
    timesv, Iv_vert, tbs = getSignal(client, ch_vert, shotV)
예제 #2
B2FluxMirn = 50 * 49e-6
scale = 1e6  # values in uV.s

#Nshot=44330 # Horizontal Field
#PfcHCurrent = -175.0 # in shot=44330

#Nshot=44330 # Horizontal Field
Nshot = 44123  # Horizontal Field
PfcHCurrent = -190  # -175.0
flatSample = 3700  # sample with flat values

#Nshot=42966 # Horizontal Field
#PfcHCurrent = 260.0
#flatSample = 2000 # sample with flat values

times, dataH = getMirnovInt(client, Nshot, correctWO='Post')
dataHarr = np.array(dataH)
#plotAllPoloid(times, dataHarr*scale, show=True, title="Horizontal Field Coils # " +str(Nshot),  ylim=10.0)

#fig, ax = plt.subplots()
#fig.suptitle("Horizontal Field Coils # " +str(Nshot))
#lines = ax.plot(times,dataHarr.T*scale)
#ax.legend(lines, ['m1', 'm2', 'm3','m4', 'm5', 'm6','m7', \
#                             'm8', 'm9','m10', 'm11', 'm12'],loc='right')
#ax.set_ylabel('MirnFlux / uV.s')
#ax.set_xlabel('Time / us')

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.suptitle("Horizontal Field Coils # " + str(Nshot) + " Sample#: " +
예제 #3
    magSys2 = signal.StateSpace(A2, Bs2, C2, Ds2)
    bPolIs2 = np.matmul(Is2Bpol2, IsPfc)
    tout2, Ic2, x2 = signal.lsim(magSys2, IsPfc.T, time)
    bPolIc2 = np.matmul(Ic2Bpol, Ic2.T)
    bPolTot2 = (bPolIs2.T + bPolIc2.T) * 50 * 49e-6
    return bPolTot2, (RIc, ZIc)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    client = StartSdas()
    shotP = 44501
    shotH = 44330
    #%matplotlib qt4
    times, mirnovs = getMirnovInt(client, shotH, 'Post')
    timesp, I_prim, tbs = getSignal(client, ch_prim, shotH)
    timesh, I_hor, tbs = getSignal(client, ch_hor, shotH)

    currPrim = I_prim[10:]
    currHor = I_hor[10:]
    nc = 15  # number of coppe2r shell 'wires'

    ResCopper = 1.0e-4  # 0.1 mOhm
    aCopper = 10.0e-3  # 'wire' radius 10 mm

    currVert = np.zeros_like(currPrim)
    #currHor=np.zeros_like(currPrim) # Zero current on Hori Field Coils

    IsPfc = np.array([currVert, currHor, currPrim])