def magnetSplitSort(filter=True, average=True, bins=10, channel='67', debug=False, sortMethod='doubleSplitVcc', split=5.1067, nrings=3 ):
    if sortMethod=='help':
        print 'Possible sortMethods are: split=count out in two directions from the average, min=count up from the lowest value, max = count down from the highest value, data = sort by date and print some stuff relevant to calibration checking'
        return False

    if sortMethod=='doubleSplitVcc':
        summary = gS.getSummary(filter=filter, average=average)
        summary = sorted(summary, key=lambda magnet: magnet['Vcc'])
        #plt.plot([x['Vcc'] for x in summary])
        count = 0
        for magnet in summary:
            if magnet['Vcc']>Vsplit:
            count = count+1
        print 'count = ' +str(count)
        print 'rest = ' +str(len(summary)-count)
        thesummary = [summary[:count], summary[count:]]
        for i in [0,1]:
            thesummary[i] = sorted(thesummary[i], key=lambda magnet: magnet[channel])
    #sizes = [124,123,121,118,115,110,105,98,91,84,75,67,58,48,37]
        sizes = [124, 124, 123, 123,121, 121,118, 118, 115, 115, 110, 110, 105, 105, 98, 98, 91, 91, 84, 84, 75, 75, 67, 67, 58, 58, 48, 48, 37, 37]
        rings = [16, 15, 17, 14, 18, 13, 19, 12, 20, 11, 21, 10, 22, 9, 23, 8, 24, 7, 25, 6, 26, 5, 27, 4, 28, 3, 29, 2, 30, 1]
        sizes =[x+2 for x in sizes]
        print sizes
        print 'there are this many rings ' +str(len(sizes))
        print 'need a total of ' +str(sum(sizes))
    #split up sizes depending on nrings.
        thesizes = [sizes[:len(sizes)-nrings], sizes[len(sizes)-nrings:]]

    if sortMethod=='doubleSplitDate':
        summary = gS.getSummary(filter=filter, average=average)
        summary = sorted(summary, key=lambda magnet: magnet['dtime'])
        #plt.plot([x['Vcc'] for x in summary])
        count = 0
        for magnet in summary:
            if magnet['dtime']>split:
            count = count+1
        print 'count = ' +str(count)
        print 'rest = ' +str(len(summary)-count)
        thesummary = [summary[:count], summary[count:]]
        for i in [0,1]:
            thesummary[i] = sorted(thesummary[i], key=lambda magnet: magnet[channel])
    #sizes = [124,123,121,118,115,110,105,98,91,84,75,67,58,48,37]
        sizes = [124, 124, 123, 123,121, 121,118, 118, 115, 115, 110, 110, 105, 105, 98, 98, 91, 91, 84, 84, 75, 75, 67, 67, 58, 58, 48, 48, 37, 37]
        rings = [16, 15, 17, 14, 18, 13, 19, 12, 20, 11, 21, 10, 22, 9, 23, 8, 24, 7, 25, 6, 26, 5, 27, 4, 28, 3, 29, 2, 30, 1]
        sizes =[x+2 for x in sizes]
        print sizes
        print 'there are this many rings ' +str(len(sizes))
        print 'need a total of ' +str(sum(sizes))
    #split up sizes depending on nrings.
        thesizes = [sizes[:len(sizes)-nrings], sizes[len(sizes)-nrings:]]

    if True==True:
        for j in [0,1]:
            summary = thesummary[j]
            print sizes
            halfway = int(len(summary)/2)
            start0 = halfway
            stop1 =  halfway
            for i in range(len(thesizes[j])):
                if i%2==0:
                    binMagnets2 = []
                    size = thesizes[j][i]
                    print size
                    stop0 = start0 + size
                    print len(summary[start0:stop0])
                    if len(summary[start0:stop0]) < size:
                        print 'you seem to have run out of magnets'
                    start0 = stop0
                    #print len(binMagnets2)

                if i%2==1:
                    binMagnets1 = []
                    size = thesizes[j][i]
                    print size
                    start1 = stop1 - size
                    print len(summary[start1:stop1])
                    if len(summary[start1:stop1]) < size:
                        print 'you seem to have run out of magnets'
                    stop1 = start1

        returner = binMagnets[0]
        binMagnets = binMagnets[2:]
        for i in range(len(binMagnets)):
            for magnet in binMagnets[i]:
                magnet['RingNumber'] = rings[i]
        return binMagnets
예제 #2
# 4 functions
import getTweets
import getTopics
import getSummary
import getPolarity
import installPackages

#To install packages locally

#Returns tweets: [{'name','tweet'}]
tweetsObj = getTweets.getTweets('jpmorgan')

#Returns topics: [{'name','phrase'}]
topicsObj = getTopics.getTopics(tweetsObj)

#Returns summary: [{'name','summary'}]
summaryObj = getSummary.getSummary(topicsObj)

#Returns polarity: [{'name',''polarity'}]
polarityObj = getPolarity.getPolarity(summaryObj)
def magnetSort(filter=True, average=True, bins=10, channel='67', debug=False, sortMethod='split', Vsplit=5.1067, nrings=3, extra=2, size='3inch' ):
    if sortMethod=='doubleSplit':
        return magnetSplitSort(filter=filter, average=average, bins=bins, channel=channel, debug=debug, sortMethod=sortMethod, Vsplit=Vsplit, nrings=nrings, size=size)

    if sortMethod=='help':
        print 'Possible sortMethods are: split=count out in two directions from the average, min=count up from the lowest value, max = count down from the highest value, data = sort by date and print some stuff relevant to calibration checking'
        return False

    summary = gS.getSummary(filter=filter, average=average, size=size)

    #first, list the bin sizes. Note that this list needs to be filled twice (once for each cylinder)
    if size=='3inch':
        sizes = [124,123,121,118,115,110,105,98,91,84,75,67,58,48,37]
    if size=='2inch':
        sizes = [42, 26]
    if size=='1inch':
        sizes = [20]

    sizes = [x+extra for x in sizes]
    rsizes = sizes[:]
    if debug==True:
        print rsizes
        print sizes
    if sortMethod=='date':
        print summary[0]
        summary = sorted(summary, key=lambda magnet: magnet['Date'])
        #for x in summary:
            #print x['Date']
        #plt.plot([x[channel] for x in summary])
        fit = np.polyfit([x['Vcc'] for x in summary], [x[channel] for x in summary], 1)
        #print fit
        plt.scatter( [x['Vcc'] for x in summary], [x[channel] for x in summary])
        plt.plot([x['Vcc'] for x in summary], np.polyval(fit, [x['Vcc'] for x in summary]))

    if sortMethod=='min':
        summary = sorted(summary, key=lambda magnet: magnet[channel])
        if debug==True:
            plt.plot([x[channel] for x in summary])
            plt.plot([x['MagnetNumber'] for x in summary])

        binsizes = rsizes
        if debug==True:
            print binsizes
            print sum(binsizes)
        binMagnets = []
        start = 0
        for size in binsizes:
            stop = start + size
            #print len(summary[start:stop])
            start = stop
        return binMagnets
    if sortMethod=='split':
        summary = sorted(summary, key=lambda magnet: magnet[channel])
        halfway = int(len(summary)/2)
        start = halfway
        binMagnets2 = []
        #count up from the halfway
        for size in sizes:
            stop = start + size
            tempbin = summary[start:stop]
            for magnet in tempbin:
                magnet['RingNumber'] = count


            #print len(summary[start:stop])
            start = stop
        #print len(binMagnets2)
        stop = halfway
        binMagnets1 = []
        #count down from halfway
        for size in sizes:
            start = stop - size
            tempbin = summary[start:stop]
            for magnet in tempbin:
                magnet['RingNumber'] = count
            #print len(summary[start:stop])

            if len(summary[start:stop]) < size:
                print 'you seem to have run out of magnets'
            stop = start
        #print len(binMagnets1)
        return binMagnets1
def reCal(

    summary = gS.getSummary(filter=filter, average=average)
    consistency = gC.getConsistency(filter=filter, average=average)

    if sortby == "Date":

        summary = sorted(summary, key=lambda magnet: magnet[sortby])
        consistency = sorted(consistency, key=lambda magnet: magnet[sortby])

        plt.scatter(range(len(summary)), [x[channel] for x in summary])
        plt.scatter(range(len(consistency)), [x[channel] for x in consistency], color="tomato")
    if binsize == 0 and sortby == "Vcc":
        print summary[0]
        summary = sorted(summary, key=lambda magnet: magnet[sortby])
        consistency = sorted(consistency, key=lambda magnet: magnet[sortby])

        # for x in summary:
        #    print x['Date']
        # plt.plot([x[channel] for x in summary])
        sumfit = np.polyfit([x["Vcc"] - exp for x in summary], [x[channel] for x in summary], deg)

        plt.scatter([x["Vcc"] for x in summary], [x[channel] for x in summary])
        plt.plot([x["Vcc"] for x in summary], np.polyval(sumfit, [x["Vcc"] - exp for x in summary]))

        confit = np.polyfit([x["Vcc"] for x in consistency], [x[channel] for x in consistency], deg)

        plt.scatter([x["Vcc"] for x in consistency], [x[channel] for x in consistency], color="tomato")
        plt.plot([x["Vcc"] for x in summary], np.polyval(confit, [x["Vcc"] for x in summary]))

        print "confit = " + str(confit)
        print "sumfit = " + str(sumfit)

        movave = []
        vccave = []
        summary = sorted(summary, key=lambda magnet: magnet[sortby])
        for i in range(len(summary) - width):
            movave.append(np.average([x[channel] for x in summary][i : i + width]))
            vccave.append(np.average([x["Vcc"] for x in summary][i : i + width]))
        plt.scatter(vccave, movave)
        avefit = np.polyfit([x - exp for x in vccave], movave, deg)
        print "moveavefit = " + str(avefit)
        plt.plot([x["Vcc"] for x in summary], np.polyval(avefit, [x["Vcc"] - exp for x in summary]))
    if binsize != 0 and sortby == "Vcc":
        summary = sorted(summary, key=lambda magnet: magnet[sortby])
        consistency = sorted(consistency, key=lambda magnet: magnet[sortby])
        binsizes = np.zeros(3000, int)
        for i in range(len(binsizes)):
            binsizes[i] = binsize
        print "binsizes = " + str(binsizes)
        binMagnets = []
        start = 0
        for size in binsizes:
            stop = start + size
            print "size = " + str(size)
            if len(summary[start:stop]) == 0:
            print len(summary[start:stop])
            start = stop

        for magnets in binMagnets:

            sumfit = np.polyfit([x["Vcc"] - Vcor for x in magnets], [x[channel] for x in magnets], deg)
            print sumfit
            plt.scatter([x["Vcc"] - Vcor for x in magnets], [x[channel] for x in magnets])
            plt.plot([x["Vcc"] - Vcor for x in magnets], np.polyval(sumfit, [x["Vcc"] - Vcor for x in magnets]))