예제 #1
	def onice(self):
		oGid = request.args.get('gameid')
		exits = request.args.get('exits')
		onIcePlayers = {}
		# check if game id is real
		if not str(oGid).isdigit() or len(str(oGid)) != 10:
			return "Game ID is invalid"
		# parse TOI if need to
		cur = g.db.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM shifts WHERE gameid = %s', [oGid])
		results = cur.fetchone()
		if results[0] == 0:

		for e in exits.split(","):
			onIcePlayers[e] = []
			eData = e.split(":")
			period = eData[0]
			tRemaining = eData[1]
			team = eData[2]
			location = 'h' if str(team) == '1' else 'v'
			# find the players for this period, time, team
			sql = "SELECT * FROM shifts WHERE gameid = %s AND shift_start >= %s AND shift_end < %s AND period = %s AND location = %s ORDER BY playerteamname, playernumber+0"
			params = [oGid, tRemaining, tRemaining, period, location]
			cur = g.db.execute(sql, params)
			pInExits = cur.fetchall()
			for player in pInExits:
				onIcePlayers[e].append( player[4] )
			print "%s - %s" % (period, tRemaining)
		return json.dumps(onIcePlayers)
예제 #2
	def roster(self, gameid):
		# not in game?  parse in
		cur = g.db.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM shifts WHERE gameid = %s', [gameid])
		results = cur.fetchone()
		if results[0] == 0:
		cur = g.db.execute('SELECT playernumber, playername, location FROM shifts WHERE gameid = %s GROUP BY playername ORDER BY location, playernumber+0;', [gameid])
		players = cur.fetchall()
		home = {}
		away = {}
		for data in players:
			indata = "".join(i for i in data[1] if ord(i) < 128)
			if data[2] == 'h':
				home[data[0]] = data[1]
				away[data[0]] = data[1]
		data = {}
		data['h'] = home
		data['v'] = away
		return json.dumps(data)
예제 #3
def gamereport(year,gameid,fetch=None):
	# check if there are any chances tracked, if not exit
	bigdata = []
	# for the second/third tables
	gameSummaryHome = {}
	gameSummaryAway = {}
	# the fourt table data periodSummary
	periodSummary = []
	tempPeriodSummary = [1]+[0]*12
		cur = g.db.execute('SELECT team,period,time,comment FROM chances WHERE yearid=%s AND gameid=%s ORDER BY period, time DESC', 
		mydata = [list(row) for row in cur.fetchall()]
	except Exception as e:
		# failed to load, quit
		app.logger.error('Unable to load data for game '+str(gameid))
		return 'There is no saved data for this game.  Did you not press save?'+str(e)

	# count chances
	if len(mydata) == 0:
		return 'There is no saved data for this game.  Did you forget to press save?'

	oGameID = gameid
	gameid = int(str(year)[0:4] + "0" + str(gameid)[0:5])

	if fetch == "true":
		g.db.execute('DELETE FROM shifts WHERE gameid = %s', [gameid])
		return redirect(url_for('gamereport', year=year, gameid=oGameID))

	# count shifts for both teams
	# if either is zero, delete it 
	cur = g.db.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) as num, location FROM shifts WHERE gameid = %s GROUP BY location', [gameid])
	data = cur.fetchall()
	if len(data) == 1:
		# so if we are missing data for a team, delete it all
		g.db.execute('DELETE FROM shifts WHERE gameid = %s', [gameid])

	# check if there is any TOI data for this game.  If not, parse it
	cur = g.db.execute('SELECT * FROM shifts WHERE gameid = %s', [gameid])
	shifts = cur.fetchall()
	if len(shifts) == 0:

	for chance in mydata:
		timeOfChance = chance[2]
		m,s = divmod(timeOfChance, 60)
		chance[2] = "%d:%02d" % (m, s)
		sql = "SELECT playernumber FROM shifts WHERE gameid = %s AND shift_start >= %s AND shift_end < %s AND period = %s AND location = %s ORDER BY playerteamname, playernumber+0"
		# get all home players for this time
		data = [gameid, timeOfChance, timeOfChance, chance[1], 'h']
		cur = g.db.execute(sql, data)
		homeNum = [x[0] for x in cur.fetchall()]
		# get all away players
		data[-1] = 'v'
		cur = g.db.execute(sql, data)
		awayNum = [x[0] for x in cur.fetchall()]

		home = len(homeNum)
		away = len(awayNum)

		# calculate the state
		state = str(home-1)+'v'+str(away-1)

		# figures out what type of chance this is for each of the players
		# based on state of the game and if home/away did the chance
		if home == away:
			if chance[0] == 0:
				cLocHome = 3
				cLocAway = 4
				cLocHome = 4
				cLocAway = 3
		elif home > away:
			if chance[0] == 0:
				cLocHome = 6
				cLocAway = 10
				cLocHome = 7
				cLocAway = 9
		elif home < away:
			if chance[0] == 0:
				cLocHome = 9
				cLocAway = 7
				cLocHome = 10
				cLocAway = 6

		# start adding the rows for the inividual players in home and away
		for num in homeNum:
			if num not in gameSummaryHome:
				gameSummaryHome[num] = [num]+[0]*10

			gameSummaryHome[num][cLocHome] += 1

		for num in awayNum:
			if num not in gameSummaryAway:
				gameSummaryAway[num] = [num]+[0]*10

			gameSummaryAway[num][cLocAway] += 1

		# adds data to the final-2 tables, sums of the totals
		# we know the state, we know the period, we can add to the variable
		if chance[1] != tempPeriodSummary[0]:
			# new period, reset tempPeriodSummary and append old
			tempPeriodSummary[1] = sum(tempPeriodSummary[3::2])
			tempPeriodSummary[2] = sum(tempPeriodSummary[4::2])
			# sum up totals
			tempPeriodSummary = [chance[1]] + [0]*12
		# figure out which column to add to
		if state in ["5v5", "4v4", "3v3"]:
			periodPos = 3 if chance[0] == 0 else 4
		elif state == "5v4":
			periodPos = 5 if chance[0] == 0 else 6
		elif state == "5v4":
			periodPos = 7 if chance[0] == 0 else 8
		elif state == "4v5":
			periodPos = 9 if chance[0] == 0 else 10
			# it must be 3v5
			periodPos = 11 if chance[0] == 0 else 12

		# add to tempPeriodSummary
		tempPeriodSummary[periodPos] += 1

		# pad out the team numbers
		homeNum += [' ']*(6-home)
		awayNum += [' ']*(6-away)
		if state != '-1v-1':
			chance += homeNum
			chance += awayNum
		else: chance += "Invalid Data "

		# make the team readable
		chance[0] = "Home" if chance[0] == 0 else "Away"

	# display big data table
	getPlayerInfo = scrape.getGamePlayerStats(year, gameSummaryHome, gameSummaryAway, str(gameid)[-5:])

	gameSummaryHome = [getPlayerInfo[0][x] for x in getPlayerInfo[0]]
	gameSummaryHome.sort(key = lambda row : int(row[0]))
	gameSummaryAway = [getPlayerInfo[1][x] for x in getPlayerInfo[1]]
	gameSummaryAway.sort(key = lambda row: int(row[0]))

	# update periodSummary
	tempPeriodSummary[1] = sum(tempPeriodSummary[3::2])
	tempPeriodSummary[2] = sum(tempPeriodSummary[4::2])

	# awayPeriodSummary
	awayPeriodSummary = [x[:] for x in periodSummary]
	for row in awayPeriodSummary:
		row[1],row[2] = row[2],row[1]
		row[3],row[4] = row[4],row[3]
		row[5],row[10] = row[10],row[5]
		row[6],row[9] = row[9],row[6]
		row[7],row[12] = row[12],row[7]
		row[8],row[11] = row[11],row[8]
	# swap 3<->4,5<->10,6<->9,7<->12,8<->11,1<->2  

	return render_template('gamereport.html', data=bigdata, homeSummary=gameSummaryHome, 
							awaySummary=gameSummaryAway, periodSummary=periodSummary,
예제 #4
	def post(self):
		urlgid = None
		urlper = None
		team1 = None
		team1roster = []
		team2 = None
		team2roster = []
		message = None

		gameidForm = ""
		timeidForm = "20:00"

		gyear = request.form['gyear']
		gid = request.form['gameid']
		gameid = str(gyear) + '0' + str(gid)
		period = request.form['period']
		time = request.form['time']

		mins = time[:2]
		secs = time[3:5]

		# check if gid is in db
		cur = g.db.execute('SELECT * FROM shifts WHERE gameid=%s', [gameid])

		if not gyear.isdigit() or int(gyear) not in range(2007, 2014):
			message = "Game year is not valid."
		elif not gid.isdigit() or len(gid) != 5:
			message = "Game ID is not valid."
		elif period not in ['1','2','3', '4']:
			message = "Period is not valid."
		elif not re.match(r'^\d\d:\d\d$', time):
			message = "Time is not in valid format"
		elif int(mins)*60 + int(secs) > 1200: 
			message = "Time is too high."
			if cur.fetchone() is None:
				#message = "This game id does not exist in our database."
			# fails to grab anything?  Handle this
			# SELECT * FROM pbp WHERE cast(timedown as integer) >= 1166 AND gid=30151 AND period = 1 ORDER BY gnumber DESC LIMIT 1;
			# SELECT * FROM shifts WHERE gameid = 2012020123 AND shift_start >= 1000 AND shift_end < 1000 AND period = 2 ORDER BY playerteamname, playernumber+0;
			sql = "SELECT * FROM shifts WHERE gameid = %s AND shift_start >= %s AND shift_end < %s AND period = %s ORDER BY playerteamname, playernumber+0"
			queryGameID = int(mins)*60 + int(secs)
			params = [int(gameid), queryGameID, queryGameID, int(period)]
			cur = g.db.execute(sql, params)
			fetchd = cur.fetchall()
			if fetchd != []:
				# turn fetchd into a list, do stuff easier here
				team1 = fetchd[0][5]
				team2 = ""
				for player in fetchd:
						if player[5] == team1:
							team2 = player[5].title()
				# make fancy lists
				team1 = team1.title()
				team1roster = ' <br />'.join(team1roster)
				team2roster = ' <br />'.join(team2roster)
				message = "Nothing found for these values"
		gameidForm = str(gid)
		timeidForm = time
		return render_template('toi.html', team1=team1, team2=team2,
								team1roster=team1roster, team2roster=team2roster,
								error = message, gameid=gameidForm, timerem=timeidForm)